Scarica il catalogo in pdf - Sandro Mentasti srl

Scarica il catalogo in pdf - Sandro Mentasti srl Scarica il catalogo in pdf - Sandro Mentasti srl


Varese, 27 gennaio 1947 – ha <strong>in</strong>izio l’avventura.Nasce la SANDRO MENTASTI INDUSTRIA GOMMA fondata dal Sig. <strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong> che reduce dallaseconda guerra mondiale <strong>in</strong>izia a produrre, nella cant<strong>in</strong>a di casa, camere d'aria per auto e moto, articoli moltorichiesti nell'Italia del dopoguerra che vede aumentare di giorno <strong>in</strong> giorno <strong>il</strong> fenomeno della motorizzazione.L’<strong>in</strong>iziale attività artigianale si evolve ed <strong>in</strong> breve tempo diventa <strong>in</strong>dustriale trasferendosi <strong>in</strong> una nuova sedeed operando con moderni impianti di produzione.Oggi la SANDRO MENTASTI Srl è una realtà che esporta <strong>in</strong> tutti i cont<strong>in</strong>enti nei più svariati settori <strong>in</strong>dustrialipriv<strong>il</strong>egiando <strong>il</strong> mercato motociclistico offrendo migliaia di articoli che si concretizzano negli oltre 6.000stampi esistenti <strong>in</strong> Fabbrica.Il carattere fam<strong>il</strong>iare del management, giunto alla terza generazione, permette di curare al massimo l’altaqualità dei prodotti, da sempre pr<strong>in</strong>cipio ispiratore dell’azienda che con <strong>il</strong> costante e cont<strong>in</strong>uo aggiornamentotecnologico unito all'elevato grado delle capacità professionali dei Collaboratori, vero patrimonioaziendale, progetta e produce con la consapevolezza degli oltre sessant’anni di lavoro ed esperienza.L’attenzione parrticolare posta alla salvaguardia dell’ambiente, pensando alle generazioni future, si esprimenell’applicazione del Programma di Protezione Ambientale della <strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong> Srl.Questo <strong>catalogo</strong> accessori 2012 presenta i prodotti di punta, commercializzati con i marchi Ariete, Harri’s,ARI, dedicati al Motociclista mentre altre l<strong>in</strong>ee di ricambi moto OEM sono disponib<strong>il</strong>i <strong>in</strong> specifici cataloghi.La Direzione Vendite Ariete è a disposizione per fornire tutte le <strong>in</strong>formazione di carattere tecnico e commercialeche dovessero necessitare.Varese, 27th January 1947 – the story beg<strong>in</strong>sSANDRO MENTASTI INDUSTRIA GOMMA was founded by Mr. <strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong>, who began manufactur<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>ner tubes for cars and motorcycles <strong>in</strong> the basement of his house after the end of WWII. In the periodfollow<strong>in</strong>g the war, there was a rapid <strong>in</strong>crease <strong>in</strong> the number of motor vehicles on the roads and a correspond<strong>in</strong>ghuge demand for <strong>in</strong>ner tubes.This <strong>in</strong>itial production rapidly developed <strong>in</strong>to an <strong>in</strong>dustrial activity and was quickly relocated to a new site.Here, the product was developed us<strong>in</strong>g modern manufactur<strong>in</strong>g mach<strong>in</strong>ery and plant.These days, SANDRO MENTASTI Srl exports worldwide to a broad variety of <strong>in</strong>dustrial sectors, but specialises<strong>in</strong> the motorcycle market.We offer thousands of articles produced from over 6,000 moulds collected at thefactory over the years.<strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong> <strong>srl</strong> rema<strong>in</strong>s a fam<strong>il</strong>y bus<strong>in</strong>ess, now third generation.This ensures the products are of thehighest quality, a characteristic which has always been at the forefront of the Company’s ethics. Us<strong>in</strong>g theCompany’s greatest asset, their personnel, <strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong> <strong>srl</strong> has cont<strong>in</strong>ued to develop the design andmanufacture of its products, us<strong>in</strong>g the latest technology and the experience of sixty years to help guide them.Our wish to preserve the environment for future generations is expressed by the implementation of ourEnvironmental Safeguard Programme.This Accessories Catalogue 2012 showcases our lead<strong>in</strong>g products, which are sold under the Ariete, Harri's andARI brands and aimed at motorcyclists. Other OEM spare parts for motorcycles are displayed <strong>in</strong> specific andta<strong>il</strong>ored catalogues.The Ariete Sales Management/Department is at your complete disposal for any technical and/or commercial<strong>in</strong>formation you may need.ATTENZIONE:I prodotti Ariete,Ari ed Harri’s non prevengono danni <strong>in</strong> caso di impatto.Se non siete sicuri di qualche istruzione di montaggio, contattate <strong>in</strong>fo@ariete.comLa <strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong> Srl non è responsab<strong>il</strong>e per danni occorsi durante l’uso di questi prodotti.RESPONSABILITÀ LEGALEL’ut<strong>il</strong>izzo dei codici orig<strong>in</strong>ali dei produttori è solo a scopo di riferimento.I prodotti Ariete, Ari ed Harri’s non sono gli stessi venduti dal produttore.Tutti gli sforzi sono stati fatti per assicurare la precisione e la fac<strong>il</strong>e comprensione dell’<strong>in</strong>formazione esposta <strong>in</strong> questo <strong>catalogo</strong>. In ogni caso la <strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong> Srl nonpuò essere ritenuta responsab<strong>il</strong>e se i suoi prodotti vengono usati <strong>in</strong> condizioni speciali o eccezionali senza aver prima chiesto <strong>il</strong> parere ad un rappresentante Ariete.La <strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong> <strong>srl</strong> non è ufficialmente co<strong>in</strong>volta con PIAGGIO ® , HONDA ® ,YAMAHA ® , SUZUKI ® , KAWASAKI ® , KTM ® , BMW ® .Tutti i prodotti identificativi di modelli di moto sono da considerarsi unicamente come riferimento per l’uso degli accessori.WARNING:“Ariete, Ari, Harri’s products w<strong>il</strong>l not prevent <strong>in</strong>jury <strong>in</strong> the event of a crash.If you are unsure of any <strong>in</strong>stallation procedure, please contact <strong>in</strong><strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong> <strong>srl</strong> w<strong>il</strong>l not be responsible for <strong>in</strong>juries occurred <strong>in</strong> us<strong>in</strong>g these products”.LEGAL DISCLAIMERThe use of the orig<strong>in</strong>al manufacturers’ part numbers is for reference purposes only.The Ariete,Ari, Harri’s parts offered are not orig<strong>in</strong>al manufacturers’ parts.Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the <strong>in</strong>formation given <strong>in</strong> this brochure. However, <strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong> <strong>srl</strong> cannot be heldresponsible if its products are used <strong>in</strong> special or exceptional circumstances without prior consultation with and clearance from an Ariete representative.<strong>Sandro</strong> <strong>Mentasti</strong> <strong>srl</strong> has noth<strong>in</strong>g to do with PIAGGIO ® , HONDA ® ,YAMAHA ® , SUZUKI ® , KAWASAKI ® , KTM ® , BMW ® , trademarks.All the products with trademarks or motorcycle identification names are to be considered exclusively as references for the use of our accessories.

OFF ROADAriete Optics Technology Rid<strong>in</strong>g Crows 4Rid<strong>in</strong>g Crows 6Rid<strong>in</strong>g Crows Top 8Rid<strong>in</strong>g Crows Enduro 10Rid<strong>in</strong>g Crows Roll-Off Big 11Rid<strong>in</strong>g Crows Rally 12Roll-Off Big 13Spare Parts Rid<strong>in</strong>g Crows 14Ariete Optics Technology 07 16ARIA Collection 18TERRA Collection 19FUOCO Collection 20GLAMOUR Collection 21OKI DOKI Collection 22PALLADIUM Collection 24SAND - SNOWMOBILE Collection 25Lenti Occhiali / Goggle Lenses 27Tear Off 28Roll-Off 29Accessories 30Ariete Free Time 31Manopole/Grips Off Road Tr<strong>in</strong>ity 32Manopole/Grips Off Road Duality + Unity 33Manopole/Grips Off Road Extreme 34Manopole/Grips Off Road MX - Trial 36ATV-Quad 40Accessori Off Road / Off Road Accessories 41Soffietti Forcella / Fork Gaiters 43ROADManopole/Grips Alu-Rub 46Alu-Rub B<strong>il</strong>ancieri - Bar Weights 47Manopole/Grips - Extreme - Estor<strong>il</strong> 48Manopole/Grips Road Standard Ariete 49Manopole/Grips Road Harri’s Evo 51Manopole/Grips Road Harri’s 52Parazip serbatoio / Tank Protectors 56Valvole <strong>in</strong> allum<strong>in</strong>io per tubeless / Alum<strong>in</strong>ium Valves 58Honda 60Kawasaki 61Suzuki 62Yamaha 63Bmw - Piaggio 64Manopole/Grips Scooter 65Technical PartsTubo benz<strong>in</strong>a / Fuel Pipes 68Paraolio forcella e relativi accessori / ARI 70C<strong>in</strong>ghie di trasmissione / Drive Belts 73

PROTEZIONE OCCHIALE ARIETE:L'occhiale Ariete è certificato secondo le norme europee EN 1938:2010.- superano i test di impatto "High Mass" e "High velocity" secondo la norma americana ANSI Z87.1-2003;PROTEZIONE LENTI ARIETE:Le lenti Ariete sono certificate secondo la norma europea EN 1938:2010;- sono provviste di trattamento Anti-fog che è opzionale secondo la norma europea EN 1938:2010;- rispondono alle caratteristiche prescritte dalla norma americana VESC-8.Significa che la lente dell'occhiale ARIETE resiste all'impatto di una sfera d'acciaio di 6 mm di diametro lanciata a 216 km/h.ARIETE GOGGLE PROTECTION:Ariete goggles are certified accord<strong>in</strong>g to European standards EN 1938:2010.- they pass the "High Mass" and "High velocity" impact tests provided for by American ANSI standard Z87.1-2003;ARIETE LENS PROTECTION:Ariete lenses are certified accord<strong>in</strong>g to European standard EN 1938:2010;- they are provided with Anti-fog treatment, which is optional under European standard EN 1938:2010;- they meet the requirements of American standard VESC-8.Lexan® è un marchio registrato di Sabic Company.Lexan® is the registered trade mark of Sabic Company4

Sistema di vent<strong>il</strong>azione AVS. Il Sistema di Vent<strong>il</strong>azione Ariete,ut<strong>il</strong>izzando specifiche aree per l'<strong>in</strong>gresso e la fuoriuscita dell'aria,<strong>in</strong>terviene direttamente sulla temperatura all'<strong>in</strong>terno dell'occhiale esfruttando <strong>il</strong> prof<strong>il</strong>o frontale superiore del frame, opportunamenteribassato, fac<strong>il</strong>ita l'afflusso di aria alle prese di vent<strong>il</strong>azione del casco.AVS Vent<strong>il</strong>ation system. The Ariete Vent<strong>il</strong>ation System usescarefully chosen areas for the <strong>in</strong>take and exhaust of cool<strong>in</strong>g air.Airflow from the goggles, whose upper front prof<strong>il</strong>e is speciallylowered to aid this process, enters the collect<strong>in</strong>g vents at the front ofthe helmet, flows across the rider's head, and leaves the back of thehelmet <strong>in</strong> a cont<strong>in</strong>uous process.A.V.S. Ariete Vent<strong>il</strong>ation SystemO.T.G. Over The Glasses5

13950-NN13950-RN13950-AN13950-ABCaratteristiche RIDING CROWS collection: ITelaio:compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori degli occhiali Terra, Glamour, OkiDoki*materiale poliuretano flessib<strong>il</strong>e anche a basse temperaturecolori anti UVchele x elastico fissate radialmente alla montatura x fitt<strong>in</strong>g ottimaleimpiego anche con occhiali correttivi (OTG)**logo <strong>in</strong> metallo smaltatoRIDING CROWS collection, ma<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame:compatible with Terra, Glamour and Oki Doki accessories and spares*tough PUR frame for low-temperature flexib<strong>il</strong>ityanti - UV lacquerQD claws for head-band attachmentOver the glasses model (OTG) **logo <strong>in</strong> lacquered metalLente:chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan® (cod.12961-PCCH)stesso modello lente degli occhiali Terra, Glamour, OkiDokitrattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffiocompleta di clips per <strong>in</strong>stallazione roll-off e tear-offprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CLens:clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan® (cod.12961-PCCH)same lens as Terra, Glamour, OkiDoki gogglesanti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentprovided with p<strong>in</strong>s to suit roll-off or tear-off useUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionSpugna:spugna termoformata <strong>in</strong> 3D per dare un comfort eccezionaleguarnizione a 2 strati composta da:--1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte--1 strato di p<strong>il</strong>e anallergico nero a contatto con la pelleFoam:3D thermo-formed sponge l<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g for unmatched comfort and feeltwo-layer face foam specification:--1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells--1 layer of black hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Elastico:con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivoloperno per rimozione elastico per lavaggioStrap:elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beadQD p<strong>in</strong> allows headband to be removed and cleanedNote:*no paranaso, no half mask**verificare la compatib<strong>il</strong>ità con la propria montatura degli occhiali correttiviNote:* no nose guard, no half-mask** check goggles are compatible with prescription glasses6

13950-BB13950-BN13950-ARNColección RIDING CROWS, características: EEstructura:compatible con todos los accesorios/recambios gafas Ariete Terra, Glamour, OkiDoki*proyecto en poliuretano elástico y fuerte, flexible a bajas temperaturascolores anti UVgarras para la tracción del elásticouso con gafas correctivas (OTG)**logo en metal esmaltadoLente:clara en Lexan® (cod.12961-PCCH)misma lente de las gafas Ariete Terra, Glamour, OkiDokitratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayadoclips para <strong>in</strong>stalación roll-off y tearoff (tirables)protección 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma:espuma 3D para una perfecta ergonomía y adaptación a la caraGuarnición en esponja con 2 estratos compuesta de:-- 1 estrato de esponja técnica super suave de células abiertas-- 1 estrato de "p<strong>il</strong>e" anti-alérgico de color negro en contacto con la pielElástico:1 línea de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizanteenganches para soltar el elástico para la limpiezaNotas:* no cubrenariz, no half-mask** controlar si las gafas encajan las lentes de prescripciónConfezione - Pack7

13950-TUSACaratteristiche RIDING CROWS TOP collection ITelaio:compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori degli occhiali Terra, Glamour, OkiDoki*materiale poliuretano flessib<strong>il</strong>e anche a basse temperaturemontatura verniciata, colori anti UVchele x elastico fissate radialmente alla montatura x fitt<strong>in</strong>g ottimaleimpiego anche con occhiali correttivi (OTG)**logo <strong>in</strong> metallo smaltato13950-TITLente:chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan® (cod.12961-PCCH)stesso modello lente degli occhiali Terra, Glamour, OkiDokitrattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffiocompleta di clips per <strong>in</strong>stallazione roll-off e tear-offprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna:spugna termoformata <strong>in</strong> 3D per dare un comfort eccezionaleguarnizione a 3 strati composta da:--1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte--1 strato di spugna a media densità--1 strato di p<strong>il</strong>e anallergico a contatto con la pelleElastico:con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivoloperno per rimozione elastico per lavaggio13950-TNBSacchetto:<strong>in</strong> microfibra per la custodia della mascheratasca <strong>in</strong>terna per una lente di ricambioNote:*no paranaso, no half mask**verificare la compatib<strong>il</strong>ità con la propria montatura degli occhiali correttivi8

13950-TRN13950-TBB13950-TVNColección RIDING CROWS TOP, características: EEstructura:compatible con todos los accesorios/recambios gafas Ariete Terra, Glamour, OkiDoki*proyecto en poliuretano elástico y fuerte, flexible a bajas temperaturascolores anti UVgarras para la tracción del elásticouso con gafas correctivas (OTG)**logo en metal esmaltadoLente:clara en Lexan®misma lente de las gafas Ariete Terra, Glamour, OkiDokitratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayadoclips para <strong>in</strong>stalación roll-off y tearoff (tirables)protección 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma:espuma 3D para una perfecta ergonomía y adaptación a la caraGuarnición en esponja con 3 estratos para una adaptación perfecta a la cara compuesta de:-- 1 estrato de esponja técnica de células cerradas-- 1 estrato de esponja extensa super suave de células abiertas-- 1 estrato de "p<strong>il</strong>e" anti-alérgico en contacto con la pielElástico:1 línea de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizanteenganches para soltar el elástico para la limpiezaBolsa:1 bolsa contenedora de microfibra para la funda de las gafas y la limpieza de la lente.Bols<strong>il</strong>lo <strong>in</strong>terior para guardar una lente de recambio.RIDING CROWS TOP collection, ma<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame:compatible with Terra, Glamour and Oki Doki accessories and spares*tough PUR frame for low-temperature flexib<strong>il</strong>ity - anti - UV lacqueranti - UV lacquerQD claws for head-band attachmentOver the glasses model (OTG) **logo <strong>in</strong> lacquered metalLens:clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan® (cod.12961-PCCH)same lens as Terra, Glamour, OkiDoki gogglesanti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentprovided with p<strong>in</strong>s to suit roll-off or tear-off useUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam:3D thermo-formed sponge l<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g for unmatched comfort and feelthree-layer face foam specification:--1 technical foam layer with closed cells--1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells--1 black-coloured hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e layer <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Strap:elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beadQD p<strong>in</strong> allows headband to be removed and cleanedMicro-fibre bag:micro-fibre bag for lens clean<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>ner pocket to protect spare lensNote:* no nose guard, no half-mask** check goggles are compatible with prescription glassesNotas:* no cubrenariz, no half-mask** controlar si las gafas encajan las lentes de prescripciónMicro-fibre goggle bag INCLUDEDConfezione - Pack9

Caratteristiche RIDING CROWS “big ROLL-OFF”: ITelaio:Maschera cod. 13950-BN *materiale poliuretano flessib<strong>il</strong>e anche a basse temperaturecolori anti UVchele x elastico fissate radialmente alla montatura x fitt<strong>in</strong>g ottimaleimpiego anche con occhiali correttivi (OTG) **+ 4 mmLente:chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan® specifica per <strong>il</strong> “big ROLL-OFF” (12961-RCFR)trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffiocompleta di sistema “big ROLL-OFF” (12962-RCRO)1 guida di scorrimento, 1 mudflap, 2 rull<strong>in</strong>i specifici per <strong>il</strong> “big ROLL-OFF”protezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-C13950-BNROSpugna:spugna termoformata <strong>in</strong> 3D per dare un comfort eccezionaleguarnizione a 2 strati composta da:--1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte--1 strato di p<strong>il</strong>e anallergico nero a contatto con la pelleElastico:con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivoloperno per rimozione elastico per lavaggioNote:*no paranaso, no half mask**verificare la compatib<strong>il</strong>ità con la propria montatura degli occhiali correttiviRIDING CROWS “big ROLL-OFF”, ma<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame:Goggles code 13950-BN *tough PUR frame for low-temperature flexib<strong>il</strong>ityanti - UV lacquerQD claws for head-band attachmentOver the glasses model (OTG) **Lens:clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan® specific for “big ROLL-OFF” (12961-RCFR)anti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentprovided with “big ROLL-OFF” system (12962-RCRO)1 slid<strong>in</strong>g ra<strong>il</strong>, 1 mud flap, 2 rolls specific for “big ROLL-OFF”UV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam:3D thermo-formed sponge l<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g for unmatched comfort and feeltwo-layer face foam specification:--1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells--1 layer of black hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Strap:elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beadQD p<strong>in</strong> allows headband to be removed and cleanedRIDING CROWS con “big ROLL-OFF”, características: EEstructura:Gafas cod. 13950-BN *proyecto en poliuretano elástico y fuerte, flexible a bajas temperaturascolores anti UVgarras para la tracción del elásticouso con gafas correctivas (OTG) **Lente:clara en Lexan® específica para “big Roll-OFF” (12961-RCFR)tratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayado<strong>in</strong>stalación de “big ROLL-OFF” (12962-RCRO)1 slid<strong>in</strong>g ra<strong>il</strong>, 1 mud flap, 2 rollos específicos para “big Roll-OFF”protección 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma:espuma 3D para una perfecta ergonomía y adaptación a la caraGuarnición en esponja con 2 estratos compuesta de:-- 1 estrato de esponja técnica super suave de células abiertas-- 1 estrato de "p<strong>il</strong>e" anti-alérgico de color negro en contacto con la pielElástico:1 línea de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizanteenganches para soltar el elástico para la limpiezNotas:* no cubrenariz, no half-mask** controlar si las gafas encajan las lentes de prescripciónNote:* no nose guard, no half-mask** check goggles are compatible with prescription glasses11

1213950-SMRIDING CROWS RALLY, ma<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame:compatible with Terra, Glamour and Oki Doki accessories and spares*PUR frame for flexib<strong>il</strong>ityanti - UV lacquerQD claws for head-band attachmentOver the glasses model (OTG) **logo <strong>in</strong> lacquered metalLens:lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan®, s<strong>il</strong>ver mirror f<strong>in</strong>ish, cat 2 (cod.12961-SCSC)anti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam:3D thermo-formed sponge l<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g for unmatched comfort and feelthree-layer face foam specification:--1 technical foam layer with closed cells--1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells--1 black-coloured hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e layer <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>closed f<strong>il</strong>ter to exclude sandStrap:elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beadQD p<strong>in</strong> allows headband to be removed and cleanedNote:* no nose guard, no half-mask** check goggles are compatible with prescription glassesConfezione - PackCaratteristiche RIDING CROWS RALLY: ITelaio:compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori degli occhiali Terra, Glamour, OkiDoki*materiale poliuretano flessib<strong>il</strong>emontatura verniciata, colori anti UVchele x elastico fissate radialmente alla montatura x fitt<strong>in</strong>g ottimaleimpiego anche con occhiali correttivi (OTG)**logo <strong>in</strong> metallo smaltatoLente:specchiata argento cat.2 <strong>in</strong> Lexan® (cod.12961-SCSC)trattamento anti-appannamentoprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna/F<strong>il</strong>tro:spugna termoformata <strong>in</strong> 3D per dare un comfort eccezionalespugna di guarnizione a 3 strati composta da:--1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte--1 strato di spugna a media densità--1 strato di p<strong>il</strong>e anallergico nero a contatto con la pellef<strong>il</strong>tro a bassa permeab<strong>il</strong>ità a sabbia f<strong>in</strong>eElastico:con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivoloperno per rimozione elastico per lavaggioNote :*no paranaso, no half mask**verificare la compatib<strong>il</strong>ità con la propria montatura degli occhiali correttiviRIDING CROWS RALLY, características: EEstructura:compatible con todos los accesorios/recambios gafas Ariete Terra, Glamour, OkiDoki*proyecto en poliuretano elástico y flexiblecolores anti UVgarras para la tracción del elásticouso con gafas correctivas (OTG)**logo en metal esmaltadoLente:Lexan® s<strong>in</strong> clips, espejo Cat.2 (cod.12961-SCSC)tratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayadoprotección 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma:espuma 3D para una perfecta ergonomía y adaptación a la caraGuarnición en esponja con 3 estratos para una adaptación perfecta a la cara compuesta de:-- 1 estrato de esponja técnica de células cerradas-- 1 estrato de esponja extensa super suave de células abiertas-- 1 estrato de "p<strong>il</strong>e" anti-alérgico en contacto con la pielF<strong>il</strong>tro cerrado para arenaElástico:1 línea de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizanteenganches para soltar el elástico para la limpiezaNotas:* no cubrenariz, no half-mask** controlar si las gafas encajan las lentes de prescripción

IUKEsolo per modelli Rid<strong>in</strong>g Crowsfor Rid<strong>in</strong>g Crows goggles onlysolo para gafas Rid<strong>in</strong>g CrowsKIT 12962-RCRO12962-RCRO - Il sistema ROLL-OFF degli occhiali ARIETE comprende: I- 2 canistri (1 di svolgimento + 1 di raccolta) - 2 rull<strong>in</strong>i (1 di uso + 1 di scorta) - 1 "mud flap"- 1 "slide ra<strong>il</strong>", ovvero, una guida di scorrimento completamente trasparente, da <strong>in</strong>serire tra la lente e i canistri, che permette al f<strong>il</strong>m del roll-off di scorrere senza attaccarsi alla superficiedella lente. Sostituisce <strong>in</strong> modo elegante ed efficace <strong>il</strong> classico f<strong>il</strong>o da pesca ut<strong>il</strong>izzato dai p<strong>il</strong>oti più smaliziati.Tutti i componenti sono disponib<strong>il</strong>i anche come s<strong>in</strong>goli ricambi.12962-RCRO - The ROLL-OFF SYSTEM by ARIETE OPTICS is made of: UK- 2 canisters (left and right); - 2 rolls of f<strong>il</strong>m (1 + 1 replacement); - 1 mud visor;- 1 anti-stick slide ra<strong>il</strong>! Just fit the slide ra<strong>il</strong> over the roll-off p<strong>in</strong>s and locate it by fitt<strong>in</strong>g the canisters. This w<strong>il</strong>l enable the roll-off f<strong>il</strong>m to slide smoothly across the lens without stick<strong>in</strong>g to it. This neat and effective systemreplaces the fish<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>e which is normally used.Also ava<strong>il</strong>able: a ready-assembled special lens and roll-off assembly, and a race-ready set of goggles.All these components are ava<strong>il</strong>able separately as spare parts.12967-RC12963-RCMF+ 4 mm+ 4 mm12962-RCCORICAMBI ROLL-OFF I12962-RCRU Kit 6 rull<strong>in</strong>i ricambio Roll-Off12962-RCCO 2 coperchi canistri di ricambio12963-RCMF Kit: 3 pezzi Mud Flaps12967-RC Kit: 3 pezzi guida di scorrimento12962-RCRUROLL-OFF SPARE PARTS UK12962-RCRU Replacement F<strong>il</strong>m 6 rolls12962-RCCO 2 covers canisters Roll-Off12963-RCMF Kit: 3 Mud Flaps12967-RC Kit: 3 Slide Ra<strong>il</strong>s13

