Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...

Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ... Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...
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Mistretta, C. M., & Bradley, R. M., Development of the sense of taste, in E. M. Blass(Ed.), Handbook of behavioral neurobiology, New York: Plenum, 1985, pp. 205 –236.Miyache, K., Campos, J., Bradshaw, D., & Kagan, J., Issues in socioemotional development,in H. Stevenson, H. O. Azuma, & K. Hakuta (Eds.), Child development andeducation in Japan , New York: W. H. Freeman, 1986, pp. 239 – 261.Modigliani, A., Embarrassment and embarrassability, Sociometry, 1968, 31, pp. 313 -326.Modigliani, A., Embarrassment, face work, and eye contact: Testing a theory of embarrassment,Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1971, 17, pp. 15 - 24.Morales, M., Mundy, P., Fullmer, C., Yale, M., Messinger, D., Neal, R., & Schwartz, H.,Responding to joint attention across the 6 – to 24 – month age period and earlylanguage acquisition, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2000, 21(3),pp. 283 – 298.Moriyama, T., Kanade, T., Cohn, J. F., Xiao, J., Ambadar, Z., Gao, J., and Imamura, H.,Automatic recognition of eye blinking in spontaneously occurring behavior, Proceedingsof the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’2002),Quebec, Canada, August 2002, Vol. IV, pp. 78 - 81.Morreall, J. M., Taking laughter seriously, Albany, NY: State University of New YorkPress, 1983.Morris D., The Naked Ape, London, Cape (1967), trad. It., La scimmia nuda, Milano Bompiani,1969.Moscovitch, M., & Olds, J., Asymmetries in spontaneous facial expressions and their possiblerelation to hemispheric specialization, Neuropsychologia, 1982, 20, pp. 71 - 81.Moser, U., von Zeppelin, I., & Schneider, W., The regulation of cognitive affectiveprocesses: A new psychoanalytic model, in U. Moser & I. von Zeppelin (Eds.),Cognitive affective processes: New ways of psychoanalytic modelling. Berlin:Springer, 1991.Motley, M. T, & Camden, C. T., Facial expressions of emotion: A comparison of pose expressionsversus spontaneous expressions in an interpersonal communication setting,Western Journal of Speech Communication, 1988, 52, pp. 1 - 22.Motto, J. A., An integrated approach to estimating suicide risk, Suicide & Life ThreateningBehaviour, 1991, 21, pp. 74 - 89.Mueller, E., & Brenner, J., The origins of social skills and interaction among playgrouptoddlers, Child Development, 1977, 48, pp. 854 - 861.Murphy, L. B., Social behaviour and child personality, New York; Columbia UniversityPress, 1937.238

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Mistretta, C. M., & Bradley, R. M., Development of the sense of taste, in E. M. Blass(Ed.), Handbook of behavioral neurobiology, New York: Plenum, 1985, pp. 205 –236.Miyache, K., Campos, J., Bradshaw, D., & Kagan, J., Issues in socioemotional development,in H. Stevenson, H. O. Azuma, & K. Hakuta (Eds.), Child development andeducation in Japan , New York: W. H. Freeman, 1986, pp. 239 – 261.Modigliani, A., Embarrassment and embarrassability, Sociometry, 1968, 31, pp. 313 -326.Modigliani, A., Embarrassment, face work, and eye contact: Testing a theory of embarrassment,Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1971, 17, pp. 15 - 24.Morales, M., Mundy, P., Fullmer, C., Yale, M., Messinger, D., Neal, R., & Schwartz, H.,Responding to joint attention across the 6 – to 24 – month age period and earlylanguage acquisition, Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 2000, 21(3),pp. 283 – 298.Moriyama, T., Kanade, T., Cohn, J. F., Xiao, J., Ambadar, Z., Gao, J., and Imamura, H.,Automatic recognition of eye blinking in spontaneously occurring behavior, Proceedingsof the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’2002),Quebec, Canada, August 2002, Vol. IV, pp. 78 - 81.Morreall, J. M., Taking laughter seriously, Albany, NY: State University of New YorkPress, 1983.Morris D., The Naked Ape, London, Cape (1967), <strong>tra</strong>d. It., La scimmia nuda, Milano Bompiani,1969.Moscovitch, M., & Olds, J., Asymmetries in spontaneous facial expressions and their possiblerelation to hemispheric specialization, Neuropsychologia, 1982, 20, pp. 71 - 81.Moser, U., von Zeppelin, I., & Schneider, W., The regulation of cognitive affectiveprocesses: A new psychoanalytic model, in U. Moser & I. von Zeppelin (Eds.),Cognitive affective processes: New ways of psychoanalytic modelling. Berlin:Springer, 1991.Motley, M. T, & Camden, C. T., Facial expressions of emotion: A comparison of pose expressionsversus spontaneous expressions in an interpersonal communication setting,Western Journal of Speech Communication, 1988, 52, pp. 1 - 22.Motto, J. A., An integrated approach to estimating suicide risk, Suicide & Life ThreateningBehaviour, 1991, 21, pp. 74 - 89.Mueller, E., & Brenner, J., The origins of social skills and interaction among playgrouptoddlers, Child Development, 1977, 48, pp. 854 - 861.Murphy, L. B., Social behaviour and child personality, New York; Columbia UniversityPress, 1937.238

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