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GoÈ tz (1993) Structure and Function of DNA in Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition,F.191. Vol. 2, A PuÈ hler (ed.). VCR Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3527-28312-9Schmidt (1995), Genetic Engineering, Procedures in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of ChemicalF.4 th Edition 12, 440. Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-47152681-9.TechnologyNagarajan (1994), Genetic Engineering, Microbes in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of ChemicalV.4 th Edition 12,481, Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52681-9.TechnologyHolloway (1993) Genetic Exchange Processes for Prokaryotes in Biotechnology Second, CompletelyB.Revised Edition, 47. Vol. 2, A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH VerlagsgeseUschaft, ISBN 3-527-Stahl and K. Esser (1993) Genetic Exchange Processes in Lower Eukaryotes in BiotechnologyU.Completely Revised Edition, 73. Vol. 2, A PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,Second.L. Ong and A. Irvine (2002). «Quantitative realtime PCR: a critique of method and practicalY.vol.7, p.59.considerations.»Hematology,A. Erlich, D. Gelfand and J. J. Sninsky (1991), «Recent advances in the polymerase chain reaction.»H.Science, vol.252, p. 1643.Middendorf, P. Humphrery, N. Narayanan, S. Roemer (2001),Sequencing Technology in BiotechnologyL.2 nd Edition 193. Vol. 5b, C. Sensen (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28328-5.Volckaert, P. Verhasselt, M. Voet and J. Robben (1993),DNA Sequencing in Biotechnology Second,G.Completely Revised Edition, 257. Vol. 2. A PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,Schwab (1993). Principles of Genetic Engineering for Escherichia coli in Biotechnology Second,H.Revised Edition, 373, Vol. 2, A PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-CompletelyPriefer (1993), Principles of Genetic Engineering of Gram-negative Bacteria in BiotechnologyU.Completely Revised Edition, 427. Vol. 2, A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,Second.Sudbery (1993),Genetic Engineering of Yeast in Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition,P.507. Vol. 2. A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-28312-9.:?+CGQ(yG?SO"%yG?|9fJG(aBGGenetic engineering: general steps28312-9.ISBN 3-527-283129.RGQ}+y(=yG:\TzTAyG?t*QayG ?|9gyG{f9q@PCR: general methodyv G?zTzSDNADNA sequencingISBN 3-52728312-9.{t!DNA?+AG9*;BG]E>*QjyGyv GTransfer of foreign DNA in living cells (transformation)527-283129.Wohlleben, G. Muth and J. Kalinowski (1993) Genetic Engineering of Gram-Positive BacteriaW.Biotechnology Second. Completely Revised Edition, 455. vol. 2, A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Ver-inlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-28312-9.ISBN 3527-28312-9.427

