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Wetzel (1999) Medical Applications of Recombinant, Proteins in Humans and Animals in BiotechnologyG.Second, Completely Revised Edition, 125. Vol. 5a, U. Ney, D. Schomburg (ed.).Wong and J. Xing (1995) Immunotherapeutic Agents in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of ChemicalS.4 th Edition 14,64. Interscience-Wiley. ISBN 0-471: 52683-5TechnologyNagabhushan and P Trotta (1989). Inteiferons in Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial ChemistlyT.5 th edition A14, 365. Wiley-VCH, ISBN 3-527-20114-9.Friehs andK. F Reardon (1993). «Parameters influencing the productivity of recombinant E.K.cultivations.» Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology, vol. 48, p. 53.coliS. Lubiniecki and J. H. Lupker (1994). «Purified protein products of rDNA technology expressedA.in animal cell culture.» Biologicals, vol. 22, p. 161.Schiffmann and R. O. Brady (2002). «New prospects for the treatment of lysosomal storage diseases.»R.Drugs, vol. 62, p. 733.E. Kearney and C. E. Wallis (2000). «Deoxyribonuclease for cystic fibrosis Cochrane Database-C.Rev. CD001127.SystHsieh and M. Ritchey (1997). Vaccine Technology in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of ChemicalC.4 th Edition 24. 727. Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-47152693-2.TechnologyCryz, M. Granstrom, B. Gottstein, L Perrin, A. Cross, J. Larrick (1989). Immunothetpay andS.in Ulhnann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry 5 th edition A14, 49. WileyVaccinesX. Berthet, T. Coche and C. Vinals (2001), «Applied genome research in the field of human vaccines.»F.Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 85, p. 213.Olive, I. Toth and D. Jackson (2001). «Technological advances in antigen delivery and syntheticC.vaccine developmental strategies.» Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 1, p. 429peptideM. Walmsley and C. J.Arntzen (2000), «Plants for delivery of edible vaccines.» Current OpinionA.Biotechnology, vol. 11, p. 126.inRajewsky (1996). «Clonal selection and learning in the antibody system.» Nature, vol. 381,K.751. p.GInterferonsJ9!hQ+pQA!VCH Verlagsgesellschaft, ISBN 3-527-28315-3.GInterleukinsJ9"+v(yQA!iQLC?+F;fJ9"+@hQ

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