Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...

Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ... Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...
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De Waal, F. B. M., The reconciled hierarchy, in M. R. A. Chance (ed.), Social fabrics of themind, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1988, pp. 105 – 136.DeFries.J. C., & Fulfcer, D. H., Multiple regression of twin data, Behaviour Genetics,1985, 15, pp. 67 - 473.DeFries, J. C., Plomin, R.,& LaBuda. M.C., Genetic stability of cognitive developmentfrom the childhood to adulthood, Developmental Psychology, 1987, 23, pp. 4 - 12.Delgrado, E. F. Messinger, D. S. & Yale., M. E., Infant responses to direction of parentalgaze: A comparison of two still – face conditions, Infant Behavior and Development,2002, 25(2), pp. 188 – 195.Dembroski, T. M., MacDougall, J. M., Herd, J. A., & Shields, J. L., Perspectives on coronary- prone behaviour, in D. S. Krantz, A. Baum, & J. E. Singer (Eds.), Cardiovasculardisorders and behaviour, Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1983, pp. 57 - 83.Dembroski, T. M., MacDougall, J. M., Williams, R. B., Haney, T., & Blumenthal, T. A.,Components of Type A hostility and anger in relationship to angiographic fìndings,Psychosomatic Medicine, 1985, 47, pp. 219 - 233.Dembroski, T. M., MacDougall, J. M., Costa, P. T., & Grandits, G. A., Components ofhostility as predictors of sudden death and myocardial infarction in the MultipleRisk Factor Intervention Trial, Psychosomatic Medicine, 1989, 51, pp. 514 - 522.DeMyer, W., Technique of the neurological examination, New York: McGraw – Hill, 1980.Denham, S. A., Social cognition, prosocial behaviour, and emotion in preschoolers:Contextual validation, Child Development, 1986, 57, pp. 194 - 201.Denham, S. A., McKinley, M., Couchoud, E. A.,& Holt, R., Emotional and behaviouralpredictors of preschool peer ratings, Child Development, 1990, 61, pp. 1145 -1152.DePaulo, B. M., Stone, J. I., & Lassiter, G. D., Deceiving and detecting deceit, in B.R. Schlenker (Ed.), The self and social life, New York: McGraw – Hill, 1985, pp.323 – 370.DePaulo, B. M., Nonverbal behavior and self – presentation, Psychological Bulletin, 1992,111, pp. 203 – 243.Desor, J. A., Mailer, O., & Turner, K., Taste in acceptance of sugars by human infants,Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology, 1973, 84, pp. 496 - 501.Desor, J. A., Mailer, O., & Andrews, K., Ingestive responses of human newborns to salty,sour, and bitter stimuli, Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology,1975, 89, pp. 966 - 970.205

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