Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...

Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ... Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...
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Merten, J., Anstadt, Th., Ullrich, B., Krause, R., & Buchheim, P., Emotional experienceand facial expression during the therapeutic process and its relation to treatmentoutcome, Psychotherapy Research, 1996, 6, pp. 198 - 212.Messinger, D. & Freedman, D., Autonomy and interdependence in Japanese and Americanmother – toddler dyads, Early Development and Parenting, 1(1), 1992, pp. 33– 38.Messinger, D. Dolcourt, J., King, J., Bodnar, A., & Beck, D., The survival and developmentaloutcome of extremely low birthweight infants, Infant Mental Health Journal,17(4), 1996, pp. 375 – 385.Messinger, D., Fogel, A., & Dickson, K. L., A dynamic systems approach to infant facialaction, in J. A. Russel and F. M. Dols (Eds.), The psychology of facial expression,New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 205 – 226.Messinger, D. & Fogel, A., Give and take: The development of conventional infant gestures,Merril – Palmer Quarterly, 44(4), 1998, pp. 566 – 590.Messinger, D., Fogel, A., & Dickson, K. L., What’s in a smile?, Developmental Psychology,35(3), 1999, pp. 701 – 708.Mick, E., Als, H., & Adamson, L., Structure of early face – to - face communicative interactions,in M. Bullowa (Ed.), Before speech: The beginnings of human communication,Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 349 – 372.Miller, P. H., & Aloise, P. A., Young children’s understanding of the psychologicalcauses of behaviour: A review, Child Development, 1989, 60, pp. 257 - 285.Miller, R. S., The nature and severity of self - reported embarrassing circumstances, Personalityand Social Psychology Bulletin, 1992, 18, pp. 190 - 198.Miller, R. S., & Leary, M. R., Social sources and interactive functions of embarrassment,in M. Clark (Ed.), Emotion and social behaviour, New York: Sage, 1992, pp. 202 –221 .Minsky, M., A framework for representing knowledge, in P. H. Winston (Ed.), The psychologyof computer vision, New York: McGraw – Hill, 1975, pp. 211 - 280.Mistretta, C. M., & Bradley, R. M., Taste in utero: Theoretical considerations, in J. M.Weiffenbach (Ed.), Taste and development, Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department ofHealth, Education, and Welfare, (DHEW Publication No. NIH 77 - 1068), 1977, pp.51 - 63.Mistretta, C. M., & Bradley, R. M., Neural basis of developing sail taste sensation: Responsechanges in fetal, postnatal, and adult sheep, Journal of Comparative Neurology,1983, 215, pp. 199 - 210.237

Merten, J., Anstadt, Th., Ullrich, B., Krause, R., & Buchheim, P., Emotional experienceand facial expression during the therapeutic process and its relation to treatmentoutcome, Psychotherapy Research, 1996, 6, pp. 198 - 212.Messinger, D. & Freedman, D., Autonomy and interdependence in Japanese and Americanmother – toddler dyads, Early Development and Parenting, 1(1), 1992, pp. 33– 38.Messinger, D. Dolcourt, J., King, J., Bodnar, A., & Beck, D., The survival and developmentaloutcome of extremely low birthweight infants, Infant Mental Health Journal,17(4), 1996, pp. 375 – 385.Messinger, D., Fogel, A., & Dickson, K. L., A dynamic systems approach to infant facialaction, in J. A. Russel and F. M. Dols (Eds.), The psychology of facial expression,New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 205 – 226.Messinger, D. & Fogel, A., Give and take: The development of conventional infant gestures,Merril – Palmer Quarterly, 44(4), 1998, pp. 566 – 590.Messinger, D., Fogel, A., & Dickson, K. L., What’s in a smile?, Developmental Psychology,35(3), 1999, pp. 701 – 708.Mick, E., Als, H., & Adamson, L., Structure of early face – to - face communicative interactions,in M. Bullowa (Ed.), Before speech: The beginnings of human communication,Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, pp. 349 – 372.Miller, P. H., & Aloise, P. A., Young children’s understanding of the psychologicalcauses of behaviour: A review, Child Development, 1989, 60, pp. 257 - 285.Miller, R. S., The nature and severity of self - reported embarrassing circumstances, Personalityand Social Psychology Bulletin, 1992, 18, pp. 190 - 198.Miller, R. S., & Leary, M. R., Social sources and interactive functions of embarrassment,in M. Clark (Ed.), Emotion and social behaviour, New York: Sage, 1992, pp. 202 –221 .Minsky, M., A framework for representing knowledge, in P. H. Winston (Ed.), The psychologyof computer vision, New York: McGraw – Hill, 1975, pp. 211 - 280.Mistretta, C. M., & Bradley, R. M., Taste in utero: Theoretical considerations, in J. M.Weiffenbach (Ed.), Taste and development, Bethesda, MD: U.S. Department ofHealth, Education, and Welfare, (DHEW Publication No. NIH 77 - 1068), 1977, pp.51 - 63.Mistretta, C. M., & Bradley, R. M., Neural basis of developing sail taste sensation: Responsechanges in fetal, postnatal, and adult sheep, Journal of Comparative Neurology,1983, 215, pp. 199 - 210.237

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