Angeli / Engel / Angels - Thun

Angeli / Engel / Angels - Thun Angeli / Engel / Angels - Thun


Angeli / Engel / AngelsSpecial Edition 2012 Special Edition 2012 Special Edition 2012 96Limited Edition 2012 Limited Edition 2012 Limited Edition 2012 96Angeli custodi Schutzengel Guardian angels 97-99Angeli delle dolci promesse Engel der guten Vorsätze Angels of the Sweet Promises 100Angeli Engel Angels 101-103Il tuo angelo Dein Engel Your Angel 104Il tuo angelo mini Dein Mini Engel Your mini Angel 105Angeli con targhetta Engel mit Schildchen Angels with nameplates 106Angeli da parete Wandengel Wall angels 107-108Teste angelo Engelsköpfe Angel heads 109Rilievi con angeli Engelsreliefs Reliefs with angels 110Portacandele Kerzenhalter Candle holders 111-112Candele Kerzen Candles 113-115New 2012

<strong>Angeli</strong> / <strong>Engel</strong> / <strong>Angels</strong>Special Edition 2012 Special Edition 2012 Special Edition 2012 96Limited Edition 2012 Limited Edition 2012 Limited Edition 2012 96<strong>Angeli</strong> custodi Schutzengel Guardian angels 97-99<strong>Angeli</strong> delle dolci promesse <strong>Engel</strong> der guten Vorsätze <strong>Angels</strong> of the Sweet Promises 100<strong>Angeli</strong> <strong>Engel</strong> <strong>Angels</strong> 101-103Il tuo angelo Dein <strong>Engel</strong> Your Angel 104Il tuo angelo mini Dein Mini <strong>Engel</strong> Your mini Angel 105<strong>Angeli</strong> con targhetta <strong>Engel</strong> mit Schildchen <strong>Angels</strong> with nameplates 106<strong>Angeli</strong> da parete Wandengel Wall angels 107-108Teste angelo <strong>Engel</strong>sköpfe Angel heads 109Rilievi con angeli <strong>Engel</strong>sreliefs Reliefs with angels 110Portacandele Kerzenhalter Candle holders 111-112Candele Kerzen Candles 113-115New 2012

Special Edition 2012New 2012New 2012art. E1000Angelo dell’Estate Special Edition 2012 mini<strong>Engel</strong> des Sommers Special Edition 2012 miniAngel of Summer Special Edition 2012 mini7 cm hH90 variopinto soft · soft buntsoft multicolouredEuro 29,90 Euro 95,00art. e1001Angelo dell’Estate Special Edition 2012<strong>Engel</strong> des Sommers Edition 2012Angel of Summer Special Edition 201215,5 cm hH90 variopinto soft · soft buntsoft multicolouredlimited Edition 2012New 2012art. E1052Angelo della Mamma Limited Edition 2012<strong>Engel</strong> der Mütter Limited Edition 2012Mothers’ Angel Limited Edition 201211,3 cm hH90 variopinto softperle di fiumeEuro 39,9096

gli angeli custodidie Schutzengelguardian angelsart. E1007Marta (famiglia)Marta (Familie)Marta (family)6,5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteart. E1008Chiara (successo)Chiara (Erfolgs)Chiara (success)6,5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteart. E1009Emma (energia)Emma (Energie)Emma (energy)5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteEuro 19,90 Euro 19,90 Euro 19,90art. E1010Dora (fortuna)Dora (Glück)Dora (luck)6,5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteEuro 19,90art. E1011Isa (serenità)Isa (Zufriedenheit)Isa (serenity)5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteEuro 19,90art. E1012Lisa (di ogni desiderio)Lisa (der Wünsche)Lisa (of All Wishes)5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteEuro 19,90art. E1013Giada (amore)Giada (Liebe)Giada (love)6,5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteart. E1014Irene (pace)Irene (Friedens)Irene (peace)6,5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteEuro 19,90 Euro 19,90art. E1015Elsa (salute)Elsa (Gesundheit)Elsa (health)5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteEuro 19,9097

