soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


valSi: “da rogorc mkvdari gavacocxle me qalaqebi, Cemsmoklul gulsac gauCndeba gamcocxlebeli, atirdebian saxelebiCemgan naqebi da maradisobis saukunod me var mxlebeli”(`Cemi wigni~). 1 leqsi dawerilia 1915 wels da cxadia,rom or aTeul welze meti xniT adre iwinaswarmetyvelapoetma mosaxdeni ubedurebac da sakuTari ukvdavebac.“leqsi mewyeris” avtori samarTlianad irwmuneboda:“paqedan vici, me rom movkvdebi, am leqss rom vambob –esec darCeba. erT poets mainc gulze moxvdeba da es eyofagamosarClebad”. 2 poetis represirebamde aTi wliT adre daiweraes striqonebi da es sakuTari poeturi aRiarebis winaswarmetyveluriganWvretac axda. aranakleb mniSvnelovaniamisi winaswarmetyveluri leqsebi, romelTa gareSe SeuZlebeliamefistofeluri saukunis srulyofili daxasia-Teba. isini sainteresoa rogorc epoqisaTvis wayenebulibraldeba, sayuradReboa fsiqologiuri Tu esTetikuriTvalsazrisiT.1 t. tabiZe. Txzulebani sam tomad. t. I, gv. 196.2 t. tabiZe. Txzulebani sam tomad. t. I, gv. 144.307

LUARA SORDIATHE ANTICIPATION OF THE TRAGIC FUTURE IN TITSIANTABIDZE’S POETRYTitsian Tabidze, one of the eminent leaders of the literary society“Blue Horners” alongside has amorous and patriotic masterpieces createdpoems distinguished for their particular tragical charge which are anaccusatory artistic record of the unjust epoch, on the one hand, and, onthe other, they are a perfect demonstration of the poet’s capacity foranticipation. Titsian Tabidze’s lyric poetry is noted for blood pools,blood baths and floods of tears, the scaffold as an attribute of totalitarianstate. At the same time the impressive images of a swan with its slashedneck, a trout with its torn-off gills between the stones and a sparrowhawkwith a dry throat signify the persecution of talented creators, of thefree word. Two decades ago Titsian Tabidze predicated the tragic gate ofthe loyal followers of the truth. He unravelled unbiasedly the causes ofthe Russia poet Sergei Esenin’s suicide. With the unmistakable intuitionTitsian Tabidze prognosticated the disgraceful end of the tyrannicalrulers, the ephemeral nature of the primitive proletarian poetry, the everlastingnessof his lyric poetry and his prospective poetic glory.308

LUARA SORDIATHE ANTICIPATION OF THE TRAGIC FUTURE IN TITSIANTABIDZE’S POETRYTitsian Tabidze, one of the eminent leaders of the literary society“Blue Horners” alongside has amorous and patriotic masterpieces createdpoems distinguished for their particular tragical charge which are anaccusatory artistic record of the unjust epoch, on the one hand, and, onthe other, they are a perfect demonstration of the poet’s capacity foranticipation. Titsian Tabidze’s lyric poetry is noted for blood pools,blood baths and floods of tears, the scaffold as an attribute of totalitarianstate. At the same time the impressive images of a swan with its slashedneck, a trout with its torn-off gills between the stones and a sparrowhawkwith a dry throat signify the persecution of talented creators, of thefree word. Two decades ago Titsian Tabidze predicated the tragic gate ofthe loyal followers of the truth. He unravelled unbiasedly the causes ofthe Russia poet Sergei Esenin’s suicide. With the unmistakable intuitionTitsian Tabidze prognosticated the disgraceful end of the tyrannicalrulers, the ephemeral nature of the primitive proletarian poetry, the everlastingnessof his lyric poetry and his prospective poetic glory.308

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