soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


erT sakvlev funqcionalur stilSi ar aRmoCnda meoradiaqtantebi – rezultativi da instrumentali, rac SeiZlebaaixsnas mocemuli diaTezebis warmomqmneli zmna-predikatebissemantikiT.zmna-predikatebis semantikis kvlevam aCvena, rom formaluriqvemdebare “it”-is Semcvel diaTezebSi ar aris fizikurimoqmedebis aRmniSvneli leqsemebi, romelic pasivSigamoyenebuli zmnebis ZiriTad jgufs Seadgens. mocemul diaTezebTandaregistrirda piradi da socialuri urTierTobebisgamomxatveli zmnebi (hope, forbid, request, intend, permit,object, order da a.S.), komunikaciis zmnebi (report, say, rumour,suggest, whisper, propose, mention, state, argue, agree, point, out,emphasize da a.S.), grZnobiTi aRqmis zmnebi (feel, find, notice,note, observe, see, fear da a.S.), gonebrivi moqmedebis gamomxatvelizmnebi (assume, calculate, believe, consider, accept, estimate,know, presume, prove, remember, think, suppose, suspect,surmise, understand, perceive, plan, imagine, regard da a.S.).saerTo ram aq moyvanili zmnebis mniSvnelobaSi, vnebiTgvarSi aris SefasebiTi sema, ramdenadac gonebrivi da komunikaciurimoRvaweoba, grZnobiTi aRTqma, piradi da socialuriurTierTobebi saboloo jamSi aris adamianis cnobiereba-Si realuri sinamdvilis faqtebis asaxva da maTi Sefaseba.da bolos, unda aRvniSnoT, rom SedarebiT naklebixvedriTi wona diaTezebisa, adresatiT, qvemdebaris funqciaSi(rolSi) literaturul dialogSi da maTi kidev ufronaklebi wili samecniero teqstSi unda aixsnas, erTimxriv, imiT, rom diaTezebs, romelSic qvemdebare korelirebsadresatTan, qmnian predikatebi, romlebic mxolod orda samvalentovan zmnebTan korelireben. mkveTri siWarbeadresatiani diaTezebisa – qvemdebaris funqciiT, literaturuldialogSi, samecniero teqstTan SedarebiT, imiTunda aixsnas, rom literaturul dialogSi yuradRebiscentrSi aris moqceuli adamiani, misi cxovreba da moRvaweobakonkretul garemoSi, konkretul pirobebSi, misiqcevebi, gancdebi, maSin, roca samecniero teqsti moiTxovs79

masalis obieqtur gadmocemas, miukerZoeblobas, informaciissizustes. samecniero teqstSi gadmocemuli moqmedebaganyenebulia sinamdvilisagan. zemoT naTqvamidan gamomdinare,SesaZlebelia aixsnas agenturi damatebis SedarebiT naklebixvedriTi wili samecniero teqstSi, vidre literaturuldialogSi, samecniero subenaSi “it” formalur qvemdebarianikonstruqciebis meti siWarbe, vidre literaturuldialogSi, adresatis funqciiT windebuliani da iribidamatebebis ar arseboba “it” formaluri qvemdebariani dia-Tezebis marjvena distribuciaSi.EMA KILANAVAON SOME FEATURES OF THE PASSIVE DIATHESESIN MODERN ENGLISH LITERARYDIALOGUE AND SCIENTIFIC PROSEThe article is devoted to the analysis of a specific type of the passiveconstructions, namely, with the formal (anticipatory) subject “it” usedin the Modern English literary dialogue and the Modern English scientificprose. The research is carried on the basis of the so-called theory of diathesespresupposing the correlation between the components (participants) ofthe notional-semantic (deep-syntactic) and the surface – syntactic levelsthe voice being defined as one of the diatheses grammatically marked inthe verb. In the analysed diatheses the pronoun “it” in the left-hand distributionis a formal (anticipatory) subject signifying the indefinite patienswhich in the right-hand distribution correlates either with the infinitive(or its phrase) as a real subject or with the subject subordinate clause denotingthe attribute which discloses the content of the indefinite patiens.Certain types of additional (secondary) syntactic-semantic correlationsand semantic classes of verb – predicates were revealed characterizingeach type of the analysed functional styles of speech.80

erT sakvlev funqcionalur stilSi ar aRmoCnda meoradiaqtantebi – rezultativi da instrumentali, rac SeiZlebaaixsnas mocemuli diaTezebis warmomqmneli zmna-predikatebissemantikiT.zmna-predikatebis semantikis kvlevam aCvena, rom formaluriqvemdebare “it”-is Semcvel diaTezebSi ar aris fizikurimoqmedebis aRmniSvneli leqsemebi, romelic pasivSigamoyenebuli zmnebis ZiriTad jgufs Seadgens. mocemul diaTezebTandaregistrirda piradi da socialuri urTierTobebisgamomxatveli zmnebi (hope, forbid, request, intend, permit,object, order da a.S.), komunikaciis zmnebi (report, say, rumour,suggest, whisper, propose, mention, state, argue, agree, point, out,emphasize da a.S.), grZnobiTi aRqmis zmnebi (feel, find, notice,note, observe, see, fear da a.S.), gonebrivi moqmedebis gamomxatvelizmnebi (assume, calculate, believe, consider, accept, estimate,know, presume, prove, remember, think, suppose, suspect,surmise, understand, perceive, plan, imagine, regard da a.S.).saerTo ram aq moyvanili zmnebis mniSvnelobaSi, vnebiTgvarSi aris SefasebiTi sema, ramdenadac gonebrivi da komunikaciurimoRvaweoba, grZnobiTi aRTqma, piradi da socialuriurTierTobebi saboloo jamSi aris adamianis cnobiereba-Si realuri sinamdvilis faqtebis asaxva da maTi Sefaseba.da bolos, unda aRvniSnoT, rom SedarebiT naklebixvedriTi wona diaTezebisa, adresatiT, qvemdebaris funqciaSi(rolSi) literaturul dialogSi da maTi kidev ufronaklebi wili samecniero teqstSi unda aixsnas, erTimxriv, imiT, rom diaTezebs, romelSic qvemdebare korelirebsadresatTan, qmnian predikatebi, romlebic mxolod orda samvalentovan zmnebTan korelireben. mkveTri siWarbeadresatiani diaTezebisa – qvemdebaris funqciiT, literaturuldialogSi, samecniero teqstTan SedarebiT, imiTunda aixsnas, rom literaturul dialogSi yuradRebiscentrSi aris moqceuli adamiani, misi cxovreba da moRvaweobakonkretul garemoSi, konkretul pirobebSi, misiqcevebi, gancdebi, maSin, roca samecniero teqsti moiTxovs79

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