Dicembre Vol.3 N° 3 - 2007 - Salute per tutti

Dicembre Vol.3 N° 3 - 2007 - Salute per tutti

Dicembre Vol.3 N° 3 - 2007 - Salute per tutti


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Long chain polynucleotides gel and skin biorevitalizationBEFOREAFTERFigure 2. a) Patient before neck treatment with long chain polynucleotides; b) The same patient one month after four treatments with long chainpolynucleotides. A reduction of fine wrinkles, an improvement of tonicity and appearance of the skin are shown.M o re o v e r, in 14 cases a digital skin measure m e n tsystem (Callegari Soft 5,5) was used to determine,p re and post-treatment, skin surface hydrationlevel, skin surface sebum content and skin pHlevel. The evaluation of the elasticity of the skinwas evaluated with the principle of stress anddeformation of skin by suction application.Negative pre s s u re is created into the device, ism e a s u red the resistance of the skin to be suckedup by negative pre s s u re (7, 8). This parameter isslightly lower in dense and supple skin, likeyoung skin, while it is higher in adult skin, wherethe carrying structure of derma is compro m i s e dand cannot oppose resistance to an applied forc e .Protocols of treatmentTwo diff e rent protocols of tre a t m e n thave been used: 1) prevention treatment, foryounger skin, consisting of a 3 infiltrations tre a t-ment - one every 3 weeks - followed by a maintenancetreatment every 2-3 months, and 2) re c o-v e ry treatment, a stronger treatment for agingskin, consisting of 4 infiltrations treatment, onee v e ry 1-2 weeks, followed by maintenance sessionsevery 1-3 months. An average of 1 or 2ready to use glass syringes are re q u i red <strong>per</strong> applica t i o n .R esults148 patients of both sexes (134 femalesand 14 males), were treated with long chainpolynucleotides for skin biorevitalization, meanage 46 years (from 32 to 75 years). Five patientsdid not complete the investigations with the follow-upvisit for reasons independent of thestudy, therefore 143 patients could be evaluated.In most cases (91 patients) only one skinarea was treated, in 37 patients two skin areaswere treated simultaneously and in the othercases (15 patients) more than two skin areaswere treated simultaneously. The face was theskin area more frequently treated (132patients), other treated areas were neck, décolletéand back of the hands (Table 1).The patients’ satisfaction rate, mean score ofVAS evaluation, was 7.1. This subjective judgmentwas confirmed by the analysis of pre andpost-treatment digital pictures.The physician global assessment during the follow-upvisit (Figure 1) was positive. In fact in91% of the patients the physician noted a clinicalimprovement (73% improved and 18%highly improved), due to the reduction ofsu<strong>per</strong>ficial fine wrinkles and to a better aspectof the skin that showed to be more tonic. Inparticular this result was noted in the treatmentof the face, above all in the check, <strong>per</strong>ioculararea and neck (Figures 2a-2b).It has been pointed out that in the days immediatelyfollowing infiltration it is clinicallyobserved an increase in turgidity of the skin,but the best clinical results are visible approximatelyone month after treatments, thanks tothe specific mechanism of action that promotean increase in the number of fibroblasts andtheir metabolic activation.Journal of Plastic Dermatology <strong>2007</strong>; 3, 329

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