Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...

Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ... Analisi della comunicazione tra pediatra e madre attraverso l ...
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(Eds.), Continuities and discontinuities in development, New York: Plenum Press,1984, pp. 175 – 210.Beuchamp, G., & Cowart, Congenital and experiential factors in the development of humanflavour preferences, Appettite, 1985, 6, pp. 357 – 372.Bird, H. R., Gould, M. S., & Staghezza, B. M., Patterns of diagnostic comorbidity in acommunity sample of children aged 9 through 16 years, Journal of the AmericanAcademy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1993, 32, pp 361 - 368.Birdwhistell, R. L., Kinesics and context, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press,1970.Bischof - Kohler, D.,The development of empathy in infants, in M.E. Lamb & H. Keller(Eds.), Infant development: Perspectives from German - speaking countries,Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum, 1991, pp.1 – 33.Blass, E. M., & Ciaramitaro, V., A new look at some old mechanisms in human newborns:Taste and tactile determinate of state, affect, and action, Monographs of the Societyfor Research in Child Development, 1994, 59, 1, Serial No. 239.Block, J., Levine, L., & McNemar, Q., Testing for the existence of psychometric patterns,Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1951, 46, pp. 356 - 359.Block, J., Studies in the phenomenology of emotions, Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,1957, 54, pp. 358 - 363.Blumberg, S. H., & Izard, C. E., Affective and cognitive characteristics of depressionin10 and 11 year - old children, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1985,49, pp. 194 - 202.Blumenthal, J. A., Williams, R., Kong, Y., Schanberg, S. M., & Thompson, L. W., Type Abehaviour and angiographically documented coronary disease, Circulation, 1978,58, pp. 634 - 639.Blumenthal, J. A., O Toole, L. C., & Haney, T., Behavioural assessment of the Type Abehaviour pattern, Psychosomatic Medicine, 1984, 46, pp. 415 - 423.Bolzani, L., Messinger, D.S., Yale, M. E., Dondi, M., Smiling in Infancy, in MillicentH. Abel (Ed.), A empirical reflection on the smile, New York: The Edwin MellenPress, 2002, pp. 111 – 135.Bonner, M. R., Changers in the speech pattern under emotional tension, AmericanJournal of Psychology, 1943, 56, pp. 202 - 273.Borke, H., Interpersonal perception of young children: Egocentrism or empathy? DevelopmentalPsychology, 1971, 5, pp. 263 - 269.196

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