Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...

Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ... Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...
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Dickson, K. L., Fogel, A., & Messinger, D., The development of emotion from a social processview, in M. F. Mascolo 6 S. Griffin (Eds.), What develops in emotional development?,New York: Plenum, 1998, pp. 253 – 271.Diener, E.. & Emmons. R. A., The independence of positive and negative affect, Journal of Personalityand Social Psychology, 1984, 47, pp. 1105 - 1117.Dimpson, R. A., & Lamb, M. E., Assessing qualitative dimensions of emotional responsivenessin infants: Separation reactions in the Strange Situation, Infant Behaviorand Development, 1984, 7, pp. 423 - 445.Dimsdale, T. E., Block, R. C., Catanzano, D. M., Hackett, T. P, & Hutter, A. M., Type Apersonality and extent of coronary atherosclerosis, American Journal of Cardiology,1978, 42, pp. 583 - 586.Dimsdale, J. E., Hackett, T. P, Hutter, A. M., et al., Type behaviour and angiographicfìndings, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1979, 23, pp. 273 - 276.Dittman, A. T., Developmental factors in conversational behavior, Journal of Communication,1972, 22, pp. 404 - 423.Dodge, K. A. Feldman.-in, E., Issues in social cognition and sociometric status, in S. R.Asher A J. D. Cme (Eds), Peer Rejectum, Childhood, New York, Cambridge UniversityPress, 1990, pp. 119 - 155.Doi, T., The anatomy of dependence, Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1973.Donadio M., Galdo A. M.: Osservazioni e ipotesi dinamiche sugli atteggiamenti psicologicinei confronti della prevenzione del cancro uterino, Atti del V Congresso Internazionaledi Igiene e Medicina Preventiva, Roma, 1968.Dorë, F. Y, & Kirouac, G., Reliability of accuracy and intensity judgments of elicitingsituations of emotions, Canadian Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 1986, 18, pp. 92 -103.Dougherty, F. E., Bartlett, E. S., & Izard, C. E., Responses of schizophrenics to expressionsof the fundamental emotions, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1974, 30, pp.243 - 246.Duchenne, B., The mechanism of human facial expression or an electro - physiologicalanalysis of the expression of the emotions (A. Cuthbertson Trans.), Cambridge, England:Cambridge University Press, 1862/1990.Duncan, S. D., Jr., On the structure of speaker - auditor interaction during speakingturns, Language in Society, 1974, 2, pp. 161 - 180.Duncan, S., & Fiske, D. W., Interaction Structure and Strategy, Cambridge, England:Cambridge University Press, 1985.206

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Dickson, K. L., Fogel, A., & Messinger, D., The development of emotion from a social processview, in M. F. Mascolo 6 S. Griffin (Eds.), What develops in emotional development?,New York: Plenum, 1998, pp. 253 – 271.Diener, E.. & Emmons. R. A., The independence of positive and negative affect, Journal of Personalityand Social Psychology, 1984, 47, pp. 1105 - 1117.Dimpson, R. A., & Lamb, M. E., Assessing qualitative dimensions of emotional responsivenessin infants: Separation reactions in the S<strong>tra</strong>nge Situation, Infant Behaviorand Development, 1984, 7, pp. 423 - 445.Dimsdale, T. E., Block, R. C., Catanzano, D. M., Hackett, T. P, & Hutter, A. M., Type Apersonality and extent of coronary atherosclerosis, American Journal of Cardiology,1978, 42, pp. 583 - 586.Dimsdale, J. E., Hackett, T. P, Hutter, A. M., et al., Type behaviour and angiographicfìndings, Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1979, 23, pp. 273 - 276.Dittman, A. T., Developmental factors in conversational behavior, Journal of Communication,1972, 22, pp. 404 - 423.Dodge, K. A. Feldman.-in, E., Issues in social cognition and sociometric status, in S. R.Asher A J. D. Cme (Eds), Peer Rejectum, Childhood, New York, Cambridge UniversityPress, 1990, pp. 119 - 155.Doi, T., The anatomy of dependence, Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1973.Donadio M., Galdo A. M.: Osservazioni e ipotesi dinamiche sugli atteggiamenti psicologicinei confronti <strong>della</strong> prevenzione del cancro uterino, Atti del V Congresso Internazionaledi Igiene e Medicina Preventiva, Roma, 1968.Dorë, F. Y, & Kirouac, G., Reliability of accuracy and intensity judgments of elicitingsituations of emotions, Canadian Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 1986, 18, pp. 92 -103.Dougherty, F. E., Bartlett, E. S., & Izard, C. E., Responses of schizophrenics to expressionsof the fundamental emotions, Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1974, 30, pp.243 - 246.Duchenne, B., The mechanism of human facial expression or an electro - physiologicalanalysis of the expression of the emotions (A. Cuthbertson Trans.), Cambridge, England:Cambridge University Press, 1862/1990.Duncan, S. D., Jr., On the structure of speaker - auditor interaction during speakingturns, Language in Society, 1974, 2, pp. 161 - 180.Duncan, S., & Fiske, D. W., Interaction Structure and S<strong>tra</strong>tegy, Cambridge, England:Cambridge University Press, 1985.206

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