Turner (1993), Genetic Engineering of Filamentous Fungi in Biotechnology Second, CompletelyG.Edition. 529, Vol. 2, A. PuÈ hler(ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,ISBN 3-527-28312-9.RevisedGorman and C. Bullock (2000), «Site-specific gene targeting for gene expression in eukaryotes.»C.Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 11, p. 455.CurrentBaneyx (1999), «Recombinant protein expression in Escherichia coli.» Current Opinion in Biotechnology,F.vol. 10, p.411.Mattes (1993), Principles of Gene Expression in Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition,R.233. Vol. 2, A PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3527-28312-9.Fatica and D. Tollelvey (2002), «Making ribosomes.»Current Opinion in Biotechnology, vol.14,A.313. p.A. Doudna and T. R. Cech (2002), «The chemical repertoire ofnatural ribozymes.»Nature,J.418, p. 222.vol.A. Sullenger and E. Gilboa (2002). «Emerging clinical applications of RNA.» Nature, vol.418,B.252. p.Hermann and D. J. Patel (2000). «Adaptive recognition by nucleic acid aptamers.» Science,T.p. 820.vol.287,Famulok, G. Mayer and M. Blind (2000), «Nucleic acid aptamers-from selection in vitro to applicationsM.in vivo.» Accounts of Chemical Research, vol. 33, p. 591Sterky and J. Lundeberg (2000). «Sequence analysis of genes and genomes.» Journal of Biotechnology,F.vol. 76, p. 1.PuÈ hler, D.Jording, J. Kalinowski, D. Buttgereit, R. Renkawitz-Pohl, L. Altschmied, A. Danchin,A.H. Feldmann, H. KJeink and M. Kroger (2001),Genome Projects of Model OrganismsTsui and S. Scherer (2001) The Human Genome Project in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 41.L.5b, C. Semen (ed.). VCR-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28328-5.Vol.,CGQ(yGQ+=gAyGGene expressionGene silencingJ9"+@GJ9wSCS. W. Ding (2000), «RNA silencing.» Current Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 11,p.152.RNARNAyvGG. F.Joyce (2002). «The antiquity of RNAbased evolution.» Nature, vol. 418, p. 214.G. J. Hannon (2002), «RNA interference.» Nature, vol. 418, p. 244.Gene libraries and gene mappingbFGQBGh?+"+@G ?+"+@GJ9=AwCGGeneomes of prokaryotes and eukaryotes979+t+tIh?+"+@G J9+yh} i("yGbFGQBGin Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 5. Vol. 5b,C Sensen (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28328-5.The human genomejQW=yGe("+@G428

GoÈ tz (1993) Structure and Function of DNA in Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition,F.191. Vol. 2, A PuÈ hler (ed.). VCR Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3527-28312-9Schmidt (1995), Genetic Engineering, Procedures in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of ChemicalF.4 th Edition 12, 440. Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-47152681-9.TechnologyNagarajan (1994), Genetic Engineering, Microbes in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of ChemicalV.4 th Edition 12,481, Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52681-9.TechnologyHolloway (1993) Genetic Exchange Processes for Prokaryotes in Biotechnology Second, CompletelyB.Revised Edition, 47. Vol. 2, A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH VerlagsgeseUschaft, ISBN 3-527-Stahl and K. Esser (1993) Genetic Exchange Processes in Lower Eukaryotes in BiotechnologyU.Completely Revised Edition, 73. Vol. 2, A PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,Second.L. Ong and A. Irvine (2002). «Quantitative realtime PCR: a critique of method and practicalY.vol.7, p.59.considerations.»Hematology,A. Erlich, D. Gelfand and J. J. Sninsky (1991), «Recent advances in the polymerase chain reaction.»H.Science, vol.252, p. 1643.Middendorf, P. Humphrery, N. Narayanan, S. Roemer (2001),Sequencing Technology in BiotechnologyL.2 nd Edition 193. Vol. 5b, C. Sensen (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28328-5.Volckaert, P. Verhasselt, M. Voet and J. Robben (1993),DNA Sequencing in Biotechnology Second,G.Completely Revised Edition, 257. Vol. 2. A PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,Schwab (1993). Principles of Genetic Engineering for Escherichia coli in Biotechnology Second,H.Revised Edition, 373, Vol. 2, A PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-CompletelyPriefer (1993), Principles of Genetic Engineering of Gram-negative Bacteria in BiotechnologyU.Completely Revised Edition, 427. Vol. 2, A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,Second.Sudbery (1993),Genetic Engineering of Yeast in Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition,P.507. Vol. 2. A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-28312-9.:?+CGQ(yG?SO"%yG?|9fJG(aBGGenetic engineering: general steps28312-9.ISBN 3-527-283129.RGQ}+y(=yG:\TzTAyG?t*QayG ?|9gyG{f9q@PCR: general methodyv G?zTzSDNADNA sequencingISBN 3-52728312-9.{t!DNA?+AG9*;BG]E>*QjyGyv GTransfer of foreign DNA in living cells (transformation)527-283129.Wohlleben, G. Muth and J. Kalinowski (1993) Genetic Engineering of Gram-Positive BacteriaW.Biotechnology Second. Completely Revised Edition, 455. vol. 2, A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Ver-inlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-28312-9.ISBN 3527-28312-9.427

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