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S. Jackman, J. Stratford (2000).Halocompounds in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 173.G.Robinson,8b, D Kelly (ed.). VCR-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28324-2.Vol.M. Woodley (2000). Advances in epzyme technology-UK contributions.» Advances in BiochemicalJ.Engineering/Biotechnology: vol.70, p. 93.Holland (1999).Hydroxylation and Dihy- Pharmadroxylation in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 475.H.Sa, D Kelly (ed.). VCH Wiley, ISBN 3-527-30104-6.Vol.Hoople (1999).Cleavage and Formation ofAmide Bonds in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 243.D.Sa, D Kelly(ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-30104-6 Wiley, ISBN 3-527-30104-6.Vol.Foster, S. Frackman and J. Jolly (1995) Production of Enzymes as Fine Chemicals in BiotechnologyK.2 nd Edition, 73. Vol. 9, G Reed, T Nagodawithana (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-Scopes (1994) Protein Purification PrindpIes and Practice, 3 rd Edition ed., Springer-Verlag,R.0-387-94072-3.ISBNPerham, M. Grassl, G. Michal, B. Rexer, A. Scheltinga, C. GoÈ lker, S. Fukui, A. Tanaka, H.R.W. Goldstein, H. Hagen, S. Pedersen, B. Poldermans, E. Reimerdes, W. Leuchtenber-Uhlig,U. PloÈ cker, H. Waldmann, G. Whitesides, G-B Kresse, K. Wulff, G. Henninger, L.ger,,WGuÈ nzler, C. Kessler, K. Aunstrup (1987) Enzymes in Ullmann's Encyclopedia ofFlohteÂJaeger and T. Eggert (2002), «Lipases for biotechnology.» Current Opinion in Biotechnology:K.13, p. 390.vol.Fetzner (2002) «Oxygenases without requirement for cofactors or metalions.» Applied MicrobiologyS.and Biotechnology: vol. 60, p. 243.Panke, M. G. Wubbolts (2002), «Enzymetechnology and bioprocess engineering.» Current OpinionS.in Biotechnology: vol. 113, p.111.Schmid, J. S. Dordick, B. Hauer [et al.] (2001).»Industrial biocatalysis todayand tomorrow.»A.vol.409, p. 258.Nature:McGregor-Jones (2000). Synthetic Applications of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions in Biotechnology.J.2 nd Edition, 351. Vol. 8b, D. Kelly (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-52728324-2.T.Bornscheuer and R. J. Kazlauskas (1999). Hydroases in Organic Synthesis, Wiley-VCH,U.3-527-30104-6.ISBNBunch (1999) Nitriles in Biotechnology. 2 nd Edition, 277. Vol. 8a, D. Kelly (ed.). VCH-Wiley,A.3-527-30104-6.ISBNKazlauskas, U. Bornscheuer (1999) Biotransformations with Lipases in Biotechnology. 2 nd Edition,R.37. Vol. Sao, D.Kelly (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-30104-6Witiak and A. Hopper (1996) Chiral Pharmaceuticals in Kirk-Otthmer Encyclopedia of ChemicalD.Technology 4 th Edition 511. Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52687-8Zaks (1994) Enzymes in Organic Synthesisin Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical TechnologyA.4 th Edition 9, 672 Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52677-028319-6Industrial Chemistry 5 th edition A9, 341.Wiley-VCH, ISBN 3-527-20109-2,}*R!}GR+qJAyGEnzyme catalysis407

Usmani (1995). Medical Diagnostic ReagentsinKirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical TechnologyA.4 th Edition 168S. Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-47152685-1Kresse (1995).Analytical Use ofEnzymes inBiotechnology 2 nd Edition, 137. Vol. 9, G. Reed, T.G.(ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28319-6.NagodawithanaKopetzld, K. Lehnert, P. Buckel (1994). «Enzymes in diagnostics: achievementsand possibilitiesE.recombinant DNAS technology.» Clinical Chemistry: vol. 40, p. 688.ofUhlig(1998).Industrial Enzymes and their Applications. John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0-471-H.19660-6.J9}*R!}G?+z+zJAyGAnalytical enzymes?+}*R!:GJGQ9=AL:GEnzymes testsP. Gherson, H. Lanza, M.Elavin, D. Vlastelica (1992). Automated Instrumenation, Clincal Chemistryin Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology 4 th Edition 3, 751. Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0S471-52671-1.J9p9\{vJ9}*R!}GEnzymes as additivesO. Kirk, T. V. Borchert, C. C. Fuglsang (2002). «Industrial enzyme applications.» Current Opinionin Biotechnology: vol. 13, p. 345.W. Aehle and O.Misset (1999) Enzymes for Industrial Applications in Biotechnology Second, CompletelyRevised Edition189. Vol. 5a, U. Ney, D. Schomburg(ed.), VCH Verlagsgesellschaft,ISBN 3-527-28315-3.H. Olsen (1995).Use of Enzymes in Food Processing in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition,663. vol. 9, G.Reed, T. Nagodawithana (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28319-6.P. Nielsen, H. Malmos, T. Damhus, B. Diderichsen, H. Nielsen, M. Simonsen, H. Schiff, A. Oestergaard,H. Olsen, P. Eigtved, T. Nielsen, J. Xing (1994) Industrial Enzyme Applications inKirk-OthmerEncyclopedia of Chemical Technology 4 th Edition 9, 567. Interscience-Wiley,ISBN 0-471-52677-0.J9qd"CGJ9}*R!CDetergent enzymesR. Gupta, Q. K. Beg, P. Lorenz (2002) «Bacterial alkaline proteases: molecular approaches and industrialapplications.» Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology: vol. 59, 15 0-8247-9995-X.J. Hv Ee, O.Misset, E. J. Baas (1997).Enzymes in Detergency in Surfactant Science Series Vol. 69,M. J. Schick, F. M. Fowkes (ed.). Marcel Dekker, Inc., ISBN 0-8247 9995-X.J. Lynn (1993). Detergency in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology 4 th Edition 7,1072. Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52675-4.G. Jakobi, A. LoÈ hr, M. Schwuger, D.Jung, W. Fischer, P. Gerike, K KuÈ nstler (1987) Detergents inUllmann's Encyclopedia ofIndustrial Chemistry 5 th edition A8,315. Wiley-VCH, ISBN 3-527-20108-4.408

