AvAnti Product List

AvAnti Product List AvAnti Product List

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14:0 PEG3000 PE 880310C880310P16:0 PEG3000 PE 880300C880300P18:0 PEG3000 PE 880320C880320P18:1 PEG3000 PE 880330C880330P14:0 PEG5000 PE 880210C880210P16:0 PEG5000 PE 880200C880200P18:0 PEG5000 PE 880220C880220P18:1 PEG5000 PE 880230C880230PPEG CeramidesC8 PEG750 Ceramide880670C880670PC16 PEG750 Ceramide880680C880680PC8 PEG2000 Ceramide880170C880170PStandardsSoy Analytical StandardSoy Mix I690050P690050CTLC StandardsSphingolipids3-Sulfo-C24:1 Galactosyl(ß)Ceramide (Sulfatide) - Powder 860571PSphingosine-1-Phosphate (S1P)- Powder 860492P18:1 Ceramide - Chloroform 860519C18:1 Ceramide - Powder 860519PC24:1 Galactosyl(ß) Ceramide(Cerebroside) - Powder 860546PGalactosyl(ß) Sphingosine(Psychosine) - Powder 860537P18:1 SM (Sphingomyelin)- Chloroform 860587C18:1 SM (Sphingomyelin) - Powder 860587PSphingosylphosphorylcholine(Lyso Sphingomyelin) - Powder 860600PD-erythro-Sphingosine - PowderPhytosphingosine - PowderMiscellaneous860490P860499PCholesterol - Powder700000P18:1 DG - Chloroform 800811C18:1 DG - Oil 800811OC16 PEG2000 CeramideC8 PEG5000 CeramideC16 PEG5000 CeramideFunctionalized PEG LipidsDSPE-PEG(2000) SuccinylDSPE-PEG(2000) Carboxylic AcidDSPE-PEG(2000) MaleimideDSPE-PEG(2000) PDPDSPE-PEG(2000) AmineDSPE-PEG(2000) BiotinDSPE-PEG(2000) CyanurDSPE-PEG(2000) FolateDSPE-PEG(5000) Folate880180C880180P880270C880270P880280C880280P880121C880121P880125C880125P880126C880126P880127C880127P880128C880128P880129C880129P880122P880124X880124P880123X880123PPhospholipids18:1 PC - Chloroform 850375C18:1 PC - Powder 850375P18:1 Lyso PC - Chlorofom 845875C18:1 Lyso PC - Powder 845875P18:1 PE - Chloroform 850725C18:1 PE - Powder 850725P18:1 Lyso PE - Chloroform 846725C18:1 Lyso PE - Powder 846725P18:1 PS - Chloroform 840035C18:1 P ethanol - Chloroform 840513C18:1 P ethanol - Powder 840513P18:1 PA - Chloroform 840875C18:1 PA - Powder 840875P18:1 Lyso PA - Chloroform 857130C18:1 Lyso PA - Powder 857130P18:1 CA - Chloroform 710335C18:1 CA - Powder 710335P18:1 PG - Chloroform 840475C18:1 PG - Powder 840475P18:1 Lyso PG - Chloroform 858125C18:1 Lyso PG - Powder 858125P18:1 Lyso PS - Chloroform 858143C18:1 Lyso PS - Powder 858143P18:1 PI - Powder 850149P18:1 Lyso PI - Powder 850100P24Visit www.avantilipids.com for prices, more details, and to place an order