12961-RCFRIUKELENTE - LENSSOLO PER IL ROLL-OFF BIGFOR BIG ROLL-OFF ONLYSOLO PARA ROLL-OFF BIG12961-RCRO12961-RCRO LENTE CON ROLL-OFF ICaratteristiche:- Lente chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan® con trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffio,completa di Roll-Off premontato.- 2 Rull<strong>in</strong>i + 1 Mud Flap + 1 guida scorrimento premontata.- 6 Tear Off per Roll-Off <strong>in</strong>clusi.UK12961-RCRO LENS+ROLL-OFFMa<strong>in</strong> features:- Clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan® with anti-fog and anti-scratches treatmentwith Roll-off system assembled- 2 rolls of f<strong>il</strong>m, 1 mud visor, 1 slide ra<strong>il</strong> <strong>in</strong>cluded- 6 tearoffs for Roll-off <strong>in</strong>cluded13952IUKEricambio 4 perni per elasticospare 4 p<strong>in</strong>s for QD claws4 enganches de recambio para garras13951-B13951-NIUKEricambio chele per fissaggio elasticoun paio di perni <strong>in</strong>clusospare QD claws for head-band attachmentpair of p<strong>in</strong>s <strong>in</strong>cludedrecambio garras para la tracción del elásticoun juego de enganches <strong>in</strong>cluido14

DESIGN OCCHIALE ARIETE:L'occhiale Ariete è coperto da Registrazione di design europeo EU #568910-0001 ed americano US PAT D595,331S.PROTEZIONE OCCHIALE ARIETE:L'occhiale Ariete è certificato secondo le norme europee EN 1938:2010 e EN 166:2001.- superano i test di impatto "High Mass" e "High velocity" secondo la norma americana ANSI Z87.1-2003;PROTEZIONE LENTI ARIETE:Le lenti Ariete sono certificate secondo la norma europea EN 1938:2010;- sono provviste di trattamento Anti-fog che è opzionale secondo la norma europea EN 1938:2010;- rispondono alle caratteristiche prescritte dalla norma americana VESC-8.Significa che la lente dell'occhiale ARIETE resiste all'impatto di una sfera d'acciaio di 6 mm di diametro lanciata a 216 km/h.ARIETE GOGGLE DESIGN:Ariete goggles are covered by European Registered design EU #568910-0001 as well as by American US PATENT D595,331S.ARIETE GOGGLE PROTECTION:Ariete goggles are certified accord<strong>in</strong>g to European standards EN 1938:2010 and EN 166:2001.- they pass the "High Mass" and "High velocity" impact tests provided for by American ANSI standard Z87.1-2003;ARIETE LENS PROTECTION:Ariete lenses are certified accord<strong>in</strong>g to European standard EN 1938:2010;- they are provided with Anti-fog treatment, which is optional under European standard EN 1938:2010;- they meet the requirements of American standard VESC-8.Lexan® è un marchio registrato di Sabic Company.Lexan® is the registered trade mark of Sabic Company16

Sistema di vent<strong>il</strong>azione AVS. Il Sistema di Vent<strong>il</strong>azione Ariete,ut<strong>il</strong>izzando specifiche aree per l'<strong>in</strong>gresso e la fuoriuscita dell'aria,<strong>in</strong>terviene direttamente sulla temperatura all'<strong>in</strong>terno dell'occhiale esfruttando <strong>il</strong> prof<strong>il</strong>o frontale superiore del frame, opportunamenteribassato, fac<strong>il</strong>ita l'afflusso di aria alle prese di vent<strong>il</strong>azione del casco.AVS Vent<strong>il</strong>ation system. The Ariete Vent<strong>il</strong>ation System usescarefully chosen areas for the <strong>in</strong>take and exhaust of cool<strong>in</strong>g air.Airflow from the goggles, whose upper front prof<strong>il</strong>e is speciallylowered to aid this process, enters the collect<strong>in</strong>g vents at the front ofthe helmet, flows across the rider's head, and leaves the back of thehelmet <strong>in</strong> a cont<strong>in</strong>uous process.A.V.S. Ariete Vent<strong>il</strong>ation System17

Caratteristiche: IFrame: compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori/ricambi occhiali Arietemateriale robusto e tenacecolori anti UVadatto ai caschi per bamb<strong>in</strong>iLente: chiara <strong>in</strong> policarbonatotrattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffioprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna: spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperteElastico: con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivolocon fibbia per aggancio tear-offMa<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame: compatible with all Ariete goggles accessories/spare partsstrong and durable frameanti - UV colourssuitable for kids helmetsLens: policarbonate clear lensanti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam: super-soft technical foam with open cellsStrap: elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beadprovided with p<strong>in</strong> to suit tear-off useCaracterísticas: EEstructura: compatibles con todos los accesorios/recambios gafas Arieteestructura fuerte y tenazcolores anti UVadaptas para los cascos de los niñosLente: clara en policarbonatotratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayadoproteción 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma: esponja técnica super suave a células abiertasElástico: 1 línea de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizante1 clip para <strong>in</strong>stalación tearoff12960-ARO12960-ARA12960-ARR12960-ARB12960-ARN18

Caratteristiche: IFrame: compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori/ricambi occhiali Arietepoliuretano elastico e tenacecolori anti UVLente: chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan®trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffiocompleta di clips per <strong>in</strong>stallazione roll-off e tear-offprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna: guarnizione a 2 strati composta da:1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte1 strato di "p<strong>il</strong>e" anallergico <strong>in</strong> colore nero a contatto con la pelleElastico: con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivolocon fibbia per aggancio tear-offMa<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame: compatible with all Ariete goggles accessories/spare partstough and flexible frame <strong>in</strong> PURanti - UV coloursLens: clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan®anti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentprovided with p<strong>in</strong>s to suit roll-off or tear-off useUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam: two-layer face foam specification:1 layer of super-soft open cell technical foam1 layer of black hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Strap: Elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beadprovided with p<strong>in</strong> to suit tear-off use12960-TBCaracterísticas: EEstructura: compatible con todos los accesorios/recambios gafas Arieteestructura fuerte y tenaz en poliuretanocolores anti UVLente: clara en Lexan®tratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayadoclips para <strong>in</strong>stalación roll-off y tearoff (tirables)proteción 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma: guarnición en esponja con 2 estratos compuesta de:1 estrato de esponja técnica super suave de células abiertas1 estrato de "p<strong>il</strong>e" anti-alérgico de color negro en contacto con la pielElástico: 1 línea de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizante1 clip para <strong>in</strong>stalación tearoff12960-TN12960-TAR12960-TAConfezione - Pack12960-TR19

12960-FB12960-FNCaratteristiche: IFrame: compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori/ricambi occhiali Arietemateriale poliuretano elastico e tenacecolori anti UVLente: chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan®trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffiocompleta di clips per <strong>in</strong>stallazione roll-off e tear-offprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna: guarnizione a 3 strati composta da:strato di spugna tecnica a cellule chiusestrato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule apertestrato di "p<strong>il</strong>e" anallergico <strong>in</strong> colore nero a contatto con la pelleElastico: con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivolo,con fibbia per aggancio tear-offMa<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame: compatible with all Ariete goggles accessories/spare partsstrong and durable frame <strong>in</strong> PUanti - UV coloursLens: clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan®anti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentprovided with p<strong>in</strong>s to suit roll-off or tear-off useUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam: three-layer face foam specification:1 technical foam layer with closed cells1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells1 layer of black hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Strap: elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone bead provided with p<strong>in</strong> to suit tear-off useCaracterísticas: EEstructura:compatible con todos los accesorios/recambios gafas Arieteestructura fuerte y tenaz en poliuretanocolores anti UVLente: clara en Lexan®tratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayadoclips para <strong>in</strong>stalación roll-off y tearoff (tirables)proteción 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma: guarnición en esponja con 3 estratos compuesta de:1 estrato de esponja técnica de células cerradas1 estrato de esponja técnica super suave de células abiertas1 estrato de "p<strong>il</strong>e" anti-alérgico de color negro en contacto con la pielElástico: 1 línea de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizante con 1 clip para <strong>in</strong>stalación tearoffConfezione - Pack20

Caratteristiche: IFrame: compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori/ricambi occhiali Arietepoliuretano elastico e tenaceverniciato con colori anti UVLente: chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan®trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffiocompleta di clips per <strong>in</strong>stallazione roll-off e tear-offprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna: guarnizione a 3 strati composta da:1 strato di spugna tecnica a cellule chiuse1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte1 strato di "p<strong>il</strong>e" anallergico <strong>in</strong> colore nero a contatto con la pelleElastico: con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivolocon fibbia per aggancio tear-offCaracterísticas: EEstructura: compatible con todos los accesorios/recambios gafas Arieteproyecto en poliuretano elàstico y fuertetratamiento en superficie con efectos especialescolores anti UVLente: clara en Lexan®tratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayadoclips para <strong>in</strong>stalación roll-off y tearoff (tirables)proteción 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma: Guarnición en esponja con 3 estratos compuesta de:1 estrato de esponja técnica de células cerradas1 estrato de esponja técnica super suave de células abiertas1 estrato de "p<strong>il</strong>e" anti-alérgico de color negro en contacto con la pielElástico: 1 línea de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizante1 clip para <strong>in</strong>stalación tearoffMa<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame: compatible with all Ariete goggles accessories/spare partstough and flexible frame <strong>in</strong> PURanti - UV laquerLens: clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan®anti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentprovided with p<strong>in</strong>s to suit roll-off or tear-off useUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam: three-layer face foam specification:1 technical foam layer with closed cells1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells1 layer of black hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Strap: elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beadprovided with p<strong>in</strong> to suit tear-off use12960-GNV12960-GIT12960-GRN12960-GNFConfezione - Pack21

12960-OON12960-OPN12960-OFUVCaratteristiche: IFrame: compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori/ricambi occhiali Arietepoliuretano elastico e tenaceverniciato con colori anti UVLente: chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan®trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffiocompleta di clips per <strong>in</strong>stallazione roll-off e tear-offprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna: guarnizione a 3 strati composta da:1 strato di spugna tecnica a cellule chiuse1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte1 strato di "p<strong>il</strong>e" anallergico <strong>in</strong> colore nero a contatto con la pelleElastico: con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivolocon fibbia per aggancio tear-offCaracterísticas: EEstructura: compatible con todos los accesorios/recambios gafas Arieteproyecto en poliuretano elàstico y fuertecolores anti UVLente: clara en Lexan®tratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayadoclips para <strong>in</strong>stalación roll-off y tearoff (tirables)proteción 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma: Guarnición en esponja con 3 estratos compuesta de:1 estrato de esponja técnica de células cerradas1 estrato de esponja técnica super suave de células abiertas1 estrato de "p<strong>il</strong>e" anti-alérgico de color negro en contacto con la pielElástico: 1 línea de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizante1 clip para <strong>in</strong>stalación tearoff12960-OBNRMa<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame: compatible with all Ariete goggles accessories/spare partstough and flexible frame <strong>in</strong> PURanti - UV laquerLens: clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan®anti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentprovided with p<strong>in</strong>s to suit roll-off or tear-off useUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam: three-layer face foam specification:1 technical foam layer with closed cells1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells1 layer of black hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Strap: elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beadprovided with p<strong>in</strong> to suit tear-off useConfezione - Pack22

12960-OBUCaratteristiche: IFrame: compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori/ricambi occhiali Arietepoliuretano elastico e tenaceverniciato con colori anti UVtrattamento superficiale con effetti specialiLente: chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan®trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffiocompleta di clips per <strong>in</strong>stallazione roll-off e tear-offprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna: guarnizione a 3 strati composta da:1 strato di spugna tecnica a cellule chiuse1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte1 strato di "p<strong>il</strong>e" anallergico <strong>in</strong> colore nero a contatto con la pelleElastico: con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivolocon fibbia per aggancio tear-off12960-ONSMa<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame: compatible with all Ariete goggles accessories/spare partstough and flexible frame <strong>in</strong> PURanti - UV laquerspecial f<strong>in</strong>ishLens: clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan®anti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentprovided with p<strong>in</strong>s to suit roll-off or tear-off useUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam: three-layer face foam specification:1 technical foam layer with closed cells1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells1 layer of black hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Strap: elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beadprovided with p<strong>in</strong> to suit tear-off use12960-OBV12960-OWRCaracterísticas: EEstructura: compatible con todos los accesorios/recambios gafas Arieteproyecto en poliuretano elàstico y fuertetratamiento en superficie con efectos especialescolores anti UVLente: clara en Lexan®tratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayadoclips para <strong>in</strong>stalación roll-off y tearoff (tirables)proteción 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma: Guarnición en esponja con 3 estratos compuesta de:1 estrato de esponja técnica de células cerradas1 estrato de esponja técnica super suave de células abiertas1 estrato de "p<strong>il</strong>e" anti-alérgico de color negro en contacto con la pielElástico: 1 línea de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizante1 clip para <strong>in</strong>stalación tearoffConfezione - Pack23

12960-PB1312960-PN13ICaratteristiche:Frame: compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori/ricambi occhiali Arietepoliuretano elastico e tenaceverniciato con colori anti UVLente: chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan®trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffiocompleta di clips per <strong>in</strong>stallazione roll-off e tear-offprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna: guarnizione a 4 strati composta da:1 strato <strong>in</strong> gomma poliuretanica espansa a cellule chiuse con ritorno a memoria lenta1 strato di spugna tecnica a cellule chiuse1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte1 strato di "p<strong>il</strong>e" anallergico <strong>in</strong> colore rosso a contatto con la pelleElastico: con 3 l<strong>in</strong>ee di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivolocon fibbia per aggancio tear-offNote: sacchetto <strong>in</strong> microfibra per la custodia dell'occhiale e la pulizia della lenteMa<strong>in</strong> features: UKFrame: compatible with all Ariete goggles accessories/spare partstough and flexible frame <strong>in</strong> PURanti - UV laquerLens: clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan®anti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentprovided with p<strong>in</strong>s to suit roll-off or tear-off useUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam: four-layer face foam for a perfect fit - specification:1 expanded PUR layer with slow-memory closed cells1 technical foam layer with closed cells1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells1 red-coloured hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e layer <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Strap: elastic strap with 3 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beads to grip the helmet shellprovided with p<strong>in</strong> to suit tear-off useCaracterísticas:EEstructura: compatible con todos los accesorios/recambios gafas Arieteestructura fuerte y tenaz en poliuretanocolores anti UVLente: clara en Lexan®tratamiento anti-empañado y anti-rayadoclips para <strong>in</strong>stalación roll-off y tearoff (tirables)proteción 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CEspuma: guarnición en esponja con 4 estratos compuesta de:1 estrato en goma poliuretànica extensa de células cerradas con regreso a memoria lenta1 estrato de esponja técnica de células cerradas1 estrato de esponja técnica super suave de células abiertas1 estrato de "p<strong>il</strong>e" anti-alérgico de color negro en contacto con la pielElástico: 3 líneas de s<strong>il</strong>icona antideslizante1 clip para <strong>in</strong>stalación tearoffNotas: 1 bolsa contenedora de microfibra para la funda de las gafas y la limpieza de la lente.Notes: micro-fibre bag for lens clean<strong>in</strong>gConfezione - PackMicro-fibre goggle bag INCLUDED24

12960-SAMI12960-SAMI RALLY ICaratteristiche:Frame: compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori/ricambi occhiali Arietepoliuretano elastico e tenace - verniciato con colori anti UVLente: specchiata argento, cat.2, <strong>in</strong> Lexan® (12961-SCSC)trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffioprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna: guarnizione a 3 strati composta da:1 strato di spugna tecnica a cellule chiuse1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte1 strato di "p<strong>il</strong>e" anallergico <strong>in</strong> colore nero a contatto con la pelleElastico: con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivolocon fibbia per aggancio tear-offNote: f<strong>il</strong>tro a bassa permeab<strong>il</strong>ità a sabbia f<strong>in</strong>e12960-SAMI RALLY UKMa<strong>in</strong> features:Frame: compatible with all Ariete goggles accessories/spare partstough and flexible frame <strong>in</strong> PUR - anti - UV laquerLens: lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan®, s<strong>il</strong>ver mirror f<strong>in</strong>ish (12961-SCSC)anti-fog and anti-scratch treatmentUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam: three-layer face foam specification:1 technical foam layer with closed cells1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells1 layer of black hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Strap: elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone beadprovided with p<strong>in</strong> to suit tear-off useNotes: closed f<strong>il</strong>ter to exclude sand12960-SN SNOWMOBILE IFrame: compatib<strong>il</strong>e con tutti gli accessori/ricambi occhiali Arietepoliuretano elastico e tenaceLente: chiara, doppia, vent<strong>il</strong>ata (12961-DCV)strato esterno <strong>in</strong> policarbonato con trattamento anti-graffiostrato <strong>in</strong>terno <strong>in</strong> res<strong>in</strong>a anti-appannamento - f<strong>il</strong>tro rimovib<strong>il</strong>e per puliziaprotezione 100% radiazioni UV-A, UV-B, UV-CSpugna: foam maggioratoguarnizione a 3 strati composta da:1 strato di spugna tecnica a cellule chiuse1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte1 strato di "p<strong>il</strong>e" anallergico <strong>in</strong> colore nero a contatto con la pelleElastico: con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivolo con fibbia per aggancio tear-offNote: f<strong>il</strong>tro a bassa permeab<strong>il</strong>ità - paranaso nero <strong>in</strong>cluso nella confezione (12966-HM)attenzione: non certificata per uso su stradaUK12960-SN SNOWMOBILEFrame: compatible with all Ariete goggles accessories/spare partstough and flexible frame <strong>in</strong> PURLens: double clear vent<strong>il</strong>ated lens (12961-DCV)external layer <strong>in</strong> policarbonate, anti-scratch treatment<strong>in</strong>ternal layer <strong>in</strong> anti-fog res<strong>in</strong> - removable f<strong>il</strong>ters for clean<strong>in</strong>g purposesUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionFoam: extra-thick foamthree-layer face foam specification:1 technical foam layer with closed cells1 super-soft technical foam layer with open cells1 layer of black hypo-allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>Strap: elastic strap with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone bead - provided with p<strong>in</strong> to suit tear-off useNotes: closed f<strong>il</strong>ter - nose guard <strong>in</strong>cluded (12966-HM)warn<strong>in</strong>g: not for street use12966-HM <strong>in</strong>cluded12960-SN25

IUKEPER I MODELLI DI MASCHERE 07 E RIDING CROWSSUITS 07 MODELS AND RIDING CROWS MODELSPARA LOS MODELOS DE GAFAS 07 Y RIDING CROWS12961-KRO12961-KRO LENTE CON ROLL-OFF ICaratteristiche:- Lente chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan® con trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffio,completa di Roll-Off premontato.- 2 Rull<strong>in</strong>i + 1 Mud Flap + 1 guida scorrimento premontata.- 6 Tear Off per Roll-Off <strong>in</strong>clusi.UK12961-KRO LENS+ROLL-OFFMa<strong>in</strong> features:- Clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan® with anti-fog and anti-scratches treatmentwith Roll-off system assembled- 2 rolls of f<strong>il</strong>m, 1 mud visor, 1 slide ra<strong>il</strong> <strong>in</strong>cluded- 6 tearoffs for Roll-off <strong>in</strong>cluded12960-TERO OCCHIALE CON ROLL-OFF ICaratteristiche:- Frame robusto e tenace.- Poliuretano elastico e tenace.- Colore Nero anti UV.- Guarnizione <strong>in</strong> spugna a 2 strati composta da:1 strato di spugna tecnica super soft a cellule aperte.1 strato di “p<strong>il</strong>e” anallergico <strong>in</strong> colore nero a contatto con la pelle.- Elastico <strong>in</strong> fibre di PA6-Gomma con 1 l<strong>in</strong>ea di s<strong>il</strong>icone antiscivolo.- Lente chiara <strong>in</strong> Lexan® con trattamento anti-appannamento e anti-graffio,completa di Roll-Off premontato.- 2 Rull<strong>in</strong>i + 1 Mud Flap + 1 guida scorrimento premontata.12960-TERO GOGGLE+ROLL-OFF UKMa<strong>in</strong> features:- Last<strong>in</strong>g and strong frame- Tough and flexible frame <strong>in</strong> PUR- Anti –UV black colour- Face foam made up with:1 super soft technical foam layer with open cells1 black-coloured no allergenic p<strong>il</strong>e layer <strong>in</strong> contact with the sk<strong>in</strong>- PA6-Rubber fibre elastic band with 1 anti-slip s<strong>il</strong>icone stripe- Clear lens <strong>in</strong> Lexan® with anti-fog and anti-scratches treatment with Roll-off system assembled- 2 rolls of f<strong>il</strong>m, 1 mud visor, 1 slide ra<strong>il</strong> <strong>in</strong>cluded12960-TERO26

LENSES12961-PCCH 12961-SCCH 12961-PCSP 12961-SCSC 12961-SCST 12961-PCFA12961-MUAZ 12961-PCAR 12961-PCG 12961-PCV 12961-PCVS 12961-PCAZCaratteristiche LENTI SINGOLE: Imateriale Lexan®trattamento anti-appannamento sul lato <strong>in</strong>ternotrattamento anti-graffio sul lato esternoprotezione 100% ai raggi UV-A, UV-B, UV-CCOMPATIBILE CON TUTTI GLI OCCHIALIARIETE DA OFF-ROAD!UKMa<strong>in</strong> features SINGLE LENSES:lenses <strong>in</strong> Lexan®<strong>in</strong>ternal coat<strong>in</strong>g of Anti-fog materialexternal coat<strong>in</strong>g of Anti-scratches materialUV-A, UV-B, UV-C 100% radiation protectionEACH LENS FITS ALL THE MODELS OFARIETE OFF-ROAD GOGGLES!Características LENTES SENCILLAS:material Lexan®tratamiento anti-empañado en el <strong>in</strong>teriortratamiento anti-rayado en el exteriorproteción 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CCOMPATIBLES CON TODAS LAS GAFASARIETE DE OFF-ROADEDOUBLE CYLINDRICAL LENSES12961-DCC 12961-DCVC 12961-DCV 12961-DCSV 12961-DCST12961-DCGV 12961-DCOC 12961-DCOV 12961-DCAV12961-DMLRCaratteristiche LENTI DOPPIE: ILenti doppie c<strong>il</strong><strong>in</strong>drichelente esterna <strong>in</strong> policarbonato con trattamento anti graffiolente <strong>in</strong>terna con proprietà anti appannamentof<strong>il</strong>tri removib<strong>il</strong>i per la puliziaprotezione 100% contro i raggi UV-A, UV-B, UV-CCOMPATIBILE CON TUTTI GLI OCCHIALI ARIETE DA OFFROAD!UKMa<strong>in</strong> features DOUBLE LENSES:Double cyl<strong>in</strong>drical lenspolycarbonate outer lens with anti-scratch treatment<strong>in</strong>ner anti-fog lensremovable f<strong>il</strong>ters for clean<strong>in</strong>g100% protection aga<strong>in</strong>st UV-A, UV-B, UV-C radiationEACH LENS FITS ALL THE MODELS OF ARIETE OFF-ROAD GOGGLES!Características LENTES DOBLES:Lentes dobles, c<strong>il</strong>índricastratamiento anti-rayado en el exteriorpropiedad anti-vaho en el <strong>in</strong>teriorf<strong>il</strong>tros removibles para limpiezaprotección 100% rayos UV-A, UV-B, UV-CCOMPATIBLES CON TODAS LAS GAFAS ARIETE DE OFF-ROADE27