S. Jackman, J. Stratford (2000).Halocompounds in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 173.G.Robinson,8b, D Kelly (ed.). VCR-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-28324-2.Vol.M. Woodley (2000). Advances in epzyme technology-UK contributions.» Advances in BiochemicalJ.Engineering/Biotechnology: vol.70, p. 93.Holland (1999).Hydroxylation and Dihy- Pharmadroxylation in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 475.H.Sa, D Kelly (ed.). VCH Wiley, ISBN 3-527-30104-6.Vol.Hoople (1999).Cleavage and Formation ofAmide Bonds in Biotechnology 2 nd Edition, 243.D.Sa, D Kelly(ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-30104-6 Wiley, ISBN 3-527-30104-6.Vol.Foster, S. Frackman and J. Jolly (1995) Production of Enzymes as Fine Chemicals in BiotechnologyK.2 nd Edition, 73. Vol. 9, G Reed, T Nagodawithana (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-Scopes (1994) Protein Purification PrindpIes and Practice, 3 rd Edition ed., Springer-Verlag,R.0-387-94072-3.ISBNPerham, M. Grassl, G. Michal, B. Rexer, A. Scheltinga, C. GoÈ lker, S. Fukui, A. Tanaka, H.R.W. Goldstein, H. Hagen, S. Pedersen, B. Poldermans, E. Reimerdes, W. Leuchtenber-Uhlig,U. PloÈ cker, H. Waldmann, G. Whitesides, G-B Kresse, K. Wulff, G. Henninger, L.ger,,WGuÈ nzler, C. Kessler, K. Aunstrup (1987) Enzymes in Ullmann's Encyclopedia ofFlohteÂJaeger and T. Eggert (2002), «Lipases for biotechnology.» Current Opinion in Biotechnology:K.13, p. 390.vol.Fetzner (2002) «Oxygenases without requirement for cofactors or metalions.» Applied MicrobiologyS.and Biotechnology: vol. 60, p. 243.Panke, M. G. Wubbolts (2002), «Enzymetechnology and bioprocess engineering.» Current OpinionS.in Biotechnology: vol. 113, p.111.Schmid, J. S. Dordick, B. Hauer [et al.] (2001).»Industrial biocatalysis todayand tomorrow.»A.vol.409, p. 258.Nature:McGregor-Jones (2000). Synthetic Applications of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions in Biotechnology.J.2 nd Edition, 351. Vol. 8b, D. Kelly (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-52728324-2.T.Bornscheuer and R. J. Kazlauskas (1999). Hydroases in Organic Synthesis, Wiley-VCH,U.3-527-30104-6.ISBNBunch (1999) Nitriles in Biotechnology. 2 nd Edition, 277. Vol. 8a, D. Kelly (ed.). VCH-Wiley,A.3-527-30104-6.ISBNKazlauskas, U. Bornscheuer (1999) Biotransformations with Lipases in Biotechnology. 2 nd Edition,R.37. Vol. Sao, D.Kelly (ed.). VCH-Wiley, ISBN 3-527-30104-6Witiak and A. Hopper (1996) Chiral Pharmaceuticals in Kirk-Otthmer Encyclopedia of ChemicalD.Technology 4 th Edition 511. Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52687-8Zaks (1994) Enzymes in Organic Synthesisin Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical TechnologyA.4 th Edition 9, 672 Interscience-Wiley, ISBN 0-471-52677-028319-6Industrial Chemistry 5 th edition A9, 341.Wiley-VCH, ISBN 3-527-20109-2,}*R!}GR+qJAyGEnzyme catalysis407

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