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Bardouille (2001). Maintenance of Cell Cultures -with Special Emphasis on Eukaryotic Cells inC.2 nd Edition, 27. Vol. 10, H. Rehm(ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28320-X.BiotechnologyHesse and R. Wagner (2000), «Developments and improvements in the manufacturing of humanF.therapeutics with mammalian cell cultures.»Trends in Biotechnology, vol. 18, p.173.Hauser and R. Wagner (1997),Mammalian Cell Biotechnology in Protein Production. WalterdeH.3-11-013403-9.Gruyter,Wolfe (1993) Mediafor Cell Culture in Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition, 141.R.3, G. Stephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527.28313-7.Vol.Wirth and H. Hauser (1993) Genetic Engineering of Animal Cells in Biotechnology Second,M.Revised Edition, 663. Vol. 2, A Piihler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-CompletelyChu and D. K. Robinson (2001), «Industrial choices for protein production by large-scale cellL.Current Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 12, 180.culture.»S. Hu and J. G. Aunms (1997), «Large-scale mammalian cell culture.» Current Opinion in Biotechnology,W.vol. 8, p. 148.Sambanis and W. Hu (1993) Cell Culture Bioreactors in Biotechnology Second, Completely RevisedA.Edition, 105. Vol. 3, G. Stephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-Bliem, K. Konopitzky and H. Katinger (1991), «Industrial animal cell reactor systems: aspectsR.and evaluation.» Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 44, p. 1ofselectionBommarius (1993), Biotransformations and Enzyme Reactors in Biotechnology Second, CompletelyA.Revised Edition, 7. Vol. 3, G. Stephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-Furusaki and M. Seld (1992), «Use and engineering aspects ofimmobilized cells in biotechnology.»S.Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 46, p.161.?fGQR9*;LJ9+*ODyGCultivation of mammaliam cells527-28312-99*;LJ9+*ODyG?*(+AGJ;f9q|Mammalian cell's bioreactorsG. Kretzmer (2002), «Industrial processes with animal cells.»Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,vol. 159, p. 135.Kelley, T. Chiou, M. Rosellberg and D. Wang (1993) Industrial Animal Cell Culture in BiotechnologyB.Second, Completely Revised Edition, 23. Vol. 3, GStephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,ISBN 3-527-28313-7.Aunins and H. Henzler (1993).Oxygen Transfer in Cell Culture Bioreactors in Biotechnology Second,J.Completely Revised Edition, 219. Vol 3, G Stephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,ISBN 3-527-28313-7.28313-7.?+}*R!}G?*(zBGhEnzyme and cell reactorsJ;f9qCG527-283137.425

Rudolph, H. Lilie and E. Schwarz (1999) In vitro Folding of Inclusion Body Proteins on an IndustrialR.Scale in Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition, 111. Vol. 5a, U. Ney,Mukhopadhyay (1997), «Inclusion bodies and purification of proteins in biologically activeA.Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 56, p. 61.forms.»(1993). Overwiev of Downstream Processing in Biotechnology Second, Completely RevisedR.SpearsEdition, 39, Vol. 3, G Stephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-and J. Henry (1988) Separation in Biotechnology;Biochemical Separations in Ullmann'sJ.Shaeiwitzof Industrial Chemistry 5 th edition B3, 11. WileyVCH, ISBN 3-527-20133-5.EncyclopediaBurgessn and N. Thompson (2002), «Advances in gentle immunoaffinity chromatography.»R.Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 13, p. 304.CurrentImamoglu (2002), «Simulated moving bed chromatography (SMB) for application in bioseparation.»S.Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 76,p. 211.Svec (2002), «Capillary electrochromatography: a rapidly emerging separation method.» AdvancesF.in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 76, p. 1.A. Queiroz, C. T. Tomaz, J. M. Cabral (2001), «Hydrophobic interaction chromatography ofJ.Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 87, p. 143.proteins.»King (1999) Use ofAntibodies for Immunopurification in Biotechnology Second, Completely RevisedD.Edition, 275. Vol. 5a, U. Ney, D. Schomburg (ed.), VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-Ladisch (1998) Bioseparations in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopediaof Chemical Technology 4 th EditionM.Supplement, 89Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-47152696-7Labrou and Y. D. Clonis(1994), «The affinity technology in dowllstream processing.» JournalN.Biotechnology, vol. 36, p. 95.ofM. Boyer and J. T.Hsu (1993), «Protein purification by dye-ligand chromatography.» AdvancesP.Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 49, p. 1.inD. Diamond and J. T.Hsu (1992), «Aqueous two-phase systems for biomolecule separation.»A.in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 47, p.89.AdvancesJagschies (1988). Separation in Biotechnology: Process-Scale Chromatography in Ullmann's EncyclopediaG.of Industrial Chemistry 5 th edition B3, 10. WileyVCH, ISBN 3-527-20133-5.Rehmann (1996). Nucleic Adds in kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology 4 th EditionJ.17, 507. Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52686-XRecovery of bioproductsY9FQASGJ9GA"CG?*(+AGD.Schomburg (ed.)» VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-283153.28313-7.Recovery of bioproducts : chromatographyJ9GA"CG:?*(+AG9+pGQi(@9|hQwyGY9FQASG527-28315-3.DNA structure:DNA?+"=yGyv G426

