Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...

Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ... Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...
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Kendon A., The Role of visible Behaviour in the Organization of Social Interaction, inM. von Cranach e I. Vine (Eds.), Social Communication and Movement, London,Academic Press, 1973.Kermol, E., La nascita pretermine, un’indagine nel Friuli Venezia Giulia, Edizioni La Mongolfiera(Tesi di dottorato di ricerca in medicina materno – infantile), 1991.Kimura, D., Manual activity during speaking - I. Right - handers, Neuropsychologia, 1973,II,pp.45 - 50.Kinsbourne, M., Eye and head turning indicates cerebral lateralization, Science, 1972,176, pp. 539 - 541.Kleck, R. E., Vaughn, R. C., Cartwright - Smith, J., Vaughn, K. B., Colby, C. Z. & Lanzatta,J. T., Effects of being observed on expressive, subjective, and physiologicalresponses to painful stimuli, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1976, 34,pp.1211 - 1218.Klein, S., La formula <strong>della</strong> felicità – per una filosofia del benessere, Longanesi & C.,Milano, 2003.Klein, M., Contribution to the psychoanalysis of maniedepressive states, InternationalJournal of Psychoanalysis, 1993, 16, pp. 145 - 174.Knapp, M. L., Hart, R. R, & Dennis, H. S., An exploration of deception as a communicationconstruct, Human Communication Research, 1974, I, pp. 15 - 29.Knight, R. A., Roff, J. D., Barnett, J. & Moss, J. L., Concurrent and predictive validity ofthought disorder and affectivity: A 22 year follow - up of acute schizophrenics,Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1979, 88, pp. 1 - 12.Kochanska, G., Toward a synthesis of parental socialization and child temperament inearly development of conscience, Child Development, 1993, 64, pp. 325 - 347.Koff, E., Borod, J. C. & S<strong>tra</strong>uss, E. H., Development of hemiface size asymmetry, Cortex,1985, 27 (1), pp. 153 - 156.Korin, B. P., Introduction to statistical methods, Cambridge: Winthrop, 1977.Kotarba, J. A., Chronic pain, Its social dimensions, Beverley Hills, CA: Sage, 1983.Kraemer, H. C., & Jacklin, C.N., Statistical analysis of dyadic social behaviour, PsychologicalBulletin, 1979, 16, pp. 217 - 224.Kraepelin, E., Dementia praecox and paraphrenia (R. M. Barclay, Trans.), Huntingdon,NY: Krieger, 1919/1971.Krathwohl, D. R, & Farquhar, W. W., IPR~Interpersonal Process Recall: Simulated recallby videotape in studies of counseling and teaching-learning. Michigan State University:East Lansing, MI, 1965.229

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