SIA Expo Agenda (1774 KB)

SIA Expo Agenda (1774 KB) SIA Expo Agenda (1774 KB)

<strong>SIA</strong> EXPO 2012The next paymentgeneration7 th International Payments Summit9 October 2012 - 8.00 / 17.15Marriott Hotel - Via Washington, 66 - Milan8.00 - 9.00 Registration and networking breakfast9.00 - 13.00 Washington Room9.00 - 9.15 Opening remarksCarlo Tresoldi, Chairman, <strong>SIA</strong>9.15 - 9.45 Interview with…Growth, development and innovation in Europe as 2013 approaches: the players’responsibilities.Giacomo Vaciago, Economist, Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreEnrico Romagna-Manoja, Editor in Chief Il Mondo, RCS MediaGroup9.45 - 11.00 PanelThe latest innovation trends in the payments system and fi nancial market scenarios:world-wide, Europe-wide and in Italy. Experts debate.Daniela Russo, Director General Payments and Market Infrastructures,European Central Bank

14.30 - 17.15 Washington A Room14.30 - 16.00 Mobile payments: the future has become a reality:: Mobile payments in proximity:: Banks and Telcos: from competition to cooperation:: Differentiation in value-added services: e-walletChairperson: Nicola Cordone, Deputy General Director, <strong>SIA</strong>Arianna Azzolini, Head of Daily Banking Marketing – Retail and PrivateBanking Division, BNL – Gruppo BNP ParibasPaolo Battiston, General Manager, MasterCard ItaliaLuciano Cavazzana, Managing Director Italy and Central Europe, IngenicoMassimiliano De Carolis, Head of Business Development,Mobile Payments and Mobile Adv, Vodafone ItaliaAlessandro Perego, Co-director of the ICT & Management Observatories,School of Management, Politecnico di MilanoWalter Pinci, Manager Payment Systems, BancoPosta – Poste ItalianeDavide Steffanini, General Manager Italy, Visa Europe16.15 - 17.15 Services in support of electronic payments:: Analyzing and dematerializing the process of acquiring a new customer:: E-payments: virtualisation of the payment process:: Fraud prevention in real-time:: Innovative POSChairperson: Nicola Cordone, Deputy General Director, <strong>SIA</strong>Luciano Cavazzana, Managing Director Italy and Central Europe, IngenicoDaniela Cerboni, Vice President World Service Italy,American Express Services EuropeDavide Girompini, Global Leader Banking Framework, Paymentsand Transaction Services, IBM ItaliaGiulia Gliubich, Back Offi ce Manager, AllianzRiccardo Mangiaracina, Head of eCommerce B2c Observatory,School of Management - Politecnico di Milano

14.30 - 17.15 Washington B Room14.30 - 15.45 Freedom and rules for the market: a virtuous trade off?:: New business models: market practice versus risky behaviours for the fi nancialsystem stability:: Monitoring tools to prevent market manipulation:: New rules (ESMA guidelines, MiFID and MAD review, T2S, EMIR,CSD Regulation, …): impacts and business opportunities for all market playersChairperson: Gian Bruno Mazzi, Managing Director, <strong>SIA</strong>Michele Calzolari, Chairman, ASSOSIMPaolo Cittadini, CEO, Monte TitoliCiro Pietroluongo, Managing Director, MTSClaudio Salini, Secretary General, CONSOBDirk Schrade, Deputy Head of the Department Paymentsand Settlement Systems, Deutsche Bundesbank16.00 - 17.15 SEPA end date: capitalizing on investmentsto create new business opportunities:: Migration and business continuity:: Market liberalisation: risk or opportunity?:: Why SEPA can promote a more effi cient processing of payments?:: Can SEPA create opportunities for innovation and new revenue streams?:: SEPA and e-commerce: MyBank for Online Banking e-Payments and e-MandatesChairperson: Gian Bruno Mazzi, Managing Director, <strong>SIA</strong>Rita Camporeale, Head of Payment Systems and Services Department, ABIGilbert Lichter, CEO, EBA ClearingLuca Poletto, Head of SEPA offer - Cash Management CompetenceCenter, BNP ParibasJavier Santamaria, Chairman, EPCErnesto Simonetta, Cash Manager, Telecom ItaliaLuca Vanini, Head of Group Product Development Payments -Cash Management - Global Transaction Banking, Unicredit

14.30 - 17.15 Club Bar Room14.30 - 15.45 The PA bodies as a driver for modernisation:: Excellence as a prerequisite for the development of a Country-System:: New services for citizens and businesses:: The Payment Institution in the Public Sector:: The development of treasury systems for the local PA bodiesChairperson: Claudio Mauro, Central Director, RA ComputerAndrea Acquaviva, CEO Staff, InfoCamereRenzo Brunetti, Managing Director, A.N.M. – Azienda Napoletana MobilitàGuido Emiliano Doveri, Corporate and PA Director, BancoPosta -Poste ItalianeChiara Frigerio, Assistant professor and Deputy Secretary, CeTIF -Università Cattolica del Sacro CuoreMaria Pia Giovannini, Head of Rules, Standards and TechnicalGuidelines Area, Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, Gestione ex-DigitPAMaurizio Pimpinella, President, A.I.I.P16.00 - 17.15 The integration of new players:: The collaboration between market players for the defi nition of new standards:: How the model of customer relationship evolves:: Synergies between the new payment instruments and distribution channels:: New mobile services for retail customersChairperson: Carlo Maiocchi, Corporate & PA Director, <strong>SIA</strong>Michelangelo Bottesini, Supply Chain & Credit Management Director, H3GFrancesco Del Pizzo, Head of Sales and Distribution Channels, TelepassStefano Fanton, Chairman, FactorcoopLiliana Fratini Passi, CEO, Consorzio CBIAndrea Keller, Smart Solutions Director, EdenredGiovanni Vattani, Head of Payment Systems, Enel Energia

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