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Wolf, V. Zakhartchenko and G. Brem (1998), «Nuclear transfer in mammals: recent developmentsE.and future perspectives.» Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 65, p. 99.H. Yue, P. Beeckmann, H Bartenschlagel, G. Moser and H. Geldermann (1999), Rapid ad preciseG.genotyping ofporcine microsatellites.» Electrophoresis, vol. 20, p. 3358.Lucy and R. Collier (1994) Genetic Engineering, Animals in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical.M.Technology 4 th Edition 12, 465 Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52681-9.Geldermann (1990) Application of Genome Analysis in Animal Breeding in Genome Analysis inH.Animals Vol. H Geldermann. F Ellendorf (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-DomesticTrounson (2001). «Nuclear transfer in Imman medicine and animal breeding.» Reproduction,A.and Development, vol. 13, p. 31.FertilityMetzger and R. Feil (1999), «Engineeling the mouse genome by site-specific recombination.»D.Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 10, p. 470.CurrentBrem (1993) Transgenic Animalin Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition, 745.G.2. A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3527-28312-9,Vol.Brasile, B. M. Stubenitsky, G. Kootstra (2002). «Solving the organ shortage: potential strategiesL.the likelihood of success.» ASAIO Journal, vol. 248, p. 211.andW.Larrick and D. W. Thomas (2001). Producing proteins in transgenic plants and animals.»J.Opinion in Biotechnology,vol. 12, p. 411.CurrentS. Rudolph (1999), «Biopharmaceutical production in transgenic livestock.» Trends in Biotechnology,N.vol. 17, p. 367.Huang, C. Pray and S. Rozelle (2002). «Enhancing the crops to feed the poor.» Nature, vol. 418,J.678. p.?+*QjyG?fGQRGene farming and xenotransplantationA. Dove (2000), «Milking the genome for profit.» Nature Biotechnology, vol.18, p. 1045.J9="yG{+Yz@h?+

P. Tengerdy and G. Szakacs (1998). «Perspectives in agrobiotechnology.» Journal of Biotechnology,R.vol. 66, p. 91.W. Grout (1999). «Meristem-tip culture for propagation and virus elimination.» Methods inB.Biology, vol. 111, p. 115.MolecularM. Kieran, P. F. MacLoughlin and D. M. Malone (1997), «Plant cell suspension cultures: someP.considerations.» Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 59, p. 39.engineeringPetersen and A. W. Alfermann (1993) Plant Cell Cultures in Biotechnology Second, CompletelyM.Edition, 577. Vol. 1, H. Sahm (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-28337-4.RevisedTanaka (1987). «Large-scale cultivation of plant cells at high density: a review.» Process Biochemistry,A.p.106T. Verrips, M. M. Warmoeskerken and J. A. Post (2001), General introduction to the importanceC.of genomics in food biotechnology and nutrition.» Current Opinion in Biotechnology,Parkin, S. Robinson, A. Sharpe, K. Rozwadowski, D. Hegedus, D. Lydiate (2001). Agri-FoodI.Genomics in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 145. Vol. 5b, C. Sensen (ed.). VCHWiley, ISBNandYQGR|?+JaTyGJ9="yG?GT!CPlant tissue surface culture9*;LYQGR|?tzgCGJ9="yGPlant cell suspension cultureS. Jennewein and R. Croteau (2001). «Taxol: biosynthesis, molecular genetics, and biotechnologicalapplications.» Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, vol. 57, p. 13.J. Berlin (1997).Secondary Products from Plant Cell Cultures in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 593.Vol. 7, Hv. Dohren, H. Kleinkauf (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-52728310-2.S. C Roberts and M. L. Shuler (1997). «Large-scale plant cell culture.» Current Opinion in Biotechnology,vol. 8, p. 154.uFGQayGIQ(JCGJ9@9="yGTransgenic plants: methods+CGQh :9 kA. Vanavichit, S. Tragoonrung and T. Toojinda (2001) Genomic Mapping and Positional Cloningwith Emphasis on Plant Science in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 165. Vol. 5b, C. Sensen (ed.).VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3527-28328-5.M. Hughes (1996).Plant Molecular Genetics.Longman. ISBN 0-582-24730-6.J. Edwards, G. Kishore and D. Stark (1994).Genetic Engineering,Plants in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopediaof Chemical Technology 4 th Edition 12, 491. Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52681-9.G. Kahl and K Weising (1993). Genetic Engineering of Plant Cells in Biotechnology Second, CompletelyRevised Edition, 547. Vol. 2, A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-28312-9?|h9tCGIQ(JCGJ9@9="yGTransgenic plants: resistance+CGQh :9 kvol. 12, p. 483.3-527-28328-5.420

Wolf, V. Zakhartchenko and G. Brem (1998), «Nuclear transfer in mammals: recent developmentsE.and future perspectives.» Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 65, p. 99.H. Yue, P. Beeckmann, H Bartenschlagel, G. Moser and H. Geldermann (1999), Rapid ad preciseG.genotyping ofporcine microsatellites.» Electrophoresis, vol. 20, p. 3358.Lucy and R. Collier (1994) Genetic Engineering, Animals in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical.M.Technology 4 th Edition 12, 465 Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52681-9.Geldermann (1990) Application of Genome Analysis in Animal Breeding in Genome Analysis inH.Animals Vol. H Geldermann. F Ellendorf (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-DomesticTrounson (2001). «Nuclear transfer in Imman medicine and animal breeding.» Reproduction,A.and Development, vol. 13, p. 31.FertilityMetzger and R. Feil (1999), «Engineeling the mouse genome by site-specific recombination.»D.Opinion in Biotechnology, vol. 10, p. 470.CurrentBrem (1993) Transgenic Animalin Biotechnology Second, Completely Revised Edition, 745.G.2. A. PuÈ hler (ed.). VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3527-28312-9,Vol.Brasile, B. M. Stubenitsky, G. Kootstra (2002). «Solving the organ shortage: potential strategiesL.the likelihood of success.» ASAIO Journal, vol. 248, p. 211.andW.Larrick and D. W. Thomas (2001). Producing proteins in transgenic plants and animals.»J.Opinion in Biotechnology,vol. 12, p. 411.CurrentS. Rudolph (1999), «Biopharmaceutical production in transgenic livestock.» Trends in Biotechnology,N.vol. 17, p. 367.Huang, C. Pray and S. Rozelle (2002). «Enhancing the crops to feed the poor.» Nature, vol. 418,J.678. p.?+*QjyG?fGQRGene farming and xenotransplantationA. Dove (2000), «Milking the genome for profit.» Nature Biotechnology, vol.18, p. 1045.J9="yG{+Yz@h?+

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