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F. Lopez (2000), «Better approaches to finding the needle in a haystack: optimizing proteomeM.through automation.»Electrophoresis, vol.21, p.1082.analysisKellner, F. Lottspeich and R. Meyer (1999) Microcharacterization ofProteins, 2 nd , Wiley VCR.R.3-527-30084-8.ISBNLottspeich (1999). «Proteome Analysis: A Pathway to the Functional Analysis of Proteins.» AngewandteF.Chemie International Edition, vol. 38, p. 2476.Hansson, C. Oostenbrink, W. van Gunsteren (2002), «Molecular dynamics simulations.»CurrentT.Opinion in Structural Biology, vol. 12, p. 190.N. Kinch and N. V.Grishin (2002). «Evolution of protein structures and functions.»CurrentL.in Structural Biology, vol. 12, p.400.OpinionNorin and M Sundstrom (2002). «Structural proteomics: developments in structure-to-functionM.Trends inBiotechnology, vol. 20, p. 79.predictions.»Saven (2002), «Combinatorial protein design.» Current Opinion in Structural Biology, vol.12,p.J.453.Reiss (2001). «Drug discovery of the future: the implications of the human genome project.»T.in Biotechnology, vol. 19, p. 496.TrendsRamanathan and D. Davison (2001),Pharmaceutical Bioiriformatics and Drug Discovery in Biotechnology.C.2 nd Edition, 123.Vol. 5b. C Sensen (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3527-28328-5.N. Kyranos, H. Cai, D Wei, W. K. Goetzinger (2001), «High-throughput high-performance liquidJ.chromatography/mass spectrometry for modern drug discovery.» Current Opinion inM. Lawn and L. A. Lasky (2000), «Phannaceutical biotechnology: The genomes are just the beginning.»R.Current Opinion in Structural Biology, vol. 11, p. 579.Gregersen (1995),Biomedicinal Product Development in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 213. Vol. 12,J.Brauer (ed.). VCRWiley, ISBN 3-527-28322-6D.Rice (2001), Bioinformatics: Tools for DNA Technologies in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 61.P.5b, C. Sensen (ed.). VCHWiley, ISBN 3-527-28328-5.Vol.Wishart (2001),Bioinformatics: Tools for Protein Technologies in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition,D.Vol. 5b, C. Sensen (ed.). VCH Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28328-5.325.Zdobnov, R. Lopez, R. Apweiler and T. Etzold (2001), Bioinformatics: Using the Molecular.E.Data in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 281. Vol. 5b, C. Sensen (ed.). VCHWiley, ISBNBiologyCygler, A. Matte and J. Schrag (2001),Bioinformatics: Structure Information in BiotechnologyM. nd Edition, 345. Vol. 5b, C. Sensen (ed.); VCR-Wiley, ISBN 3-52728328-5.2Poetzsch (1995), Databases in Biotechnology in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 323. Vol. 12, D.E.(ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28322-6.BrauerDrug screening?*hO}G?z

