A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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Atriplex griffithsii Standleytriangularis Willdenow = Atriplex prostrata Boucher ex A.P. de Candolletruncata (Torrey ex S. Watson) Gray : Reported by M&H, but not by Wagner & Aldon (1978) or Welsh (2003); awaits verification.wrightii S. Watson [M&H; W&S; Welsh 2003]Wright’s saltbushBassiasmotherweedCollins, S.L. & W.H. Blackwell, Jr. 1979. Bassia (Chenopodiaceae) in North America. Sida 8(1):57-64.Mosyakin S. 2003. Bassia, pp. 309-310. IN: Flora <strong>of</strong> North America, vol. 4, pt. 1. Oxford University Press, <strong>New</strong> York.*hyssopifolia (Pallas) Kuntze [M&H]smotherweedKochia hyssopifolia (Pallas) Schradersieversiana (Pallas) W.A. Weber = Kochia scoparia (Linnaeus) SchraderBlitum capitatum Linnaeus = Chenopodium capitatum (Linnaeus) Ambrosihastatum Rydberg = Chenopodium capitatum (Linnaeus) Ambrosi var. parvicapitatum S.L. WelshCeratoides lanata (Pursh) J.T. Howell = Krascheninnikovia lanata (Pursh) Meeuse & SmitChenopodium goosefootAellen, P., & T. Just. 1943. Key and synopsis <strong>of</strong> the American species <strong>of</strong> Chenopodium Linnaeus. Am. Midl. Nat. 30:47-76.Allred, K.W. 1999. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 13:7. [Chenopodium cycloides]Allred, K.W. 2005. Chenopodium in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 32:1-5.Bassett, I.J. & C.W. Crompton. 1982. The genus Chenopodium in Canada. Can. J. Bot. 60(5):586-610.Clemants, S.E. & S.L. Mosyakin, S.L. 2003. Chenopodium, pp. 275-299. IN: Flora <strong>of</strong> North America, vol. 4, pt. 1. Oxford University Press, <strong>New</strong> York.Crawford, D.J. 1975. Systematic relationships in the narrow-leaved species <strong>of</strong> Chenopodium <strong>of</strong> the western United States. Brittonia 27:279-288.Crawford, D.J. 1977. A study <strong>of</strong> morphological variability in Chenopodium incanum (Chenopodiaceae) and the recognition <strong>of</strong> two new varieties. Brittonia 29:291-296.Dorn, R.D. 1988. Chenopodium simplex, an older name for C. gigantospermum (Chenopodiaceae). Madroño 35:162.Mosyakin, S.L. & S.E. Clemants. 1996. <strong>New</strong> infrageneric taxa and combinations in Chenopodium L. (Chenopodiaceae). Novon 6:398-403.Palomino-H., G., M. Segura-D., R. Bye, & P. Mercado-R. 1990. Cytogenetic distinction between Teloxys and Chenopodium (Chenopodiaceae). SouthwesternNaturalist 35(3):351-353.Sivinski, R. 1996. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 3:6. [Chenopodium cycloides]Standley, P.C. 1916. Chenopodium, in Chenopodiaceae. North American Flora 21, part 1:1-93. [Chenopodium hircinum inter allii]Tidestrom, I. & T. Kittell. 1941. A Flora <strong>of</strong> Arizona and <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. The Catholic University <strong>of</strong> America Press, Washington, D.C. 897 pp. [Chenopodiumhircinum]Wahl, H.A. 1952-53. A preliminary study <strong>of</strong> the genus Chenopodium in North America. Bartonia 27:1-46.albescens <strong>of</strong> NM authors, not Small = mostly applied to Chenopodium atrovirens Rydberg*album Linnaeus var. album [Clemants & Mosyakin 2003; W&S]lamb’s quarterChenopodium paganum <strong>of</strong> NM authors, not Reichenbach*album Linnaeus var. lanceolatum (Muhlenberg ex Willdenow) Cosson & Germain [Allred 2005]album Linnaeus var. missouriense (Aellen) Bassett & Crompton [Allred 2005] Note: This is our native form.Chenopodium missouriense Aellenambrosioides Linnaeus = Dysphania ambrosioides (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemantsarizonicum Standley = Chenopodium neomexicanum Standleyatrovirens Rydberg [Clemants & Mosyakin 2003; M&H; Wahl 1952-53]piñon goosefootberlandieri Moquin-Tandon var. sinuatum (Murray) Wahlenberg [Clemants & Mosyakin 2003; M&H]pitted goosefootberlandieri Moquin-Tandon var. zschackei (Murray) Murray ex Ascherson [Clemants & Mosyakin 2003]pitted goosefootberlandieri Moquin-Tandon var. glaucoviride Aellen = Chenopodium desiccatum A. Nelson var. leptophylloides (Murray) Wahlbotrys Linnaeus = Dysphania botrys (Linnaeus) Mosyakin & Clemants*capitatum (Linnaeus) Ambrosi var. parvicapitatum S.L. Welsh [Clemants & Mosyakin 2003; M&H; W&S; Wahl 1952-53]strawberry bliteBlitum hastatum RydbergChenopodium overi Aellencornutum (Torrey) Bentham & Hooker = Dysphania graveolens (Willdenow) Mosyakin & Clemantscycloides A. Nelson [Allred 1999; Clemants & Mosyakin 2003; Sivinski 1996; Wahl 1952-53]sandhills goosefootdesiccatum A. Nelson var. desiccatum [M&H]desert goosefootChenopodium leptophyllum (Nuttall ex Moquin-Tandon) S. Watson subsp. desiccatum Aellendesiccatum A. Nelson var. leptophylloides (Murray) Wahl [Allred 2005; Clemants & Mosyakin 2003; M&H]plains goosefootChenopodium berlandieri Moquin-Tandon var. glaucoviride AellenChenopodium pratericola Rydberg var. leptophylloides Aellen*foliosum (Moench) Ascherson [Clemants & Mosyakin 2003]leafy goosefootfremontii S. Watson [Clemants & Mosyakin 2003; M&H; W&S]Fremont’s goosefoot

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