Analytical ServicesTest - QuantitativeLC-MS (Mass Spec) 790208Phosphorus NMR-Quantitative 790233HPLC (w/w Analysis) 790238Optical Rotation 790211GC-FAME (w/w Analysis) 790240Water Analysis 790217Res. Solv. Analysis 790218Phosphate Assay 790219Peroxide Value (POV) 790228UV/VIS Oxidation Analysis 790214Gravimetric Analysis 790200Ion Analysis (Anion) 790239Ion Analysis (Cation) 790270Heavy Metal Analysis 790235Elemental Analysis I 790237Particle Size Analysis 790265Zeta Potential Analysis 790274Particle Size Analysis withZeta Potential 790275Bulk Lipids forPharmaceuticalsSynthetic cGMP Lipids12:0 PC 77033514:0 PC 77034516:0 PC 77035518:0 PC 77036520:0 PC 77036818:1 PC 77037522:1 PC 77039816:0-18:1 PC 77055718:0 PE 77071518:1 PE 77072518:1 PS 77003516:0-18:1 PS 77003414:0 PG 77044516:0 PG 77045518:0 PG 77046518:1 PG 77047516:0-18:1 PG 77025714:0 CA 770532DSPE-PEG(2000) Maleimide 77012618:0 PEG2000 PE 77012018:1 PEG2000 PE 770130Natural cGMP Lipids99% Egg Phosphatidylcholine 77005195% Egg Phosphatidylcholine 771601Cationic cGMP LipidsDDAB 770810DOTAP (18:1) 770890Test - QualitativeHPLC (%area u/curve) 790201GC-FAME 790203TLC Analysis 790207Elemental Screen-ICP 790272FTIR Analysis 790220Mass Spec (dir Inf) 790213Proton NMR 790210Carbon-13 NMR 790267Nitrogen NMR-Qualitative 790273Phosphorus NMR 790209Sample Extraction 790204Sample Preparation 790206Method Development 790221Analytical Method Developmentwith ValidationPackage 790216Consultation Fee 790236Stability Study 790252Validation Package 790215DODAP (18:1) 770850DC-Cholesterol (HCl) 770001Miscellaneous cGMP LipidsTrioctanoin (8:0) 770412Triolein (18:1) 770110Cholesterol (Ovine Wool) 770000Cholesterol (Plant) 770100PHAD (Synthetic MonophosphorylLipid A) 77003022:0 Trehalose (TDB) 770808C6 Ceramide 770506Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., has been manufacturinghigh purity lipids for 40 years supplying lipids for numerousproducts and currently supports more Drug MasterFiles than any other lipid supplier.Avanti operates a registered bulk pharmaceuticalfacility manufacturing lipid components accordingto the current guidelines of Good ManufacturingPractice (cGMP). We have been inspected by theUnited States Food and Drug Administration, andlook forward to working with your quality assurancepersonnel. Our synthetic team can prepare awide variety of lipid compounds to tailor materialsspecifically to your application. We have successfullytransferred and scaled proprietary processesto manufacture cGMP materials for many clients.If the lipid you require is not listed above then contactus as we will consider manufacturing any productin our general catalog under cGMP guidelines.Visit www.avantilipids.com for prices, more details, and to place an order 25

14:0 PEG3000 PE 880310C880310P16:0 PEG3000 PE 880300C880300P18:0 PEG3000 PE 880320C880320P18:1 PEG3000 PE 880330C880330P14:0 PEG5000 PE 880210C880210P16:0 PEG5000 PE 880200C880200P18:0 PEG5000 PE 880220C880220P18:1 PEG5000 PE 880230C880230PPEG CeramidesC8 PEG750 Ceramide880670C880670PC16 PEG750 Ceramide880680C880680PC8 PEG2000 Ceramide880170C880170PStandardsSoy Analytical StandardSoy Mix I690050P690050CTLC StandardsSphingolipids3-Sulfo-C24:1 Galactosyl(ß)Ceramide (Sulfatide) - Powder 860571PSphingosine-1-Phosphate (S1P)- Powder 860492P18:1 Ceramide - Chloroform 860519C18:1 Ceramide - Powder 860519PC24:1 Galactosyl(ß) Ceramide(Cerebroside) - Powder 860546PGalactosyl(ß) Sphingosine(Psychosine) - Powder 860537P18:1 SM (Sphingomyelin)- Chloroform 860587C18:1 SM (Sphingomyelin) - Powder 860587PSphingosylphosphorylcholine(Lyso Sphingomyelin) - Powder 860600PD-erythro-Sphingosine - PowderPhytosphingosine - PowderMiscellaneous860490P860499PCholesterol - Powder700000P18:1 DG - Chloroform 800811C18:1 DG - Oil 800811OC16 PEG2000 CeramideC8 PEG5000 CeramideC16 PEG5000 CeramideFunctionalized PEG LipidsDSPE-PEG(2000) SuccinylDSPE-PEG(2000) Carboxylic AcidDSPE-PEG(2000) MaleimideDSPE-PEG(2000) PDPDSPE-PEG(2000) AmineDSPE-PEG(2000) BiotinDSPE-PEG(2000) CyanurDSPE-PEG(2000) FolateDSPE-PEG(5000) Folate880180C880180P880270C880270P880280C880280P880121C880121P880125C880125P880126C880126P880127C880127P880128C880128P880129C880129P880122P880124X880124P880123X880123PPhospholipids18:1 PC - Chloroform 850375C18:1 PC - Powder 850375P18:1 Lyso PC - Chlorofom 845875C18:1 Lyso PC - Powder 845875P18:1 PE - Chloroform 850725C18:1 PE - Powder 850725P18:1 Lyso PE - Chloroform 846725C18:1 Lyso PE - Powder 846725P18:1 PS - Chloroform 840035C18:1 P ethanol - Chloroform 840513C18:1 P ethanol - Powder 840513P18:1 PA - Chloroform 840875C18:1 PA - Powder 840875P18:1 Lyso PA - Chloroform 857130C18:1 Lyso PA - Powder 857130P18:1 CA - Chloroform 710335C18:1 CA - Powder 710335P18:1 PG - Chloroform 840475C18:1 PG - Powder 840475P18:1 Lyso PG - Chloroform 858125C18:1 Lyso PG - Powder 858125P18:1 Lyso PS - Chloroform 858143C18:1 Lyso PS - Powder 858143P18:1 PI - Powder 850149P18:1 Lyso PI - Powder 850100P24Visit www.avantilipids.com for prices, more details, and to place an order

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