Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...

Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ... Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...
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Kurola I., Fujjwara. 0. Okmura, N., and Utsuki. N., Method for determining pilot stressthrough analysis of voice communication, Aviation, Space and EnvironmentalMedicine, 1976, 47, pp. 528 - 533.LaBarbera, V. D. Izard C. E.,Vietze P. & Parisi, S.A., Four and six month old infants’visual responses to joy, anger neutral expressions, Child Development, 1976, 47,pp. 535 – 538.Lacey, J. I., Somalie response patterning and stress: Some revisions of activation theory, inM. H. Apple & R. Trumbull (Eds.), Psychological stress, New York: Appleton – Century– Crofts, 1967, pp. 14 – 42.Laird, J. D.,, Self attribution of emotion: The effects of expressive behavior on the quality of emotionalexperience, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1974, 29, pp. 475 - 486.Lalatesta, C., & Haviland, J., Signs, symbols, and socialization: The modification ofemotional expression in human development, in M. Lewis & C. Saarni (Eds.), Thesocialization of emotions, New York: Plenum Press, 1985, pp. 89 - 116.Lalatesta, C., Cuvier, C., Tesman, J., & Shepard, B., The development of emotion expressionduring the first two years of life, Monographs of the Society for Researchin Child Development, 1989, 54, (1 -2, Serial No. 219).Lalatesta - Magai, C., & Izard, C., Conceptualizing early infant affect: View 1 and reply, inK. Strongman (Ed.), International review of studies on emotion, New York: Wiley,1991, pp. 1 – 15 e pp. 29 - 32.Lamedica, N., Gesto e comunicazione – verbale, non verbale, gestuale, Liguori Editore,Napoli, 1987.Landis, C., Studies of emotional reactions: II. General behavior and facial expression,Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1924, 4, pp. 447 - 509.Landis, C., The interpretation of facial expression of emotion, Journal of General Psychology,1929, 2, pp. 59 - 72.Landis, C., & Hunt, W. A., The startle pattern, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1939.Lanzetta, J. T., & Kleck, R. E., Encoding and decoding of nonverbal affect in humans., Journalof Personality and Social Psychology, 1970, 16, pp. 12 - 19.Lanzetta, J. T., Cartwright - Smith, J., & Kleck, R. E., Effects of nonverbal dissimulation onemotional experience and autonomic arousal, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1976, 33, pp. 354 - 370.LaPlanche, J., & Pontalis, J. B., The Language of psychoanalysis, Hogarth, 1972.Larsen, R. J., & Diener, E., Affect intensity as an individual difference characteristic: Areview, Journal of Research in Personality, 1987, 21, pp. 1 - 39.231

Kurola I., Fujjwara. 0. Okmura, N., and Utsuki. N., Method for determining pilot stressthrough analysis of voice communication, Aviation, Space and EnvironmentalMedicine, 1976, 47, pp. 528 - 533.LaBarbera, V. D. Izard C. E.,Vietze P. & Parisi, S.A., Four and six month old infants’visual responses to joy, anger neu<strong>tra</strong>l expressions, Child Development, 1976, 47,pp. 535 – 538.Lacey, J. I., Somalie response patterning and stress: Some revisions of activation theory, inM. H. Apple & R. Trumbull (Eds.), Psychological stress, New York: Appleton – Century– Crofts, 1967, pp. 14 – 42.Laird, J. D.,, Self attribution of emotion: The effects of expressive behavior on the quality of emotionalexperience, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1974, 29, pp. 475 - 486.Lalatesta, C., & Haviland, J., Signs, symbols, and socialization: The modification ofemotional expression in human development, in M. Lewis & C. Saarni (Eds.), Thesocialization of emotions, New York: Plenum Press, 1985, pp. 89 - 116.Lalatesta, C., Cuvier, C., Tesman, J., & Shepard, B., The development of emotion expressionduring the first two years of life, Monographs of the Society for Researchin Child Development, 1989, 54, (1 -2, Serial No. 219).Lalatesta - Magai, C., & Izard, C., Conceptualizing early infant affect: View 1 and reply, inK. Strongman (Ed.), International review of studies on emotion, New York: Wiley,1991, pp. 1 – 15 e pp. 29 - 32.Lamedica, N., Gesto e <strong>comunicazione</strong> – verbale, non verbale, gestuale, Liguori Editore,Napoli, 1987.Landis, C., Studies of emotional reactions: II. General behavior and facial expression,Journal of Comparative Psychology, 1924, 4, pp. 447 - 509.Landis, C., The interpretation of facial expression of emotion, Journal of General Psychology,1929, 2, pp. 59 - 72.Landis, C., & Hunt, W. A., The startle pattern, New York: Farrar, S<strong>tra</strong>us & Giroux, 1939.Lanzetta, J. T., & Kleck, R. E., Encoding and decoding of nonverbal affect in humans., Journalof Personality and Social Psychology, 1970, 16, pp. 12 - 19.Lanzetta, J. T., Cartwright - Smith, J., & Kleck, R. E., Effects of nonverbal dissimulation onemotional experience and autonomic arousal, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1976, 33, pp. 354 - 370.LaPlanche, J., & Pontalis, J. B., The Language of psychoanalysis, Hogarth, 1972.Larsen, R. J., & Diener, E., Affect intensity as an individual difference characteristic: Areview, Journal of Research in Personality, 1987, 21, pp. 1 - 39.231

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