Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...

Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ... Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...
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Steiner. E., & Glaser, D., Orofacial motor behavior - patterns induced by gustatorystimuli in apes, Chemical Senses, 1985, 10, 452.Steiner, F (1986), Differentiating smiles, in E. Branniger - Huber & F Steiner (Eds.),FACS in psychotherapy research, Zurich, Switzerland: Department of ClinicalPsychology, Universitat Zurich, 1986, pp. 139 – 148.Stenberg, C., & Campos, J., The development of anger expressions in infancy. In N.Stein, B. Leventhal, & T. Trabasso (Eds), Psychological and biological approachesto emotion, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1990, pp. 247 – 282.Stern, D., The interpersonal world of the infant, New York: Basic books, 1985.Stettner, L. J., Ivery, E., & Haynes, O. M., The human smile: Analysis of structural featuresand perceived meanings, Paper presented at the meeting of the InternationalSociety for Human Ethology, Tutzing, FRG, 1986.Stewart, R. B., & Marvin, R. S., Sibling relations: The role of conceptual perspectivetaking in the ontogeny of sibling care giving, Child Development, 1984, 55, pp1322 - 1332.Stifter, C.A. and Fox, N.A, Preschool children’s ability to identify and label emotions,Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour, 1987, 11, pp. 43 - 54.Stipek, D., Recchia, S., & McClintic, S., Self evaluation in young children, Monographsof the Society for Research in Child Development, 1992, 57, 1, p. 226.Stocker, C., Dunn, J., & Plomin, R., Sibling relationships: Links with child temperament,maternal behavior, and family structure, Child Development, 1989, 60, pp.715 - 727.Stolar, N., & Berenbaum, H., Banich, M. T., & Barch, D., Neuropsychological correlatesof alogia and affective flattening in schizophrenia, Biological Psychiatry, 1994, 35,pp. 164 - 172.Strauss, M., Abstraction of prototypical information by adults and 10 – month – old infants,Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 1979,5, pp. 618 – 632.Strecter, L. A., Krauss. R. M., Geller, V., Olson, C., and Apple, W., Pilch changes duringattempted deception, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1977, 35,pp. 345 - 350.Strongman K. T. e Hart C. J., Stereotyped Reactions to Body Build, in PsychologicalReports, XXIII, pp. 1175 – 1178.Suarez, E. C., & Williams, R. B., Situational determinants of cardiovascular and emotionalreactivity in high and low hostile men, Psychosomatic Medicine, 1989, 51, pp.404 - 418.252

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Steiner. E., & Glaser, D., Orofacial motor behavior - patterns induced by gustatorystimuli in apes, Chemical Senses, 1985, 10, 452.Steiner, F (1986), Differentiating smiles, in E. Branniger - Huber & F Steiner (Eds.),FACS in psychotherapy research, Zurich, Switzerland: Department of ClinicalPsychology, Universitat Zurich, 1986, pp. 139 – 148.Stenberg, C., & Campos, J., The development of anger expressions in infancy. In N.Stein, B. Leventhal, & T. Trabasso (Eds), Psychological and biological approachesto emotion, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1990, pp. 247 – 282.Stern, D., The interpersonal world of the infant, New York: Basic books, 1985.Stettner, L. J., Ivery, E., & Haynes, O. M., The human smile: Analysis of structural featuresand perceived meanings, Paper presented at the meeting of the InternationalSociety for Human Ethology, Tutzing, FRG, 1986.Stewart, R. B., & Marvin, R. S., Sibling relations: The role of conceptual perspectivetaking in the ontogeny of sibling care giving, Child Development, 1984, 55, pp1322 - 1332.Stifter, C.A. and Fox, N.A, Preschool children’s ability to identify and label emotions,Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour, 1987, 11, pp. 43 - 54.Stipek, D., Recchia, S., & McClintic, S., Self evaluation in young children, Monographsof the Society for Research in Child Development, 1992, 57, 1, p. 226.Stocker, C., Dunn, J., & Plomin, R., Sibling relationships: Links with child temperament,maternal behavior, and family structure, Child Development, 1989, 60, pp.715 - 727.Stolar, N., & Berenbaum, H., Banich, M. T., & Barch, D., Neuropsychological correlatesof alogia and affective flattening in schizophrenia, Biological Psychiatry, 1994, 35,pp. 164 - 172.S<strong>tra</strong>uss, M., Abs<strong>tra</strong>ction of prototypical information by adults and 10 – month – old infants,Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 1979,5, pp. 618 – 632.Strecter, L. A., Krauss. R. M., Geller, V., Olson, C., and Apple, W., Pilch changes duringattempted deception, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1977, 35,pp. 345 - 350.Strongman K. T. e Hart C. J., Stereotyped Reactions to Body Build, in PsychologicalReports, XXIII, pp. 1175 – 1178.Suarez, E. C., & Williams, R. B., Situational determinants of cardiovascular and emotionalreactivity in high and low hostile men, Psychosomatic Medicine, 1989, 51, pp.404 - 418.252

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