gli angeli custodi / die Schutzengel / guardian angelsart. E1020Erica (amicizia)Erica (Freundschaft)Erica (friendship)5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteart. E1017Ilaria (felicità)Ilaria (Freude)Ilaria (happiness)6,5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteart. E1018Francesca (del viaggio)Francesca (der Reise)Francesca (of travel)6,5 cm hA83 biancoweiß · whiteEuro 19,90 Euro 19,90 Euro 19,90art. E350Patty (salute)Patty (Gesundheit)Patty (health)6,5 cm hB81 oro softsoft goldart. E351Lucy (successo)Lucy (Erfolg)Lucy (success)6,5 cm hB81 oro softsoft goldart. E352Milly6,5 cm hB81 oro softsoft goldEuro 15,90 Euro 15,90 Euro 15,90art. E353Nicky (amore)Nicky (Liebe)Nicky (love)5,5 cm hB81 oro softsoft goldart. E355Gaby (serenità)Gaby (Zufriedenheit)Gaby (serenity)5,5 cm hB81 oro softsoft goldEuro 15,90art. E354Vicky (amicizia)Vicky (Freundschaft)Vicky (friendship)5,5 cm hB81 oro softsoft goldEuro 15,90 Euro 15,90Note / Anmerkungen / NotesOgni angelo è inseritoin un sacchettino in organzacon allegato il proprio libricino.Jeder <strong>Engel</strong> ist in einemSäckchen aus Organza verpacktund mit einem Büchleinausgestattet.Each angel comes in an organzabag with its own bookletattached.98

gli angeli custodi / die Schutzengel / guardian angelsart. E357Anny (pace)Anny (Frieden)Anny (peace)6,5 cm hB81 oro soft · soft goldart. E358Betty (fortuna)Betty (Glück)Betty (luck)5,5 cm hB81 oro soft · soft goldart. E359Sally (felicità)Sally (Freude)Sally (happiness)6 cm hB81 oro soft · soft goldEuro 15,90 Euro 15,90 Euro 15,90art. E360Ruby (cuore)Ruby (Herz)Ruby (heart)6 cm hB81 oro soft · soft goldart. E362Sunny (energia)Sunny (Energie)Sunny (energy)5 cm hart. E363Melody (armonia)Melody (Harmonie)Melody (harmony)6,5 cm hEuro 15,90 Euro 15,90 Euro 15,90art. E367Angy (famiglia)Angy (Familie)Angy (family)6,5 cm hart. E368Sandy (generosità)Sandy (Großzügigkeit)Sandy (generosity)5,5 cm hEuro 15,90art. E369Ally (talento)Ally (Begabung)Ally (talent)6,5 cm hEuro 15,90 Euro 15,9099

angeli delle dolci promesse<strong>Engel</strong> der guten Vorsätze<strong>Angels</strong> of the Sweet Promisesart. E1016Arianna (amicizia)Arianna (Freundschaft)Arianna (friendship)8,5 cm hA83 bianco · weiß · whiteart. E1019Amanda (amore)Amanda (Liebe)Amanda (love)8,5 cm hA83 bianco · weiß · whiteEuro 31,00Euro 31,00 Euro 31,00art. E1021Aida (sostegno)Aida (Beistand)Aida (support)8,5 cm hA83 bianco · weiß · whiteart. E1022Ariel (impegno)Ariel (Vorhaben)Ariel (commitment)8,5 cm hA83 bianco · weiß · whiteEuro 31,00 Euro 31,00art. E1023Anna (protezione)Anna (Schutzengel)Anna (protection)8 cm hA83 bianco · weiß · white100

il tuo angelo minidein mini engelyour MINI angelart. E136Angelo della mamma miniMini <strong>Engel</strong> der MütterMini Mothers’ Angel6,5 cm hH90 variopinto softsoft buntsoft multicolouredEuro 21,50art. E137Angelo del papà miniMini <strong>Engel</strong> des VatersMini Fathers’ Angel6,5 cm hH90 variopinto softsoft buntsoft multicolouredEuro 21,50art. E138Angelo della famiglia miniMini <strong>Engel</strong> der FamilieMini Family Angel6,5 cm hH90 variopinto softsoft buntsoft multicolouredEuro 21,50art. E139Angelo dei bimbi miniMini <strong>Engel</strong> der KinderMini Childrens’ Angel6,5 cm hH90 variopinto softsoft buntsoft multicolouredEuro 21,50art. E140Angelo dei nonni miniMini <strong>Engel</strong> der GroßelternMini Grandparents’ Angel6,5 cm hH90 variopinto softsoft buntsoft multicolouredEuro 21,50Note / Anmerkungen / NotesMateriale: ali decorate a mano con laminein oro zecchino, ciondolo asportabile insmalto placcato oro con gancetto in ottoneplaccato oro.Material: Flügel von Hand mit Dukatengoldveredelt, abnehmbarer Anhänger ausEmaillack vergoldet mit Öse aus Messingvergoldet.Material: Wings coated by hand with ducatgold, removable pendant made of gold-platedenamel, with gold-plated brass eyelet.105

