Summaries / Resúmenes - Studia Moralia

Summaries / Resúmenes - Studia Moralia Summaries / Resúmenes - Studia Moralia
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290 REVIEWS / RECENSIONESistry (Chapter Nine). In Part Four, “A Living Tradition,” he pointsout some of the areas of fundamental agreement that make Catholicmoral theology a distinctive form of moral discourse (Chapter Ten)and concludes with a study and analysis of the contribution of PopeJohn Paul II to post-conciliar Catholic moral theology (ChapterEleven). The book also contains copious notes, a substantial bibliography,and a useful index for easy reference.In dealing with the above trends and currents, the author displaysa wide knowledge of the literature, a sound awareness of thekey points of contention, and a keen talent for offering concise summariesand analyses of the issues at hand. He goes beyond merelysummarizing the many controversies and debates of this period andpoints out the underlying strengths and weaknesses of argumentsfrom the various sides. In doing so, he is nearly always fair andabove board. Although he tends not to take sides, he is not afraid tostate his opinion and to offer helpful correctives in his analysis andassessments. While the chapters can stand alone as individual studiesof particular topics in post-Vatican moral theology, they arearranged in a cohesive and diachronic manner so that the readercan detect genuine movement and growth over the course of time.For this reason, the book provides a helpful history of Catholic fundamentalmoral theology of the past forty years, one that presents itas a robust, living tradition of moral discourse fueled by vigorousargument in a dogged pursuit of moral truth.The book’s main strength is its insightful and near comprehensivesummary and analysis of the major trends in Catholic fundamentalmoral theology in the post-Vatican II era. It would be difficultto find a book that covers this admittedly diverse and contentiousperiod in Catholic moral discourse with such competenceand perceptive insight. This reviewer was especially impressed bythe way the author uses the documents of the Second VaticanCouncil and the moral encyclicals of Pope John Paul II as interpretativemarkers which set the parameters for change, both past andfuture. The book’s main weakness is its tendency to overlook someof the important voices from Mediterranean Europe, especiallyfrom Spain (e.g., Marciano Vidal) and Italy (e.g. Domenico Capone,Sabatino Majorano) and its scant treatment of important issues infundamental moral theology from Asia and Latin America. Despitethis oversight, the author has done a great service to Catholic studiesin mapping out important developments in fundamental moraltheology since the close of Vatican II. He would do well to continue

REVIEWS / RECENSIONES 291this important line of scholarly pursuit and, in time, offer his readersa similar volume (or volumes) in the area of special moral.DENNIS J. BILLY, C.SS.RTejerina Arias, Gonzalo (ED.), La Familia: problema y promesa.Actas de las Jornadas de Teología. Ciudad Rodrigo (28, 29, 30 deSeptiembre de 2004), Publicaciones Universidad PontificiaSalamanca, Salamanca 2005, 286 p.La obra La Familia: problema y promesa... representa el conjuntode ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas en estas Jornadas deTeología. En total son catorce, sin contar los discursos de apertura yde clausura. Esta jornada de teología se realizaba en CiudadRodrigo (España), bajo el patrocinio del obispo de la iglesia local ycoordinada por la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad deSalamanca.El motivo del encuentro era doble: mirando al pasado, celebrarel décimo aniversario del Año Internacional de la Familia (1994), yde cara al futuro, hacer frente a la perspectiva de algunos proyectoslegislativos del gobierno español que, se teme, afectarán la concepcióndel matrimonio y de la familia.La obra tiene tres núcleos o secciones: 1. la perspectiva sociológica,psicológica y jurídica con tres ponencias y tres comunicaciones;2. la perspectiva antropológica y ética con dos ponencias y doscomunicaciones; 3. la perspectiva teológica y pastoral de la familia“que es el punto natural de llegada de todo el estudio desarrollado”(p. 10), con cuatro ponencias.Los relatores de las ponencias son profesores universitarios delas Universidades de Salamanca, de Comillas (Madrid), de Braga(Portugal) y directivos de diversos centros de investigación sobre lafamilia del ámbito español. Las comunicaciones desarrollabantemas interesantes como ‘familia y novela’, ‘familia y mass-media’,‘familia y cine siempre en el contexto español.No siendo posible ofrecer una síntesis de toda la obra a causade la diversidad de temas, de relatores, de competencias, se ha preferidohacer la recensión de una de las ponencias, a nuestro juicio larelación-clave en el conjunto de la jornada de teología: “Cuadroaxiológico para una institución familiar dadora de sentido” (pp.

290 REVIEWS / RECENSIONESistry (Chapter Nine). In Part Four, “A Living Tradition,” he pointsout some of the areas of fundamental agreement that make Catholicmoral theology a distinctive form of moral discourse (Chapter Ten)and concludes with a study and analysis of the contribution of PopeJohn Paul II to post-conciliar Catholic moral theology (ChapterEleven). The book also contains copious notes, a substantial bibliography,and a useful index for easy reference.In dealing with the above trends and currents, the author displaysa wide knowledge of the literature, a sound awareness of thekey points of contention, and a keen talent for offering concise summariesand analyses of the issues at hand. He goes beyond merelysummarizing the many controversies and debates of this period andpoints out the underlying strengths and weaknesses of argumentsfrom the various sides. In doing so, he is nearly always fair andabove board. Although he tends not to take sides, he is not afraid tostate his opinion and to offer helpful correctives in his analysis andassessments. While the chapters can stand alone as individual studiesof particular topics in post-Vatican moral theology, they arearranged in a cohesive and diachronic manner so that the readercan detect genuine movement and growth over the course of time.For this reason, the book provides a helpful history of Catholic fundamentalmoral theology of the past forty years, one that presents itas a robust, living tradition of moral discourse fueled by vigorousargument in a dogged pursuit of moral truth.The book’s main strength is its insightful and near comprehensivesummary and analysis of the major trends in Catholic fundamentalmoral theology in the post-Vatican II era. It would be difficultto find a book that covers this admittedly diverse and contentiousperiod in Catholic moral discourse with such competenceand perceptive insight. This reviewer was especially impressed bythe way the author uses the documents of the Second VaticanCouncil and the moral encyclicals of Pope John Paul II as interpretativemarkers which set the parameters for change, both past andfuture. The book’s main weakness is its tendency to overlook someof the important voices from Mediterranean Europe, especiallyfrom Spain (e.g., Marciano Vidal) and Italy (e.g. Domenico Capone,Sabatino Majorano) and its scant treatment of important issues infundamental moral theology from Asia and Latin America. Despitethis oversight, the author has done a great service to Catholic studiesin mapping out important developments in fundamental moraltheology since the close of Vatican II. He would do well to continue

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