Kramer and G. Sprenger (1993) Metabolism in Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition,R.50. Vol. 1, H. Sahm (ed.). VCR Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-28337-4Christensen and J. Nielsen (2000), «Metabolic network analysis: A powerful tool in metabolicB.Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 66, p. 209.engineering.»Fotheringham (1999), Engineering Microbial Pathways for Amino Acid Production in Biotechnology,I.2 nd Edition, 313, Vol. 8a, D. Kelly (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-30104-6.N. Stephanopoulos, A. A. Aristidou, J, Nielsen (1998), Metabolic Engineering -Principles andG.Academic Press, ISBN 0-12-666260-6.Methodologies,Hansen and M. C. Kielland-Brandt (1996), «Modification of biochemical pathways in industrialJ.Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 49, p. 1.yeasts.»Sahm (1993). Metabolic Design in Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition, 189.H.1, H. Sahm (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-52728337-4.Vol.M. Loew, J. C. Schaff (2001), «The Virtual Cell: a software environment for computational cellL.Trends inBiotechnology, vol. 19, p. 401.biology.»L. Simpson, G. S. Sayler, J.T.Fleming, B. Applegate (2001), «Whole-cell biocomputing.»M.inBiotechnology, vol. 19, p. 317.TrendsDroge, A. PuÈ hler and W. Selbitschka (1998), «Horizontal gene transfer as a biosafety issue: aM.phenomenon of public concern.» Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 64, p. 75.naturalBrauer, M. Broker, C. Kellermann and E. Winnacker (1995),Biosafety in rDNA Research andD.in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 63. Vol. 12, D. Brauer (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-ProductionMedley and S. McCammon (1995). Strategic Regulations for Safe Development of TransgenicT.in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 197. Vol. 12, D. Brauer (ed.). VCH Wiley, ISBN 3-527-PlantsSimon and W Frommer (1993) Safety Aspects in Biotechnology in Biotechnology Second, CompletelyR.Revised Edition. 835. Vol. 2, A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-Hasskarl, R. Kretzschmar, K-J. Hahn and M. Zahn (1991) Pharmaceuticals, General SurveyH.Development in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry 5 th edition A19, 273.and^*}G--H;tAS:GMetabolismG. Michal (1999), Biochemkal Pathways, Spelctrum Akademischer Verlag. ISBN 386025-239-9.Metabolic engineering?+]*}G?SO"%yG~zfSystem biology~d"yG )9+F(y(+

F. Lopez (2000), «Better approaches to finding the needle in a haystack: optimizing proteomeM.through automation.»Electrophoresis, vol.21, p.1082.analysisKellner, F. Lottspeich and R. Meyer (1999) Microcharacterization ofProteins, 2 nd , Wiley VCR.R.3-527-30084-8.ISBNLottspeich (1999). «Proteome Analysis: A Pathway to the Functional Analysis of Proteins.» AngewandteF.Chemie International Edition, vol. 38, p. 2476.Hansson, C. Oostenbrink, W. van Gunsteren (2002), «Molecular dynamics simulations.»CurrentT.Opinion in Structural Biology, vol. 12, p. 190.N. Kinch and N. V.Grishin (2002). «Evolution of protein structures and functions.»CurrentL.in Structural Biology, vol. 12, p.400.OpinionNorin and M Sundstrom (2002). «Structural proteomics: developments in structure-to-functionM.Trends inBiotechnology, vol. 20, p. 79.predictions.»Saven (2002), «Combinatorial protein design.» Current Opinion in Structural Biology, vol.12,p.J.453.Reiss (2001). «Drug discovery of the future: the implications of the human genome project.»T.in Biotechnology, vol. 19, p. 496.TrendsRamanathan and D. Davison (2001),Pharmaceutical Bioiriformatics and Drug Discovery in Biotechnology.C.2 nd Edition, 123.Vol. 5b. C Sensen (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3527-28328-5.N. Kyranos, H. Cai, D Wei, W. K. Goetzinger (2001), «High-throughput high-performance liquidJ.chromatography/mass spectrometry for modern drug discovery.» Current Opinion inM. Lawn and L. A. Lasky (2000), «Phannaceutical biotechnology: The genomes are just the beginning.»R.Current Opinion in Structural Biology, vol. 11, p. 579.Gregersen (1995),Biomedicinal Product Development in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 213. Vol. 12,J.Brauer (ed.). VCRWiley, ISBN 3-527-28322-6D.Rice (2001), Bioinformatics: Tools for DNA Technologies in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 61.P.5b, C. Sensen (ed.). VCHWiley, ISBN 3-527-28328-5.Vol.Wishart (2001),Bioinformatics: Tools for Protein Technologies in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition,D.Vol. 5b, C. Sensen (ed.). VCH Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28328-5.325.Zdobnov, R. Lopez, R. Apweiler and T. Etzold (2001), Bioinformatics: Using the Molecular.E.Data in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 281. Vol. 5b, C. Sensen (ed.). VCHWiley, ISBNBiologyCygler, A. Matte and J. Schrag (2001),Bioinformatics: Structure Information in BiotechnologyM. nd Edition, 345. Vol. 5b, C. Sensen (ed.); VCR-Wiley, ISBN 3-52728328-5.2Poetzsch (1995), Databases in Biotechnology in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 323. Vol. 12, D.E.(ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28322-6.BrauerDrug screening?*hO}G?z

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