Dicembre Vol.3 N° 3 - 2007 - Salute per tutti

Dicembre Vol.3 N° 3 - 2007 - Salute per tutti

Dicembre Vol.3 N° 3 - 2007 - Salute per tutti


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M. Cavallini, M. PapagniSkin hydration testN. patients 14SexFPre 62.06Post 74.00Difference 11.94Diff % 14.69Skin elasticity testN. patients 14SexFPre 17.69Post 14.81Difference 2.88Diff % 21.78Table 2. Patients evaluation with digital skin measurement system (Callegari Soft 5.5). Evaluations have been recorded before(pre) and one month later the end of treatment (post).The results are also supported by a digital skinmeasurement system obtained with pre andpost-treatment registration of hydration, sebometry,pH and elasticity. 14 female patients havebeen studied, mean age 38 years (min 22, max48). All the patients were submitted to the “preventive”cycle of treatment, with 3 sessions ofinjections with polynucleotides. The evaluationshave been recorded before and one monthafter the end of the treatment. The resultsshowed no interesting changes in pH parametersand sebometry; instead they showed satisf a c t o ry results about the of hydration(+14.7%), and the interesting increase of elasticitywith an improvement of 21.8% (Table 2,Figure 3) in accord with the action of stimulationof secretion of collagenic and non collagenicproteins by fibroblasts, due to the activity oflong polynucleotide molecules.The data obtained till now with this device areindicative of an important action on the skin bymacromolecular polynucleotides but a greaternumber of cases are necessary to confirm theseresults. However, this clinical ex<strong>per</strong>ience, besidesstill in progress, confirms objectively whatis found in subjective way both from patientsand physicians with the use of this product.There were no cases of severe side effects due tothe product used in the study. The injectionsare very well tolerated and do not cause muchpain. To achieve a most atraumatic injection itis recommended to change the needle duringmore extensive interventions, two 30G sterileneedles are provided with each syringe for betterpatient’s compliance. In sensitive patients itis possible to apply a local anaesthetic cream,but often during following treatments also sensitivepatients do not require the use of the localanaesthetic cream.Eyes skin-surrounding areas must be treatedcautiously because haematoma can develop followingany kind of infiltration pro c e d u re s .Slight erithema or a modest oedema in the treatedareas are rarely observed.The injected material spreads quickly and inmost cases it disappears after few hours.Sometimes, in particular thin areas like neckand eyes surrounding, after su<strong>per</strong>ficial andgreat micro wheals injections it is possible tohave the <strong>per</strong>sistence of micro wheals between 6and 36 hours.C ommentsThe use of long chain polynucleotidesin anti aging treatments to achieve orthodermyderives from more than 50 years of ex<strong>per</strong>ienceson polynucleotides mainly focused on woundhealing. Polynucleotides are considered to beimportant biostimulating agents for their actionon many different cells type among which dermalfibroblasts, as attested by the long list ofinternational bibliographic references on theiruse. Many studies show that nucleotides andnucleosides stimulate cell growth (9, 10) andwound healing (11, 12). In various in vitro studiespolynucleotides show trophic action onhuman fibroblasts in primary cultures and stimulatethe secretion activity of collagen proteinsand of other proteins of the extra cellularmatrix (13). Moreover clinical ex<strong>per</strong>iences inaesthetic medicine with polynucleotides mainlyfocused on skin biorevitalization (14-16), correctionof depressed scars (17-18) and striaedistensae (19-21).The new long chain polynucleotide gel formulationis specifically designed for aestheticmedicine biorevitalizing treatments. These particularpolynucleotides are characterized byhigh water binding capacity and viscoelasticity.Intra-dermal infiltrations can build up the extracellular matrix, with a prompt increase in skinelasticity, tone and turgor. Another benefit is30Journal of Plastic Dermatology <strong>2007</strong>; 3, 3

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