soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


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NANA KUTSIATHE NOVEL “TIME FOR SILENCE AND TIMEFOR TALK” BY GURAM BATIASHVILIGeorgia attained a new height of power under Queen Tamar, throughwhose efforts the country’s political and economic might was greatlyexpanded. Tamar’s period was actually a continuation of the great successachieved by Georgia in her political, economic and cultural developmentin the reign of David IV the Builder. The great efforts of the GeorgianRoyal Court – the correct home- and foreign policy and great victoriesfurther enlarged and strengthened Georgia. But there were “hard times”as well. As though oblivious of the fact that Tamar had been co--regnant of Giorgi III, the feudal aristocracy demanded that she should becrowned anew. The feudal aristocrats forced Queen to dismiss from theirposts persons of “low birth and useless.” Tamar’s marriage was discussedjointly by the participants of the Church Assembly and representatives ofthe feudal aristocracy.174

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