soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


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HELMUT KURY, MICHEIL WUERGER,EDISHER PHUTKARADZECRIMINAL SANCTIONS IN THE ESTIMATIONOF THE GEORGIAN STUDENTSThe work deals with the analysis of the criminal sanctions in the estimationof the Georgian students. The research of the criminal sanctionsin the light of comparative analysis is quite indisputable. The similar studyhave been carried in Georgia and other countries, such as Germany,Russia, the Ukraine, etc. In various higher-educational institutes of Georgia,mainly in Tbilisi and Batumi, the students of about 29 specialitieshave been questioned with regard to criminal sanctions. The present articlerepresents the outcome of such an inquiry. The article also deals withthe detailed analysis of the circumstances in which crimes are committed,the conclusions made by the victims of the crimes, the deductions and therecommendations concerning the sanctions from the standpoint of internationaljuxtaposition. As for the capital punishment the inquiry hasshown that part of the students are in favour of such penalty, others areagainst it considering that death penalty for any kind of crime is absolutelyunwarranted. The present research will promote development of thecomparative criminal law and criminology. It offers interesting sequels ofcooperation of the Georgian and German scientists.46. <strong>soxumis</strong> <strong>saxelmwifo</strong> <strong>universiteti</strong>s Sromebi721

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