My contribution to the fungal knowledge of India VB Hosagoudar ...

My contribution to the fungal knowledge of India VB Hosagoudar ...

My contribution to the fungal knowledge of India VB Hosagoudar ...


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<strong>My</strong> <strong>contribution</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>fungal</strong> <strong>knowledge</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>India</strong><strong>Hosagoudar</strong>Ref.No.Fungus namePart <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> hostaffectedName <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> host/substratum5033. Meliola ravii Hosag. et al. Leaves Ixora elongata Heyne ex G. Don. Kerala5034. Meliola tawaoensis Hansf. Leaves Ixora arborea Roxb. ex Smith Kerala5035. Meliola twaitesiana Hansf. Leaves Ixora coccinea L. Kerala5036. Meliola weberae Kapoor LeavesTarenna asiatica (L.) Sant. & Merch. (Chomeliaasiatica O. Kze.)5037. Meliola weberae Kapoor Leaves Webera corymbosa Willd. Kerala5038. Meliola wendlandiae Hosag. Leaves Wendlandia no<strong>to</strong>niana Wall. Kerala5039. Meliola wendlandiae Hosag. Leaves Wendlandia <strong>to</strong>men<strong>to</strong>sa Kerala5040. Amazonia acronychiae Hosag. Leaves Acronychia pedunculata (L.) Miq. Kerala5041. Amazonia melicopecola Hosag. & Abraham Leaves Melicope lunuankenda (Gaertn.) T.G. Hartley Kerala5042. Asteridiella acronychiae-pedunculatae Hosag. Leaves Acronychia pedunculata (L.) Miq. Kerala5043.Asteridiella glycosmidis Hosag., C.K. Biju &AbrahamLocalityKeralaLeaves Glycosmis pentaphylla (Retz.) DC. Kerala5044. Irenopsis murrayae Hosag. & Rajkumar Leaves Murraya koenigii (L.) Spreng. Kerala5045. Meliola atalantiae Hosag. Leaves Atalantia wightii Tanaka Kerala5046. Meliola butleri Syd. Leaves Citrus aurantifolia(Christm.) Swingle Kerala5047. Meliola butleri Syd. Leaves Citrus sp. Kerala5048.5049.5050.Meliola cadigensis Yates var. <strong>to</strong>ddaliae Hosag.et al.Meliola cadigensis Yates var. glycosmidis(Kapoor) Hosag.Meliola cadigensis Yates var. glycosmidis(Kapoor) Hosag.Leaves Toddalia sp. KeralaLeavesGlycosmis mauritiana (Lam.) Tanaka (G.pentaphylla Correa)KeralaLeaves Glycosmis macrocarpa Wight Kerala5051. Meliola cannonicola Hosag. & C.K. Biju Leaves Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. Kerala5052. Meliola citricola Syd. & Syd. Leaves Citrus aurantium L. Kerala5053. Meliola clausenae Hosag. Leaves Clausena indica (Dalz.) Oliver Kerala5054. Meliola clausenae Hosag. Leaves Clausena dentate (Willd.) M. Roem. Kerala5055.Meliola devikulamensis Hosag., H. Biju &Manoj.5056. Meliola luvungae Hosag. LeavesLeaves Toddalia sp. KeralaLuvunga sermen<strong>to</strong>sa (Blume) Kurz (L.elu<strong>the</strong>randra Dalz.)5057. Meliola luvungae Hosag. Leaves Evodia luna-ankenda (Gaertn.) Merr. Kerala5058. Meliola macropoda Syd. Leaves Vepris bilocularis (Wight & Arn.) Engl. Kerala5059. Meliola paramignyae Hosag. Leaves Paramignya armata (Thw.) Oliver Kerala5060. Meliola paramignyae Hosag. Leaves Paramignya monophylla Kerala5061. Meliola rickiana Hansf. var. zanthoxyli Hosag. Leaves Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight Kerala5062. Meliola rickiana Hansf. var. zanthoxyli Hosag. Leaves Zanthoxylum ovata Wight Kerala5063.Meliola tecleae Hansf. var. <strong>to</strong>ddaliae-asiaticaeHansf.KeralaLeaves Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. Kerala5064. Meliola tenella Pat. Leaves Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack (M. exotica L.) Kerala5065. Meliola tenella Pat. var. atalantiae (Pat.) Hansf. Leaves Atalantia monophylla (L.) Correa Kerala5066. Meliola tenella Pat. var. atalantiicola Hosag. Leaves Atalantia monophylla (L.) Correa Kerala5067. Meliola <strong>to</strong>ddaliae Doidge Leaves Pamburus missionis (Wight) Swingle Kerala5068.Meliola <strong>to</strong>ddaliicola Hansf. var. indica Hansf.& Thirum.Leaves Toddalia asiatica (L.) Lam. (T. aculeata Pers.). Kerala5069. Meliola vepridis Hosag. et al. Leaves Vepris bilocularis (Wight & Arn.) Engl. Kerala5070. Meliola zanthoxyli Hansf. Leaves Zanthoxylumovalifolium Wight Kerala5071. Meliola zanthoxyli Hansf. Leaves Zanthoxylum tetraspermum Wight & Arn. Kerala5072. Meliola zanthoxyli-ovalifolii Hosag. Leaves Zanthoxylum ovalifolium Wight Kerala5073. Asteridiella meliosmae Kar & Maity Leaves Meliosma simplicifolia (Roxb.) Walp. Kerala4272Journal <strong>of</strong> Threatened Taxa | www.threatenedtaxa.org | 18 May 2013 | 5(8): 4129–4348

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