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62 TRADIZIONE ECCLESIALEflessione mariana tra admiratio, imitatio, invocatio. In Theotokos 16(2008) n. 1,231-243.Petrus Chrysologus, s. (ob. 450)589. KOCHANIEWICZ, BOGUSLAW. Qui natus est de Spiritu sancto ex Maria Virginew komentarzach symbolu wiary sw. Piotra Chyzologa. In SalvatorisMater 10 (2008) n. 4, 77-96.Petrus Fullo (ob. 488)590. PLANK, PETER. Petros der Walker und die Theotokos : Bemerkungen zurFruhgeschichte des byzantinischen Euchologions. In Ostkirchliche Studien57 (2008) 344-354.Romanus Melodes (sec. vi)591. ALVETEG, KRISTINA. In Silence We Speak : Romanos Melodos and Mary atthe Cross. In Papers Presentedat the Fourteenth International Conferenceon Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1999. Voi. 4. Other Greek Writers [...].Edited by F. Young, M. Edwards and P. Parvis. Leuven ; Paris ; Dudley(Massachusetts) : Peeters, 2006. Pp. 279-283. (Studia patristica, 42). 90-429-1885-3.592. BENEDICTUS PP. XVI. Romano il Melode. In Notitiae 45(2008)147-151.Catechesi tenuta nell'Udienza generale di mercoledì 21 maggio 2008.593. MARTZELOS, GEORGIOS. Die Mariologie des Basileios von Seleukeia undRomanos der Melode. In Aufder Suche nach der Seele Europas. Pp. 43-66. (=n. 4).594. MIGLIORE, FRANZO. La figura di Maria Vergine e Madre di Dio negli innidi Romano il Melode. In Theotokos 15(2007)37-76.595. PELTOMAA, LEENA MARI. Romanos the Melodist and the Intercessone RoleofMary. In Byzantina Mediterranea : Festschriftfiir Johannes Koder zum65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. Klaus Belke ... [et al.]. Wien : Bòhlau, 2007. Pp.495-502. 978-3-205-77608-6.[Cfr. International Medieval Bibliography 42 (2008) n. 1, 4932].596. ROMANUS MELODES. Die Hymnen. Ubersetzt und erlautert von JohannesKoder. Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 2005-2006. 2 v. (x, 878 p.) ; 23 cm.[Cfr. ree. Revue des Études byzantines 66 (2008) 278-279]Severus Antiochenus (ca. 465-538)597. YOUSSEF, YOUHANNA NESSIM. Another Allusion to a Marian Work Attributedto Severus ofAntioch. In Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church.

MEDIOEVO 63Voi. 4. The Spiritual Life [Papers front the Triennial International Conference,Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, July 2005]. Ed. WendyMayer, Pauline Alien and Lawrence Cross. Strathfield : St. Pauls Publications,2006. Pp. 101-111. 0-9752138-3-0.[Cfr. RHE. Bibliographie 102, (2007) n. 1, 498].Sixtus Pp. Ili, s. (430-440)598. JOURJON, MAURICE. La Vìerge Marie, téte de liste des saìnts : un texte èclairantdupapeSixteIII(430-440).In Espritetvie 117,n. 181 (2007)30-32.Sophronius Hierosoly mitanus (ob. 638)599. GALLICO, ANTONINO. Riferimenti mariani in Sofronio. In Theotokos 15(2007) 103-125.Tertullianus, Quintus Septimius Florens (ca. 160 - ca. 225)600. DUNN, GEOFFREY D. Mary 's Virginity in partu and Tertullian s Anti-Docetismin De Carne Chris ti Reconsidered. In Journal of Theological Studies58 (2007) 467-484.[Cfr. Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 92 (2008) 379].601. VICASTILLO, SALVADOR. LOS hermanos de Jesus en el testimonio de Tertuliano.In Revista Agustiniana 47(2006)621-623.Theodosius coenobiarcha, s. (423-529)602. KRAUSMULLER, DIRK. Theotokos - Diadochos. In Byzantine Orthodoxies :Papers from the Thirty-Sixth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies : Universityof Durham, 23-25 March 2002. Ed. Andrew Louth and AugustineCasiday. Aldershot : Ashgate, 2006. Pp. 35-54. 0-7456-5496-6.[Cfr. International Medieval Bibliography 41 (2007) n. 1, 5068].Venantius Fortunatus (ob. 601)603. Di BRAZZANO, STEFANO. Riferimenti mariologici nell'opera dì VenanzioFortunato. In Theotokos 15 (2007) 199-236.2. Medioevo (sec. ix-xv)a. in genere604. ALANYà ROIG, JOSEP. Pere Pasqualjììl i rector de La Fatarella, capello delrei Pere el Ceremoniós, i l'origen del eulte a la Mare de Déu de la Misericòrdia(segleXIV). In Anuario de estudios medievales 35(2005)951-970.[Cfr. International Medieval Bibliography 40 (2006) n. 1, 1306].

62 TRADIZIONE ECCLESIALEflessione mariana tra admiratio, imitatio, invocatio. In Theotokos 16(2008) n. 1,231-243.Petrus Chrysologus, s. (ob. 450)589. KOCHANIEWICZ, BOGUSLAW. Qui natus est de Spiritu sancto ex Maria Virginew komentarzach symbolu wiary sw. Piotra Chyzologa. In SalvatorisMater 10 (2008) n. 4, 77-96.Petrus Fullo (ob. 488)590. PLANK, PETER. Petros der Walker und die Theotokos : Bemerkungen zurFruhgeschichte des byzantinischen Euchologions. In Ostkirchliche Studien57 (2008) 344-354.Romanus Melodes (sec. vi)591. ALVETEG, KRISTINA. In Silence We Speak : Romanos Melodos and Mary atthe Cross. In Papers Presentedat the Fourteenth International Conferenceon Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1999. Voi. 4. Other Greek Writers [...].Edited by F. Young, M. Edwards and P. Parvis. Leuven ; Paris ; Dudley(Massachusetts) : Peeters, 2006. Pp. 279-283. (Studia patristica, 42). 90-429-1885-3.592. BENEDICTUS PP. XVI. Romano il Melode. In Notitiae 45(2008)147-151.Catechesi tenuta nell'Udienza generale di mercoledì 21 maggio 2008.593. MARTZELOS, GEORGIOS. Die Mariologie des Basileios von Seleukeia undRomanos der Melode. In Aufder Suche nach der Seele Europas. Pp. 43-66. (=n. 4).594. MIGLIORE, FRANZO. La figura di Maria Vergine e Madre di Dio negli innidi Romano il Melode. In Theotokos 15(2007)37-76.595. PELTOMAA, LEENA MARI. Romanos the Melodist and the Intercessone RoleofMary. In Byzantina Mediterranea : Festschriftfiir Johannes Koder zum65. Geburtstag. Hrsg. Klaus Belke ... [et al.]. Wien : Bòhlau, 2007. Pp.495-502. 978-3-205-77608-6.[Cfr. International Medieval Bibliography 42 (2008) n. 1, 4932].596. ROMANUS MELODES. Die Hymnen. Ubersetzt und erlautert von JohannesKoder. Stuttgart : A. Hiersemann, 2005-2006. 2 v. (x, 878 p.) ; 23 cm.[Cfr. ree. Revue des Études byzantines 66 (2008) 278-279]Severus Antiochenus (ca. 465-538)597. YOUSSEF, YOUHANNA NESSIM. Another Allusion to a Marian Work Attributedto Severus ofAntioch. In Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church.

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