IUKEPER I MODELLI DI MASCHERE 07 E RIDING CROWSSUITS 07 MODELS AND RIDING CROWS MODELSPARA LOS MODELOS DE GAFAS 07 Y RIDING CROWSTEAROFF:12964-TOLE Kit 5 pacchetti 6 Tearoff/pacch. per Lente - TEAROFFS per MOTOCROSS/ENDURO: da applicare sulla lente;12964-TOLE Kit 5 paquetes 6 Tearoff/paquetes para Lente - TEAROFFS para MOTOCROSS/ENDURO: para ut<strong>il</strong>izar sobre la lente;12964-TOLE Kit 5 stacks 6 Tearoffs per stack for lenses - TEAROFFS for MOTOCROSS/ENDURO: to place on the lenses;TEAR OFFS:12964-TORO Kit 3 pacchetti 6 Tearoff/pacch. per Roll-Off - TEAROFFS per ROLL-OFF: da applicare sulla lente con roll-off;12964-TORO Kit 3 stacks 6 Tearoffs per stack for Roll-Off - TEAROFFS for ROLL-OFF: to place on the Roll-Off f<strong>il</strong>m;12964-TORO Kit 3 paquetes 6 Tearoff/paquetes para Roll-Off - TEAROFFS para ROLL-OFF: para aplicar sobre el roll-offTEAR OFFS:12964-TOV Kit 3 pacchetti 6 Tearoff/pacch. per Lenti Vent<strong>il</strong>ate - TEAROFFS per LENTI VENTILATE: da applicare su lente vent<strong>il</strong>ata;12964-TOV Kit 3 stacks 6 Tearoffs per stack for vent<strong>il</strong>ated lens - TEAROFFS for VENTILATED LENSES: to place on the lenses;12964-TOV Kit 3 paquetes 6 Tearoff/paquetes para Lentes Vent<strong>il</strong>adas - TEAROFFS para LENTES VENTILADAS: para ut<strong>il</strong>izar sobre la lente12964-TOLL Kit 3 pacchetti 7 Tearoff/pacch. Lam<strong>in</strong>ati per Lente - TEAROFFS LAMINATI: da applicare sulla lente: sono <strong>il</strong> massimo che offre <strong>il</strong> mercato.Sono realizzati con una tecnologia esclusiva che ottimizza la visione, senza distorsione ottica e sono perfettamente trasparenti. I tearoffs lam<strong>in</strong>atisono 7 lenti a strappo "sig<strong>il</strong>late" tra loro, si possono montare <strong>in</strong>sieme 3 pacchetti di lam<strong>in</strong>ati, qu<strong>in</strong>di 21 lenti a strappo per una super autonomia.Brevettati e garantiti Rac<strong>in</strong>g Optics® USA, sono <strong>il</strong> segreto dei professionisti! Importante: Installare i tearoffs lam<strong>in</strong>ati con la scritta "Rac<strong>in</strong>g Optics®"all'esterno. Piegare la parte esterna di ciascuna lente a strappo <strong>in</strong>dividualmente, agganciarla centrando <strong>il</strong> foro e sovrapporre gli strati alternando <strong>il</strong>foro esterno e <strong>il</strong> foro <strong>in</strong>terno.12964-TOLL Kit 3 paquetes 7 Tearoff/paquetes Lam<strong>in</strong>ados para Lente - TEAROFFS LAMINADOS:para aplicar sobre la lente,es el mejor que hay en el mercado.Su proceso <strong>in</strong>dustrial se basa en una tecnologia que optimiza la vision, no hay distorsion optica y son perfectamente transparentes. Los tearoffslam<strong>in</strong>ados son 7 peliculas desechables selladas entre si, que puedes montar hasta 3 kits, es decir 21 tirables que conlleva una gran autonomia.Registrado y garantizados por Rac<strong>in</strong>g Optics® USA, son el secreto de los profesionales. Montar los tirables con la Marca Rac<strong>in</strong>g Optics® USA enla parte exterior, doblar la parte saliente de cada pelicula <strong>in</strong>dividualmente, <strong>in</strong>troducir centrado al agujero y sobreponer las diferentes capas alternandoel agujero <strong>in</strong>terno y el externo.12964-TOLL Kit 3 stacks 7 Tearoffs Lam<strong>in</strong>ated Tearoffs for lenses - LAMINATED: For professional racers! This is a clearly superior lam<strong>in</strong>atedtearoff system that works like traditional products, only faster and easier! Mount 7 layers at one time and stack up to 21 tearoffs with undistortedoptical clarity. Highest quality ava<strong>il</strong>able, advanced patented technology by Rac<strong>in</strong>g Optics® USA. Important: Install with “Rac<strong>in</strong>g Optics®” labelfac<strong>in</strong>g out. Fold each tab <strong>in</strong>dividually with hole centered over post.12964-RE CLIPS REGOLABILI PER TEAROFF Iservono per tendere al massimo la lente a strappo evitando che polvere e sporco si <strong>in</strong>f<strong>il</strong><strong>in</strong>o tra lalente a strappo e la lente;vengono vendute a paio;uso professionale.12964-RE RACING CLIPS FOR TEAR OFFS UKeccentric p<strong>in</strong>s for precise tear offs adjustment to avoid dust between lens and tearoff;sold <strong>in</strong> pairs;professional use.2812964-RE CLIPS REGULABLES PARA TIRABLES Esirven para tender al máximo la lente removible evitando que el polvo y la suciedad se<strong>in</strong>troduzcan entre la lente removible y el cristal;se venden por pares;uso profesional.12964-RE

KIT 12962-RO12962-RO - Il sistema ROLL-OFF degli occhiali ARIETE comprende: I- 2 canistri (1 di svolgimento + 1 di raccolta) - 2 rull<strong>in</strong>i (1 di uso + 1 di scorta) - 1 "mud flap"- 1 "slide ra<strong>il</strong>", ovvero, una guida di scorrimento completamente trasparente, da <strong>in</strong>serire tra la lente e i canistri, che permette al f<strong>il</strong>m del roll-off di scorrere senza attaccarsi alla superficiedella lente. Sostituisce <strong>in</strong> modo elegante ed efficace <strong>il</strong> classico f<strong>il</strong>o da pesca ut<strong>il</strong>izzato dai p<strong>il</strong>oti più smaliziati.Tutti i componenti sono disponib<strong>il</strong>i anche come s<strong>in</strong>goli ricambi.12962-RO - The ROLL-OFF SYSTEM by ARIETE OPTICS is made of: UK- 2 canisters (left and right); - 2 rolls of f<strong>il</strong>m (1 + 1 replacement); - 1 mud visor;- 1 anti-stick slide ra<strong>il</strong>! Just fit the slide ra<strong>il</strong> over the roll-off p<strong>in</strong>s and locate it by fitt<strong>in</strong>g the canisters. This w<strong>il</strong>l enable the roll-off f<strong>il</strong>m to slide smoothly across the lens without stick<strong>in</strong>g to it. This neat and effective systemreplaces the fish<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>e which is normally used.Also ava<strong>il</strong>able: a ready-assembled special lens and roll-off assembly, and a race-ready set of goggles.All these components are ava<strong>il</strong>able separately as spare parts.1296712962-CORO 12963-MF 12962-KRURICAMBI ROLL-OFF I12962-KRU Kit 6 rull<strong>in</strong>i ricambio Roll-Off12962-CORO 2 coperchi canistri di ricambio12963-MF Kit: 3 pezzi Mud Flaps12967 Kit: 3 pezzi guida di scorrimentoROLL-OFF SPARE PARTS UK12962-KRU Replacement F<strong>il</strong>m 6 rolls12962-CORO 2 covers canisters Roll-Off12963-MF Kit: 3 Mud Flaps12967 Kit: 3 Slide Ra<strong>il</strong>s29

12966-N12966-HMPARANASO MEZZA MASCHERAPA6 r<strong>in</strong>forzato con fibra di vetro + gomma TPR;HALF MASK12966-HM Fiber glass re<strong>in</strong>forced PA6 + TP rubber.12965 Micro-fibre goggle bag12965/A12965/A RACING GOGGLES CASE ICaratteristiche:- 1 tasca ampia per tear-offs con chiusura zip;- 1 tasca aperta per le lenti;- 3 tasche di dimensioni varie con chiusura velcro;- c<strong>in</strong>ghia regolab<strong>il</strong>e;- 4 divisori <strong>in</strong>terni rimovib<strong>il</strong>i fissati con velcro;- maniglia esterna;- chiusura zip;- 4 pied<strong>in</strong>i di appoggio.12965/A RACING GOGGLES CASEMa<strong>in</strong> features:- 1 large pocket with zip closure for tear-offs;- 1 open pocket for lenses;- 3 pockets <strong>in</strong> varied sizes with Velcro closure;- adjustable shoulder belt;- 4 removable <strong>in</strong>ternal dividers with Velcro;- carry<strong>in</strong>g handle;- All-round zip closure;- 4 plastic feet to keep the bag dry.UK12965/A BOLSA RACING PARA GAFASCaracterísticas:- 1 bols<strong>il</strong>lo amplio con cremallera para tear-offs;- 1 bols<strong>il</strong>lo abierto para lentes;- 3 bols<strong>il</strong>los <strong>in</strong>teriores, dist<strong>in</strong>tos formatos;- c<strong>in</strong>ta de sujeción regulable;- 4 divisorios removibles con velcro;- maneja exterior- cremallera alrededor- 4 tacos para tenerla alzada.E30

12971-R11: Pro-Baseball On-Field Shape. 6 pannellli, modello classico baseball,visiera piatta.Taglia: S/M.12971-R11: Flexfit® Pro-Baseball On-Field Shape. 6-panel, high prof<strong>il</strong>e 3" crown,with 8 rows of stitch<strong>in</strong>g on a rounded flat visor. Size: S/M; 6 3/4"-7 1/4".12971-B11: V-Flexfit® Garment Washed.Tessuto lavato, cotone elasticizzato,curvatura fissata sistema Permacurv®,Taglia: S/M.12971-B11: V-Flexfit® Garment Washed. 6 panel, fitted cap. 98% Cotton, 2% Spandex.Permacurv® visor. Size: S/M; 6 3/4"-7 1/4".12969-TV12Montatura trasparente, lente a specchio cat 3Clear frame + mirror lens12969-TR12Montatura trasparente, lente a specchio cat 3Clear frame + mirror lens31

02614-GRRN 115 mm - 4 1/2” 3 Materials02614-BNR 115 mm - 4 1/2” 3 Materials02614-NGRB 115 mm - 4 1/2” 3 Materials02614-GRAR 115 mm - 4 1/2” 3 Materials 02614-GRAN 115 mm - 4 1/2” 3 Materials02614 ARIETE Tr<strong>in</strong>ity - LE MANOPOLE ASIMMETRICHE IN 3 MATERIALI: IIl p<strong>il</strong>ota sottopone a stress diversificato la manopola destra del lato acceleratore e quella di s<strong>in</strong>istra del lato frizione.ARIETE Tr<strong>in</strong>ity è la soluzione: un paio di manopole differenziate per funzionalitàe confort. Le 3 mescole sono state collocate <strong>in</strong> aree specifiche per ottimizzare la presa e la durata del prodotto.ARIETE Tr<strong>in</strong>ity: manopole tecniche, ergonomiche, "scolpite sullamoto" dalle mani dei top riders.Caratteristiche pr<strong>in</strong>cipali:- Base manopola <strong>in</strong> materiale semirigido anti-torsione;- Zona palmare <strong>in</strong> confortevole Supersoft, zona presa dita con specifico r<strong>il</strong>ievo half-waffle;- Flangia maggiorata, <strong>in</strong>ternamente r<strong>in</strong>forzata, rivestita <strong>in</strong> morbidissimo XTouch;- Incavo con sagoma anatomica per pollice ed <strong>in</strong>dice;- Fondello predisposto all'asportazione (con guidalama) <strong>in</strong> caso di uso di paramani chiusi;- 4 cave per f<strong>il</strong>o di ferro per serraggio perfetto, la 4ª cava è situata all'estremità dell'impugnatura per ridurre l’entrata di impurità tra manopola/manubrio e manopola/comando gas con paramani chiusi;ASYMMETRICAL GRIPS CO-MOULDED FROM 3 COMPOUNDS:The throttle twist grip is used <strong>in</strong> a different way from the dummy grip on the clutch side. UKAriete Tr<strong>in</strong>ity is the solution for this problem, with each grip designed to provide maximum comfort <strong>in</strong> its particular application.The 3 different compounds have been moulded <strong>in</strong>to critical areas of the grip so as to maximise comfort and durab<strong>il</strong>ity. Ariete Tr<strong>in</strong>ity - technical grips, whose form was sculpted <strong>in</strong> real time by the handsand experience of top riders.Ma<strong>in</strong> features:- Chassis <strong>in</strong> semi-rigid torque-limited elastomer;- Palm <strong>in</strong> legendary Supersoft, critical f<strong>in</strong>ger-grip area with half-waffle surface;- Pronounced <strong>in</strong>ner flange, with <strong>in</strong>ternal re<strong>in</strong>forcement, coated <strong>in</strong> extra-soft XTouch;- Anatomically prof<strong>il</strong>ed cut-out for thumb and foref<strong>in</strong>ger;- Outer flange pre-marked for pierc<strong>in</strong>g with a cutt<strong>in</strong>g guide for use with all-round hand guards;- Four grooves for steel wire give extra security.- The fourth groove is situated at the extreme outer end of the grip to prevent grit from be<strong>in</strong>g trapped between bar and grip or bar and twist grip when used with hand guards;32

02629-NR 115 mm - 4 1/2” XT+SEBS 02629-NAR 115 mm - 4 1/2” XT+SEBS02629-NA 115 mm - 4 1/2” XT+SEBS 02629-GRN 115 mm - 4 1/2” XT+SEBS02629 ARIETE Duality I- superficie del corpo a micro-piramidi <strong>in</strong> r<strong>il</strong>ievo- 2 componenti, 2 durezze, due colori- zona palmare <strong>in</strong> confortevole Supersoft- flangia maggiorata, <strong>in</strong>ternamente r<strong>in</strong>forzata- <strong>in</strong>cavo con sagoma anatomica per pollice ed <strong>in</strong>dice- fondello predisposto all'asportazione (con guidalama) <strong>in</strong> caso di uso di paramani chiusi- 3 cave per f<strong>il</strong>o di ferro per serraggio perfetto, la 3ª cava è situata all'estremitàdell'impugnatura per ridurre l'entrata di impurità tra manopola/manubrio emanopola/comando gas con paramani chiusi.02629 ARIETE Duality UK- micro-pyramid pattern provides firm safe grip- dual compound, dual hardness, dual colour- palm <strong>in</strong> legendary Supersoft material- pronounced <strong>in</strong>ner flange, with <strong>in</strong>ternal re<strong>in</strong>forcement- anatomically prof<strong>il</strong>ed cut-out for thumb and foref<strong>in</strong>ger- outer flange pre-marked for pierc<strong>in</strong>g with a cutt<strong>in</strong>g guide for usewith all-round hand guards- three grooves for steel wire give extra security.The third groove is situated at theextreme outer end of the grip to prevent grit from be<strong>in</strong>g trapped between barand grip or bar and twist grip when used with hand guards.02619-N 115 mm - 4 1/2” Soft02621-N 115 mm - 4 1/2” Soft02619/H 115 mm - 4 1/2” Medium02621/H 115 mm - 4 1/2” Medium02619 115 mm - 4 1/2” SoftARIETE Unity I- Flangia maggiorata;- Incavo con sagoma anatomica per pollice ed <strong>in</strong>dice;- Fondello predisposto all'asportazione (con guidalama) <strong>in</strong> caso di uso di paramani chiusi;- 4 cave per f<strong>il</strong>o di ferro per serraggio perfetto, la 4ª cava è situata all'estremità dell'impugnatura perridurre l’entrata di impurità tra manopola/manubrio e manopola/comando gas con paramani chiusi;02621 115 mm - 4 1/2” SoftARIETE Unity UK- Pronounced <strong>in</strong>ner flange;- Anatomically-prof<strong>il</strong>ed channel at the <strong>in</strong>ner end for thumb and foref<strong>in</strong>ger;- Outer cap pre-marked for pierc<strong>in</strong>g, with a cutt<strong>in</strong>g guide for use with all-round hand guards;- Four wire-on grooves for extra security.The fourth groove is at the extreme outer end of the grip, andprevents grit from be<strong>in</strong>g trapped between bar and grip or bar and twist grip when used with hand guards;33

02603 Soft 115 mm - 4 1/2” SEBS 02603/H Medium 115 mm - 4 1/2” SEBS01699-N Soft 115 mm - 4 1/2” SEBS01699-B Soft 115 mm - 4 1/2” SEBS01699/H Medium 115 mm - 4 1/2” SEBS01699 Soft 115 mm - 4 1/2” SEBS34

01699/A 110 mm - 4 5/16” A.S.P.01699/A-R 110 mm - 4 5/16” A.S.P01699/A-AR 110 mm - 4 5/16” A.S.P01699/A-A 110 mm - 4 5/16” A.S.P01699/A-P 110 mm - 4 5/16” A.S.PManopole Extreme: COMFORT e SICUREZZA I- Il r<strong>il</strong>ievo anatomico, disassato longitud<strong>in</strong>almente assicura <strong>il</strong> comfort del palmo della mano- 3 cave previste per <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o di acciaio di fissaggio con apposito spazio per contenere <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o ripiegato- Sporgenze Half waffle per ogni ut<strong>il</strong>izzo off road- Il fondello dispone di un r<strong>il</strong>ievo antiscivolamento laterale- Brevetto <strong>in</strong>ternazionaleREGISTERED INTERNATIONAL DESIGN #192174-0001, US PAT. USD520,849SExtreme Grips: COMFORT and SAFETY UK- Incl<strong>in</strong>ed anatomical shape helps delay pump-up- 3 moulded safety wire-on grooves- Half waffle pattern for most off-road use- Anatomical outer flange for lateral hold- Patented worldwideREGISTERED INTERNATIONAL DESIGN #192174-0001, US PAT. USD520,849S02616 - RALLY/DESERT: I- spugna tecnica, formulazione speciale;- materiale anallergico;- forata all’estremità;- 2 tappi di plastica per evitare la sabbia nel comando gas;- forma c<strong>il</strong><strong>in</strong>drica anatomica, la migliore nelle condizioni desertiche!02616 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/HoleTech. Foam+TP Caps02616 - RALLY/DESERT Grip: UK- special technical foam;- anti-allergy material;- pierced ends;- 2 plastic bungs to exclude sand and dust from throttle and bar ends;- anatomical shape, the best for use <strong>in</strong> desert conditions!35

02617 120 mm - 4 3/4” - XT+SEBS 01651/SS 120 mm - 4 3/4” SEBS02617 Manopola Trial BI-MATERIALE: I- superficie del corpo a micro-piramidi <strong>in</strong> r<strong>il</strong>ievo;- 2 componenti, 2 durezze, due colori;- 3 cave previste per <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o di acciaio di fissaggio con apposito spazio per contenere <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o ripiegato;- flangia di diametro ridotto;- materiale anallergico;- fondello di protezione;02617 BI-MATERIAL trial grip: UK-micro-pyramid pattern provides firm safe grip;- dual compound, dual hardness, dual colour;- 3 bu<strong>il</strong>t-<strong>in</strong> wire-on grooves with space to tighten the wire;- m<strong>in</strong>imal flanges;- anti-allergy special material;- end cap to protect bar ends;01651/SS Manopole Classiche Trial:- La classica e tradizionale manopola da Trial;- Cava nella flangia anteriore per <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o di acciaio;- Disegno superficiale ad alto grip;- Diametro m<strong>in</strong>imo per massimo controllo.01651/SS Classic Trial Grip: UK- Slender cyl<strong>in</strong>drical format- Wire-on groove alongside the <strong>in</strong>ner flange- F<strong>in</strong>e pattern of square dimples- M<strong>in</strong>imum diameter for maximum feel and control.I02610-A 130 mm - 5 1/8” Ø22-22 - 7/8”-7/8” S.E.B.S02610-R 130 mm - 5 1/8” Ø22-22 - 7/8”-7/8” S.E.B.S01671 120 mm - 4 3/4” A.S.P.3601671-R 120 mm - 4 3/4” A.S.P. 01671-A 120 mm - 4 3/4” A.S.P.

01689-CR 115 mm - 4 1/2” T.S.C01689-RM 115 mm - 4 1/2” T.S.C01689-CRF 115 mm - 4 1/2” T.S.C01689-K 115 mm - 4 1/2” T.S.CManopole Harri’s Fuoristrada: I- Materiali di altissimo pregio- Resistente agli agenti atmosferici, raggi UV, ed Ozono- Flangia paramano con nervature a cedimento controllato- Superficie del corpo manopola con r<strong>il</strong>ievi asimmetrici per garantire una presa sicura- Fondello antiscivolo con marcato <strong>il</strong> riferimento per un montaggio corretto- Struttura e prof<strong>il</strong>o ergonomiciHarri’s Off-Road Grips: UK- Top quality material- Resistant to atmospheric agents, UV rays, ozone- Inner flange buttressed to support the hand and neutralise vibration- Smooth upper surface, grooved under-surface to provide enhanced security.- Outer flange marked "UP" for correct location- Anatomical shape and structure01689-YZ 115 mm - 4 1/2” T.S.C01689-KX 115 mm - 4 1/2” T.S.C37

-Possib<strong>il</strong>ità di taglio a 85mm. per uso ciclo con cambio rotante-Lenght can be reduced to 85mm. for use on cyles with twist shift-Posib<strong>il</strong>idad de corte a 85mm para uso con cambio en el puño (grip shift)02630-NGR125 mm. 4 7/8” Ø22-22 - 7/8”-7/8” XT+SEBS85 mm. 3 3/8” Ø22-22 - 7/8”-7/8” XT+SEBSManopole ATV-Quad:I- superficie del corpo a micro-piramidi <strong>in</strong> r<strong>il</strong>ievo- 2 componenti, 2 durezze, due colori- zona palmare <strong>in</strong> confortevole Supersoft- zona presa dita con specifico r<strong>il</strong>ievo half-waffle- flangia paramano di <strong>in</strong>gombro ridotto- <strong>in</strong>cavo con sagoma anatomica per pollice ed <strong>in</strong>dice- fondello predisposto all'asportazione (con guidalama) per paramani chiusi- 2 cave per f<strong>il</strong>o di ferro per serraggio perfetto- fondello con r<strong>il</strong>ievo antiscivolamento laterale- diametro m<strong>in</strong>imo per massimo controlloDownh<strong>il</strong>l ATV-Quad Grips: UK- micro-pyramid pattern provides firm safe grip- dual compound, dual hardness, dual colour- palm <strong>in</strong> legendary Supersoft material- critical f<strong>in</strong>ger-grip area with half-waffle surface- m<strong>in</strong>imal <strong>in</strong>ner flange- anatomically prof<strong>il</strong>ed cut-out for thumb and foref<strong>in</strong>ger- outer flange pre-marked for pierc<strong>in</strong>g with a cutt<strong>in</strong>g guide for use with all-round hand guards- two grooves for steel wire give extra security- anatomical outer flange for lateral hold- sliml<strong>in</strong>e prof<strong>il</strong>e02620 125 mm - 4 7/8” Ø22-22 - 7/8”-7/8” A.S.P.Caratteristiche pr<strong>in</strong>cipali: I- Incavo con sagoma anatomica per pollice ed <strong>in</strong>dice;- Fondello predisposto all'asportazione (con guidalama) <strong>in</strong> caso di uso di paramani chiusi;- Zona palmare <strong>in</strong> confortevole Supersoft, zona presa dita con specifico r<strong>il</strong>ievo half-waffle;- Superficie del corpo a micro-piramidi <strong>in</strong> r<strong>il</strong>ievo;- Flangia paramano di <strong>in</strong>gombro ridotto;- Fondello con r<strong>il</strong>ievo antiscivolamento laterale;- 2 cave per <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o di acciaio di fissaggio con apposito spazio per contenere <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o ripiegato;- Diametro m<strong>in</strong>imo per massimo controllo.Ma<strong>in</strong> features: UK- Anatomically-prof<strong>il</strong>ed channel at the <strong>in</strong>ner end for thumb and foref<strong>in</strong>ger;- Outer cap pre-marked for pierc<strong>in</strong>g, with a cutt<strong>in</strong>g guide for use with all-round hand guards;- Palm <strong>in</strong> legendary Supersoft, critical f<strong>in</strong>ger-grip area with half-waffle surface;- Micro-pyramid pattern provides firm safe grip;- M<strong>in</strong>imal <strong>in</strong>ner flange;- Anatomical outer flange for lateral hold;- 2 moulded safety wire-on grooves with space to tighten the wire;- Sliml<strong>in</strong>e prof<strong>il</strong>e;01671/ATV 120 mm - 4 3/4” Ø22-22 - 7/8”-7/8” A.S.P.40

12951 - Brake lock I- Blocca la leva del freno; Fac<strong>il</strong>e da agganciare;- Agisce da freno di stazionamento nei veicoli sprovvisti;- Incrementa la sicurezza durante <strong>il</strong> trasporto della moto;- Gomma naturale + Tecno polimeri.12951 - Brake lock UK- holds the front brake on; easy to attach- can be used as a park<strong>in</strong>g brake- ideal for steady<strong>in</strong>g the bike wh<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> transit- made from natural rubber and polymers.1295112951 BRAKE LOCK, freno de mano E- Bloquea la maneta de freno; fác<strong>il</strong> montaje- Sirve como freno de park<strong>in</strong>g en los vehículos desprovistos- Aumenta la seguridad durante el transporte del vehículo- Fabricado en goma natural y polímero1295212952 - Spatol<strong>in</strong>a toglifango I- Dimensioni compatte;- Impugnatura ergonomica; Prof<strong>il</strong>i raggiati;- Estremità a stella per raggi e piccole cavità;- Estremità concava per cerchi e ampie superfici.12952 - Mud bug scraper UK- pocket sized- easy to use, radiused prof<strong>il</strong>es- star-shaped for spokes and dimples- concave for rims and larger areas.12952 Espatula quitabarro E- Dimensiones compactas- Empuñadura ergonimica, perf<strong>il</strong> ranurado- Punta de estrella para radios y pequeños agujeros- Punta concava de amplia superficie para llantasColla per manopole Super Rapida-Fissaggio da 30 a 90 secondi - Alta viscosità-Leggere attentamente le istruzioni. 20 gr.ISuper-Fast grip glue UK-Dries <strong>in</strong> 30 to 90 seconds -High viscosity-Read and follow <strong>in</strong>structions carefully. 0,7 ounces.12992 Cola Super Rápida E- Fijación de 30 a 90 segundos - Alta viscosidad- Leer las <strong>in</strong>strucciones - conf. 20 gramos1299212929 - Flange Paramano Ariete: I- Flangia anti-fiacca; Spugna <strong>in</strong> neoprene;- Accessorio universale per tutte le manopole;- Assorbe le vibrazioni; Confezione: 2 pezziUK12929 - Ariete Donuts:- Anti-blister<strong>in</strong>g disk - Breath<strong>in</strong>g foam- Universal accessory for all grips- Absorbs vibration - Sold <strong>in</strong> sets1292912929 Juego Ariete Donuts E- Disco protector para la aleta de los puños;espuma transpirable;- Universal para los puños; amortigua lasvibraciones;- Se vende por juegos de dos unidades41