gli angeli da paretedie wandengelWall angelsart. E567Angelo con lanterna<strong>Engel</strong> mit LaterneAngel with lantern15 cm lB81 oro soft · soft goldEuro 36,00art. E571Coppia angeli con spartito<strong>Engel</strong>spaar mit NotenblattPair of angels with sheet music21 cm lB81 oro soft · soft goldEuro 49,00art. E573Angelo con cuore piccolo<strong>Engel</strong> mit Herz kleinAngel with small heart10,5 cm lB81 oro soft · soft goldEuro 27,50art. E575Angelo con rose<strong>Engel</strong> mit RosenAngel with roses21 cm lEuro 54,00Note / Anmerkungen / NotesB81oro softsoft goldA89bianco perlatoperlweißpearlwhite107

i rilievi con angelidie <strong>Engel</strong>sreliefsreliefs with angelsart. E610Angelo alla finestra con orsetto<strong>Engel</strong> am Fenster mit TeddyAngel at the window with teddy12 x 12 cmB81 oro soft · soft goldart. E611Angelo alla finestra<strong>Engel</strong> am FensterAngel at the window12,5 x 15,5 cmB81 oro soft · soft goldEuro 38,00 Euro 41,00art. E613Angelo seduto alla finestra con fioreSitzender <strong>Engel</strong> am Fenster mit BlumeAngel sitting at the window with flower20 x 19,5 cmB81 oro soft · soft goldEuro 62,00art. E614Angelo alla finestra con girasole<strong>Engel</strong> am Fenster mit SonnenblumeAngel at the window with sunflower12,5 x 15,5 cmB81 oro soft · soft goldEuro 41,00110

i portacandele / die Kerzenhalter / candle holdersart. C527Corona 3 angiolettiKranz 3 <strong>Engel</strong>Wreath with 3 angels19 cm øEuro 72,00A008 candela · Kerze · candleinclusa · inklusive · includedart. C530Arco con angeli sedutiBogen mit sitzenden <strong>Engel</strong>nArch with sitting angels23 cm lEuro 69,00A039 candele incluse · Kerze inklusivecandle includedart. C528Arco con angeliBogen mit <strong>Engel</strong>nArch with angels33 cm lEuro 109,00A040 candele incluse · Kerze inklusivecandle included112

Le candeledie KerzencandleSart. A013Candela pallinaKugelkerzeBall candle30 mm øB80 oro · goldEuro 2,30B83 champagneEuro 1,50art. A001Candela pallinaKugelkerzeBall candle40 mm øB80 oro · goldEuro 2,50B83 champagneEuro 1,90art. A005Candela pallinaKugelkerzeBall candle50 mm øB80 oro · goldEuro 2,80B83 champagneEuro 2,20art. A016Candela pallinaKugelkerzeBall candle60 mm øB80 oro · goldEuro 3,80B83 champagneEuro 2,50Note / Anmerkungen / NotesB80orogoldB83champagne113

Le candele / die Kerzen / candleSart. A002Candela cilindricaPuppenlichteCylindrical candle11 x 70 mmB80 oro · goldEuro 2,10art. A030Candela cilindricaPuppenlichteCylindrical candle11 x 40 mmB80 oro · goldEuro 2,00B83 champagneEuro 1,40art. A037Candela cilindricaStumpenCylindrical candle22 x 100 mmB80 oro · goldEuro 2,70B83 champagneEuro 2,20art. A006Candela cilindricaStumpenCylindrical candle40 x 100 mmB80 oro · goldEuro 3,40art. A008Candela cilindricaStumpenCylindrical candle60 x 135 mmB80 oro · goldEuro 6,90B83 champagneEuro 3,80114

Le candele / die Kerzen / candleSart. A025Candela cilindricaStumpenCylindrical candle50 x 90 mmB83 champagneEuro 2,00art. A009Candela conicaKegelkerzeConical candle23 x 150 mmA85 giallo · gelbEuro 3,80art. A039Candela conicaKegelkerzeConical candle16 x 120 mmB83 champagneEuro 2,20art. A040Candela conicaKegelkerzeConical candle23 x 160 mmB80 oro · goldEuro 2,70B83 champagneEuro 2,20art. A038Candela cilindricaStumpenCylindrical candle19 x 81 mmB80 oro · goldEuro 2,20B83 champagneEuro 1,60art. A011A00Piastrine di stearinaper fissare candeleStearinkleber zum Befestigenvon KerzenStearine pads for fastening candlesEuro 1,50confezione da 15 pezziPackung zu 15 Stückpack of 15 pieces115

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