Roberto Sozzi (ARPA Lazio) Teodoro Georgiadis (CNR-IBIMET ...

Roberto Sozzi (ARPA Lazio) Teodoro Georgiadis (CNR-IBIMET ...

Roberto Sozzi (ARPA Lazio) Teodoro Georgiadis (CNR-IBIMET ...


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Bibliografia⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯Stull R.B. (1995): Meteorology Today For Scientists and Engineers - West Publishing Company.Minneapolis, 385 pp.Stull R.B., A.G.M. Driedonks (1987): Applications of the transilient turbulence parameterization toatmospheric boundary layer simulations – Bound. Layer Meteor., 40, 209-239Sugamura Y., J.W. Telford (1987): A new thermocouple thermometer – J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech, 4,383-390Sugita M., T. Hiyama, N. Endo, S. Tian (1995): Flux determination over a smooth surface understrongly unstable conditions – Bound. Layer Meteor. 73, 145-158Sun W.Y., Y. Ogura (1980): Modeling the evolution of the convective planetary boundary layer –J. Atmos. Sci.,37, 1558-1572Surridge A.D. (1990): The stable boundary layer temperature profile and the effect of the heathloss from the body of the atmosphere – Atmos. Env., 24A, 1285-1296Swinbank W.C. (1963): Longwave radiation from clear ckies - Q. J. R. Metor. Soc., 89, 339-348TTatarski V.I. (1961): Wave propagation in a turbulent medium - McGraw-Hill, New York, 285 pp.Tennekes H., J.L. Lumley (1972): A first course in the turbulence - MIT Press, Cambridge (MA)300 pp.Tennekes H. (1973): A model for the dynamics of the inversion above a convective boundarylayer – J. Atmos. Sci, 30, 558-581Tichonov A.N., A.A. Samarskij(1981): Equazioni della fisica matematica - MIR ed.,Mosca,750 pp.Tillman J.E. (1972): The indirect determination of stability, heat, and momentum fluxes in theatmospheric boundary layer from simple scalar variables during dry unstable conditions – J.Appl. Meteor., 11, 783-792Tirabassi T., P. Pasi, T. <strong>Georgiadis</strong>: Evaluation of boundary layer parameters from elementarymeteorological data near the ground in Antarctica; Acta of 7 th Workshop Italian Research onAntarctic Atmosphere, 22-24 October 1997 – Bologna ItalyTomasi A. (1983): The nocturnal surface inversion height in the Po valley – Atm.. Environ., 17,1123-1129Treviño G., E.L. Andreas (2000): Averaging interval for spectral analysis of nonstationaryturbulence - Bound. Layer Meteor., 95, 231-247Trombetti F., M. Tagliazucca (1994): Characteristics scales of atmospheric surface layer – Tech.Report 4, FISBAT-TP-94/1 – <strong>CNR</strong>-FISBAT, Bologna 149 pp.⎯————————————————————————————————————- 521 -

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