Dicembre Vol.3 N° 3 - 2007 - Salute per tutti

Dicembre Vol.3 N° 3 - 2007 - Salute per tutti

Dicembre Vol.3 N° 3 - 2007 - Salute per tutti


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Long chain polynucleotides gel and skin biorevitalizationachieved by the free radicals scavenging pro<strong>per</strong>tiesof macromolecular polynucleotides. Duringthe polynucleotides biodegradation due toenzymes located in the extra cellular space (22,23), many metabolites are produced and availableto increase the protective action against freeradicals (24). Moreover, in vitro studies on UVBirradiated fibroblasts (25), and in vivo trials onhealthy volunteers (26), confirmed the protectiveaction carried out by polynucleotides againstsun damages.Prolonged iso-osmotic hydration and anti-radicalsaction contribute to recreate the mostfavourable physiological conditions in the dermalmatrix that stimulate fibroblast metabolicactivity and regeneration. By optimising theirvitality and secretion activity, autologous fibroblastscan restore the balance of the derma, andparticularly all the different elements composingeither the amorphous matrix (like glucosaminoglycans,glicoproteins, fibronectin) or thefibrillary matrix (collagen, elastic and reticularfibrils), therefore accomplishing a virtuous circlethat ensure long lasting bio-re v i t a l i z i n geffects of Plinest ® .Plinest ® can be used both like a single antiagingtherapy to give an improvement of the qualityof the skin and like a preparing treatment forother medical and surgical procedures (likelaser, chemical peeling, radiofrequency, surgery).In fact the increase of collagenic and noncollagenic substances in the dermis gives betterconditions in the results obtained with othertechniques for the better responses and reductionsof side effects. Protocols of treatment areparticularly suitable to light and moderate agingand photo aging cases, to thin and dry skin, toprevent skin aging and sun damage, to preparethe skin before sun exposure. Plinest ® can beadministered in an integrated manner withother rejuvenating treatments. Especially theskin biorevitalization before dermal fillerimplantation, peeling, laser treatment improveand extend the effect of the treatment done.Protocols of treatment can be used also to preparethe skin before aesthetic surgery procedureslike mini-lifting, lifting or blefaroplasty etc(15). There are also many other clinical ex<strong>per</strong>ienceson the use, in the last two years, of longchain polynucleotide gel in the treatment ofaging skin, particularly of the face, neck anddécolleté, the back of the hands (27, 28), and inpresence of skin dystrophy like striae distensae(29) confirming the results obtained in this clinicalstudy.C onclusionThe use of heterologous substances inaesthetic medicine can provide a temporaryvolumetric increase of the tissues, without anyspecific metabolic action on fibroblast. Instead,modern substances used in biorevitalization aredesigned to promote an increase on fibroblasts’number and metabolic activity and long chainpolynucleotides are considered to be importantbiostimulating agents for their specific actionon fibroblasts. In conclusion the product instudy helps the skin’s own cells to combat theeffect of aging because fibroblasts produce thenecessary collagenic and non collagenic moleculesto revitalize those areas of the face or bodythat show unwanted signs of aging. This in turncan improve the elasticity and general texture ofthe skin, giving a more youthful appearance.The results of the study are very satisfactoryalso because the product is easy to use, has thepatients’ compliance, with no significant sideeffects known so far.Figure 3. Percentage of post-treatment improvementof hydration and elasticity.R eferences1. Ebling FJ. Physiological background to skinageing. Int J Cosmet Sci 1982; 4:103-1102. Kligman AM, Lavker RM. Cutaneous Aging: the differencesbetween intrinsic aging. J Cutan Ageing CosmetolDermatol 1988; 1:5-123. Rook, Wilkinson, Ebling. Textbook of Dermatology –Sixth Edition, Blackwell Science, Biology of ageing 1998;chapter 74:3277-824. Cavallini M. Plinest: l’evoluzione della ricerca nella biorivitalizzazione.Medical Symposia J.Medical Books 2005;IX:1-4Journal of Plastic Dermatology <strong>2007</strong>; 3, 331

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