soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


ac Seexeba ganqorwinebis faqtorebs 93 ganqorwinebulispasuxis mixedviT:a) pirvel adgilzea mZime saojaxo pirobebi – 26;b) meoreze – umuSevroba;g) mesameze – Zaladoba;sxva faqtorebs(Ralats, eWvianobas, bilogiur Seu-Tavsebadobas) SedarebiT umniSvnelo adgili ukaviaT ojaxisdaSlis procesSi.rogorc am mikrosociologiuri gamokvlevis Sedegebisanalizidan Cans dRevandeli saqarTvelos metad mZimesocialur-ekonomikur pirobebSic ki qarTuli ojaxis SeqmnissafuZvlad kvlav partniorTa urTierT siyvaruli rCeba.amas adasturebs gamokiTxuli 420 respodentis 295 dadebiTipasuxi, rac Zalze mniSvnelovania ojaxebis simtkicisada tradiciis gagrZelebis TvalsazrisiT.MERI CHANTURIASOME SOCIAL ASPECTS OF MARRIAGE AND DIVORCEIN CONTEMPORARY GEORGIAN FAMILIESThe analysis of the results of the conducted micro-sociologicalstudy have demonstrated that even in the difficult social and economicconditions the basis for the creation of a Georgian family still remainsmutual love of partners, which occupies the first position, the improvementof the economic state is on the second position, and raising the socialstatus is on the third. Of the divorce factors, difficult family circumstancesoccupy the first position, unemployment – the second, and violence– the third.585

soxumis saxelmwifo universitetis Sromebit. VIII, 2010-2011humanitarul da socialur-politikur mecnierebaTa serialeonide jaxaiacnobari `qarTveli filosofosebi~statistikis TvaliTcnobarSi `qarTveli filosofosebi (IV saukunidan XXsaukunis CaTvliT)~ sul naxsenebia 161 personalia: qarTvelifilosofosebi da saeklesio moRvaweebi. 1 aqedan 135 filosofosiqronologiurad miekuTvneba XX saukunes. es metadmniSvnelovani faqtia, vinaidan swored am dros moxdaqarTuli filosofiuri azris arnaxuli ganviTareba. da racyvelaze sainteresoa, am 135-dan 100 − qarTul provinciaSiadabadebuli. gamarTlda Zveli franguli aforizmi: `geniosebiibadebian provinciaSi, xolo kvdebian dedaqalaqSi (pariz-Si)~. geniosebze ra mogaxsenoT, magram cnobarSi dasaxelebulifilosofiur mecnierebaTa doqtorebi, profesorebi, saqarTvelosfilosofiur mecnierebaTa akademiis wevrebi namdviladniWierebi arian, amitom zemoTmoyvanili aforizmiSeiZleba Semdegnairad iTqvas: `niWierebi ibadebian provinciaSi,xolo kvdebian dedaqalaqSi (TbilisSi) Tezisis dasabuTebisTvis moviyvanT (cnobaris mixedviT)monacemebs im 135 qarTvel filosofosebisa, romlebicmiekuTvnebian XX saukunes, daibadnen an moRvaweobdnendrois am monakveTSi. statistikuri damuSavebis Semdeg miviReTaseTi Sedegi: 135 qarTveli filosofosidan, vincmoRvaweobda XX saukuneSi (saqarTveloSi an yofil sabWo-Ta kavSirSi), 74 dabadebulia sofelSi, rac saerTo raodenobidan55,5% Seadgens, anu naxevarze mets. es Zalian maRalimaCvenebelia, Tanac bevr rameze migvaniSnebs. Tu am1 qarTveli filosofosebi (IV saukunidan XX saukunis CaTvliT).cnobari. saredaqcio kolegia: s. avaliani, m. maxaraZe, l. jaxaia.baTumi, 2004.586

ac Seexeba ganqorwinebis faqtorebs 93 ganqorwinebulispasuxis mixedviT:a) pirvel adgilzea mZime saojaxo pirobebi – 26;b) meoreze – umuSevroba;g) mesameze – Zaladoba;sxva faqtorebs(Ralats, eWvianobas, bilogiur Seu-Tavsebadobas) SedarebiT umniSvnelo adgili ukaviaT ojaxisdaSlis procesSi.rogorc am mikrosociologiuri gamokvlevis Sedegebisanalizidan Cans dRevandeli saqarTvelos metad mZimesocialur-ekonomikur pirobebSic ki qarTuli ojaxis SeqmnissafuZvlad kvlav partniorTa urTierT siyvaruli rCeba.amas adasturebs gamokiTxuli 420 respodentis 295 dadebiTipasuxi, rac Zalze mniSvnelovania ojaxebis simtkicisada tradiciis gagrZelebis TvalsazrisiT.MERI CHANTURIASOME SOCIAL ASPECTS OF MARRIAGE AND DIVORCEIN CONTEMPORARY GEORGIAN FAMILIESThe analysis of the results of the conducted micro-sociologicalstudy have demonstrated that even in the difficult social and economicconditions the basis for the creation of a Georgian family still remainsmutual love of partners, which occupies the first position, the improvementof the economic state is on the second position, and raising the socialstatus is on the third. Of the divorce factors, difficult family circumstancesoccupy the first position, unemployment – the second, and violence– the third.585

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