CERCHI/RIMS10915 1,60”10916 1,85”10917 2,15”10936 con valvola10936 air-valve <strong>in</strong>cludedGOMMA/RUBBER12949 gomma EPDM12949 EPDM RubberSILICONE12949/S S<strong>il</strong>icone ad altopotere isolante12949/S SILICONE Rubberstandard - for plugs with olive nut, diam 6,3 mmCERAMIC RESISTOR 5 k OhmCappuccio candela rac<strong>in</strong>g con resistore- Resistenza 5.000 Ohm;I- Resistore ceramico high performance;- Attacco alla candela SAE diam. 6,4 mm;- Totalmente impermeab<strong>il</strong>e;- Disponib<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> 2 versioni;Gomma EPDM standardGomma S<strong>il</strong>iconica ad altissimo potere isolanteRac<strong>in</strong>g spark plug cover with resistor- 5.000 Ohm resistanceUK- High performance ceramic resistor- Suits 6,4 mm dia. SAE spark plug nut- Totally waterproof- Ava<strong>il</strong>able <strong>in</strong> 2 versions;Insulation with EPDM isolated rubberHigh <strong>in</strong>sulation with SILICONE rubber09965/A 09965-A09965standard - for plugs with olive nut, diam 6,3 mm04999 piccolo - for plugs without olive nut, diam 3,9 mm04999/A standard - for plug with olive nut, diam 6,3 mm11993Piattello Parcheggio Ariete: I- Evita che <strong>il</strong> cavalletto sprofondi nel terreno;- Tecnopolimero r<strong>in</strong>forzato ad alta resistenza;- Anti-schock, leggerissimo, resistente al caldo;- Brevetto Internazionale 192166-0001- Confezione da 10 pezziAriete Big Foot: UK- Stops the sidestand from s<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>to the ground or soft tarmac- Tough polymer- Stands up to shocks, heavy weights, sun and heat- Patented worldwide- Pack 10 pcs.Registered International Design 192166-000111993-R10901 Nero/Black A.S.P.Ø 19-384209957 Elastico/ElasticNero - Black13904 Nero/Black A.S.P.Ø 24-48

Code Colour Ø Tube Ø Slider L. m<strong>in</strong> L. max09932 Black 40/43 57/60 75 50009932-A Blue 40/43 57/60 75 50009932-R Red 40/43 57/60 75 50009941 Black 28/32 52/54 55 31009943 Black 35/38 56/59 85 44009950 Black 43/46 58/63 90 60006962 Black 32/34 52/54 65 30007901 Black 35/38 56/60 85 44007907 Black 28/30 46/48 50 21507995 Black 38/41 58/62 95 43007995-A Blue 38/41 58/62 95 43007995-R Red 38/41 58/62 95 43009974 Black 43/45 57/60 70 24009981 Black 39/41 58/60 105 29043

02631-GO 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole ALU-RUB02633-GO 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole ALU-RUB02631-ALL 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole ALU-RUB02633-ALL 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole ALU-RUB02631-N 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole ALU-RUB02633-N 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole ALU-RUBARIETE “ALU-RUB”: IALUMINIUM + RUBBER = con attacco meccanico!Ariete presenta <strong>il</strong> suo gioiello dedicato agli amanti delle moto stradali!I materiali selezionati sono pregiatissimi: <strong>il</strong> corpo manopola è una legaspeciale a base di allum<strong>in</strong>io ut<strong>il</strong>izzata <strong>in</strong> campo aeronautico, la superficiepalmare è <strong>in</strong> puro Supersoft.Caratteristiche pr<strong>in</strong>cipali:- allum<strong>in</strong>io leggerissimo ed ultra resistente;- materiale anallergico e resistente ai raggi UV;- struttura anatomica, forma ergonomica;- allum<strong>in</strong>io anodizzato sat<strong>in</strong>ato, effetto opaco;- manopola destra: compatib<strong>il</strong>e con comandi di serie!!!;- manopola s<strong>in</strong>istra: fissaggio di sicurezza con viti;- Compresa chiave a brugola per <strong>in</strong>stallazione.ARIETE “ALU-RUB” GRIPS: UKALUMINIUM + RUBBER = the LOCK-ON Ariete grip!Ariete aims for <strong>in</strong>novation without forego<strong>in</strong>g the fundamental reliab<strong>il</strong>ity and safety thathave always been the hallmark of Ariete products.Ariete ALU-RUB grips: aeronautical alum<strong>in</strong>iun+ supersoft rubber.Ma<strong>in</strong> features:- superlight and extra resistant alum<strong>in</strong>ium;- anti-allergy and UV-resistant rubber;- anatomical shape and structure;- anodized mat alum<strong>in</strong>ium;- right grip: suitable for standard throttle pipes;- left grip: screw fasten<strong>in</strong>g;- Improved collar prof<strong>il</strong>e;- Sliml<strong>in</strong>e design for a greater control;- Allen key provided.12999 125 mm - 4 7/8” PAIR SPARE PARTS RUBBER4612998 125 mm - 4 7/8” PAIR SPARE PARTS RUBBER 13905 125 mm - 4 7/8” PAIR SPARE PARTS RUBBER

BILANCIERI ALU-RUB:IALU-RUB BAR WEIGHTSUKCaratteristiche:Ma<strong>in</strong> features:- Massa <strong>in</strong> allum<strong>in</strong>io anodizzato ricavato dal pieno- Anodised body mach<strong>in</strong>ed from b<strong>il</strong>let alloy- Viti <strong>in</strong> acciao Inox antirugg<strong>in</strong>e- Sta<strong>in</strong>less steel screws- Parti <strong>in</strong> gomma vulcanizzata per migliorare l’adesione all’<strong>in</strong>terno del manubrio - 2 Deformable vulcanised rubber spacers to grip the i.d. of the bar (<strong>in</strong> Universal Models)- Modelli Universali: Doppia sicurezza garantita da 2 punti di tenuta - Maximum security provided by these two lock<strong>in</strong>g surfaces- Colori disponib<strong>il</strong>i : allum<strong>in</strong>io, nero, oro- Ava<strong>il</strong>able <strong>in</strong>:self-coloured alloy, black, goldAPPLICATION/APPLICAZIONE CODE CODE CODEBLACK/NERO GOLD/ORO ALU/ALLUMUNIVERSALUniversal 12,0 14,0 mm 12997/U1-N 12997/U1-O 12997/U1ALUniversal 14,5 17,0 mm 12997/U2-N 12997/U2-O 12997/U2ALUniversal 17,0 20,0 mm 12997/U3-N 12997/U3-O 12997/U3ALHONDACB1000R '08-'09 12997/HO-N 12997/HO-O 12997/HOALCBR1000 '04-'08 12997/HO-N 12997/HO-O 12997/HOALCBR1000RR '03-'07 12997/HO-N 12997/HO-O 12997/HOALCBR600 /FS /RR '91-'07 12997/HO-N 12997/HO-O 12997/HOALCBR600 RR '07-'09 12997/HO-N 12997/HO-O 12997/HOALCBR900 '94-'03 12997/HO-N 12997/HO-O 12997/HOALHornet 600 '07-'09 12997/HO-N 12997/HO-O 12997/HOALHornet 600/900 '99-'07 12997/HO-N 12997/HO-O 12997/HOALVTR1000SP 12997/HO-N 12997/HO-O 12997/HOALKAWASAKIER6N '03-'07 12997/KA-N 12997/KA-O 12997/KAALZ1000 '10 12997/KA-N 12997/KA-O 12997/KAALZ1000/750 12997/KA-N 12997/KA-O 12997/KAALZX-10R '04-'09 12997/U2-N 12997/U2-O 12997/U2ALZX6R '07-'08 12997/U2-N 12997/U2-O 12997/U2ALZX6R '98-'06 12997/KA-N 12997/KA-O 12997/KAALZX7R - ZX9R '98-'07 12997/KA-N 12997/KA-O 12997/KAALSUZUKIBandit 1250A – Bandit 1250SA 12997/U3-N 12997/U3-O 12997/U3ALBandit 600/1200 '99-'07 12997/U3-N 12997/U3-O 12997/U3ALBandit 650 – Bandit 650S Traveller 12997/U3-N 12997/U3-O 12997/U3ALBurgman 125 – 200 12997/SU-N 12997/SU-O 12997/SUALBurgman 400 – 650 12997/U3-N 12997/U3-O 12997/U3ALGladius 12997/SU-N 12997/SU-O 12997/SUALGSX-R600–GSX-R750–GSX-R1000 (use OE washer/rondella) 12997/SU-N 12997/SU-O 12997/SUALGSX650F - GSX1250FA 12997/U3-N 12997/U3-O 12997/U3ALV-Strom 650 - V-Strom 650A Traveller - V-Strom 1000 12997/U3-N 12997/U3-O 12997/U3ALYAMAHAFZ1 '06-'09 12997/YARN 12997/YARO 12997/YARAFZ6, Fazer 1000,TDM,T-Max,YZF-R 125 12997/YA-N 12997/YA-O 12997/YAALR1 '98-'09 12997/YARN 12997/YARO 12997/YARAR6 '06-'08 12997/YARN 12997/YARO 12997/YARAXJ6 '09 12997/YA-N 12997/YA-O 12997/YAALDUCATIMonster 696/1000 12997/U1-N 12997/U1-O 12997/U1ALS2R 1000 '07-'08 12997/U1-N 12997/U1-O 12997/U1ALS2R 800 '05-'07 12997/U1-N 12997/U1-O 12997/U1ALS4R 1000 '07-'08 12997/U1-N 12997/U1-O 12997/U1ALS4R 996 '05-'06 12997/U1-N 12997/U1-O 12997/U1AL47

02613 130 mm - 5 1/8” Forata/Hole Soft02613/H 130 mm - 5 1/8” Forata/Hole Medium02613 - Extreme Grips: I- Superficie del corpo a micro-piramidi <strong>in</strong> r<strong>il</strong>ievo;- 2 versioni di materiale: morbido <strong>in</strong> colore grigio chiaro o nero, medio <strong>in</strong> grigio scuro;- Il fondello dispone di un r<strong>il</strong>ievo antiscivolamento laterale;- 3 cave per <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o di acciaio di fissaggio con apposito spazio per contenere <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o ripiegato;- Flangia paramani di diametro ridotto;- Materiale anallergico;- Term<strong>in</strong>ale forato.02613 - Extreme Grips: UK- micro-pyramid pattern provides firm safe grip;- 3 versions: soft compound, light grey, soft compound, black, medium compound - dark grey;- outer flange for lateral hold;- 3 bu<strong>il</strong>t-<strong>in</strong> wire-on grooves with space to tighten the wire;- m<strong>in</strong>imal flanges;- anti-allergy special material;- pierced for balance weights.02613-N 130 mm - 5 1/8” Forata/Hole Soft02615 - Ariete ESTORIL: I- Materiale: una miscela di elastomeri e tecnopolimeri selezionati per le lorocaratteristiche di grip e resistenza;- anima rigida, rivestimento morbido;- disegno strutturale per assorbire le vibrazioni;- 3 cave per <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o di ferro;- superficie del corpo a micro-piramidi <strong>in</strong> r<strong>il</strong>ievo;- flange ridotte;- materiale anallergico;- forate per stab<strong>il</strong>izzatori;UK02615 - ESTORIL grips:- Material: a stable aerospace-tested blend of elastomers and techno-polymersspecially chosen for their strength and feel;- rigid sub-strate with soft outer sk<strong>in</strong>;- cleverly-designed to give exceptional grip and absorb vibration;- 3 bu<strong>il</strong>t-<strong>in</strong> wire-on grooves;- technical micro-pyramid pattern;- m<strong>in</strong>imal flanges;- special anti-allergy material;- pierced for bar-end balance weights;02615-R 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole XT+SEBS02615-SBK 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole XT+SEBS02615-A 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole XT+SEBS4802615-AG 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole XT+SEBS

02623/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft02605 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole SEBS01616 125 mm - 4 7/8” Foam Plus01625 125 mm - 4 7/8” Technical Foam01634 125 mm - 4 7/8” Foam02625/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft02626/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft02626/SS 120 mm - 4 3/4” Non Forata Super Soft02626/A/F 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole A.S.P02626/A 120 mm - 4 3/4” Non Forata A.S.P02632/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super SoftPROFESSIONAL USE01690/F 130 mm - 5 1/8” Forata/Hole Super Soft01669 135 mm - 5 1/4”A.S.P. Non Forata01686/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft01612 130 mm - 5 1/8” Gomma/Rubber Non Forata01612/SS 130 mm - 5 1/8” Super Soft Non Forata01682/SSF 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole Super Soft01661/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft49

01685/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft01680/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft01663/SSF 115 mm - 4 1/2” Forata/Hole Super Soft01681/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft01694/SSF 120mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft01679/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft50

02632-PS 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C Non Forata02632/F-PS 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C holed/Forata02632-PSN 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C Non Forata02632/FPSN 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C holed/Forata02632-RBA 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C Non Forata02632/FRBA 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C holed/Forata02632-PN 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C Non Forata02632/F-PN 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C holed/Forata02632-RBR 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C Non Forata02632/FRBR 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C holed/Forata02632-PB 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C Non Forata02632/F-PB 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C holed/Forata02632-RBN 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C Non Forata02632/FRBN 120 mm - 4 3/4” T.S.C holed/Forata02632 - Harri’s Evo: I- superficie del corpo a micro-piramidi <strong>in</strong> r<strong>il</strong>ievo- base manopola <strong>in</strong> materiale semirigido anti-torsione- <strong>in</strong>cavo con sagoma anatomica per pollice ed <strong>in</strong>dice- flangia paramani di diametro ridotto- diametro m<strong>in</strong>imo, dimensioni sportive- doppia versione, chiusa o forata- cava per f<strong>il</strong>o di ferroUK02632 - Harri’s Evo:- micro-pyramid pattern provides firm safe grip- chassis <strong>in</strong> semi-rigid torque-limited elastomer- anatomically prof<strong>il</strong>ed cut-out for thumb and foref<strong>in</strong>ger- m<strong>in</strong>imal flanges- m<strong>in</strong>imum diameter for maximum feel and control- two versions: pierced ends or closed endsConfezione - Pack51

01687-RRAG120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-RG125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-HRGR 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C 01687-HRR 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687 120 mm - 4 3/4” Non Forata T.S.C01687/F 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687/LF 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.CManopole Harri’s Strada: ILe manopole Harri’s sono state progettate per favorire al massimo la sensib<strong>il</strong>ità di guida.La superficie esterna è composta da un compound trasparente (TSC) di polimeri derivatidall’<strong>in</strong>dustria aerospaziale. Questo materiale garantisce una migliore ergonomia euna presa sicura.Caratteristiche:- Brevetto <strong>in</strong>ternazionale: DM/049639, US:VA 1-242-397;- Materiali di altissimo pregio;- Resiste agli agenti atmosferici, raggi UV, ed Ozono;- Flangia paramano a cedimento controllato per neutralizzare le vibrazioni;- Superficie palmare del corpo manopola per garantire una presa sicura;- Speciale lavorazione sul retro per presa delle dita;- Fondello antiscivolo con marcato “UP” per un montaggio corretto;- Struttura e prof<strong>il</strong>o ergonomici.HARRI’S ROAD Grips: UKHarri’s grips have been designed to enhance driv<strong>in</strong>g sensitivity and security.The outer surface is made from a transparent polymer (TSC)com<strong>in</strong>g straight from the aerospace <strong>in</strong>dustry.This provides better ergonomics and a firmer grip.Ma<strong>in</strong> features:- International patent: DM/049639, US:VA 1-242-397;- Top quality material;- Resistant to atmospheric agents, UV rays, ozone;- Inner flange buttressed to support the hand and neutralise vibrations;- Smooth upper surface, enhanced comfort;- Lower surface provides maximum grip for the f<strong>in</strong>gers;- Outer flange for lateral hold marked "UP" to <strong>in</strong>dicate the correct position;- Anatomical shape and structure.52

01684 120 mm - 4 3/4” Non Forata T.S.C01684/F 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-POR120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01684-DA01684/F-DA120 mm - 4 3/4” Non Forata T.S.C120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01684-TA01684/F-TA120 mm - 4 3/4” Non Forata T.S.C120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01684-FU01684/F-FU120 mm - 4 3/4” Non Forata T.S.C120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.CCod. 12932: Keyr<strong>in</strong>g replica GP gripCod. 12933: Keyr<strong>in</strong>g replica Extreme grips129321293312932-A12933-A12932-V12933-V12932-R12933-R12932-AR12933-AR12932-G12933-G50 mmConfezione - Pack53

1297012970-FC12970-TRTrasparente - TransparentCarbonio Carbon Look12970-FU12970-R 12970-A12970-TTrasparente - TransparentProteggi Serbatoio Puzzle: I- 3 pezzi <strong>in</strong>tercambiab<strong>il</strong>i componib<strong>il</strong>e <strong>in</strong> varie figure;- res<strong>in</strong>atura traparente resistente ai raggi UV;- materiale antigraffio e durevole;- alta qualità della parte adesiva (non danneggia la vernice del serbatoio).UKPuzzle Tank Protectors:- 3 <strong>in</strong>terchangeable pieces, modular shape;- Perfectly UV-resistant transparent res<strong>in</strong>;- Anti-scratch and long-last<strong>in</strong>g material;- Top quality adhesive (no damage to fuel tank);56

Confezione - Pack13901-TGRTrasparente - TransparentGrigio Grey13901-TTrasparente - Transparent13902-FUTrasparente - TransparentNero Black13902-TTrasparente - Transparent13902-BNBianco Nero - White Black13902-NBNero Bianco - Black White13903-BTBianco - WhiteTrasparente Transparent13903-TTrasparente - Transparent13903-TNTrasparente - TransparentNero Black13903-FVFibra di vetro - Fiber glassNero Black57

Valvole Ariete per Tubeless: I- Valvola di sicurezza <strong>in</strong> allum<strong>in</strong>io- L’angolazione a 90° permette un fac<strong>il</strong>issimo accesso durante <strong>il</strong> gonfiaggio- Mantiene la pressione del pneumatico- Serie 11970 per cerchi con foro di 11,3 mm (standard e giapponesi)- Serie 11971 per cerchi con foro di 8, 3 mm (Antera, Brembo,Marches<strong>in</strong>i, Marvic, OZ Rac<strong>in</strong>g)- Confezione : 2 pezziRac<strong>in</strong>g Valves For Tubeless: UK- Safety valve <strong>in</strong> alum<strong>in</strong>ium- Practical access for <strong>in</strong>flation- No loss of pressure <strong>in</strong> the tyre- 11970 suits standard and Japanese rims (dia. 11.3 mm)- 11971 suits special rims (dia. 8.3 mm) such as Antera, Brembo, Marches<strong>in</strong>i,Marvic, OZ Rac<strong>in</strong>g.- Sold <strong>in</strong> pairsVálvula Ariete para neumáticos s<strong>in</strong> cámara: E- Válvula de seguridad en alum<strong>in</strong>io- La <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ación de la válvula a 90° permite un practico acceso a la válvulapara el h<strong>in</strong>chado- Mantiene la presión del neumático- Cod. 11970: para llantas estandard y japonesas diam 11,3 mm.- Cod. 11971: para llantas especiales diam 8,3 mm. como Antera,Brembo, Marches<strong>in</strong>i, OZ Rac<strong>in</strong>g, Marvic.- Se venden por pares11970 Ø 11,311970-R Ø 11,3 11970-GOLD Ø 11,311970-N Ø 11,311971-N Ø 8,311970-ALL Ø 11,311971-ALL Ø 8,358TÜVTA-MAN-9084/03

01687-C2R120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-C2AG120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C12970-CBRR12970-CBRS01686/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft01687-HOR120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01682/SSF 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole Super Soft01687-SH 120 mm - 4 3/4” Non Forata T.S.C01687/F-SH 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01612 130 mm - 5 1/8” Rubber Non Forata01612/SS 130 mm - 5 1/8” Super Soft Non Forata01661/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft60

01687-NJ 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-KZAR 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.C12970-NSD12970-NV01687-KAZ 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-ZXAG 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-ZX 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.C12970-ER6Trasparente - Transparent01685/SSF120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft02625/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft01679/SSF 120mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft61

01687-GSRS 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-GSRA 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/HoleT.S.C12970-GSXS12970-GSXA01687-GSXN 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.C 01687-GSXA 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-BA 125 mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole T.S.C12970-GSAGTrasparente - Transparent01680/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft 02623/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft62

01687-R6A 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C 01687-R6R 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-R1A 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C 01687-R1 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole T.S.C01687-YZAG 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/HoleT.S.C01687-TMAX 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/HoleT.S.C01687-YZFA 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/HoleT.S.C01663/SSF 115 mm - 4 1/2” Forata/Hole Super Soft 01681/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft01694/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft 02626/SSF 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole Super Soft02626/SS 120 mm - 4 3/4” Non Forata Super Soft02626/A/F 120 mm - 4 3/4” Forata/Hole A.S.P02626/A 120 mm - 4 3/4” Non Forata A.S.P63

01690/F 130 mm - 5 1/8” Ø22-26 - 7/8” - 0,94”Forata/Hole Super Soft01690/F/24 130 mm - 5 1/8” Forata/Hole Super SoftØ26-26 - 0,94”-0,94” per comandi riscaldati/ for heated controls02624/L 125mm - 4 7/8” Forata/Hole Super SoftØ26-26 - 0,94”-0,94” per comandi riscaldati/ for heated controls02624/C 125mm - 4 7/8” Non Forata/Not Pierced Super SoftØ26-26 - 0,94”-0,94” per comandi riscaldati/ for heated controls01683 125 mm - 4 7/8” A.S.P. 01683-M 125 mm - 4 7/8” A.S.P.01626/V 135 mm - 5 1/4” Ø22-22 - 7/8” A.S.PPer Vespa01609/V 125 mm - 4 7/8” Ø22-22 - 7/8” A.S.P.Per Vespa01687-LI 120 mm - 4 3/4” - T.S.C.01678 120 mm - 4 3/4” A.S.P.IUKEManopole non <strong>in</strong>cluseGrips not <strong>in</strong>cludedPuños no <strong>in</strong>cluidos64DIS-10

02622-BR125 mm - 4 7/8” XT+SEBS02622 Manopole Power I- superficie del corpo a micro-piramidi <strong>in</strong> r<strong>il</strong>ievo;- 2 componenti, 2 durezze, due colori;- <strong>in</strong>cavo con sagoma anatomica per pollice ed <strong>in</strong>dice;- 2 cave per <strong>il</strong> f<strong>il</strong>o di acciaio di fissaggio;- flange ridotte.02622 Power Grips UK- micro-pyramid pattern provides firm safe grip;- dual compound, dual hardness, dual colour;- anatomically-prof<strong>il</strong>ed channel at the <strong>in</strong>ner end for thumb and foref<strong>in</strong>ger;- 2 bu<strong>il</strong>t-<strong>in</strong> wire-on grooves with space to tighten the wire;- m<strong>in</strong>imal flanges.02622-BA 125 mm - 4 7/8” XT+SEBS 02622-BN 125 mm - 4 7/8” XT+SEBS02612-R 125 mm - 4 7/8” SEBS + XTTampone Laterale - End Cap.02612-GR 125 mm - 4 7/8” SEBS + XTTampone Laterale - End Cap.02612-A 125 mm - 4 7/8” SEBS + XTTampone Laterale - End Cap.01688 120 mm - 4 3/4” A.S.P.01670 120 mm - 4 3/4” A.S.P.01670-A 120 mm - 4 3/4” A.S.P.01681/A 120 mm - 4 3/4” A.S.P.01668/A 120 mm - 4 3/4” A.S.P.12906-R 100 mm Spugna/Foam Paio/Pair Rosso/Red12906-A 100 mm Spugna/Foam Paio/Pair Blu/Blue12906 100 mm Spugna/Foam Paio/Pair Nero/Black11944-R 75 mm - 3” A.S.P. Paio/Pair Rosso/Red11944-A 75 mm - 3” A.S.P. Paio/Pair Blu/Blue11944 75 mm - 3” A.S.P. Paio/Pair Nero/Black65

Tubo raccordo pompa freno-serbatoio liquido DOT4Low-pressure hydraulic pipe to fit between remote reservoir and master cyl<strong>in</strong>der - suitable for use with DOT4 fluid.Tubo enlace con bomba de freno-deposito para liquido DOT4Cod. 12978/5 6x10 mm Pack. 5 mt. - 16’ 5” blackTubo benz<strong>in</strong>a di nuova generazione <strong>in</strong> PolarlysNew generation fuel-pipe <strong>in</strong> PolarlysTubo de gasol<strong>in</strong>a de nueva generación en PolarlysCod. 01958/A10G 6x9 mm Pack. 10 mt. - 32’ 10” GreyIUKETubo benz<strong>in</strong>a specifico per benz<strong>in</strong>a senza piomboFuel-pipe fully-compatible with high-octane unleaded fuelTubo violeta específico para gasol<strong>in</strong>a s<strong>in</strong> plomoSize Color Pack Code4x7 Violet 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01925/10-S4,8x9 Violet 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 11922/10-S5,5x10 Violet 10 mt.- 32’ 10” 03904/10-S6x9 Violet 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01958/A10S6,5x11 Violet 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 11923/10-STubo Benz<strong>in</strong>a Ariete per benz<strong>in</strong>a senza piombo: I- Tubo <strong>in</strong>terno resistente alla benz<strong>in</strong>a senza piombo;- Rivestimento esterno (colore viola) resistente ai raggi UV, al calore ed allo stress meccanico;- Non si accorcia;- Rimane elastico, non diventa secco nel tempo;- Durevole;- Trasparente, è visib<strong>il</strong>e <strong>il</strong> passaggio della benz<strong>in</strong>a.Ariete Petrol Pipe for unleaded fuel: UK- Inner tube stands up to unleaded fuels- Outer purple tube protects from high temperatures, mechanical stress, and atmospheric agents- Shr<strong>in</strong>k-proof- Resists embrittlement, rema<strong>in</strong>s flexible- Durable- Translucent, so dirty fuel is visible through pipeTubo violeta ARIETE para gasol<strong>in</strong>a s<strong>in</strong> plomo: E- El tubo <strong>in</strong>terno resiste 100% las gasol<strong>in</strong>as verdes, s<strong>in</strong> plomo.- El tubo externo protege de las altas temperaturas, de fatigas mecánicas y agentes atmosféricos- No encoge, no se seca- Permanece flexible- Resiste el paso del tiempo- Transparente, se puede controlar la gasol<strong>in</strong>a68

