soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


kulturul da ekonomikur ganviTarebas. 1amrigad, aSkaraa, rom afxazeTSi XXs. damdegs sazogadoebisgadaudebel moTxovnas warmoadgenda saqvelmoqmedosaqmianobis gaZliereba da am mizniT sazogadoebrivi organizaciebisSeqmna, amis iniciatorebi iyvnen inteligenciis iswarmomadgenlebi romlebic mowodebuli iyvnen gaerRviaTerTsaxovani cxovrebis wesi, rasac amkvidrebda carizmiskoloniuri politika da hqondaT survili sakuTari TanamoqalaqeebisaTvisSeeTavazebinaT realuri daxmareba rogorcmrewvelobis, soflis meurneobis, aseve ganaTlebisada kulturis, rigiTi adamianebisadmi humanitaruli daxmarebismimarTulebiT. aSkaraa, rom aseTi gaerTianebebis sulis-Camdgmelni, organizatorebi da aqtiuri wevrebi umravlesSemTvevaSi qarTvelebi iyvnen. 2 Cvens mier mopovebuli masalanaTlad adasturebs, rom afxazeTis sazogadoebrivma organizaciebmapirveli msoflio omis pirobebSic SeZles mowinaveagraruli teqnologiebis SeZlebisamebr danergva, gaWirvebulTada miusafarTa materialuri daxmareba, kulturulicxovrebis organizeba, janmrTelobis kerebis Seqmna.1 gaz. ,,saxalxo gazeTi~, 21 ivnisi, 1911w.2 ix. I. Gelenava. Confessor as the Realizator of the Integration of Cultures (Exampleof Abkhazia, Borders of the Nineteenth-Twentieth Centuries). – Dialogue of Civilizations.New York 2010, gv. 95-103.351

IRAKLI GELENAVACHARITY IN ABKHAZIA IN 1900-1917.ACCORDING TO THE GEORGIAN PERIODIC PRESSAt the beginning of XX century one of the most important orientationsof the activity of the Abkhazian intelligentsia was philanthropy. In thisrespect successfully was functioning a mutual aid society and especiallyeffective was the work of “Sokhumi Branch of the Georgian Charity Organization”.The statutory obligation of numerous charity societies was materialand spiritual help of the poverty-stricken and homeless people, amalgamationof people of different professions, promotion of education andculture and culture. Especially distinguished was “The Georgian LiteracySociety” for its achievements in the educational and cultural spheres. Noteworthyare also agricultural union-cooperatives whose aim was introductionof progressive forms of agriculture which accordingly would improvethe economic conditions of the local peasants. Different charity organizationswere also called upon to break a monotonous mode of life inculcatedby the colonial policy of the tsarist regime.352

IRAKLI GELENAVACHARITY IN ABKHAZIA IN 1900-1917.ACCORDING TO THE GEORGIAN PERIODIC PRESSAt the beginning of XX century one of the most important orientationsof the activity of the Abkhazian intelligentsia was philanthropy. In thisrespect successfully was functioning a mutual aid society and especiallyeffective was the work of “Sokhumi Branch of the Georgian Charity Organization”.The statutory obligation of numerous charity societies was materialand spiritual help of the poverty-stricken and homeless people, amalgamationof people of different professions, promotion of education andculture and culture. Especially distinguished was “The Georgian LiteracySociety” for its achievements in the educational and cultural spheres. Noteworthyare also agricultural union-cooperatives whose aim was introductionof progressive forms of agriculture which accordingly would improvethe economic conditions of the local peasants. Different charity organizationswere also called upon to break a monotonous mode of life inculcatedby the colonial policy of the tsarist regime.352

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