soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


skiri (sqiri) daboloebiani gvarikvekveskiriqvemoT CamoTvlil formebSi ver gavarkvieT,maT Soris romelia gvari:agrua pita kuaC faT xilnocxa aznaurTAMAR GITOLENDIATHE NAMES OF GEORGIAN ETYMOLOGY REVEALEDIN THE LIST OF THE ABKHAZ MUHAJIRS OF 1867On the basis of analysis of the material taken from the list ofAbkhaz Muhajirs of 1867 the following data have been established: 1)the names which have not been known before; 2) the names which havealready disappeared, though they existed and now often occur in theecclesiastical documents of Western Georgia; 3) the names which arealready lost in Megrelian but whose Eastern-Georgian variants have beenconfirmed; 4) the names which no longer exist today but the existence ofwhich in the past is confirmed by the toponyms; 5) the names borrowedfrom Abkhazian; 6) the names common for both Abkhazian and Georgia,the better part of which are under the threat of disappearance; 7) thenames the initial forms of which are confirmed in Georgian personalnames; 8) the names with common roots which are represented inAbkhazian by various forms; 9) the names the structure of which isambiguous though their Georgian etymology is confirmed by the ending-ia: Bestukhia, Marmovia, Patkhuria, Khuartnaia; 10) in the documentsof Gupi-village there are singled out the words with the consonant “r” inthe initial position; 11) the names derived by the prefix a-, forming theAbkhazian general forms; 12) the names of Svan etymology; 13) thenames formed by the Abkhaz-Megrelian suffix -ba-ia; 14) obscurenames of double suffixation; 15) two names represented by theNominative Case.67

soxumis saxelmwifo universitetis Sromebit. VIII, 2010-2011humanitarul da socialur-politikur mecnierebaTa seriamaia daraseliailokuciuri da intencionaluripragmatuli koherentulobisaTvisdiskursSikoherentuloba warmoadgens diskursSi gamonaTqvamisgarkveul organizacias. `diskursi – es araa TviTon ena daarc raime masze mosaubre subieqti, aramed praqtika, romelicflobs gabmulobis da Tanmimdevrobis sakuTar formebs~.1 koherentuloba uzrunvelyofs diskursis azrobriverTianobas da garda formalur-gramatikuli aspeqtebisa,moicavs gamonaTqvamebis kavSirebs, azrobrivi da SemoqmedebiTidakavSirebulobis semantikur-gramatikul da funqcionaluraspeqtebs. diskursis pragmatuli koherentulobadamokidebulia Cvens mier makropragmatuli Sinaarsis sametyveloaqtebis (anu erTi an meti makrosametyvelo aqtebis)jaWvidan gamoyvanis SesaZleblobaze. radganac, sametyveloaqtebs Soris kavSirebis arseboba da Zala, romlebicSeadgenen frazeologiuri intensifikatoris funqcionirebisdiskurss, qmnian diskursis pragmatul koherentulobas,SesaZlebeli xdeba frazeologiuri intensifikatorismonawileobis kvleva sametyvelo aqtebs Soris kavSiris Zalis,anu pragmatuli koherentulobis uzrunvelyofaSi.Cven gamovyofT pragmatuli koherentulobis or saxes:ilokuciursa da intencionalurs.diskursis ilokuciuri koherentulobis gamosavlenadaucilebelia diskursSi Semavali gamonaTqvamis ilokuciuriZalis dadgena saerTo pragmatul principebze dayrdnobiT.lokalur doneze ilokuciuri koherentulobis gacilebiTdidi saerTo piroba mdgomareobs imaSi, rom winmavali sa-1 М. Фуко. Ареология знания. Киев, 1996, gv. 207.68

skiri (sqiri) daboloebiani gvarikvekveskiriqvemoT CamoTvlil formebSi ver gavarkvieT,maT Soris romelia gvari:agrua pita kuaC faT xilnocxa aznaurTAMAR GITOLENDIATHE NAMES OF GEORGIAN ETYMOLOGY REVEALEDIN THE LIST OF THE ABKHAZ MUHAJIRS OF 1867On the basis of analysis of the material taken from the list ofAbkhaz Muhajirs of 1867 the following data have been established: 1)the names which have not been known before; 2) the names which havealready disappeared, though they existed and now often occur in theecclesiastical documents of Western Georgia; 3) the names which arealready lost in Megrelian but whose Eastern-Georgian variants have beenconfirmed; 4) the names which no longer exist today but the existence ofwhich in the past is confirmed by the toponyms; 5) the names borrowedfrom Abkhazian; 6) the names common for both Abkhazian and Georgia,the better part of which are under the threat of disappearance; 7) thenames the initial forms of which are confirmed in Georgian personalnames; 8) the names with common roots which are represented inAbkhazian by various forms; 9) the names the structure of which isambiguous though their Georgian etymology is confirmed by the ending-ia: Bestukhia, Marmovia, Patkhuria, Khuartnaia; 10) in the documentsof Gupi-village there are singled out the words with the consonant “r” inthe initial position; 11) the names derived by the prefix a-, forming theAbkhazian general forms; 12) the names of Svan etymology; 13) thenames formed by the Abkhaz-Megrelian suffix -ba-ia; 14) obscurenames of double suffixation; 15) two names represented by theNominative Case.67

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