soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


MANANA KUPRAVATAMISHI SETTLEMENTIn 1964 Tamishi settlement was found by V. Bzhania – the first scientist,who conducted at this site archaeological prospecting through excavationworks. The settlement is located in the Northwest of Ochamchireregion at distance of 200 meters from the Tamishi river bank and 300meters from the Black Sea coast. In the second half of 70-ies and beginningof 80-ies of XX century excavations at the site were conducted bythe joint expedition of the Institute of Archaeology (Academy of Sciencesof the USSR), Center for Archaeological Research (Academy of Sciencesof Georgia) and the Institute of Abkhazian Language, Literatureand History (Academy of Sciences of Georgia). After the archaeologicalexcavations it was ascertained that Tamishi Settlement consisted of fiveartificial hill settlements. This complex of hill settlements was spread inthe area of 100x200 meters. From the East there was an artificial canal,which surrounded the settlement. The central settlement hill was dug on2 meters depth. On all the five settlement hills one cultural layer with twobuilding horizons was revealed. The lower horizon was dated to 14-12centuries BC, and the upper one to VIII-VII centuries BC. Supposedly onthe settlement existed horizon, dated to the Middle Ages. On the settlementthere were revealed some wooden constructions of different sizeand utility structures among them. Usually the diameter of wooden constructionsdid not exceed 5 meters and their floors were laid with cobblestones.The pottery found represented typical Colchian ceramic of the secondhalf of II Millennium BC and beginning of I Millennium (lower horizon)and also, of 8-7 centuries BC (upper horizon). The leading types ofthe lower horizon pottery are pots, pythoses, miniature vessels, lids andetc. In the upper horizon was found textile ceramic, represented by thethe vessels of the bathtub shape. Here were found number of clay trivetsand stone tools as well.On the basis of topography, settlement type and archaeological materialfound, the settlement unambiguously gets into the area of spreadingthe Central Local Variant of Late Bronze and Early Iron Age cultures.445

446soxumis saxelmwifo universitetis Sromebit. VIII, 2010-2011humanitarul da socialur-politikur mecnierebaTa seriavaxtang jafariZesebastopolisis (dioskuriis)stratigrafiis, nagebobebis raobisada daTariRebis sakiTxisTvis(nawili I)antikuri wyaroebis dioskuriis identifikaciis sakiTxidRemde Seunelebel interess iwvevs. am punqts memkvidreobiTukavSirdeba romaul-bizantiuri wyaroebis sebastopolisi.xolo orive aRniSnuls qronologiuri TanmimdevrobiTacerTgvarad enacvleba qarTuli wyaroebiscxumi (cxomi). garkveuli tradiciiT avtorebi, Cveulebriv,maT erToblivad ganixilaven, rac arc Tu iSviaTad naSrom-Ta saTaurebSic aris asaxuli. 1 warmodgenil statiaSi CvenZiriTadad dioskuria-sebastopolisisi arqeologiur monacemebsSevexebiT, radgan ukve gvqonda SesaZlebloba sagangebodgagvexila istoriuli q. cxumisa da misi `qveynis~arqeologiis sakiTxebi. 2 mainc unda aRiniSnos, rom qarTuliwyaroebis monacemebiT, romelTac, cxadia, TiTqmis araferiician Zveli dioskuriis Sesaxeb, istoriuli cxumiZveli qalaqis sebastopolisis monakveTSia sagulvebeli. 31 ix. mag., Л. Н. Соловьев. Диоскурия-Севастополис-Цхум. – Труды Абхазскогогосударственного музея. Вып. I. Сухуми, 1947, gv. 99-145; Ю. Н. Воронов. Диоскурия-Севастополис-Цхум.М., 1980.2 v. jafariZe. cxumis (cxomis) qalaqisa da misi `qveynis~ arqeologiisTvis.– kreb. `Teimuraz mibCuani-70~. Tb., 2008-2010, gv. 216-236.3 am mxriv interess iwvevs juanSeris (juanSer juanSeriani. cxovrebavaxtang gorgasalisa. – qarTlis cxovreba. teqsti dadgeniliyvela ZiriTadi xelnaweris mixedviT s. yauxCiSvilis mier. t. I. Tb.,1955, gv. 238) da, gansakuTrebiT leonti mrovelis cnobebi, romelTamixedviT cxumi zRvispira qalaqis (leontiT didi andria simoni-TurT `Sevides queyanasa afxazeTisasa da sevaste qalaqad mivides,romelsa aw ewodeba cxumi~ (leonti mroveli. cxovreba qarTuel-Ta mefeTasa da pirvelTaganTa mamaTa da naTesavTa. – qarTlis

446<strong>soxumis</strong> <strong>saxelmwifo</strong> <strong>universiteti</strong>s Sromebit. VIII, 2010-2011humanitarul da socialur-politikur mecnierebaTa seriavaxtang jafariZesebastopolisis (dioskuriis)stratigrafiis, nagebobebis raobisada daTariRebis sakiTxisTvis(nawili I)antikuri wyaroebis dioskuriis identifikaciis sakiTxidRemde Seunelebel interess iwvevs. am punqts memkvidreobiTukavSirdeba romaul-bizantiuri wyaroebis sebastopolisi.xolo orive aRniSnuls qronologiuri TanmimdevrobiTacerTgvarad enacvleba qarTuli wyaroebiscxumi (cxomi). garkveuli tradiciiT avtorebi, Cveulebriv,maT erToblivad ganixilaven, rac arc Tu iSviaTad naSrom-Ta saTaurebSic aris asaxuli. 1 warmodgenil statiaSi CvenZiriTadad dioskuria-sebastopolisisi arqeologiur monacemebsSevexebiT, radgan ukve gvqonda SesaZlebloba sagangebodgagvexila istoriuli q. cxumisa da misi `qveynis~arqeologiis sakiTxebi. 2 mainc unda aRiniSnos, rom qarTuliwyaroebis monacemebiT, romelTac, cxadia, TiTqmis araferiician Zveli dioskuriis Sesaxeb, istoriuli cxumiZveli qalaqis sebastopolisis monakveTSia sagulvebeli. 31 ix. mag., Л. Н. Соловьев. Диоскурия-Севастополис-Цхум. – Труды Абхазскогогосударственного музея. Вып. I. Сухуми, 1947, gv. 99-145; Ю. Н. Воронов. Диоскурия-Севастополис-Цхум.М., 1980.2 v. jafariZe. cxumis (cxomis) qalaqisa da misi `qveynis~ arqeologiisTvis.– kreb. `Teimuraz mibCuani-70~. Tb., 2008-2010, gv. 216-236.3 am mxriv interess iwvevs juanSeris (juanSer juanSeriani. cxovrebavaxtang gorgasalisa. – qarTlis cxovreba. teqsti dadgeniliyvela ZiriTadi xelnaweris mixedviT s. yauxCiSvilis mier. t. I. Tb.,1955, gv. 238) da, gansakuTrebiT leonti mrovelis cnobebi, romelTamixedviT cxumi zRvispira qalaqis (leontiT didi andria simoni-TurT `Sevides queyanasa afxazeTisasa da sevaste qalaqad mivides,romelsa aw ewodeba cxumi~ (leonti mroveli. cxovreba qarTuel-Ta mefeTasa da pirvelTaganTa mamaTa da naTesavTa. – qarTlis

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