soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


VAKHTANG JAPARIDZEFOR STRATIGRAPHY AND DATING OF CONSTRUCTIONSIN SEBASTOPOLIS (DIOSKURIA)(Part 1)Issue of identification of Sebastopolis (Dioskuria) in ancient sourcespreserves its urgency up to date. Traditionally Tskhumi, which ismentioned in Georgian sources, is also linked to this location. Role of archaeologyis of a special importance in resolution of this complex issue.Excavations at the Sukhumi Bay, which were carried out in the 50ies and60ies of the last century (M. Trapsh, L. Solovyov, L. Shervashidze, A.Apakidze, O. Lordkipanidze, etc.), revealed fortification constructions,temples and other buildings from the I-VI century AD in an immediatevicinity of the coast and partially in the sea. Special artefacts and materialsfound in archaeological cultural layers of the region are of great interest.Excavations from the 80ies of the last century (M. Gunba, L. Khrushkova,etc.) and absolutely new working materials fill the gaps that arecreated by Roman and Byzantine sources concerning Sebastopolis. Studyof the major parts of the urban settlements in Dioskuria and Tskhumi needsto be conducted along with large scale excavation works. In the presentedarticle the author attempted to make some corrections to the definitionand dating of constructions and cultural layers of Sebastopolis. Generaloverview of theoretical issues that are connected to the archaeologicalstudy of Sebastopolis (Dioskuria) and take into account modern literatureis given in the second half of the article.471

472soxumis saxelmwifo universitetis Sromebit. VIII, 2010-2011humanitarul da socialur-politikur mecnierebaTa seriarevaz xvistanisofel kalas wmida kvirikesa daivlitas saxelobis eklesiisaSenebis TariRisaTviswmida kvirikesa da ivlitas saxelobis darbazuli eklesia,romelic samonastro kompleqsis mTavar xuroTmoZ-Rvrul elements warmoadgens, mdebareobs mestiis raionissofel kalaSi, daba mestiis samxreT-aRmosavleTiT 34 km-isdaSorebiT, md. enguris marcxena mxareze, zRvis donidan2000 metrze maRla, soflis ubnebis-xesa da agrais mopirdapiremTis erT-erT Sverilze. sofeli kala Sedgeba 7 dasaxlebulipunqtisagan: lalxori, 1 davberi, xe, viCnaSi, agrai,ifrali da xalde. 2wmida kvirikesa da ivlitas saxelobis samonastrokompleqss svanurad `lagurka~-s uwodeben. monasters aqdavanebul bizantiuri warmomavlobis sanawile xatis adgilobrivisaxelis mixedviT `Saliani~-s saxeliTac moixsenieben.`Saliani~ svaneTSi yovlisSemZledaa miCneuli. rogorce. TayaiSvili wers, svaneTSi, borotebisa da, saerTod, danaSaulisCamdenis aRmosaCenad Salianize aficebdnen saeWvopirebs, ar yofila SemTxveva, rom mas ficis dros ar eRiarebinosTavisi danaSauli da ar gatexiliyo. 3lagurka, aRniSnuli avtoris sityvebiT, `svanebisaTvisis aris, rac mTeli saberZneTisaTvis delfos taZari iyo.1 aq dRemdea SemorCenili svaneTis erisTav gelovanTa koSkebisada sasaxlis naSTebi.2 xalde, svaneTis ajanyebis gamo, mefis ruseTis regularulmajarma 1876 wlis agvistoSi nacartutad aqcia. xalde mxolod 20wlis Semdeg aRsdga. bolodroindeli migraciuli procesebis Sedegadsofeli kvlav gaukacrielda.3 e. TayaiSvili. arqeologiuri eqspedicia leCxum-svaneTSi 1910wels. parizi, 1937, gv. 179.

VAKHTANG JAPARIDZEFOR STRATIGRAPHY AND DATING OF CONSTRUCTIONSIN SEBASTOPOLIS (DIOSKURIA)(Part 1)Issue of identification of Sebastopolis (Dioskuria) in ancient sourcespreserves its urgency up to date. Traditionally Tskhumi, which ismentioned in Georgian sources, is also linked to this location. Role of archaeologyis of a special importance in resolution of this complex issue.Excavations at the Sukhumi Bay, which were carried out in the 50ies and60ies of the last century (M. Trapsh, L. Solovyov, L. Shervashidze, A.Apakidze, O. Lordkipanidze, etc.), revealed fortification constructions,temples and other buildings from the I-VI century AD in an immediatevicinity of the coast and partially in the sea. Special artefacts and materialsfound in archaeological cultural layers of the region are of great interest.Excavations from the 80ies of the last century (M. Gunba, L. Khrushkova,etc.) and absolutely new working materials fill the gaps that arecreated by Roman and Byzantine sources concerning Sebastopolis. Studyof the major parts of the urban settlements in Dioskuria and Tskhumi needsto be conducted along with large scale excavation works. In the presentedarticle the author attempted to make some corrections to the definitionand dating of constructions and cultural layers of Sebastopolis. Generaloverview of theoretical issues that are connected to the archaeologicalstudy of Sebastopolis (Dioskuria) and take into account modern literatureis given in the second half of the article.471

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