Size Color Pack Code1,5x4 Black 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 11949/101,5x4 Clear 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 11949/10-T2x5 Black 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 03998/102x5 Clear 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 03998/10-T3x6 Black 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 03999/103x6 Clear 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 03999/10-T4x7 Black 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01925/104x7 Green 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01925/10-V4,5x9 Black 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01958/104,5x9 Green 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01958/10-V5x8 Black 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01922/105x8 Green 10 mt.- 32’ 10” 01922/10-V5,5x10 Black 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 03904/105,5x10 Green 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 03904/10-V6x9 co-extruded/grey 5 mt. - 16’ 5” 09970/56x9 Black 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01958/A/106x9 Green 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01958/A10V6x13 Black 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01902/106x13 Green 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01902/10-V7x10 Black 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01922/A/107x10 Green 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 01922/A10V8x13 Green 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 11932/10-V10x15 Green 10 mt. - 32’ 10” 11934/10-VSize Color Pack Code4x7 Green 100 mt. - 328’ 01925-V4,5x9 Green 100 mt. - 328’ 01958-V5x8 Black 100 mt. - 328’ 019225x8 Green 100 mt.- 328’ 01922-V6x9 Black 100 mt. - 328’ 01958/A6x9 Green 100 mt. - 328’ 01958/A-V6x13 Green 50 mt. - 164’ 01902-V7x10 Black 100 mt. - 328’ 01922/A7x10 Green 100 mt. - 328’ 01922/A-V69

IARI KITS PARAOLIO FORCELLA:Il perfetto funzionamento della forcella anteriore è di fondamentale importanza per qualsiasi tipologia di moto, dal Superbike al Trial.L’Ariete ha messo a punto una speciale formulazione di gomma resistente all’aggressione chimica provocata dagli additivi contenuti negli olii usati nelle forcelle. E’ stata <strong>in</strong>oltrestudiata una particolare forma dell’anello paraolio che con più labbri di tenuta, rettificati perfettamente, ripartisce e contiene <strong>in</strong> modo omogeneo la sp<strong>in</strong>ta dell’olio impedendoqualsiasi fuoriuscita.La l<strong>in</strong>ea di questi KITS denom<strong>in</strong>ata ARI è composta da oltre 140 misure diverse che equipaggiano più di 35.000 modelli di moto dagli anni 60 ad oggi. Ogni Kit composto da 2anelli di tenuta, è dotato di una bust<strong>in</strong>a dello speciale grasso ARISIL studiato per le applicazioni gomma-metallo che migliorando <strong>il</strong> lavoro a cui è sottoposto <strong>il</strong> paraolio ne aumentanola durata nel tempo.ARI FORK OIL SEAL KITS: UKCorrect performance from the front fork is a vital requirement for everyth<strong>in</strong>g from Superbikes to Trials bikes. ARIETE has worked hard to produce a special rubber compound which toleratesthe chemical additives used <strong>in</strong> fork o<strong>il</strong>.We have also ref<strong>in</strong>ed the design of the OIL SEAL LIPS, which have a ground f<strong>in</strong>ish.They offer complete control of the vary<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>ternal pressure asthe fork is alternately extended and compressed, with no loss of lubricant.We offer over 140 ARI dimensions, which fit more than 35.000 motorcycle models, cover<strong>in</strong>g the period from the1960s unt<strong>il</strong> the present day. Each kit comprises 2 o<strong>il</strong> seals, and comes complete with a sachet of special Aris<strong>il</strong> grease.This has been specially developed for lubricat<strong>in</strong>g reciprocat<strong>in</strong>g metalrubbercontact areas, reduc<strong>in</strong>g friction at the po<strong>in</strong>t of contact, and <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g the life expectation of the components <strong>in</strong>volved.Cod, 12950100 gr.3,527 ouncesCod. 109451 gr.0,03527 ounceConfezione - PackFORKYCode Tube Ø mm Code Tube Ø mm12930/35 Ø 3512930/36 Ø 3612930/37 Ø 3712930/38 Ø 3812930/39 Ø 3912930/40 Ø 4012930/41 Ø 4112930/42 Ø 4212930/43 Ø 4312930/44 Ø 4412930/45 Ø 4512930/46 Ø 4612930/47 Ø 4712930/48 Ø 4812930/49 Ø 4912930/50 Ø 5012930/51 Ø 51ARI FORK SEAL DRIVER: IForky,Ari Fork Seal Driver è un attrezzo per montare correttamente i paraolio su forcelle tradizionali e rovesciate (upside down).Progettato per fac<strong>il</strong>itare questo tipo di lavoro è disponib<strong>il</strong>e per paraolio da 35 a 51 mm di diametro <strong>in</strong>terno. Ricavato dal pieno è <strong>in</strong> acciaio con trattamento galvanicoanticorrosione ed ha una superficie esterna lavorata per una presa sicura. Il peso è compreso, secondo le misure tra gli 800 ed i 1000 grammi.Viene venduto a pezzo s<strong>in</strong>golo.ARI FORK SEAL DRIVERS: UKThe Split fork seal driver is a tool used for chang<strong>in</strong>g the fork seals on conventional and upside down forks. Designed for easy <strong>in</strong>stallation of most fork seals <strong>in</strong> 35 mm thru 51 mmconfigurations.Manufactured from plated carbon steel, featur<strong>in</strong>g split design and weighted body.Weight range from 800 to 1.000 gr. Sold <strong>in</strong>dividually.70

ROSSO= PARAPOLVERE RED= DUST SEALS ROJO= GUARDAPOLVOMisura - Size Codice - Code Misura - Size Codice - Code24 x 32 x 7 KC ARI.11025,7 x 37 x 10,5 TC4 ARI.07526 x 35,5/37,7 x 6/13,5 Y ARI.07626 x 37 x 10,5 TC4 ARI.05227 x 39 x 10,5 TC4 ARI.00927 x 39,1/45 x 5,7/15 XICY ARI.09728 x 38 x 7 SC ARI.01028 x 40 x 8 TC4 ARI.11129 x 41 x 11 DCY ARI.05529,8 x 40 x 7 TC4 ARI.09830 x 39/43 x 12 DC4Y ARI.11230 x 40 x 7/8 KEY ARI.08030 x 40 x 7/9 TCY ARI.02030 x 40 x 8/12 TC6Y ARI.11330 x 40 x 8/9 TCY ARI.07930 X 40,5 X 10,5/12 TCL ARI.04830 x 42 x 10,5 TB4 ARI.01630 x 42 x 8/11 DCY1 ARI.14231 x 43 x 10,5 DCY ARI.00531,7 x 42 x 7/9 TCL ARI.07831,7 x 42 x 7/9 TCL ARI.077+ Y 31,75 x 42,8/48 x 7,6/11,631,74 x 42 x 9 TG4 ARI.10331,8 x 42 x 7 TC4 ARI.13332 x 42 x 7 SC ARI.01332 x 42 x 7/9 TCY ARI.01132 x 42 x 8/9 TCY ARI.01432 x 43 x 12,5 TB4 ARI.03132 x 44 x 10,5 TC4 ARI.06032 x 45 x 7 TC ARI.12232 x 45 x 9/11 TCL ARI.07433 x 43 x 6,5/7,5 TCL ARI.01533 x 45 x 11 TC4 ARI.10133 x 45 x 4,5/13,8 Y ARI.12133 x 45 x 8/10,5 TCL ARI.07133 x 45 x 10 TC4 ARI.13533 x 46 x 10,5 TC4 ARI.00433 x 46 x 11 DCY ARI.07333 x 46 x 11 DC4 ARI.09633 x 46,5 x 5,8/15 Y-2 ARI.14033,34 x 49,21 x 12,7/17,5 TCY ARI.03834 x 46 x 10,5 TB4 ARI.00235 x 46 x 11 DC4Y-2 ARI.14935 x 46,8/51,3 x 5/12,5 SG5Y ARI.14835 x 47 x 10 DCY ARI.04035 x 47 x 10/10,5 TCL ARI.02235 x 47 x 7,5/10 DCY ARI.06635 x 47 x 7/9 TCY ARI.01235 x 47 x 9,5/10,5 TC4Y ARI.05135 x 48 x 10,5 TC4 ARI.02435 x 48 x 11 DCY ARI.003T35 x 48 x 13/14,5 TCL ARI.003R35 x 48 x 8/10,5 TCL ARI.06135 x 48 x 8/9,5 TCY ARI.04935 x 48,2 x 8/10,2 DC4Y ARI.14135 x 48,5/53 x 5,8/15 XICY ARI.13036 x 48,5/52,5 x 6/14 Y ARI.11536 x 46 x 7/9 TCY ARI.04336 x 48 x 10,5 TC4 ARI.00136 x 48 x 11 TC4 ARI.11436 x 48 x 11/12,5 TCL ARI.02536 x 48 x 8/9,5 TCL ARI.04637 x 48 x 10,5/12 TC4Y ARI.00737 x 49 x 8/10 DCY ARI.05037 x 49/49,4 x 8/9,5 TCL ARI.02737 x 50 x 11 DCY ARI.04437,8 x 48 x 6/6,5 TC ARI.01738 x 47,8 x 3/9,5 TC4Y ARI.06538 x 48 x 10 TC4 ARI.09438 x 49,1/54 x 6/15,5 Y ARI.09238 x 50 x 10,5 TC4 ARI.02138 x 50 x 11 TC4 ARI.06238 x 50 x 7/8 TCL ARI.02938 x 50 x 8/9,5 TCY ARI.03238 x 52 x 11 DCY ARI.05938,5 x 48 x 7/8,7 TBCL ARI.08439 x 51 x 10,5/12 TCL ARI.07039 x 51 x 8/10,5 TCL ARI.05839 x 51 x 8/9,5 TCL ARI.068+ Y 39 x 51,1/55,6 x 4,7/11,539 x 52 x 11 DCY ARI.03740 x 49,5 x 7/9,5 DC4Y ARI.03540 x 52 x 10/10,5 TCL ARI.02340 x 52 x 8/10,5 TCL ARI.06340 x 52 x 8/9,5 TCY ARI.03340 x 52,5 x 4,6/14 Y ARI.12441 x 51 x 6/7,5 TCL ARI.04541 x 52,2 x 11 DCY1 ARI.14341 x 53 x 10,5 TC4 ARI.04141 x 53 x 11 TC4 ARI.13241 x 53 x 8/10,5 TCL ARI.05741 x 53 x 8/10,5 DC4Y ARI.10241 x 53 x 8/9,5 TCY ARI.05641 x 53 x 8/9,5 TCL ARI.06441 x 53,5/58 x 4,8/14 XICY ARI.13841 x 53,7 x 5/10 YC ARI.12841 x 54 x 11 DCY ARI.04741,3 x 54 x 13/14 TCL ARI.08941,7 x 55 x 10/10,5 TCL ARI.02841,7 x 55 x 7,5/10 DC4Y ARI.08341,7 x 55 x 8/10,5 TC4Y ARI.03443 x 52,7 x 9,5/10,5 TCY ARI.10743 x 54 x 9,5/10,5 TCL ARI.09043 x 54 x 11 TC4 ARI.05343 x 54 x 11 DCY ARI.11843 x 54,2/59,8 x 6/11 Y-11 ARI.12943 x 54,4 x 4,6/14 Y ARI.11943 x 55 x 9,5/10,5 TCL ARI.07243 x 55 x 9,5/10,5 DCY ARI.10943 x 55 x 10,5/12 TCL ARI.03643 x 55 x 11 TCL ARI.12343 x 55 x 11/14,5 TCL ARI.12743 x 55,7/60 x 5/14 XICY ARI.14445 x 57 x 11 DCY ARI.06745 x 57,3/62 x 6/13 SG5Y ARI.09145 x 58 x 11 DCY ARI.12045 x 58 x 8,5/11 DCY ARI.08245 x 58,3/62,3 x 4,5/11 SG5Y ARI.08146 x 58 x 8,5/11,5 DC4Y-1 ARI.14646 x 58 x 10,5 DCY ARI.10846 x 58,1 x 9,5/11,5 DCY ARI.08746 x 58,5 x 5/10 YC ARI.13146 x 58,5/62,5 x 5/11,5 Y ARI.08846 x 58,5/62,3 x 5,8/13,2 Y-9 ARI.14747 x 58 x 10 TC4 ARI.10547 x 59/62 x 8 x 10,3 SG5 ARI.10648 x 57,7 x 9,5/10,3 TCL ARI.11648 x 57,9 x 9,5/11,5 DC4Y ARI.13948 x 58 x 9/9,8 TCL1 ARI.14548 x 58,2 x 8,5/10,5 DC4Y ARI.11748 x 58,5/62 x 6/11,5 Y ARI.12648 x 61 x 11 TC4 ARI.13449 x 60 x 10 TC4 ARI.10450 x 59,6 x 7/10,5 DCY ARI.08550 x 60/63 x 7/13 Y ARI.08650 x 62 x 9,5/11,5 DC4Y ARI.12550 x 63 x 11 TCY ARI.09350 x 63 x 11 DCY ARI.13650 x 63,4 x 4,5/14 Y ARI.13771

2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998Honda CR80-85 x x x x ARI.044 ARI.044 ARI.044 ARI.044 ARI.044 ARI.044 ARI.044 ARI.044 ARI.044 ARI.044 ARI.044 ARI.044CAP-DUST SEAL x x x - - - - - - - - - - - - -125 x x x x x x ARI.108 ARI.108 ARI.108 ARI.087 ARI.087 ARI.087 ARI.087 ARI.087 ARI.087 ARI.087CAP-DUST SEAL x x x x x x ARI.131 ARI.131 ARI.131 ARI.088 ARI.088 ARI.088 ARI.088 ARI.088 ARI.088 ARI.088250 x x x x x x x ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105CAP-DUST SEAL x x x x x x x ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106250/F ARI.117 ARI.117 ARI.117 ARI.117 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 x x x x xCAP-DUST SEAL ARI.126 ARI.126 ARI.126 ARI.126 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 x x x x x450/F ARI.145 ARI.145 ARI.145 ARI.145 ARI.117 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 x x x xCAP-DUST SEAL ARI.126 ARI.126 ARI.126 ARI.126 ARI.126 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 x x x x500 x x x x x x x x x ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.105 ARI.087 ARI.087 ARI.087 ARI.087CAP-DUST SEAL x x x x x x x x x ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.106 ARI.088 ARI.088 ARI.088 ARI.088Yamaha YZ-WR85 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046 ARI.046CAP-DUST SEAL - 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KEVLARGates è <strong>il</strong> produttore leader nella costruzione di c<strong>in</strong>ghie ad alto contenutotecnologico per <strong>il</strong> mercato automob<strong>il</strong>istico e <strong>in</strong>dustriale.L’alta qualità dei materiali e le avanzate caratteristiche del prodottounite all’ottimizzazione delle prestazioni, aumentano la vita dellec<strong>in</strong>ghie e riducono al m<strong>in</strong>imo i costi di manutenzione.Le c<strong>in</strong>ghie Gates sono caratterizzate una per una dalle seguenti particolarità:- La gomma è r<strong>in</strong>forzata dalla fibra aramidica per la miglior resistenzaall’usura e per assicurare un perfetto accoppiamento con la puleggiadel variatore.- I più moderni trattamenti chimici dei cavi della c<strong>in</strong>ghia, assicurano unaperfetta adesione dei cavi alla gomma garantendo lunga vita allac<strong>in</strong>ghia e grande resistenza ai carichi pulsanti.- Le mescole speciali di gomma offrono un’ ottima resistenza alle alteed alle basse temperature resistendo alle variazioni termiche.- Il costante controllo dei processi produttivi assicura la massimaaccuratezza delle dimensioni delle c<strong>in</strong>ghie.- Costruite dalle fabbriche Gates <strong>in</strong> Europa, che sono tutte certificateper alta qualità, sicurezza e cura per l’ambiente.- Nelle c<strong>in</strong>ghie non sono presenti componenti chimici tossici <strong>in</strong> accordocon le direttive Europee.Disponib<strong>il</strong>i <strong>in</strong> tre versioni per rispondere alle più svariate richieste:1) STANDARD: la gomma è r<strong>in</strong>forzata con fibra aramidica.2) KEVLAR: oltre alla gomma r<strong>in</strong>forzata con fibra aramidica la c<strong>in</strong>ghiaha cavi <strong>in</strong> fibra aramidica particolarmente tenace, per resistereai carichi shock e alle accelerazioni più importanti.3) DOPPIA: si parla del miglior prodotto oggi sul mercato cioè lagomma EPDM unita ai cavi <strong>in</strong> fibra aramidica, e la costruzione a doppiadentellatura (Double Notch) per garantire <strong>il</strong> massimo delle prestazioni,a veicoli che chiedono e rendono <strong>il</strong> massimo.STANDARDGates is a lead<strong>in</strong>g manufacturer of high-tech belts to the automotive and<strong>in</strong>dustrial markets. High-quality materials and advanced product featuresoptimise performance, <strong>in</strong>crease product lifetime and br<strong>in</strong>g ma<strong>in</strong>tenance coststo a reassur<strong>in</strong>g low. Gates’ belts are all characterised by one or more of thefollow<strong>in</strong>g unique characteristics:- Aramid fibre re<strong>in</strong>forced rubber compound, to better resist wear andensure smooth slid<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the variator pulleys.- Advanced chemical treatment of the tens<strong>il</strong>e members, to assure improvedbond<strong>in</strong>g between cord and rubber and guarantee longer belt life and highshock resistance.- Unique rubber compounds, to offer optimum resistance to the highest andlowest temperatures and to thermic load under friction.- Consistent production processes, to ensure dimensional accuracy.- Manufactured <strong>in</strong> Gates’ European fac<strong>il</strong>ities, all certified to the highestquality and safety and environmental standards.- No toxic chemical components, <strong>in</strong> compliance with the relevant Europeandirectives.Ava<strong>il</strong>able <strong>in</strong> three different constructions to meet the most varied requirements:1) STANDARD: with aramid re<strong>in</strong>forced rubber compound to improve durab<strong>il</strong>ity.2) KEVLAR: with aramid re<strong>in</strong>forced rubber compound and extra strongaramid tens<strong>il</strong>e members to maximise acceleration, shock load resistanceand service life.3) DOUBLE NOTCH: with state-of-the art EPDM compound, extrastrong aramid tens<strong>il</strong>e members and Double Notch construction to guaranteeextra high performance, particularly suited for high displacement vehicles.73

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleAdiva 125 AD Adiva Benelli Adiva (01-06) R13440941A 11930/KAdiva 125 AD Euro 3 Piaggio (07-08) 842009 11990/KAdiva 150 AD Adiva Benelli Adiva (01-06) R13440941A 11930/KAdiva 400 AD Cabrio Piaggio (08-09) 832738 12991/DAdiva 400 AR Piaggio (08-09) 832738 12991/DAdly 50 Air Tec 1 (06-...) 23100-116-000 10996 10996/KAdly 50 Cat 2T n/a 23100-116-000 10996 10996/KAdly 50 Jet 50 (Euro 1) 2T n/a 23100-116-000 10996 10996/KAdly 50 Noble 2T (06-...) 23100-116-000 10996 10996/KAdly 50 Panther (06-...) 23100-116-000 10996 10996/KAdly 50 SF S<strong>il</strong>ver Fox 2T n/a 23100-116-000 10996 10996/KAdly 50 Supersonic 2T n/a 23100-116-000 10996 10996/KAdly 50 TB Thunder Bike 2T (04-...) 23100-116-000 10996 10996/KAdly 50 SF S<strong>il</strong>ver Fox 4T n/a 23100-133-000 10997 10997/KAdly 100 Cat 2T n/a 23100-117-000 10996 10996/KAdly 100 Jet 2T n/a 23100-117-000 10996 10996/KAdly 100 Noble 2T n/a 23100-117-000 10996 10996/KAdly 100 Panther 2T n/a 23100-117-000 10996 10996/KAdly 100 Supersonic 2T n/a 23100-117-000 10996 10996/KAeon 50 Aero 2T (99-09) 23100-113-000 10996 10996/KAeon 50 Echo 2T (99-09) 23100-113-000 10996 10996/KAeon 50 Regal 2T (99-09) 23100-113-000 10996 10996/KAeon 50 Torch (99-01) 23100-113-000 10996 10996/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Amico LK/LX/GL/Sport (92-99) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Area 51 (98-00) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Gulliver Air/LC (94-00) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Rally Air/LC (94-04) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Scarabeo (97-00) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Scarabeo 2T/Street M<strong>in</strong>arelli (93-06) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR 50 rac<strong>in</strong>g (00-01) n/a 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR Air Esquire/Urban/Wave/Sunfire M<strong>in</strong>arelli horizontal (94-96) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR Air Sport M<strong>in</strong>arelli (99-02) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR Air Urban/Viper/Replica/europe M<strong>in</strong>arelli vertical (93-96) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR Air WWW M<strong>in</strong>arelli (97-02) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR H2O Rac<strong>in</strong>g/Stealth (97-00) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR LC Replica (94-96) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR Netscaper (97-00) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Stealth M<strong>in</strong>arelli (97-00) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Urban (93-96) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 WWW (97-02) 8206109 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Sonic 50 AC/LC (99-00) 8206818 10996 10996/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Sonic LC/GP (98-08) 8206818 10996 10996/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 *Mojito Custom 2T Piaggio (04-08) 286162 11924Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 *Scarabeo 2T/Street/Rst Piaggio (05-10) 286162 11924Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 *SR H2O R Factory (04-10) 286162 11924Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR H2O R (Piaggio carburator) (04-08) 286162 11924Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 *SR H2O Street Piaggio (03-10) 286162 11924Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 *SR H2O Street IE (Piaggio <strong>in</strong>jection) (03-10) 286162 11924Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Mojito Custom 2T Piaggio (04-08) 8515110/436864 10964 10964/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR H2O R Factory (Piaggio <strong>in</strong>jection) (04-10) 833982 10964 10964/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 *SR H2O R (Piaggio carburator) (04-08) 8515110/436864 10964 10964/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR H2O Street (Piaggio carburator) (03-10) 8515110/436864 10964 10964/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR R Piaggio (04-10) 8515110/436864 10964 10964/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Habana Custom (99-02) 2MCA000014 12982Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Mojito Retro/Custom 2T Apr<strong>il</strong>ia (99-03) 2MCA000014 12982Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Scarabeo Di-Tech (00-07) 2MCA000014 12982Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR H2O Di-Tech Apr<strong>il</strong>ia Di-Tech (00-04) 2MCA000014 12982Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR H2O Di-Tech Euro 2 Apr<strong>il</strong>ia Di-Tech (02-04) 2MCA000014 12982Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR H2O New Di-Tech Apr<strong>il</strong>ia Di-Tech (04-06) 2MCA000014 12982Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR H2O R Factory Di-Tech (04-06) 2MCA000014 12982Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 SR H2O Rac<strong>in</strong>g/Sport (Apr<strong>il</strong>ia/Suzuki carburator) Apr<strong>il</strong>ia (00-04) 2MCA000014 12982Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Scarabeo 2T/Street/Rst Piaggio (05-10) 8570076/8271R 11925Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Scarabeo 4T (03-06) 8570076/8271R 11925Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Scarabeo 4T/Rst/Euro 3 (06-10) 82712R 11925Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Scarabeo Quattro 4V-4T (09-10) 82712R 11925Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 50 Sport City One 4T (08-10) 82712R 11925Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 51 Sport City One/Street 2 T (08-10) 82712R 11925Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 100 Scarabeo 4 T (01-05) 8551053 (831330) 11953 11953/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 100 Scarabeo 4 T/Rst (06-10) 82646R (831330) 11953 11953/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 100 Scarabeo 2T M<strong>in</strong>arelli - REA0 (00-...) 8510802 1298274

