Roberto Sozzi (ARPA Lazio) Teodoro Georgiadis (CNR-IBIMET ...

Roberto Sozzi (ARPA Lazio) Teodoro Georgiadis (CNR-IBIMET ... Roberto Sozzi (ARPA Lazio) Teodoro Georgiadis (CNR-IBIMET ...
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Bibliografia⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯RRannik U., Vesala T. (1999):Autoregressive filtering versus linear detrending in estimation fluxesby eddy covariance method Bound. Layer Meteor. 91, 259-280Ratto C.F., R. Festa, C. Romeo, O.A. Frumento, M. Galluzzi (1994): Mass-consistent models forwind fields over complex terrain: the state of the art - Environ. Soft. 9, 247-268Reid J.D. (1979): Markov chain simulations of vertical dispersion in the neutral surface layerfrom surface and elevated releases – Bound. Layer Meteor., 16, 3-22Ribmann J., Tetzlaff G. (1994): Application of a spectral correlation method for measurements ofcovariances with fast-response sensors in the atmospheric boundary layer up to a height of130m and testing of the correlations – Bound. Layer Meteor. 70, 293-305Ripley E.A., R.E. Redmann (1976), Grassland. In Monteith J.L. (ed.), vegetation and Atmosphere,Vol. 2, Case studies - Academic Press, London, 349-398Rodean H.C. (1996): Stocastic lagrangian models of turbulent diffusion -Meteorological Society, Boston 84 pp.AmericanRodriguez D.J., G.D. Greenly, P.M. Gresho, R.L. Lange, B.S. Lawver, L.A. Lawson, H. Walker(1982): User’s guide to the MATHEW/ADPIC models - UASG 82-16, Lawrence LivermoreLaboratory, University of California, Atmospheric and Geophysical Sciences Division, Livermore,CaliforniaRoss D.G., I.N. Smith, P.C. Manins, D.G. Fox (1988): Diagnostic wind field modeling for complexterrain: model development and testing - J. Appl. Meteor., 27, 785-796Rotach M.W., S.E. Gryning, C. Tassone (1995): A two-dimensional Lagrangian stocasticdispersion model for daytime conditions – Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 122, 367-389SSchotanus P., F.T.M. Nieuwstadt, H.A.R. De Bruin (1983): Temperature measurements with asonic anemometer and its application to heat and moisture fluxes – Bound. Layer Meteor. 26, 81-93Seibert P., F. Beyrich, S.E. Gryning, S. Joffre, A. Rasmussen, P. Tercier (1998): Mixing heightdetermination for dispersion modelling – In: Harmonization of the pre-processing of themeteorological data for atmospgheric dispersion models - European Commission COST Action 710 –Final Report EUR 18195 ENSeinfeld J.H. (1986): "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics of Air Pollution"; John Wyley&Sons, NewYork 738 ppSherman C.A. (1978): A mass-consistent model for wind fields over complex terrain - J. Appl.Meteor., 17, 312-319⎯————————————————————————————————————- 519 -

