soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


3. skolaSi sxvadasxva saxis RonisZiebebis Catareba,samoyvarulo da saklubo saqmianobis gaSla,axalgazrduli sazogadoebrivi gaerTianebebis Seqmna,romelic dafuZnebuli iqneba mmarTvelobisdemokratiul sawyisebze, maT Soris bavSvTa TviTmmarTvelobaze;4. vinaidan maswavleblebi ver asruleben saTanadodoneze aRmzrdel-damrigeblis movaleobebs, klasgareSemuSaobis efeqtianobis amaRlebis mizniT,upriania aRmzrdelobiTi muSaobis sakiTxebi daekisrosspecialurad gamoyofil adamians – socialurpedagogs.klasgareSe muSaobis organizaciisas aucilebelia pedagogiurikoleqtivisa da xelmZRvanelobis ZalisxmevismimarTva:1. misi Sinaarsis mravalferovnebaze, anu man undamoicvas zneobrivi, esTetikuri, fizikuri da SromiTiaRzrda;2. am muSaobis mniSvnelovan mxares warmoadgens masobriviformebis gamoyeneba, rogorc moswavleTaaRzrdisaTvis, ise maTi Tavisufali drois gonivruliorganizaciisaTvis.3. pedagogiurma koleqtivma unda izrunos, romklasgareSe muSaobam moicvas yvela moswavle.4. klasgareSe muSaobam unda ganaviTaros moswavleTasazogadoebrivi interesebi, aqtivobebi da damoukidebloba.swored am debulebebis gaTvaliswinebiT pedagogiurmakoleqtivma unda daamuSavos klasgareSe da skolisgareSemuSaobis sistema, xolo skolis xelmZRvanelobam unda gauwiosmeToduri daxmareba da ganaxorcielos kontroli CatarebulimuSaobis xarisxze.743

LELA REKHVIASHVILIPLACE OF EXTRACURRICULAR SCOOL ACTIVITIES IN THESTRUCTURE OF SCOOL WORK AND ITS ROLE IN THESOCIALIZATION OF A STUDENTBased on modern standards, developing skills for alternative decision-makingshould be advantaged during school-related educational process.To solve this problem, correctly planned and directed after-schoollearning process has a priority because it affects personal development,self-conscience, self-realization of physical and spiritual forces of a child.After analyzing the results of research at schools, the author of the articlemakes conclusion about deficiencies, and in order to improve after-schoollearning process gives decent recommendations to pedagogues to uprootthose deficiencies.744

LELA REKHVIASHVILIPLACE OF EXTRACURRICULAR SCOOL ACTIVITIES IN THESTRUCTURE OF SCOOL WORK AND ITS ROLE IN THESOCIALIZATION OF A STUDENTBased on modern standards, developing skills for alternative decision-makingshould be advantaged during school-related educational process.To solve this problem, correctly planned and directed after-schoollearning process has a priority because it affects personal development,self-conscience, self-realization of physical and spiritual forces of a child.After analyzing the results of research at schools, the author of the articlemakes conclusion about deficiencies, and in order to improve after-schoollearning process gives decent recommendations to pedagogues to uprootthose deficiencies.744

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