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar Double75Brand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleApr<strong>il</strong>ia 100 Scarabeo 2T Yamaha - RE00 (00-...) 8510802/8510604 12982Apr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 *SR (99-...) 8550160 11988/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Habana Custom (99-02) 8550363/825059 11988/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Mojito Custom (99-02) 8550363/825059 11988/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 SR (99-...) 8550130 11928/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 SR 125 Rac<strong>in</strong>g (00-01) 8550130 11928/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Atlantic Euro 3 (02-09) 8580247/841213 11930/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Mojito (03-08) 8580247/841213 11930/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Sport City One (08-10) 8580247/841213 11930/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Scarabeo Light Apr<strong>il</strong>ia (07-09) 2MCA000860/856026 11989/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Scarabeo Light IE (09-10) 2MCA000860/856026 11989/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Scarabeo GT/Street/Euro 3 Piaggio (03-07) 8575042/842009 11990/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Sport City (04-...) 8575042 11990/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Sport City Cube (08-10) 842009 11990/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 125 Sport City/Euro 3 (04-10) 8575042/842009 11990/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 150 *SR (99-...) 8550160 11988/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 150 SR (99-...) 8550130 11928/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 150 Leonardo 150 (96-03) 280102 11950/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 150 Scarabeo 150 (99-03) 280102 11950/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 150 Mojito (03-05) 8580247/841213 11930/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 200 Scarabeo Light Apr<strong>il</strong>ia (07-09) 2MCA000860/856026 11989/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 200 Scarabeo Light IE (09-10) 2MCA000860/856026 11989/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 200 Atlantic (02-08) 8580246/840908 12988/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 200 Atlantic 200 (02-05) 8580207/8580246 12988/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 200 Scarabeo GT/Street/Euro 3 Piaggio (03-07) 8575041/842011 12989/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 200 Sport City 200 (04-...) 8575041 12989/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 200 Sport City Cube (08-10) 842011 12989/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 200 Sport City Euro 3 (04-08) 8575041/842011 12989/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 250 Leonardo (99-05 ) 8122639 11931/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 250 Atlantic (03-06) 8580261/843963 12990/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 250 Atlantic IE/Euro 3 (06-09) 843963/82941R 12990/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 300 Leonardo (04-06) 8122639 11931/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia 300 Atlantic IE/Euro 3 (10) 82941R 12990/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 400 Atlantic Spr<strong>in</strong>t (06-09) 8560188/832738 12991/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 400 Scarabeo Light (06-09) 8560188/832738 12991/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 500 Atlantic (03-05) 8560188/832738 12991/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 500 Atlantic Spr<strong>in</strong>t (05-08) 8560188/832738 12991/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia 500 Scarabeo GT/ABS/Light (02-07) 8560188/832738 12991/DApr<strong>il</strong>ia n/a Blue star n/a n/a 10962 10962/KApr<strong>il</strong>ia n/a Fun n/a n/a 10962 10962/KAtala 50 Carosello M<strong>in</strong>arelli n/a n/a 10962 10962/KAtala 50 Byte AT10 Mor<strong>in</strong>i n/a 17.614.015.00 (127227) 11953 11953/KAtala 50 Hacker LC AT12/AT14 (96-99) 17.614.015.00 (127227) 11953 11953/KAtala 50 Skeggia LC Mor<strong>in</strong>i n/a 17.614.015.00 (127227) 11953 11953/KAtu 50 Sp<strong>in</strong> GE 2T n/a 1PE40QMB-101 10996 10996/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-18 E Tiger 2T (08-09) n/a 10996 10996/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-18 F1 Tanco 2T (08-09) n/a 10996 10996/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-18 G1 2T 1E40QMA n/a n/a 10996 10996/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-20 B2 2T 1E40QMA n/a n/a 10996 10996/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-28 A 2T 1E40QMA n/a n/a 10996 10996/KBaotian 50 BT 50 QT-11 4T (GY6 139QMB) n/a 139QMB-147-000 11988/KBaotian 50 BT 50 QT-9 4T (GY6 139QMB) n/a 139QMB-147-000 11988/KBaotian 50 “BT 49 QT-10 4T (10”” wheels)” (06-08) 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 “BT 49 QT-11 Tommy 4T (10”” wheels) “ n/a 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 “BT 49 QT-12 Tanco/Rebel 4T (10”” wheels)” n/a 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-2 Big Panther 4T R10 (06-07) 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 “BT 49 QT-3 4T 10””” (06-09) 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-6 B1 4T R10 n/a 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-7 A1/B1 4T R10/12 n/a 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-7 Chase 4T (05-07) 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-7 Smart Rider 4T (05-07) 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-8 4T (05-08) 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 4T (06-08) 114001-139QMA-0200 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 A1/A2 4T R10 n/a 114001-139QMA-0200 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 D1/D2 4T R10 n/a 114001-139QMA-0200 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 D5/D7 4T R10 n/a 114001-139QMA-0200 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 F1 4T R10 n/a 114001-139QMA-0200 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 N1/N2 4T R10 n/a 114001-139QMA-0200 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 P1 4T R10 n/a 114001-139QMA-0200 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 R1 4T R10 n/a 114001-139QMA-0200 10997 10997/K

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 S1/S2 4T R10 n/a 114001-139QMA-0200 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 Scout 4T (10” wheels) n/a 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 49 QT-9 T1 4T R10 n/a 114001-139QMA-0200 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 50 QT-11 E 4T (05-07) 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 50 QT-3 N Speedy 4T (06-08) 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 BT 50 QT-9 N 4T (06-08) 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBaotian 50 ZN QT-A/B 4T n/a 139QMB-147-000 10997 10997/KBenelli 50 491 RR/ST M<strong>in</strong>arelli (97-02) R16140011A0 10962 10962/KBenelli 50 491 Sport/Rac<strong>in</strong>g M<strong>in</strong>arelli (98-02) R16140011A0 10962 10962/KBenelli 50 491 GT/SP (97-02) R16140011A0 10962 10962/KBenelli 50 K2 Air/LC/Namur M<strong>in</strong>arelli (98-...) R16140011A0 10962 10962/KBenelli 50 Naked M<strong>in</strong>arelli (02) R16140011A0 10962 10962/KBenelli 50 Pepe LX M<strong>in</strong>arelli (98-06) R16140011A0 10962 10962/KBenelli 50 Pepe LX/Old (07-09) R030424102000 10996 10996/KBenelli 50 QuattronoveX (08-09) R030424102000 10996 10996/KBenelli 50 491 RR/ST Mor<strong>in</strong>i (03-...) R013427003000 11953 11953/KBenelli 50 Naked Mor<strong>in</strong>i (03-...) R013427003000 11953 11953/KBenelli 100 K2 (98-00) R1640011A0 12982Benelli 100 Naked (01-...) R16140641A0 12982Benelli 100 Pepe 100 (01-...) R16140641A0 12982Benelli 100 Pepe LX (01-...) R16140641A0 12982Benelli 125 Velvet Tour<strong>in</strong>g (99-07) R16140631A0 11928/KBenelli 125 Adiva 125 (01-06) R13440941A 11930/KBenelli 150 Velvet Tour<strong>in</strong>g (99-07) R16140631A0 11928/KBenelli 150 Adiva 150 (01-06) R13440941A 11930/KBenelli 250 Velvet Tour<strong>in</strong>g (98-07) R16040171A0 11931/KBenelli n/a 491 Army (97-...) n/a 10962 10962/KBenelli n/a GT (97-...) n/a 10962 10962/KBenelli n/a Sport (97-...) n/a 10962 10962/KBenelli n/a Superbike n/a n/a 10962 10962/KBenzhou 50 YY 50 QT 4T (07-08) n/a 10997 10997/KBenzhou 50 YY 50 QT-11 4T (08) n/a 10997 10997/KBenzhou 50 YY 50 QT-15 4T (07-08) n/a 10997 10997/KBenzhou 50 YY 50 QT-22 4T (08) n/a 10997 10997/KBenzhou 50 YY 50 QT-25A 4T (08) n/a 10997 10997/KBenzhou 50 YY 50 QT-3 4T (08) n/a 10997 10997/KBetamotor 50 Ark LC/K (96-08) 33-01290 10962 10962/KBetamotor 50 Chrono 502 (95-...) 33-01290 10962 10962/KBetamotor 50 Eikon 50 (99-...) 33-01290 10962 10962/KBetamotor 50 Quadra (95-...) 33-01290 10962 10962/KBetamotor 50 “Tempo 13””” (94-95) 33-01290 10962 10962/KBetamotor 50 “Tempo 16””” (96-...) 33-01290 10962 10962/KBSV 50 SC 01/SR/ZX n/a 23100-GG2-750 10963BSV 50 SP Dio n/a n/a 10963BSV 50 ZX n/a 23100-GG2-750 10963BSV n/a AX n/a n/a 10996 10996/KBSV n/a GZ n/a n/a 10996 10996/KBSV n/a JX-GZ n/a n/a 10996 10996/KBuffalo 50 BT 50 QT-3N Speedy 4T (06-08) n/a 10997 10997/KBuffalo 50 BT 50 QT-9N Speedy 4T (07-08) n/a 10997 10997/KBuffalo 50 S<strong>il</strong>ver 4T (07) n/a 10997 10997/KBuffalo 50 TVZ 4T (08) n/a 10997 10997/KBuffalo 50 ZS 50 QT-4 W<strong>in</strong>d 4T (05-06) n/a 10997 10997/KBuffalo 50 ZX 50 4T (07-08) n/a 10997 10997/KCagiva 50 Cucciolo (98-00) 800091314 11988/KCagiva 50 Cucciolo Air n/a 00G02602371 11988/KCagiva 50 Progress 50 n/a n/a 11988/KCagiva 50 Progress Air n/a 00G02602371 11988/KCagiva 50 Progress LC n/a 00G02602371 11988/KCagiva 50 City n/a Y00MA0063 11924Cagiva 125 Cucciolo Nuvola n/a 800093625 11988/KCF Moto 125 CF 125 T-21A E-Charm IE n/a 1P52MI-A-053000 11987/KCF Moto 125 Urban R n/a 1P52MI-A-053000 11987/KCF Moto 150 CF 150 T-5A E-Charm Carb. n/a 1P52MI-A-053000 11987/KCF Moto 150 CF 150 T-5A E-Charm IE n/a 1P52MI-A-053000 11987/KCF Moto 150 CF 150 T-5I IE n/a 1P52MI-A-053000 11987/KCF Moto 150 CF Glory IE n/a 1P52MI-A-053000 11987/KCF Moto 150 Urban R n/a 1P52MI-A-053000 11987/KCF Moto 250 CF-T F/E Tour<strong>in</strong>g/Fashion/VIP n/a 172MM-052700 11989/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Motori 50 1PE40QMB 2T n/a 788-17-28/780-16,5-30 10996 10996/K76

77Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleCh<strong>in</strong>a Motori 50 2T Motor QJ 107/108 n/a 24107B09F000 11988/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Motori 50 GY6 139 QMB 4T (Short carter) n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Motori 125 152 QMI-A 4T n/a 906-22,5-30 11987/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Motori 150 158 QMJ 4T n/a 906-22,5-30 11987/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Motori 250 1P69MM 4T (YP 250) n/a 871-23-28 11931/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Motori 250 BN 172 MM 4T (CN 250) n/a 828-22.5-30 11989/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Scooter 50 GMI 107/XP 2T n/a 24107B09F000 11988/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Scooter 50 GMI 108 2T n/a 24107B09F000 11988/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Scooter 50 GMI 109 2T n/a 24107B09F000 11988/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Scooter 50 GMI 102 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Scooter 50 GMI 104 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KCh<strong>in</strong>a Scooter 50 GMI 106 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KCpi 50 Aragon GP/Paddock/Club (07-08) 61A-12211-00-00 10996 10996/KCpi 50 B<strong>in</strong>go FL (02) 1PE40QMB-101/61A-12211-00-00 10996 10996/KCpi 50 Formula R AC (08) 61A-12211-00-00 10996 10996/KCpi 50 GTS LC (02) 61A-12211-00-00 10996 10996/KCpi 50 Hussar (00) 23100-113-000 10996 10996/KCpi 50 Hussar SL/FL/Euro 2 (01-05) 1PE40QMB-101/61A-12211-00-00 10996 10996/KCpi 50 Oliver/City/Sport (03-07) 1PE40QMB-101/90A-12211-00-00 10996 10996/KCpi 50 Popcorn (Muz Moskito SX) (99-00) 23100-113-000 10996 10996/KCpi 50 Popcorn SL/FL/Euro 2 (01-04) 1PE40QMB-101/61A-12211-00-00 10996 10996/KCpi 50 RX (QJ 50 QT-2) n/a 24107B01F000 10996 10996/KCpi 50 Tennesse (01-...) 1PE40QMB-101 10996 10996/KCpi 50 Aragon n/a 1PE40QMB-101 11988/KCpi 150 GTR n/a 81J-12211-00-00 11987/KDaelim 50 Message (99-00) 23100-G25-003 10963Daelim 50 SE-1 E-Five/Euro 2 (02-03) 23100-SE1-0000 11996Daelim 50 SJ 50 n/a n/a 11996Daelim 50 SJ S-Five/Euro 2 (01-03) 23100-SE1-0000 11996Daelim 125 NS I (98) 23100-SA1-0000 11931/KDaelim 125 NS II Otello (99) 23100-SA1-0000 11931/KDaelim 125 NS III Otello/DLX/Euro 2 (00-05) 23100-SA1-0000 11931/KDaelim 125 NS Otello FI (07) 23100-SA1-0000 11931/KDaelim 125 NS Otello SE (06) 23100-SA1-0000 11931/KDaelim 125 Othello 125 n/a 23100-SA1-0000 11931/KDaelim 125 S2 125 (06-...) n/a 11931/KDaelim 125 S-2 Freew<strong>in</strong>g n/a 23100-SA1-0000 11931/KDaelim 125 S-2 Freew<strong>in</strong>g Fi (09) 23100-SA1-0000 11931/KDaelim 125 SG 125 n/a n/a 11931/KDaelim 125 SL Hystory (01-...) 23100-SA1-0000 11931/KDaelim n/a GZ5G n/a n/a 10963Dayang 50 DY 139 QMB 4T n/a n/a 10997 10997/KDerbi 50 Atlantis AC/LC Derbi (99-01) 00G02605371 11988/KDerbi 50 Hunter (96-97) 00G02602371 11988/KDerbi 50 Hunter (99-...) 00G02602371 11988/KDerbi 50 Manhattan (97) 00G02602371 11988/KDerbi 50 Paddock (98-99) 00G02602371 11988/KDerbi 50 Predator 02 (98-01) 00G02605371 11988/KDerbi 50 Predator 02/LC (98-01) 00G02605371 11988/KDerbi 50 Vamos (93-95) 00G02600371 10997 10997/KDerbi 50 *Atlantis 02/Bullet/City/ Piaggio (02-10) 286162 11924Two Chic/Red Bullet/2T Euro 2Derbi 50 *Boulevard 2T (09-10) 286162 11924Derbi 50 *GP1 Euro 2/Race E2/Open E2 Piaggio (01-10) 286162 11924Derbi 50 Atlantis O2/Bullet/Red Bullet Piaggio (02-05) 436864 10964 10964/KDerbi 50 Atlantis O2/City/Two Chic Piaggio (03-06) 436864 10964 10964/KDerbi 50 Atlantis 2T/Euro 2 Piaggio (07-10) 436864 10964 10964/KDerbi 50 Atlantis O2/Bullet/Red Bullet Piaggio (02-05) 436864 10964 10964/KDerbi 50 Atlantis O2/City/Two Chic Piaggio (03-06) 436864 10964 10964/KDerbi 50 GP1 Piaggio (01-03) 436864 10964 10964/KDerbi 50 GP1 Euro 2 Piaggio (05) 436864 10964 10964/KDerbi 50 GP1 Open EU2 Piaggio (06-10) 436864 10964 10964/KDerbi 50 GP1 Race EU2 Piaggio (05-09) 436864 10964 10964/KDerbi 50 Atlantis 4T/Euro 2 (04-10) 842907 11965 11965/KDerbi 50 Boulevard 4T (09-10) 842907 11965 11965/KDerbi 50 Boulevard 2T (09-10) 82712R 11925Derbi 125 Boulevard Euro 3 (02-10) 841213 11930/KDerbi 125 GP1 E2/Low seat E3 (06-08) 841213 11930/KDerbi 125 Rambla (08-10 842009 11990/KDerbi 150 Boulevard Euro 3 (02-07) 841213 11930/KDerbi 200 Boulevard Euro 3 (05-06) 840908 12988/D

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleDerbi 250 GP1 Low seat E3 (06-08) 82941R/843963 12990/DDerbi n/a Easy n/a n/a 10962 10962/KDerbi n/a Manhattan n/a n/a 11988/KD<strong>in</strong>li Motori 50 Motor E06 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li Motori 90 Motor E06 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li Motori 100 Motor E06 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li Motori 110 Motor E06 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KDirect Bikes 50 “DB 50 QT-5 Sports 4T 10””” n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KDirect Bikes 50 “DB 50 QT-7 Retrò 10””” n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KDotera 50 QT-11 4T n/a n/a 10997 10997/KEr<strong>in</strong>g 50 BT 49 QT-7 Smart Rider 4T (05-08) 669-18-30 10997 10997/KEr<strong>in</strong>g 50 BT 49 QT-8 Smart Rider 4T (05-08) 669-18-30 10997 10997/KEr<strong>in</strong>g 50 BT 50 QT-11 Retro 1 - Sitzer (05-07) 669-18-30 10997 10997/KEr<strong>in</strong>g 50 BT 50 QT-11 Retro 2 - Sitzer (06-07) 669-18-30 10997 10997/KEr<strong>in</strong>g 50 BT 50 QT-3 Spr<strong>in</strong>t 4T (06-08) 669-18-30 10997 10997/KEr<strong>in</strong>g 50 BT 50 QT-3N Speedy 4T (07-08) 669-18-30 10997 10997/KEr<strong>in</strong>g 50 BT 50 QT-9 Spr<strong>in</strong>t 4T (06-08) 669-18-30 10997 10997/KEr<strong>in</strong>g 50 BT 50 QT-9N Speedy 4T (06-07) 669-18-30 10997 10997/KE-Ton 50 Beamer 2T (00-04) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton 50 Beamer II 2T (05-06) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton 50 Beamer III 2T (07-09) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton 50 Beamer Matrix 2T (05-06) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton 50 Beamer Matrix/II 2T (07-08) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton 50 Beamer R2 2T (07) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton 50 Beamer/II/III 2T n/a 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton 50 Matrix (09) 650207 10996 10996/KFantic n/a Big wheel n/a n/a 10962 10962/KFoshan 50 ZS 1P39 QMB-2 Hi-Per 4 4T n/a n/a 11965 11965/KFoshan 125 ZS 1P57 QMI-2 Leader 4T 2V Aria n/a n/a 11930/KGarelli 50 Big wheel n/a n/a 10996 10996/KGarelli 50 GFM 50 QT 2 Tiesse 2T/Spec. Ed. (08-09) GA06570 10996 10996/KGarelli 50 GFM 50 QT 2.2 Rider 2T (08-09) GA06570 10996 10996/KGarelli 50 GFM 50 QT 2.R Tiesse R 2T (08-09) GA06570 10996 10996/KGarelli 50 Rac<strong>in</strong>g SR n/a n/a 10996 10996/KGarelli 50 SR n/a n/a 10996 10996/KGarelli 50 BT 50 QT-9 Ciclone 4T (06) GA01162 10997 10997/KGarelli 50 DF 50 QT-11 Capri LX 4T (06-07) GA06462 10997 10997/KGarelli 50 DF 50 QT-7 Capri 4T (06) GA03179 (669-18-30)/GA01162 10997 10997/KGarelli 50 TM 50 QT-10 Capri LX 4T (08-09) GA01162 10997 10997/KGarelli 50 TM 50 QT-3 Ciclone 4T (08-09) GA01162 10997 10997/KGarelli 125 BT 125 T-3 Mosquito (07-08) GA06715 11987/KGarelli 125 TM 125 T-28A Noi (08-09) GA06715 11987/KGarelli 150 BT 151 T-1 Mosquito (07-08) GA06715 11987/KGarelli 150 TM 152 T-28A Noi (08-09) GA06715 11987/KGarelli 150 TM 152 T-28X XO’ (09) GA06715 11987/KGeneric 50 Ideo 2T (05-08) n/a 10996 10996/KGeneric 50 ROC 2T (08) n/a 10996 10996/KGeneric 50 XOR 2T/Compet/Stroke (05-08) n/a 10996 10996/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Storm (93-96) 286162/430728 10996 10996/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Typhoon (00-...) 430728 10996 10996/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Typhoon X (93-99) 430728 10996 10996/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 *DNA GP Experience (00-07) 286162 11924G<strong>il</strong>era 50 Easy Mov<strong>in</strong>g (95-96) 431190 11924G<strong>il</strong>era 50 *Easy Mov<strong>in</strong>g (95-96) 286162 11924G<strong>il</strong>era 50 *Ice (01-...) 286162 11924G<strong>il</strong>era 50 *Runner SP/Race/FL/Poggiali/Purejet/Race/SC (97-10) 286162 11924G<strong>il</strong>era 50 *Stalker Euro 2/Special/Naked (97-10) 286162 11924G<strong>il</strong>era 50 *Storm (93-96) 286162 11924G<strong>il</strong>era 50 *Storm Euro 2 (07-09) 286162 11924G<strong>il</strong>era 50 *Typhoon X/XR (93-09) 286162 11924G<strong>il</strong>era 50 Ice (01-...) 436864/186162 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Runner DD/SP/LC (97-...) 436864 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Runner Purejet (05-09) 833982 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Runner Purejet (02-04) 436864/833982 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Runner SP (05-08) 436864 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Runner SP Race (06-08) 436864 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Runner SP Simoncelli (08-10) 436864 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Runner SP Special Edition (07-08) 436864 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Runner SP ST (08-10) 436864 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Stalker (97-02) 436864 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Stalker base (97-04) 436864/286162 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Stalker Euro 2/Special Sport (03-10) 436864 10964 10964/K78

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar Double79Brand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Stalker Naked (08-10) 436864 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Storm Euro 2 (07-09) 436864 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 Typhoon XR (00-09) 436864 10964 10964/KG<strong>il</strong>era 50 DNA GP Experience (00-07) 480852/82712R 11925G<strong>il</strong>era 125 Runner DD/FX/SP (01-...) n/a 11928/KG<strong>il</strong>era 125 Runner FX/SP 2T (97-02) 434812 11928/KG<strong>il</strong>era 125 *Runner FX/SP 2T (97-02) 431370 11928/KG<strong>il</strong>era 125 Typhoon X/XR (95-00) 434812/431370 11928/KG<strong>il</strong>era 125 *Typhoon X/XR (95-00) 431370 11928/KG<strong>il</strong>era 125 DNA (01-...) 487170 11930/KG<strong>il</strong>era 125 DNA 4T (01-...) 841213 11930/KG<strong>il</strong>era 125 Nexus Euro 3 (07-08) 841213 11930/KG<strong>il</strong>era 125 Nexus IE Euro 3 (08-10) 841213 11930/KG<strong>il</strong>era 125 Runner VX/SC/ST/Race/Euro 3 4T (01-10) 841213 11930/KG<strong>il</strong>era 180 *Runner FXR/SP 2T (97-02) 431370 11928/KG<strong>il</strong>era 180 Runner DD/SP (97-00) n/a 11928/KG<strong>il</strong>era 180 Runner FXR/SP 2T (97-02) 484497 11989/KG<strong>il</strong>era 180 DNA 4T (01-...) 827639/832623/840908 12988/DG<strong>il</strong>era 180 Runner VXR 4T (01-...) 827639/832623/840908 12988/DG<strong>il</strong>era 180 VXR 4T n/a 827639/832623/840908 12988/DG<strong>il</strong>era 200 Runner VXR 4T (02-...) 840908 12988/DG<strong>il</strong>era 200 Runner VXR/Race/SC/ST/Euro 3 (02-10) 840908 12988/DG<strong>il</strong>era 200 VXR 4T (02-...) 840908 12988/DG<strong>il</strong>era 250 Nexus Euro 3/SP (06-08) 82941R/843963 12990/DG<strong>il</strong>era 300 Nexus Euro 3 (08-10) 82941R/843963 12990/DG<strong>il</strong>era 500 Fuoco IE (07-08) 832738 12991/DG<strong>il</strong>era 500 Nexus Euro 3/SP (03-09) 832738 12991/DGMI Scooter 50 GMI 101 2T n/a 24107B09F000 10996 10996/KGMI Scooter 50 GMI 107/XP 2T n/a 24107B09F000 10996 10996/KGMI Scooter 50 GMI 108 2T n/a 24107B09F000 10996 10996/KGMI Scooter 50 GMI 109 2T n/a 24107B09F000 10996 10996/KGMI Scooter 50 GMI 102 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KGMI Scooter 50 GMI 104/E 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KGMI Scooter 50 GMI 106 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KGMI Scooter 150 GMI 404 4T n/a 906-22,5-30 11987/KGMI Scooter 250 GMI 407/B 4T n/a 871-23-28 11931/KHaotian 50 HT QT-9 Bubble 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KHonda 50 HSC 01 (92-...) 23100-GZ5-013/GG2751 10963Honda 50 NE Vision L/R (90-94) 23100-NG2-003 10963Honda 50 SA Vision (88-95) 23100-NG2-003 10963Honda 50 SK M Dio/SR (92-00) 23100-GG2-750/751 10963Honda 50 ZX Dio (94-01) 23100-GR1/GZ5003/GG2751 10963Honda 50 Dio SP-SR n/a 23100-GZ0-000/23100-GR1-753 10997 10997/KHonda 50 Dio ZX (94-00) 23100-GZ0-000/23100-GR1-753 10997 10997/KHonda 50 ZX (94-00) 23100-GZ0-000/23100-GR1-753 10997 10997/KHonda 50 Bali (93-...) 23100-GW2-013 10995Honda 50 SFX/S (95-01) 23100-GW2-013 10995Honda 50 SJ Bali (93-...) 23100-GW2-013 10995Honda 50 SRX Shadow (98-...) 23100-GW2-013 10995Honda 50 SXR (SFX 50 MM) (98-99) 23100-GW2-013 10995Honda 50 Yupi n/a n/a 11924Honda 50 NPS Zoomer 4T (04-09) 23100-GEZ-003 10964 10964/KHonda 50 SH Fifty (96-03) 23100-GBY-901/960 11926 11926/KHonda 50 Sky SGX/De Luxe (97-...) 23100-GBY-901/960 11926 11926/KHonda 50 SZX X8R-S/X (98-01) 23100-GBY-901/960 11926 11926/KHonda 75 Scoopy SH n/a n/a 11926 11926/KHonda 100 Lead (96-99) n/a 11929/KHonda 100 SCV Lead 4T (03-07) 23100-GCC-771 11929/KHonda 125 Chioccialo (00-...) 23100-KGF-901/23100-KGG-900 11987/KHonda 125 SES Dylan (02-06) 23100-KGF-901/23100-KGG-900 11987/KHonda 125 FES Foresight n/a n/a 11987/KHonda 125 NES @Chiocciola/Arobase (00-06) 23100-KGF-901/23100-KGG-900 11987/KHonda 125 NES n/a n/a 11987/KHonda 125 FES Pantheon 2T (98-02) 23100-KFF-900 11987/KHonda 125 FES Pantheon 4T (98-01) 23100-KGG-900 11987/KHonda 125 FES Pantheon 4T (03-04) 23100-KGG-911 11987/KHonda 125 FES Pantheon 4T (05-06) 23100-KGF-901 11987/KHonda 125 PES PS i (06-10) 23100-KGF-901 11987/KHonda 125 Scoopy SH n/a n/a 11987/KHonda 125 SES n/a n/a 11987/K

