soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti

soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti soxumis saxelmwifo universiteti


omelsac iZleva ukve citirebul naSromSi warmodgeniliTeoria.rogorc vnaxeT, am Teoriis Tanaxmad, `daxasiaTeba”warmoadgens `mravaljeradi dakvirvebis SedegTa reziumirebas”.magram swored amgvar ganmartebas mTlianad ewinaagmdegebais faqti, rom eqspoziciis farglebSi gamoyenebulidaxasiaTeba SeuZlebelia iyos dakvirvebaTa (miTumetes`mravaljerad dakvirvebaTa”) Sedegi. rogorc zemoT iTqva,eqspoziciaSi gamoyenebuli enobrivi saSualebebiT mTxrobelimkiTxvels uqmnis siuJetis siRrmiseuli arsisa da gagebisanticipacias – anticipacia ki unda gavigoT imis sapirispiromovlenad, rasac SeiZleba ewodos `mravaljeraddakvirvebaTa Sedegebis reziumireba”.magaliTisTvis moviyvanoT daxasiaTba, romelsac eqspoziciisfarglebSi mTxrobeli aZlevs moTxrobis “BrennendesGeheimnis” (`mwveli saidumlo~) erT-erT personaJs –axalgazrda barons.Er war einer jener jungen Menschen, deren huebschem Gesichtviel geglueckt ist und in denen nun bestaendig alles fuer eineneue Begegnung, ein neues Erlebnis bereit ist, die immer gespanntsind, sich ins Unbekannte eines Abendteuers zu schnellen, dienichts ueberrascht, weil sie alles lauernd berechnet haben, dienichts Erotisches uebersehen, weil schon ihr erster Blick jederFrau in das Sinnliche greift, pruefend und ohne Unterschied, obes die Gattin ihres Freundes ist oder das Stubenmaedchen. vinccvaigis am moTxrobas icnobs, dagveTanxmeba, rom baronis esdaxasiaTeba mocemulia ara siuJetis im epizodebis Semdeg,romlebic mogvcemdnen garkveul dakvirvebaTa Sedegebis reziumirebissaSualebas, aramed piriqiT – igi warmoadgenssworad am epizodTa eqspoziciur anticipacias.aRniSnulidan gamomdinare SeiZleba davaskvnaT, romcvaigiseuli mxatvruli narativis eqspoziciis farglebSiadgili aqvs daxasiaTebis rogorc sametyvelo-kompoziciuriformis im funqciis inversias, romlzec laparakobs lingvistika.103

TEA JGARKAVANARRATIVE EXPOSITION ACCORDING TOSTEFAN ZWEIG: “THE SPECIFICATION” REPRESENTINGSPEECH-COMPOSITIONAL FORMS IN LINGUISTICS ANDCHARACTER EXPOSITION PRESENTED IN THE POETICSThe focus of the research paper is to observe “the specification” asthe speech-compositional form, its role and the significance of a characterin the general structure of poetics. According to the cited theories, theobject of the specification representing speech-compositional form canbe not only a person, but also an inanimate object or some other processesand states. To sum up, we assume that in Stefan Zweig’s literary expositionwe observe the functional inversion of the “specification” representingspeech-compositional forms, which is described by linguists.104

TEA JGARKAVANARRATIVE EXPOSITION ACCORDING TOSTEFAN ZWEIG: “THE SPECIFICATION” REPRESENTINGSPEECH-COMPOSITIONAL FORMS IN LINGUISTICS ANDCHARACTER EXPOSITION PRESENTED IN THE POETICSThe focus of the research paper is to observe “the specification” asthe speech-compositional form, its role and the significance of a characterin the general structure of poetics. According to the cited theories, theobject of the specification representing speech-compositional form canbe not only a person, but also an inanimate object or some other processesand states. To sum up, we assume that in Stefan Zweig’s literary expositionwe observe the functional inversion of the “specification” representingspeech-compositional forms, which is described by linguists.104

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