Bardouille (2001). Maintenance of Cell Cultures -with Special Emphasis on Eukaryotic Cells inC.2 nd Edition, 27. Vol. 10, H. Rehm(ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28320-X.BiotechnologyHesse and R. Wagner (2000), «Developments and improvements in the manufacturing of humanF.therapeutics with mammalian cell cultures.»Trends in Biotechnology, vol. 18, p.173.Hauser and R. Wagner (1997),Mammalian Cell Biotechnology in Protein Production. WalterdeH.3-11-013403-9.Gruyter,Wolfe (1993) Mediafor Cell Culture in Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition, 141.R.3, G. Stephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527.28313-7.Vol.Wirth and H. Hauser (1993) Genetic Engineering of Animal Cells in Biotechnology Second,M.Revised Edition, 663. Vol. 2, A Piihler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-CompletelyChu and D. K. Robinson (2001), «Industrial choices for protein production by large-scale cellL.Current Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 12, 180.culture.»S. Hu and J. G. Aunms (1997), «Large-scale mammalian cell culture.» Current Opinion in Biotechnology,W.vol. 8, p. 148.Sambanis and W. Hu (1993) Cell Culture Bioreactors in Biotechnology Second, Completely RevisedA.Edition, 105. Vol. 3, G. Stephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-Bliem, K. Konopitzky and H. Katinger (1991), «Industrial animal cell reactor systems: aspectsR.and evaluation.» Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 44, p. 1ofselectionBommarius (1993), Biotransformations and Enzyme Reactors in Biotechnology Second, CompletelyA.Revised Edition, 7. Vol. 3, G. Stephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-Furusaki and M. Seld (1992), «Use and engineering aspects ofimmobilized cells in biotechnology.»S.Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 46, p.161.?fGQR9*;LJ9+*ODyGCultivation of mammaliam cells527-28312-99*;LJ9+*ODyG?*(+AGJ;f9q|Mammalian cell's bioreactorsG. Kretzmer (2002), «Industrial processes with animal cells.»Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,vol. 159, p. 135.Kelley, T. Chiou, M. Rosellberg and D. Wang (1993) Industrial Animal Cell Culture in BiotechnologyB.Second, Completely Revised Edition, 23. Vol. 3, GStephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,ISBN 3-527-28313-7.Aunins and H. Henzler (1993).Oxygen Transfer in Cell Culture Bioreactors in Biotechnology Second,J.Completely Revised Edition, 219. Vol 3, G Stephanopoulos (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,ISBN 3-527-28313-7.28313-7.?+}*R!}G?*(zBGhEnzyme and cell reactorsJ;f9qCG527-283137.425

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