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleHonda 125 SH (01-04) 23100-KGF-901 11987/KHonda 125 SH i Injection (05-10) 23100-KGF-901 11987/KHonda 125 SH i Injection Disco/Disco (09-10) 23100-KGF-901 11987/KHonda 125 Shadow (SRX90) (01-04) 23100-KGF-901 11987/KHonda 125 FES S-W<strong>in</strong>g/ABS (07-10) 23100-KGF-901 11987/KHonda 150 Chioccialo (00) 23100-KGF-901/23100-KGG-900 11987/KHonda 150 NES @Chiocciola/Arobase (00) 23100-KGG-911 11987/K(frame nr from 0016853)Honda 150 NES @Chiocciola/Arobase (00-...) 23100-KGF-901 11987/K(frame nr end<strong>in</strong>g 0016853)Honda 150 SES Dylan (02-06) 23100-KGG-911 11987/KHonda 150 Lead (SH) (01-...) n/a 11987/KHonda 150 NES @Chiocciola/Arobase (01-06) 23100-KGG-911 11987/KHonda 150 FES Pantheon 2T (98-02) 23100-KFF-900 11987/KHonda 150 FES Pantheon 4T (98-01) 23100-KGG-900 11987/KHonda 150 FES Pantheon 4T (03-06) 23100-KGG-911 11987/KHonda 150 PES PS i (06-10) 23100-KGG-911 11987/KHonda 150 Scoopy SH n/a n/a 11987/KHonda 150 SH (01-04) 23100-KGG-911 11987/KHonda 150 SH i Injection (05-10) 23100-KGG-911 11987/KHonda 150 SH i Injection Disco/Disco (09-10) 23100-KGG-911 11987/KHonda 150 FES S-W<strong>in</strong>g/ABS (07-10) 23100-KGG-911 11987/KHonda 250 CN Helix/Spazio (90-99) 23100-KM1-671 11989/KHonda 250 FES Foresight (97-05) 23100-KFG-005/641 11990/KHonda 250 NSS Jazz (00-04) 23100-KFG-005/641 11990/KHonda 250 NSS Forza X/EX (08-10) 23100-KVZ-631 12983/DHonda 300 SH IE (07-10) 23100-KTW-901 12996/DHonda 400 FJS S<strong>il</strong>ver W<strong>in</strong>g (06-08) 23100-MEF-003 12984/DHonda 400 FJS SW-T/ABS (09-10) 23100-MEF-003 12984/DHonda 600 FJS S<strong>il</strong>ver W<strong>in</strong>g/ABS (01-10) 23100-MCT-003 12985/DHonda n/a SC 01 n/a n/a 10963Honda n/a SC 01L n/a n/a 10997 10997/KHuatian 50 “HT 50 QT-16 4T 10””” n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KHuatian 50 HT 50 QT-22 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KHuatian 50 HT 50 QT-25 Sport 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KHuatian 50 “HT 50 QT-6 Sport 4T 10””” n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KHyosung 50 SD n/a n/a 10963Hyosung 50 Rush Challenge/R n/a 27601HB1100 11918 11918/KHyosung 50 SB M (07-08) 27601HB1100 11918 11918/KHyosung 50 SB ZR New Sense (07-...) 27601HB1100 11918 11918/KHyosung 50 SD Sense Euro 1/2 (00-05) 27601HB1100 11918 11918/KHyosung 50 Super Cab n/a 27601HB1100 11918 11918/KHyosung 50 SF n/a n/a 11924Hyosung 50 SF B Rac<strong>in</strong>g (01-...) 27601HG2600 11924Hyosung 50 SF Prima (00-...) 27601HG2600 11924Hyosung 50 SF R n/a 27601HG2600 11924Hyosung 50 SF Rac<strong>in</strong>g n/a 27601HG2600 11924Hyosung 50 SF Rally (07) 27601HG2600 11924Hyosung 50 SF Euro 2 (05-07) 27601HG2600 11924Italjet 50 Dragster (98-00) 4401702050 10962 10962/KItaljet 50 Velocifero (93-...) 337127204 10997 10997/KItaljet 50 *Jet Set (02-03) 210286162 11924Italjet 50 *Torpedo 2T Piaggio (01-03) 210286162 11924Italjet 50 Jet Set (02-03) 210436864 10964 10964/KItaljet 50 Formula Air/LC (94-00) 338127227 11953 11953/KItaljet 50 Torpedo 2T Mor<strong>in</strong>i (97-00) 338127227 11953 11953/KItaljet 50 Torpedo 2T Piaggio (01-03) 210480852 11925Italjet 50 Torpedo 4T (02-03) 210480852 11925Italjet 100 M<strong>il</strong>lenium (01-03) n/a 12982Italjet 125 Yankee n/a n/a 10962 10962/KItaljet 125 Torpedo (99-00) 210825059 11988/KItaljet 125 Dragster (99-03) 210434812 11928/KItaljet 125 *Dragster (99-03) 210431370 11928/KItaljet 125 Formula (97-01) n/a 11928/KItaljet 125 Jupiter (02-03) 4871702090 11928/KItaljet 125 M<strong>il</strong>lenium (00-03) 4871702090 11928/KItaljet 125 Jet Set (01-03) 210487170 11930/KItaljet 125 Torpedo Piaggio Leader (01-03) 210487170 11930/KItaljet 150 Jupiter (02-03) 4871702090 11928/KItaljet 150 M<strong>il</strong>lenium (00-03) 4871702090 11928/KItaljet 150 Jet Set (01-03) 210487170 11930/K80

81Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleItaljet 150 Torpedo Piaggio (00-03) 210487170 11930/KItaljet 150 Torpedo CF Moto n/a TOR00194 11987/KItaljet 180 *Dragster (99-03) 210431370 11928/KItaljet 180 Dragster (99-03) 210484497 11989/KItaljet 250 Jupiter (01-03) 4711702092 11931/KItaljet n/a Cruise n/a n/a 11918 11918/KJ<strong>in</strong>lang 50 JL 1P39 QMB 2T n/a n/a 10996 10996/KJ<strong>in</strong>lang 250 JL 1P69 MM/MM-A 4T n/a n/a 11931/KJ<strong>in</strong>lun 50 Flex Tech X1 4T (07-08) E0625/669-18-30 10997 10997/KJ<strong>in</strong>lun 50 JL 50 QT-4 4T 10” (QMB139 - Short carter) n/a E0625/669-18-30 10997 10997/KJ<strong>in</strong>lun 50 JL 50 QT-4D Flex Tech X2 4T (06-08) E0625/669-18-30 10997 10997/KJ<strong>in</strong>lun 50 “JL 50 QT-5 4T Smart 10””” n/a E0625/669-18-30 10997 10997/KJ<strong>in</strong>lun 50 “JL 50 QT-6 4T 10””” n/a E0625/669-18-30 10997 10997/KJ<strong>in</strong>lun 50 “JL 50 QT-7 4T Skyl<strong>in</strong>e (Retrò 10””)” n/a E0625/669-18-30 10997 10997/KJ<strong>in</strong>lun 50 “JL 50 QT-8 4T (10””)” n/a E0625/669-18-30 10997 10997/KJ<strong>in</strong>lun 50 JL QT-5 4T (QMB 139) n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KJ<strong>in</strong>lun 50 JL QT-6 4T (QMB 139) n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KJ<strong>in</strong>lun 50 JL QT-7 4T (QMB 139) n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KKeeway 50 F-ACT 2T (07-08) 24107B01F000 10996 10996/KKeeway 50 Flash 2T (07-08) 24107B01F000 10996 10996/KKeeway 50 Focus (06) 24107B01F000 10996 10996/KKeeway 50 Hurrican (06-08) 24107B01F000 10996 10996/KKeeway 50 Matrix (06-08) E082101-FYBQE2-0000 10996 10996/KKeeway 50 RY8/SP (06-08) 24107B01F000 10996 10996/KKeeway 125 Outlook (07-08) 200013160000 11987/KKeeway 150 Outlook (07-08) 200013160000 11987/KKreidler 50 RC-E Flory 2T n/a n/a 10996 10996/KKreidler 50 RMC-E Florett Race 2T (08) n/a 10996 10996/KKreidler 50 RMC-E Florett/XL 2T n/a n/a 10996 10996/KKreidler 50 RMC-E Hiker/Sport DD n/a n/a 10996 10996/KKreidler 50 RMC-G Florett Race 2T (08) n/a 10996 10996/KKreidler 50 RMC-H Galactica DD n/a n/a 10996 10996/KKtm 50 K 50 n/a n/a 10962 10962/KKymco 50 “Ag<strong>il</strong>ity 4T R10 10””” (06-10) 23100-GAK-901 00107206 10997 10997/KKymco 50 DJ Y (93-...) 107007 10997 10997/KKymco 50 F<strong>il</strong>ly 4T (98-00) 23100-GAK-901 00107206 10997 10997/KKymco 50 F<strong>il</strong>ly LX 4T (01-...) 23100-KHC5-9000 00106225 10997 10997/KKymco 50 Heroism 50 (95-97) 23100-GAK-901 00107206 10997 10997/KKymco 50 Sento 4T (08-10) 23100-GAK-901 00107206 10997 10997/KKymco 50 Sniper DD (94-...) 23100-GAK-901 00107206 10997 10997/KKymco 50 Sniper DT (93-...) 23100-GAK-901 00107206 10997 10997/KKymco 50 Sooner S/RS (01-...) 23100-GAK-901 00107206 10997 10997/KKymco 50 Fever ZX/Euro 2 (99-07) 23100-KCX-900 00107842 11929/KKymco 50 K 12 (Scout) (95-00) 23100-KCX-900 00107842 11929/KKymco 50 KB (95-00) 23100-KCX-900 00107842 11929/KKymco 100 TopBoy On/Off 2T n/a 23100-KEB8-9000 00107941 12982Kymco 200 D<strong>in</strong>k Classic Euro 2 (04-07) 23100-LBF6-E00 00127021 11950/KKymco n/a Curio DJX/DJW n/a n/a 10997 10997/KKymco n/a Dy world n/a n/a 10997 10997/KLem 50 Flash n/a n/a 10996 10996/KLem 50 Ghibli n/a n/a 10996 10996/KLem 50 Tornado n/a na 11965 11965/KLifan 50 “LF 50 QT-26A 2T 12””/13””” n/a 788-17-28 10996 10996/KLifan 50 “1P39QMB 4T 10”” (Short carter - R)” n/a n/a 10997 10997/KLifan 50 “LF 50 QT-15 4T 10””” n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KLifan 50 “LF 50 QT-2 Jet 4T 10””” n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KLifan 50 “LF 50 QT-2A Metro 4T 10””” n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KLifan 50 “LF 50 QT-9N 4T 10””” n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KLifan 50 “LF 50 QT-4 4T 10””” n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KLifan 250 1P69 MM /1P69 MM-2 4T n/a n/a 11931/KLifan 250 “LF 250 T-6B Elite 13””” n/a 871-23-28 11931/KL<strong>in</strong>gben 50 QT-16 Dubl<strong>in</strong> 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KL<strong>in</strong>gben 50 QT-2 4T n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KMacal n/a Thunder n/a n/a 10962 10962/KMalaguti 50 Centro SL 50 (93-00) 71700300 10962 10962/KMalaguti 50 Centro/SL/SL Cat. (93-00) 71700300 10962 10962/KMalaguti 50 Ciak 2T/TD/Euro 2/Master/Rst (99-08) 71700300 10962 10962/KMalaguti 50 F12 Phantom/LC/Rst/Euro 2 (94-06) 71700300 10962 10962/KMalaguti 50 F12R Phantom LC (07-08) 71701400 (5RNE) 10962 10962/KMalaguti 50 F15 Firefox (96-98) 71700300 10962 10962/K

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleMalaguti 50 F15 Firefox/LC/Rst/Euro 2 (96-08) 71700300 10962 10962/KMalaguti 50 F10 AC/AC ECO (08-09) 59015000 10996 10996/KMalaguti 50 F10 Kat./Rst/Euro 2 (92-07) 71700100 10996 10996/KMalaguti 50 F12R Phantom AC (07-08) 59015000 10996 10996/KMalaguti 50 Yesterday 50 (97-...) 71700100 10996 10996/KMalaguti 50 Crosser CR1 (95-98) 60323800 11953 11953/KMalaguti 50 Centro 4T (08-10) 41701400 11925Malaguti 50 Ciak Master 4T (05-09) 41701400 (480852) 11925Malaguti 100 Ciak 2T (99-...) 60330200 11925Malaguti 100 F12 Phantom 2T (99-...) 60330200 11925Malaguti 125 F12 Phantom Max (03-...) 71700900 11928/KMalaguti 125 Madison 125 (99-...) 71700700/00900 11928/KMalaguti 125 Madison Rst/Euro 2 M<strong>in</strong>arelli (99-05) 71700700/00900 11928/KMalaguti 125 Madison 3 Piaggio (06-08) 41701500 11930/KMalaguti 125 Blog i.e. (09-10) 35044800 11987/KMalaguti 125 Centro i.e. (07-08) 65044800 11987/KMalaguti 150 Madison T/R Rst/Euro 2 (99-...) 71700700/00900 11928/KMalaguti 160 Blog i.e. (09-10) 65044800 11987/KMalaguti 160 Centro i.e. (07-10) 65044800 11987/KMalaguti 180 Madison R 180 (01-...) 41700300/700 12988/DMalaguti 200 F12 Phantom Max (03-...) 41700300/700 12988/DMalaguti 200 Madison S (02) 41700300/700 12988/DMalaguti 200 Madison S Rst/Euro 2 (03-...) 41700300/700 12988/DMalaguti 250 Madison S Yamaha (99-03) 91700200 11931/KMalaguti 250 Password IE Euro 3 (05-08) 71701100 11992/KMalaguti 250 F12 Phantom Max (04-...) 41700900 12990/DMalaguti 250 Madison 3 IE (Piaggio <strong>in</strong>jection) Piaggio (06-09) 41700900 12990/DMalaguti 250 Madison RS (Piaggio carburator) Piaggio (04-05) 41700900 12990/DMalaguti 500 Spider Max GT/Euro 3/RS (04-08) 41701100 12991/DMalaguti n/a SL n/a n/a 10962 10962/KMalaguti n/a F10 jetl<strong>in</strong>e n/a n/a 10996 10996/KMbk 50 Booster Road/Rocket/Track/NG (90-10) 5RN-E7641-0000 10962 10962/KMbk 50 Booster Spirit/L/R/Naked/Euro 2 (95-10) 5RN-E7641-0000 10962 10962/KMbk 50 Flipper Euro 2 (98-10) 5RN-E7641-0000 10962 10962/KMbk 50 Mach G/Euro 1/2 (02-10) 5RN-E7641-0000 10962 10962/KMbk 50 Nitro R/Cat./Euro 2/Naked (97-10) 5RN-E7641-0000 10962 10962/KMbk 50 Ovetto 4 Tempi (09-10) 5RN-E7641-0000 10962 10962/KMbk 50 Ovetto Euro 2 2 Tempi (97-10) 5RN-E7641-0000 10962 10962/KMbk 50 Rocket (90-03) 3AA-17641-0000 10962 10962/KMbk 50 Stunt/Naked (00-10) 5RN-E7641-0000 10962 10962/KMbk 50 CR-Z Target (91-95) 3WF-17641-10000 10996 10996/KMbk 50 CT SS New Sorriso (95-96) 3GF-17641-0000 10996 10996/KMbk 50 Evolis (92-95) 3WF-17641-0000 10996 10996/KMbk 50 Fizz (94-95) 3WF-17641-0000 10996 10996/KMbk 50 Forte (94-96) 3WF-17641-0000 10996 10996/KMbk 50 Target (91-95) 3WF-17641-0000 10996 10996/KMbk 50 Booster X 4 Tempi (08-10) 3B3-E7641-0000 10964 10964/KMbk 100 Booster (99-...) 4VP-17641-0000 12982Mbk 100 Nitro (00-...) 4VP-17641-0000 12982Mbk 100 Ovetto (00-...) 4VP-17641-0000 12982Mbk 125 Doodo (00-01) 5DS-17641-0000 11928/KMbk 125 Skyl<strong>in</strong>er (99-10) 5DS-17641-0000 11928/KMbk 125 Thunder (01-02) 5DS-17641-0000 11928/KMbk 125 Citycruiser (07-10) 1B9-E7641-0000 11987/KMbk 125 Skycruiser (06-10) 1B9-E7641-0000 11987/KMbk 150 Doodo (00-02) 5DS-17641-0000 11928/KMbk 150 Skyl<strong>in</strong>er (99-10) 5DS-17641-0000 11928/KMbk 150 Thunder (01-02) 5DS-17641-0000 11928/KMbk 150 Vertex (90-98) 3UH-17641-0000 11930/KMbk 180 Skyl<strong>in</strong>er (03-08) 5XM-E7641-0000 12990/DMbk 250 Skyl<strong>in</strong>er (00-06) 5CG-17641-0000 11931/KMbk 300 K<strong>il</strong>ibre (03-...) 5SE-E7641-0000 11992/KMbk n/a Rac<strong>in</strong>g n/a n/a 10962 10962/KMbk n/a Active n/a n/a 10996 10996/KMbk n/a Equalis n/a n/a 10996 10996/KMbk n/a Hot champ n/a n/a 10996 10996/KMoto zeta 50 “Rally 10””” n/a n/a 10997 10997/KMotron 50 Spasso 4T n/a n/a 10997 10997/KMotron 250 Trancity n/a n/a 11989/KMotron n/a St<strong>in</strong>g n/a n/a 10962 10962/K82

83Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleMotron n/a Syncro n/a n/a 10962 10962/KMotron n/a Thunder n/a n/a 10962 10962/KPeugeot 50 ST Rapido/3 (85-97) 713334 10963Peugeot 50 V-Clic n/a n/a 10997 10997/KPeugeot 50 V-Clic (QM50QT-6) (07-09) n/a 10997 10997/KPeugeot 50 SV Geo (91-...) 723590 10995Peugeot 50 Zenith LN/LS Luxe (94-...) 723590 10995Peugeot 50 Buxy/RS (94-97) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Elyseo (97-...) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Elystar (03-...) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Elystar TSDI (03-...) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Jet C-Tech (08-09) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Jet Force (03-...) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Ludix 2 Elegant (04-10) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Ludix 2 One/Trend (04-09) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Ludix Classic/Elegant (04-09) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Ludix One/Trend/Snake (04-09) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Ludix SP Blaster/RS (05-09) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Metal X (02-...) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 New Vivacity 2T (07-09) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Speedake (95-97) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Speedfight 2 Aria (05-08) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Speedfight 2 LC/WRC/S<strong>il</strong>ver S. (05-08) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Speedfight 3/RS (08-09) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Speedfight Aria/Acqua/Cat. (97-00) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Squab (95-97) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Trekker On road/Off road (98-...) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 TRK 2 WRC (05-09) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Vivacity 2T (07-09) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Vivacity/Cat./SX/SXR (99-06) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 X race (03-...) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 X-Fight (00-...) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 X-Race (03-...) 729171 10994 10994/KPeugeot 50 Looxor/TDSI (01-...) 742470 11925Peugeot 100 Elyseo (00-...) 740820 11996Peugeot 100 Speedfight (00-...) 740820 11996Peugeot 100 Trekker (00-...) 740820 11996Peugeot 100 Vivacity (00-...) 740820 11996Peugeot 100 X-Fight (00-...) 740820 11996Peugeot 125 SV Geo (91-95) 724730 11953 11953/KPeugeot 125 Elyseo (99-...) 737830 11950/KPeugeot 125 Elystar (02-...) 737830 11950/KPeugeot 125 Jet Force (03-...) 737830 11950/KPeugeot 125 Looxor (02-...) 756528 11930/KPeugeot 150 Elyseo (01-...) 737830 11950/KPeugeot 150 Elystar (02-...) 737830 11950/KPeugeot 150 Looxor (02-...) 756528 11930/KPeugeot 250 SV (Honda FES 250) (01-...) 754984 11990/KPeugeot 250 Satelis Sat RS (06-09) n/a 12990/DPeugeot 400 Geopolis Geo RS (07-09) 12991/DPeugeot 400 Satelis/Sat RS (07-09) n/a 12991/DPeugeot 500 Geopolis (07-09) n/a 12991/DPeugeot 500 Satelis (07-09) n/a 12991/DPeugeot n/a X fight aria (00-...) 729171 10994 10994/KPgo 50 Comet 2T (92-03) E1122000000 11918 11918/KPgo 50 Galaxy 2T n/a B4E11202303 11918 11918/KPgo 50 Star 2T n/a B4000012373 11918 11918/KPgo 50 Star II 2T (95-...) B4E11202303 11918 11918/KPgo 50 Big Max/Euro 2 2T (94-09) P1122000000 11965 11965/KPgo 50 Dr. Big 2T n/a P1122000000 11965 11965/KPgo 50 G-Max 2T (99-09) P1122000000 11965 11965/KPgo 50 Hot Euro 2 2T (08-10) P1122000000 11965 11965/KPgo 50 PMX Naked 2T (08-10) P1122000000 11965 11965/KPgo 50 PMX Sport 2T (99-09) P1122000000 11965 11965/KPgo 50 Tornado 2T (08-10) P1122000000 11965 11965/KPgo 50 T-Rex 2T (99-09) P1122000000 11965 11965/KPiaggio 50 Free (92-94) 430728 10996 10996/KPiaggio 50 Free FL (95-01) 430728 10996 10996/KPiaggio 50 NRG (94-96) 430728 10996 10996/KPiaggio 50 NRG MC2 (94-97) 430728 10996 10996/K

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoublePiaggio 50 NRG Rst MC2 (DT) (96-97) 430728 10996 10996/KPiaggio 50 NTT (95-96) 430728 10996 10996/KPiaggio 50 Vespa ET2 Injection (98-00) 480135 11988/KPiaggio 50 *Vespa ET2 Injection (97-00) 480341 11988/KPiaggio 50 *Diesis 2T (01-...) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 *Fly 2T (05-09) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 *Free/FL/Delivery (92-...) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 *Liberty 2T/Rst/Sport/PTT EU2/MOC (97-10) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 *NRG MC2/Extreme/MC3/PureJet/Power/DD/DT (94-10) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 *NTT (95-96) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 Quartz (92-96) 431190/289432 11924Piaggio 50 *Quartz (92-96) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 Sfera FL Rst (95-97) 431190 11924Piaggio 50 Sfera II n/a 286162 11924Piaggio 50 Sfera Maqu<strong>il</strong>lage 2 (...-94) 431190 11924Piaggio 50 *Sfera/Maqu<strong>il</strong>lage 2/FL Rst (91-97) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 *Typhoon XR (01-09) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 Vespa ET2 (97-04) 431190 11924Piaggio 50 *Vespa ET2 (97-05) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 *Vespa LX/LX FL 2T (05-08) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 *Vespa LXV/LXV Navy 2T (06-09) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 *Vespa S Special 2T (07-10) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 Zip Base (95-96) 431190 11924Piaggio 50 *Zip Base (92-96) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 *Zip Cat. 2T (00-09) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 Zip Fast/Rider/Rst (93-99) 431190 11924Piaggio 50 *Zip Fast Rider/Rst (93-99) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 Zip Rst (96-99) 431190 11924Piaggio 50 *Zip Rst (96-99) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 Zip SP (96-00) 431190 11924Piaggio 50 *Zip SP (96-00) 286162 11924Piaggio 50 Bus<strong>in</strong>ess n/a n/a 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 Diesis 2T (01-...) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 Free Delivery (00-...) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 Free FL (02-...) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 NRG Extreme (99-01) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 NRG MC n/a 436864/286162 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 NRG MC3 (01-04) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 NRG Power DD (05-10) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 NRG Power DT (06-10) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 NRG Power PureJet (04-05) 833982 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 NRG PureJet (02-04) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 NRG Rst MC2 (DD) (98) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 Typhoon (01-...) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 Typhoon X (01-...) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 Typhoon XR (01-09) 436864 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 XR n/a n/a 10964 10964/KPiaggio 50 Fly 4T (05-10) 842907 11965 11965/KPiaggio 50 Vespa ET2 (98-05) 828223/82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa ET2 Injection (97-00) 828223/82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa ET4 (00-05) 828223/82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa LX 2T (05-09) 828223/82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa LX 4T (05-09) 82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa LX 4T-4V (05-09) 82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa LX FL 2T (09-10) 82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa LX FL 4T (09-10) 82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa LXV 2T (06-09) 82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa LXV Navy 2T (08-09) 82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa S Special 2T (07-10) 82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Vespa S Special 4T-4V (08-10) 82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Zip 2000 SP n/a n/a 11929/KPiaggio 50 Zip 4T (00-08) 828223/82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Zip Cat. 2T (00-09) 828223/82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Zip SP (01-10) 828223/82645R 11929/KPiaggio 50 Fly 2T (05-09) 82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 2T (06-10) 82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 2T (97-05) 480852/82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 2T MOC (09-10) 82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 2T PTT EU2 (04-06) 82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 2T Rst (04-06) 82712R 1192584

85Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoublePiaggio 50 Liberty 2T Sport (06-08) 82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 4T (00-03) 480852/82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 4T MOC (09-10) 82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 4T Rst (04-10) 82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 4T Sport (06-07) 82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 4T Sport Euro 3 (07-10) 82712R 11925Piaggio 50 Liberty 50 le 4t (01-...) 480852/82712R 11925Piaggio 100 Diesis 2T (00-01) 00G02606371 11988/KPiaggio 100 Zip 4T (06-10) 82645R 11929/KPiaggio 125 Hexagon LX4 4T (98-...) 484758 11988/KPiaggio 125 Liberty (00) 825059 11988/KPiaggio 125 Liberty (98-99) 484758 11988/KPiaggio 125 Sfera FL 4T (95-97) 434807/478547 11929/KPiaggio 125 Vespa ET4 (97-99) 434807/478547 11929/KPiaggio 125 Hexagon LX 2T (98-99) 434812 11928/KPiaggio 125 *Hexagon 2T/LX 2T (94-99) 431370 11928/KPiaggio 125 Skipper 2T (Frame nr. from 14741) (93-97) 434812 11928/KPiaggio 125 Skipper LX 2T (98-99) 434812 11928/KPiaggio 125 *Skipper 2T/LX 2T (93-99) 431370 11928/KPiaggio 125 Typhoon n/a n/a 11928/KPiaggio 125 Fly Euro 3 (05-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Hexagon GTX 4T (00-...) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Liberty Leader (00-03) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Liberty Delivery Euro 3 (08-09) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Liberty MOC (09-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Liberty PTT (05-06) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Liberty Rst/Euro 3 (04-09) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Liberty Sport/Euro 3 (06-09) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 MP3 (07-08) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 MP3 Hybrid (09-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 MP3 i.e. (08-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Skipper 4T (00-...) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Skipper ST 4T (00-05) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Super Hexagon GTX 4T (01-...) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa ET4 Leader (00-05) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa GT Granturismo/Euro 3 (03-08) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa GTS Euro 3 (07-09) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa GTS Super i.e. (09-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa GTV Euro 3 (07-08) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa GTV Navy Euro 3 (08-09) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa LX FL (09-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa LX i.e. (09-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa LX Euro 3 (05-08) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa LXV Euro 3 (06-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa LXV i.e. (10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa LXV Navy Euro 3 (08-09) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa S Special Euro 3 (07-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Vespa S Special i.e. (09-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 X 7 Euro 3 (08-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 X 7 EVO i.e. (09-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 X 8 Street Euro (06-07) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 X 8 Premium Euro 2/Euro 3 (04-07) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 X 9 Evolution Euro 3 (01-08) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 X-EVO (07-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Zip 4T (00-06) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 125 Hexagon 2T (94-97) 431370 11989/KPiaggio 125 Skipper 2T (Frame nr. t<strong>il</strong>l 14740) (95-97) 431258 11989/KPiaggio 125 Beverly (01-03) 829366/842009 11990/KPiaggio 125 Beverly Euro 3/Sport/MIC (07-09) 842009 11990/KPiaggio 125 Beverly Rst (04-07) 842009 11990/KPiaggio 125 Beverly Tourer Euro 3 (08-10) 842009 11990/KPiaggio 125 Carnaby (07-10) 842009 11990/KPiaggio 150 Hexagon 2T (94-97) 434812 11928/KPiaggio 150 *Hexagon 2T (94-97) 431370 11928/KPiaggio 150 Skipper 2T (Frame nr. from 14741) (93-97) 434812 11928/KPiaggio 150 *Skipper 2T/LX 2T (93-99) 431370 11928/KPiaggio 150 Skipper LX 2T (98-99) 434812 11928/KPiaggio 150 Skipper LXT (98-99) 434812 11928/KPiaggio 150 Fly Euro 3 (05-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 150 Liberty (99-03) 832023/841213 11930/K

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoublePiaggio 150 Liberty Euro 3 (08-09) 11930/KPiaggio 150 Liberty MOC (09-10) 11930/KPiaggio 150 Liberty Sport Euro 3 (08-09) 11930/KPiaggio 150 Skipper ST 4T (00-05) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 150 Vespa ET4 (99-05) 832023/841213 11930/KPiaggio 150 Vespa LX FL (09-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 150 Vespa LX i.e. (09-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 150 Vespa LX Euro 3 (05-09) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 150 Vespa S Special Euro 3 (08-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 150 Vespa S Special i.e. (09-10) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 150 X8 Street Euro 2 (06-07) 841213 11930/KPiaggio 150 Skipper 2T (Frame nr. t<strong>il</strong>l 14740) (93-97) 431258 11989/KPiaggio 180 *Hexagon LXT 2T (98-99) 431370 11928/KPiaggio 180 Hexagon LXT 2T (98-99) 484497 11989/KPiaggio 180 Hexagon GTX 4T (00) 827639/832623 12988/DPiaggio 180 Super Hexagon GTX 4T (01-...) 827639/832623 12988/DPiaggio 180 X 9 Amalfi (00-03) 827639/832623/840908 12988/DPiaggio 200 Liberty Rst/Euro 3 (04-09) 840908 12988/DPiaggio 200 Liberty Sport/Euro 3 (06-09) 840908 12988/DPiaggio 200 Vespa GT Granturismo (03-09) 840908 12988/DPiaggio 200 Vespa GT L (03) 840908 12988/DPiaggio 200 X 8 (04-06) 840908 12988/DPiaggio 200 X 9 Evolution (02-04) 833578/840908 12988/DPiaggio 200 Beverly (01-03) 828043/842011 11991/K 12989/DPiaggio 200 Beverly Rst (04-06) 828043/842011 12989/DPiaggio 200 Carnaby (07-10) 842011 12989/DPiaggio 250 Hexagon GT (98-99) 495158 11989/KPiaggio 250 Super Hexagon GTX (00-...) 495158 11989/KPiaggio 250 X 9 Honda (00-03) 496304 11990/KPiaggio 250 MP3 (06-08) 82941R/843963 12990/DPiaggio 250 MP3 LT (09-10) 82941R/843963 12990/DPiaggio 250 MP3 MIC (08-10) 82941R/843963 12990/DPiaggio 250 Vespa GT60 Euro 3 (06-08) 82941R/843963 12990/DPiaggio 250 Vespa GTS/ABS (05-10) 82941R/843963 12990/DPiaggio 250 Vespa GTV (06-10) 82941R/843963 12990/DPiaggio 250 Vespa GTV Navy (08-09) 82941R/843963 12990/DPiaggio 250 X 7 (07-10) 82941R/843963 12990/DPiaggio 250 X 8 (05-08) 82941R/843963 12990/DPiaggio 250 X 9 Evolution (04-07) 843963 12990/DPiaggio 250 X-EVO (07-10) 843963 12990/DPiaggio 400 Beverly Euro 3 (06-08) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 400 Beverly i.e. (06-08) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 400 Beverly Tourer Euro 3 (08-10) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 400 MP3 (07-08) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 400 MP3 LT (09-10) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 400 MP3 MIC (08-10) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 400 X 8 (06-08) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 400 X-EVO (07-10) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 500 Beverly (02-06) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 500 Beverly Cruiser (07-08) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 500 Beverly Euro 3 (06-08) 832738 12991/DPiaggio 500 X 9 Evolution/ABS (03-08) 832738 12991/DPulse 50 “BT 49 QT-9 Scout 4T 10””” n/a n/a 10997 10997/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi 50 Escape 2T n/a 10996 10996/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi 50 Rexy 2T n/a 10996 10996/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi 50 S<strong>il</strong>verstreet 2T n/a 10996 10996/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi 50 LF QT -2A 4T n/a 23211 10997 10997/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi 50 QM50QT-6A (A) 4T (LAEAGZ400) (06-08) 10997 10997/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi 50 QM50QT-6A (H) 4T (V-Clic) (06-09) 10997 10997/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi 50 QM50QT-6A 4T (LAEAGZ400) (06-08) 10997 10997/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi Motor 50 1E40MB 2T LC n/a n/a 10996 10996/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi Motor 50 1E40MB-B 2T LC n/a n/a 10996 10996/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi Motor 50 1E40QMB 2T Aria n/a n/a 10996 10996/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi Motor 50 1E40QMB-B 2T Aria n/a n/a 10996 10996/KQ<strong>in</strong>qi Motor 50 139QMB 4T Aria 2,3 Kw n/a n/a 10997 10997/KRex 50 “RS450 10””” n/a 139QMB-147-000 10996 10996/KRex 50 “RS450 12”” “ n/a 1PE40QMB-101 10996 10996/KRex 50 Off Limit 4T (07-08) 10997 10997/KRex 50 QM50QT-6A (A) RS 500 4T (06-08) 10997 10997/KRex 50 QM50QT-6A RS 450 4T (06-08) 10997 10997/K86

87Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleRex 50 Tribal Scooter (07-08) 10997 10997/KRieju 50 Paseo 4T (07-08) n/a 10997 10997/KRieju n/a Crosser n/a n/a 10962 10962/KRieju n/a First n/a n/a 10962 10962/KRieju n/a W<strong>in</strong>dy n/a n/a 10962 10962/KRizzato 50 Carosello 50 n/a n/a 10962 10962/KRizzato 50 Hacker AT12/Rac<strong>in</strong>g/LC n/a n/a 10962 10962/KRizzato 50 Hacker/LC n/a n/a 10996 10996/KRizzato n/a Vamos Mor<strong>in</strong>i n/a n/a 11918 11918/KSachs 50 “49ER 4T 10””” (05-06) n/a 10997 10997/KSachs 50 Bee 4T (07-08) n/a 10997 10997/KS<strong>in</strong>ski 50 XSJ QT-6/QT-B 4T n/a n/a 10997 10997/KSukida 50 SK50QT/SK50QT-A 2T n/a n/a 10996 10996/KSukida 50 SK50QT-9 Roma 2T n/a n/a 10996 10996/KSukida 50 SK50QT-11A/QT-19 4T n/a n/a 10997 10997/KSuzuki 50 AJ ZZ Sepia S (95-97) 27601-25E00 11918 11918/KSuzuki 50 AP R/S/T (94-97) 27601-09E00/27601-04C0300 11918 11918/KSuzuki 50 Tune (92-...) 27601-25E00/27601-25E0000 11918 11918/KSuzuki 50 AH Address (92-95) 27601-09E00/27601-04C0300 10997 10997/KSuzuki 50 AP (R/S) (94-95) 27601-09E00/27601-04C0300 10997 10997/KSuzuki 50 CP Lido (91-94) 27601-03A02 10997 10997/KSuzuki 50 AP (T/V) (96-97) 27601-010E00 11996Suzuki 50 AY Katana Air (air) (03-04) 27601-10E00 11996Suzuki 50 AY Katana/W/WR (air/water) (97-98) 27601-10E00 11996Suzuki 50 Seppia ZZ/AJ/Tune n/a 27601-25E00/27601-25E0000 11996Suzuki 50 AY Katana A (Injection) (05-07) 27601-02EA0 12982Suzuki 50 AY Katana W (water) (03-04) 27601-06F01 12982Suzuki 50 AY Katana/W/WR (air/water) (99-00) 27601-06F01 12982Suzuki 50 AY Katana/WR (air/water) n/a 27601-06F01 12982Suzuki 50 TR S Street Magic (97-...) 27601-06F01 12982Suzuki 50 UF Est<strong>il</strong>ete (00-...) 27601-06F01 12982Suzuki 50 UX W Z<strong>il</strong>lion (99-...) 27601-06F01 12982Suzuki 100 AH Address (93-95) 27601-09E00/27601-04C0300 10997 10997/KSuzuki 125 VC Epicuro n/a n/a 11928/KSuzuki 125 UC Epicuro (02-06) 27601-21F11 11989/KSuzuki 125 UH Burgman (07-10) 27601-03H00 11989/KSuzuki 125 UH Burgman (02-06) 27601-21F11 11989/KSuzuki 125 UX Sixteen (08-...) n/a 11990/KSuzuki 150 VC Epicuro n/a n/a 11928/KSuzuki 150 UC Epicuro (98-...) 27601-21F00 11989/KSuzuki 150 UH Burgman (02-06) 27601-21F11 11989/KSuzuki 150 UH Sixteen (08-10) n/a 11990/KSuzuki 200 UH Burgman (08-10) 27601-14F30 11952/KSuzuki 200 UH Burgman (07-08) 27601-14F20 11952/KSuzuki 250 AN Burgman (98-06) 27601-14F01/14F11 11952/KSuzuki 400 AN Burgman (X/K2) (98-02) 27601-15F03 12983/DSuzuki 400 AN Burgman IE (K3/K6) (03-06) 27601-15F10 12983/DSuzuki n/a Suzzy n/a n/a 11918 11918/KSym 50 C<strong>in</strong>derella 50 (99-02) 1B01GAK01 10997 10997/KSym 50 Fiddle 1B01GAK01 10997 10997/KSym 50 Mio (06-10) 1B01A1A01 10997 10997/KSym 50 Super Fancy (98-00) 1B01GAK01 10997 10997/KSym 50 Fiddle II (08) 1B01BE201 11924Sym 50 Symply (08) 1B01BE201 11924Sym 50 Fiddle II S (09-10) 1B01AMA01 10994 10994/KSym 50 Symphony (09-10) 1B01AMA01 10994 10994/KSym 50 Symply II (09-10) 1B01AMA01 10994 10994/KSym 50 Jet/Euro X Eu 2/Sport X (99-07) 1B01T5201 11965 11965/KSym 50 Jungle (99-00) 1B01T5201 11965 11965/KSym 50 Mask Euro 2 (00-04) 1B01T5201 11965 11965/KSym 50 Red Dev<strong>il</strong> (99-...) 1B01T5201 11965 11965/KSym 50 RS (07-...) 1B01T5201 11965 11965/KSym 100 Mio 4T Euro 2/Euro 3 (05-10) 1B01A3G01 11929/KTaishan 50 LF QT -2A Commuter 4T n/a 23211 10997 10997/KTaishan 50 LF QT -2A Sport 4T n/a 23211 10997 10997/KTgb 125 F409 Sienna (03-09) 906-22,5-30 11987/KTgb 150 F409 Sienna (03-09) 906-22,5-30 11987/KVento 50 GT5 2T 1PE40QMB n/a 24107-G02F-000 10996 10996/KVento 50 Triton R4 2T 1PE40QMB n/a 24107-G02F-000 10996 10996/KVento 50 Zip R3i 2T 1PE40QMB n/a 24107-G02F-000 10996 10996/K

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleYamaha 50 Aerox Max n/a n/a 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 Aerox R (97-01) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 BW’S (04-10) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 BW’S Bump (97-98) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 BW’S Naked (03-04) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 BW’S Naked (09-10) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 BW’S Next Generation/Cat. (97-08) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 BW’S Orig<strong>in</strong>al/Euro 2 (97-08) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 BW’S R (01-03) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 CS Jog R/Euro 2 (02-10) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 CW BW’S Orig<strong>in</strong>al Euro 2/SP (02) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 CW L BW’S (03-04) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 CW RS Spy (95-98) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 EW Slider (00-02) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 Neo (02-03) n/a 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 Slider (00-...) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 Why (99-00) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 YH Why/Euro 1/2 (98-10) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 YN Neo’s 2T/R/Euro 2 (97-10) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 YN Neo’s 4 4T (09-10) 5C3-E7641-0000 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 YQ Aerox/L/R/Euro 2 (97-10) 5RN-E7641-00 10962 10962/KYamaha 50 CR Z (91-95) 3WF-17641-00 10996 10996/KYamaha 50 YA R Axis (95-95) 3WF-17641-00 10996 10996/KYamaha 50 YM Breeze (94-95) 3WF-17641-00 10996 10996/KYamaha 50 ZA Jog Z (95-96) 3WF-17641-00 10996 10996/KYamaha 50 XF Giggle 4T (08-10) 3B3-E7641-0000 10964 10964/KYamaha 80 Active n/a n/a 10996 10996/KYamaha 80 Zest n/a n/a 10996 10996/KYamaha 90 Jog n/a n/a 11996Yamaha 100 Ovetto n/a n/a 10962 10962/KYamaha 100 Aerox (00-...) 4VP-17641-00 12982Yamaha 100 BW’S (99-...) 4VP-17641-00 12982Yamaha 100 Neos YN (00-...) 4VP-17641-00 12982Yamaha 100 YN Neo’s (00-...) 4VP-17641-00 12982Yamaha 100 YQ Aerox (00-...) 4VP-17641-0000 12982Yamaha 125 XN Teo’s (00-02) 5DS-17641-00 11928/KYamaha 125 XQ Maxster (01-02) 5DS-17641-00 11928/KYamaha 125 YP Majesty (99-02) 5DS-17641-00 11928/KYamaha 125 YP Majesty E (03-10) 5NS-E76411-00 11928/KYamaha 125 VP X-City (07-08) 1B9-E7641-00 11987/KYamaha 125 YP R X-Max (06-10) 1B9-E7641-00 11987/KYamaha 150 XN Teo’s (00-02) 5DS-17641-00 11928/KYamaha 150 XQ Maxster (01-02) 5DS-17641-00 11928/KYamaha 150 YP Majesty (00-03) 5DS-17641-00 11928/KYamaha 150 XC Flyone/R (90-98) 3UH-17641-00 11930/KYamaha 180 YP Majesty E (03-08) 5XM-E7641-00 12990/DYamaha 250 Skyl<strong>in</strong>er n/a n/a 11931/KYamaha 250 YP Majesty (96-98) 4HC-17641-0000 11931/KYamaha 250 YP Majesty/DX/ABS (98-06) 5CG-17641-0000 11931/KYamaha 250 VP X-City (07-10) 5SE-E7641-0000 11992/KYamaha 250 YP R X-Max/ie/Black X-Max (05-10) 5SE-E7641-0000 11992/KYamaha 300 VP Versity/XC (03-08) 5SE-E7641-0000 11992/KYamaha 400 YP Majesty (04-06) 5RU-17641-0000 12986/DYamaha 500 XP T-Max (01-03) 5GJ-17641-0000 12987/DYamaha 500 XP T-Max ie/Black Max (04-07) 5VU-17641-0000 12987/DYamaha 500 XP T-Max/ABS (08-10) 5VU-17641-0000 12987/DYamaha n/a BW S103 n/a n/a 10962 10962/KYamaha n/a Zuma n/a n/a 10962 10962/KYamaha n/a Cosmo n/a n/a 10996 10996/KYamaha n/a Jog artistic spec n/a n/a 10996 10996/KYamaha n/a Jog f<strong>in</strong>e selection n/a n/a 10996 10996/KZhejiang 50 JL 1PE40 QMB 2T n/a n/a 10996 10996/KZhejiang 50 JJ 1P39 QMB 4T n/a n/a 10997 10997/KZhejiang 250 JL 1P69 MM/MM-A 4T n/a n/a 11931/KZhejiang 250 JJ 172 MM 4T (CN250) n/a n/a 11989/KZhongyu 50 ZY QT-7 4T (motor QMB 139) n/a 669-18-30 10997 10997/KZnen 50 50CC BN 139QMB 4T n/a n/a 10997 10997/KZnen 50 “Sensea/Grande/Retrò/E3 4T 10””” n/a n/a 10997 10997/KZnen 50 “ZN50QT-A Piccolo 4T 10””” n/a n/a 10997 10997/KZnen 50 “ZN50QT-A Tommy 4T 10””” n/a n/a 10997 10997/K88

Marca cc. Modello Motore Anno OEM Standard Kevlar DoubleBrand cc. Model Eng<strong>in</strong>e Year OE Ref. Standard Kevlar DoubleZnen 250 ZN250T-10 BN172MM n/a n/a 11989/KZnen 250 ZN250T-B BN172MM n/a n/a 11989/KZongshen 50 ZS50QT-4 W<strong>in</strong>d 4T (05-06) n/a 10997 10997/KZongshen 50 ZS1P39QMB-2 Hi-Per 4 4T n/a n/a 11965 11965/KZongshen 125 ZS1P57QMI-2 Leader 4T-2V Aria n/a n/a 11930/K89Brand cc. Model Year OE Ref. Standard KevlarAcces : 50 H n/a 22500-E03-000 10996 10996/KAcces : 50 SP H n/a 22500-E03-000 10996 10996/KAcces : 100 H n/a 22500-E03-000 10996 10996/KAcces : 250 H n/a 22500-E10-000 11989/KAcces : 250 Sport n/a 22500-E10-000 11989/KAction Age : n/a Gotcha (73) n/a 11987/KAction Age : n/a Scrambler (70-71) n/a 11987/KAdly/Herkules : 50 Crossover Ut<strong>il</strong>ity UTV 2T (05-07) 23100-201-000 10996 10996/KAdly/Herkules : 50 RS Supersonic ATV 2T (05-07) 23100-201-000 10996 10996/KAdly/Herkules : 50 RS Supersonic ATV 2T (08-09) 23100-231-000 11953 11953/KAdly/Herkules : 50 RU Supersonic UTV 2T (08-09) 23100-231-000 11953 11953/KAdly/Herkules : 50 VS-VG ATV 2T n/a 23100-117-000 10996 10996/KAdly/Herkules : 90 V ATV 2T n/a 23100-117-000 10996 10996/KAdly/Herkules : 100 V ATV 2T n/a 23100-117-000 10996 10996/KAeon : 50 Cobra ATV 2T (00-06) 23100-113-000 10996 10996/KAeon : 50 Revo II ATV 2T n/a 10996 10996/KAeon : 90 Cobra ATV 2T n/a 23100-117-000 10996 10996/KAeon : 90 DRR GT n/a 10996 10996/KAeon : 100 Cobra n/a 10996 10996/KAeon : 100 Cobra Revo n/a 10996 10996/KAeon : 110 Cobra n/a 10996 10996/KArctic Cat : 90 DVX (06-09) 3303-095 11924Arctic Cat : 90 Ut<strong>il</strong>ity (06-09) 3303-095 11924Can-Am : 50 DS M<strong>in</strong>i (02-06) A23100-117-000 10996 10996/KCan-Am : 50 Quest (02-03) A23100-117-000 10996 10996/KCan-Am : 90 DS M<strong>in</strong>i (0209) A23100-117-000 10996 10996/KCPI : 50 Crab ATV (00) 23100-113-000 10996 10996/KCPI : 50 RLX ATV n/a 61A-12211-00-00 10996 10996/KCPI : 50 Tomahawk 4T ATV n/a 83A-12211-00-00 10997/KCPI : 100 Crab ATV n/a 61A-12211-00-00 10996 10996/KDazon Buggy : 250 4T BN 172 MM n/a n/a 11989/KDazon Buggy : 250 Raider Pro Buggy n/a n/a 11989/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 50 DL 501 2T (D<strong>in</strong>o/M<strong>in</strong>i Rex) (02-...) E070108 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 50 DL 502 JP 2T n/a E070108 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 50 DL 503 Cobia 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 50 DL 601 2T (Beast/Diamondback) (02-...) E070108 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 50 DL 601 2T (T-Rex) (01-...) E070108 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 50 DL 604 Diablo 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 50 Helix 2T (00-04) E070108 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 50 T-Rex 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 90 DL 503 Cobia 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 90 DL 601 2T (Beast/Diamondback) (02-...) E070108 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 90 DL 601 2T (T-Rex) (01-...) E070108 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 90 DL 603 2T (Helix) (04-...) E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 90 DL 603 2T (Helix) (02-03) E070108 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 90 DL 604 Diablo 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 100 DL 603 2T (Helix) (04-...) E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 100 DL 603 2T (Helix) (02-03) E070108 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 110 DL 503 Cobia 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KD<strong>in</strong>li : 110 DL 604 Diablo 2T n/a E060153 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 50 AXL/NXL/TXL Lightn<strong>in</strong>g/D 2T (99-01) 650207 10996 10996/K

Marca cc. Modello Anno OEM Standard KevlarBrand cc. Model Year OE Ref. Standard KevlarE-Ton : 50 BXL Draco 2T n/a B3100-B00-0000 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 50 DXL Tornado 2T n/a B3100-B00-0000 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 50 EXL Viper ST 2T n/a B3100-B00-0000 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 50 EXL Yukon ST 2T n/a B3100-B00-0000 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 50 RXL Viper/M 2T (02-05) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 50 TXL Impuls n/a 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 50 TXL Thunder 2T n/a 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 70 RX4/RXL Viper/S.S./M 4T (06-09) 811657 10997/KE-Ton : 70 RXL Viper 2T (05) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 90 AXL Lightn<strong>in</strong>g n/a 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 90 AXL/NXL/TXL Thunder/D 2T (99-01) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 90 DXL Sierra/U 2T (00-02) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 90 RX4/RXL Viper/R/S.S. 4T (06-09) 811657 10997/KE-Ton : 90 RXL Viper/R 2T (02-06) 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 90 TXL Impuls 2T n/a 650207 10996 10996/KE-Ton : 90 UK1 Rover/GT 4T (07) 811657 10997/KE-Ton : 100 Draco 2T n/a B3100-B00-0000 10996 10996/KGoes : 50 Goes S/XS n/a 23100-113-000 10996 10996/KKazuma : 250 D<strong>in</strong>go n/a 828-22,5-30 11989/KKazuma : 250 Falcon n/a 828-22,5-30 11989/KK<strong>in</strong>road : 250 K<strong>in</strong>road buggy n/a 828-22,5-30 11989/KKymco : 50 KXR (04) 23100-GKAK-901/00107206 10997/KKymco : 50 Maxxer (05-10) 23100-GKAK-901/00107206 10997/KKymco : 50 Mongoose 2T (06-08) 23100-GKAK-901/00107206 10997/KKymco : 50 Mongoose 4T n/a 23100-GKAK-901/00107206 10997/KKymco : 50 Mxer/Euro 2 (02-04) 23100-GKAK-901/00107206 10997/KKymco : 50 MXU/SR (06-10) 23100-GKAK-901/00107206 10997/KKymco : 70 Mongoose 4T n/a 23100-KHC5-9000 00106225 10997/KKymco : 125 Mxer/Euro 2 (02-06) 23100-LLB1-900/00106046 11953 11953/KKymco : 150 Mxer/Euro 2 (02-06) 23100-LLB1-900/00106046 11953 11953/KKymco : 150 MXU/SR (05-10) 23100-LLB1-900/00106046 11953 11953/KLaverda : 50 Quasar 2T ATV n/a 8910141 10996 10996/KL<strong>in</strong>hai : 260 ET Ranger/X Explorer ATV/UTV n/a 16910-300/23815 11931/KL<strong>in</strong>hai : 260 H 2x4/4x4 ATV n/a 16910-300/23815 11931/KL<strong>in</strong>hai : 300 ET Ranger/X Explorer ATV/UTV n/a 16910-300/23815 11931/KL<strong>in</strong>hai : 300 H 2x4/4x4 ATV n/a 16910-300/23815 11931/KPolaris : 90 Predator 2T (03-06) 0450239 10996 10996/KPolaris : 90 Scrambler/X 2T (01-03) 0450239 10996 10996/KPolaris : 90 Sportsman 2T (01-06) 0450239 10996 10996/KZhejiang (J<strong>in</strong>lang) : 50 JL 1P39QMB 4T ATV (Short case) n/a n/a 10997/KZhejiang (J<strong>in</strong>lang) : 250 JL 1P69MM-4 4T ATV n/a n/a 11931/K90

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