Bibliografia⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯Shuttleworth W.J. (1989): Micrometeorology of temnperate and tropical forest - Phil. Trans. Roy.Soc. London B, 324, 299-334Snyder R.L., D. Spano, K.T. Paw U (1996): Surface renewal analysis for sensible heat fluxdensity – Bound. Layer Meteor., 77, 249-266Sorbjan Z. (1986): On similarity in the atmospheric boundary layer - Bound. Layer Meteor., 34,377-397Sorbjan Z. (1989): Structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer - Printice Hall, EnglewoodCliffs,NJ, 317 pp.Sozzi R., M. Favaron (1996): Sonic anemometry and thermometry: theoretical basis and dataprocessingsoftware. Environ. Sofware vol. 11, 4, 259-270Sozzi R., M. Favaron, T. Georgiadis (1998): Method for estimation of surface roughness andSimilarity function of the wind speed vertical profile – J. Appl. Meteorol, 37, 461-469Sozzi R., A. Salcido, R. Saldaña Flores, T. Georgiadis (1999): Daytime net radiationparameterisation for Mexico City suburban areas – Atmos. Res. 50, 53-68Sozzi R., F. Rossi, T. Georgiadis (2000): Parameter estimation of surface layer turbulence fromwind speed vertical profile - Environ. Modeling&Soft, 16, 73-85Spano D. (1995): Un nuovo metodo di stima del flusso di calore sensibile edell’evapotraspirazione – Riv. di Irr. e Dren, 42, 1, 9-17Spano D., R.L. Snyder, P. Duce, K.T. Paw U (1996): Surface renewal analysis for sensible heatflux density using structure functiona – Agric. Forest Meteor., 86, 259-271Stewart J.B., W.P. Kustas, K.S. Hulmes, W.D. Nichols, M.S. Moran, H.A.R. DeBruin(1994):Sensible heat flux-radiometric surface temperature relationship for eight semiaridareas- J. Appl. Meteor., 33, 1110-1117Stull R.B. (1986): Transilient turbulence theory, Part III: bulk dispersion rate and numericalstability – J. Atmos. Sci., 43, 50-57Stull R.B. (1987): Transilient turbulence algorithms to model mixing across finite distances –Envin. Soft. 2, 4-12Stull R.B. (1989): An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology - Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht, 666 pp.Stull R.B. (1993): Rewew of non-local mixing in turbullent atmospheres: transilient turbulencetheory – Bound. Layer Meteor.,62, 21-96⎯————————————————————————————————————- 520 -

Bibliografia⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯RRannik U., Vesala T. (1999):Autoregressive filtering versus linear detrending in estimation fluxesby eddy covariance method Bound. Layer Meteor. 91, 259-280Ratto C.F., R. Festa, C. Romeo, O.A. Frumento, M. Galluzzi (1994): Mass-consistent models forwind fields over complex terrain: the state of the art - Environ. Soft. 9, 247-268Reid J.D. (1979): Markov chain simulations of vertical dispersion in the neutral surface layerfrom surface and elevated releases – Bound. Layer Meteor., 16, 3-22Ribmann J., Tetzlaff G. (1994): Application of a spectral correlation method for measurements ofcovariances with fast-response sensors in the atmospheric boundary layer up to a height of130m and testing of the correlations – Bound. Layer Meteor. 70, 293-305Ripley E.A., R.E. Redmann (1976), Grassland. In Monteith J.L. (ed.), vegetation and Atmosphere,Vol. 2, Case studies - Academic Press, London, 349-398Rodean H.C. (1996): Stocastic lagrangian models of turbulent diffusion -Meteorological Society, Boston 84 pp.AmericanRodriguez D.J., G.D. Greenly, P.M. Gresho, R.L. Lange, B.S. Lawver, L.A. Lawson, H. Walker(1982): User’s guide to the MATHEW/ADPIC models - UASG 82-16, Lawrence LivermoreLaboratory, University of California, Atmospheric and Geophysical Sciences Division, Livermore,CaliforniaRoss D.G., I.N. Smith, P.C. Manins, D.G. Fox (1988): Diagnostic wind field modeling for complexterrain: model development and testing - J. Appl. Meteor., 27, 785-796Rotach M.W., S.E. Gryning, C. Tassone (1995): A two-dimensional Lagrangian stocasticdispersion model for daytime conditions – Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 122, 367-389SSchotanus P., F.T.M. Nieuwstadt, H.A.R. De Bruin (1983): Temperature measurements with asonic anemometer and its application to heat and moisture fluxes – Bound. Layer Meteor. 26, 81-93Seibert P., F. Beyrich, S.E. Gryning, S. Joffre, A. Rasmussen, P. Tercier (1998): Mixing heightdetermination for dispersion modelling – In: Harmonization of the pre-processing of themeteorological data for atmospgheric dispersion models - European Commission COST Action 710 –Final Report EUR 18195 ENSeinfeld J.H. (1986): "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics of Air Pollution"; John Wyley&Sons, NewYork 738 ppSherman C.A. (1978): A mass-consistent model for wind fields over complex terrain - J. Appl.Meteor., 17, 312-319⎯————————————————————————————————————- 519 -

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