A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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serrata Greene = Descurainia incisa (Engelmann ex A. Gray) Britton subsp. incisaStanleya prince’s-plumePeterson, R.S. 2000. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 15:7. [Stanleya viridiflora]albescens M.E. Jones [M&H; W&S]white prince’s-plumearcuata Rydberg = Stanleya pinnata (Pursh) Brittonpinnata (Pursh) Britton var. pinnata [M&H; W&S]prince’s-plumeStanleya arcuata Rydbergviridiflora Nuttall ex Torrey & Gray [Peterson 2000]Stanleyella wrightii (Gray) Rydberg = Thelypodium wrightii Gray [M&H]Streptanthella fiddle-mustardlongirostris (S. Watson) Rydberg [M&H; W&S]long-beak fiddle-mustardArabis longirostris S. WatsonEuklisia longirostris (S. Watson) RydbergStreptanthus longirostris S. WatsonStreptanthus jewel-flowerKruckenberg, A.R., J.E. Rodman, and R.D. Worthington. 1982. Natural hybridization between Streptanthus arizonicus and S. carinatus (Cruciferae). Syst. Bot.7(3):291-299.Spellenberg, R., R. Worthington, P. Knight, and R. Fletcher. 1986. Additions to the flora <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Sida 11(4):455-470. [Streptanthus sparsiflorus]carinatus Wright ex Gray subsp. arizonicus (S. Watson) Kruckeberg, Rodman, & Worthington [Kruckeberg et al. 1982;Rollins 1993]Arizona jewel-flowerDisaccanthus luteus GreeneDisaccanthus mogollonicus GreeneStreptanthus arizonicus S. Watsoncarinatus Wright ex Gray subsp. carinatus [M&H; W&S]lyre-leaf jewel-flowerDisaccanthus validus GreeneEuklisia valida (Greene) Wooton & StandleyStreptanthus validus (Greene) Corycordatus Nuttall var. cordatus [M&H; Rollins 1993; W&S]heart-leaf jewel-flowerEuklisia crassifolia (Greene) RydbergStrepthanthus crassifolius Greenesparsiflorus Rollins [Spellenberg et al. 1986]slight jewel-flowervalidus (Greene) Cory = Streptanthus carinatus C. Wright ex A. Gray subsp. carinatusThelypodiopsis tumble-mustardRollins, R.C. 1982. Thelypodiopsis and Schoenocrambe (Cruciferae). Contr. Gray Herb. 212:71-102.Ward, D. & R. Spellenberg. 1981. Noteworthy collections (<strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>). Madroño 28:185-186. [Thelypodiopsis purpusii]aurea (Eastwood) Rydberg [M&H; Rollins 1982]Durango tumble-mustardSisymbrium aureum (Eastwood) PaysonThelypodium aureum Eastwoodlinearifolia (Gray) Al-Shebaz = Schoenocrambe linearifolia (Gray) Rollinspurpusii (Brandegee) Rollins [M&H; Rollins 1993; W&S; Ward & Spellenberg 1981]Purpus’s tumble-mustardThelypodium vernale Wooton & Standley+vaseyi (S. Watson ex Robinson) Rollins [M&H; Rollins 1982; W&S]Vasey’s tumble-mustardSisymbrium vaseyi S. Watson ex RobinsonThelypodium thelypodyAl-Shehbaz, I.A. 1973. The biosystematics <strong>of</strong> the genus Thelypodium (Cruciferae). Contr. Gray Herb. 204:3-148.integrifolium (Nuttall) Endlicher ex Walpers subsp. gracilipes (Robinson) Al-Shehbaz [Al-Shehbaz 1973; M&H; W&S]smooth thelypodyPleurophragma gracilipes (Robinson) RydbergThelypodium integrifolium (Nuttall) Endlicher ex Walpers var. gracilipes Robinsonintegrifolium (Nuttall) Endlicher ex Walpers var. gracilipes Robinson = Thelypodium integrifolium (Nuttall) Endlicher subsp. gracilipes(Robinson) Al-Shehbazintegrifolium (Nuttall) Endlicher ex Walpers var. integrifolium : Reported by M&H, but not known from NM [Al-Shehbaz 1973].Pachypodium integrifolium NuttallPleurophragma integrifolium (Nuttall) RydbergThelypodium lilacinum Greenelongifolium (Bentham) S. Watson = Pennellia longifolia (Bentham) Rollinsmicranthum (Gray) S. Watson = Pennellia micrantha (Gray) Niewl.

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