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198 LITURGIA1898. HEAL, BRIDGET. The Cult ofthe Virgin Mary in Early Modem Germany :Protestant and Catholic Piety, 1500-1648. [1. ed.]. Cambridge : CambridgeUniversity Press, 2007. xvi, 338 p. : ili. ; 24 cm. (Past and PresentPublications). 978-0-521-87103-7.Ristampa 2009.1899. LOPEZ, JEREMIAS. Grandes promesas de la Virgen. Zaragoza : FundaciónMaria Mensajera, [2006]. 175 p. : ili. ; 20 cm. 84-85036-92-1.[Cfr. Biblioteca Nacional de Espana].1900. MAGGIONI, CORRADO. A periculis cunctis libera nos semper : Maria nellaliberazione dal male operata da Cristo alla luce della liturgia e delle devozioni.In La Donna vestitaidi sole. Pp. 155-221. (=n. 23).1901. MAGGIONI, CORRADO. Maria nelle liturgie d'Oriente e d'Occidente. In Culminee fonte 14 (2007) n. 1,4-9.1902. Ein Messbuch zu Ehren Mariens : Das Sakramentar des Hainricus Sacristaaus Weingarten : Einblicke in eine romanìsche Spitzenhandschrift aus demKloster Weingarten (heute Ms. M. 711 der Pierpont Morgan Library, NewYork). [Hrsg.: Kreissparkasse Ravensburg] ; Red. von Hans Ulrich Rudolf ;Mit Beitr. von Peter Burkhart.... Ravensburg : Kreissparkasse Ravensburg,[2005?]. Hip.: ili. ; 30 cm. (Zeit-Zeichen, 2). 3-00-017021-9.[Cfr. Medioevo latino 28 (2007) n. 12609].1903. ROUGé, MATTHIEU. "Sicut Maria, ita et ecclesia " : le eulte de Marie, signed'une Églisepleinement eucharistique. In Henri de Lubac : la rencontre aucoeur de l'Église. Ed. Jean-Dominique Durand. Paris : Cerf, 2006. Pp.175-186. 10-204-07823-9.[Cfr. RHE. Bibliographie 102, (2007) n. 1, 1863].1904. SCANZIANI, FRANCESCO. Lex orandi, lex credendi : la figura di Maria allaluce della fede orante della Chiesa. In Scuola cattolica 134 (2006) 137-155.1905. SHOEMAKER, STEPHEN J. Marian Liturgies and Devotion in Early Christianity.In Mary. Pp. 130-145. (=n. 46).1906. SIUDY, TEOFIL. Autentyczny kult maryjny, naszq odpowiedziq. na jasnogórskiezwyciestwo= [L'autentico culto mariano, la nostra risposta alla vittoriadi Jasna Gòra]. In Zwvciestwoprzychodziprzez Maryje. Pp. 205-212.(=n.71).2. Culto mariano1907. Boss, SARAH JANE. The Development ofthe Virgin s Cult in the High MiddleAges. In Mary. Pp. 149-176 : 4 ili. (= n. 46).

LITURGIA 1991908. KENNEWEG, ANNE CORNELIA ; TROEBST, STEFAN. Marienkult, Cyrillo-Methodianaund Antemurale : Religiose Erinnerungsorte in Ostmitteleuropavorundnach 1989. In ZeitschriftfùrOstmitteleuropa-Forschung 57(2008)287-291.[Cfr. Ephemerìdes theologicae lovanienses. EB 85 (2009) n. 10774],1909. MAUNDER, CHRIS. Origins ofthe Cult ofthe Virgin Mary in the New Testament.In Origins ofthe Cult ofthe Virgin Mary. Pp. 23-39. (= n. 51).1910. MCGUCKIN, JOHN. The Early Cult ofMary and Inter-Religious Contexts inthe Fifth-Century Church. In Origins ofthe Cult ofthe Virgin Mary. Pp.1-22. (=n. 51).1911. PELTOMAA, LEENA MARI. Towards the Origins ofthe History ofthe Cult ofMary. In Papers Presented at the Fourteenth International Conference onPatristic Studies fteld in Oxford 1999. Voi. 2. Liturgia et cultus, Theologìcaet Philosophica [...]. Edited by F. Young, M. Edwards and P. Parvis. Leuven; Paris ; Dudley (Massachusetts) : Peeters, 2006. Pp. 75-86. (Studiapatristica, 40). 90-429-1883-7.1912. RASPI, EDUARDO MARCOS. Algunas expresiones del Culto Mariano (S.XIV - XV) : aportespara su estudio. In Revista digitai Escuela de historia1 (2007) n. 6,[Cfr.].1913. SHOEMAKER, STEPHEN J. The Cult ofthe Virgin in the Fourth Century : AFresh Look at Some Old and New Sources. In Origins ofthe Cult ofthe VirginMary. Pp. 71-87. (=n. 51).1914. THUNO, ERIK. The Cult ofthe Virgin, Icons andRelics in Early Christian andMedieval Rome : A Semiotic Approach and a Sixth Century Proposal. InAda ad archaeologiam etartium historiam pertinentia. Institutum RomanumNorvegiae 17(2003)79-98.[Cfr. Medioevo latino 27 (2006) n. 6476].1915. TILLEY, MAUREEN A. Mary in Roman Africa : Evidence for her Cultus. InPapers Presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on PatristicStudies held in Oxford 1999. Voi. 2. Liturgia et cultus, Theologica et Philosophica[...]. Edited by F. Young, M. Edwards and P. Parvis. Leuven ; Paris ;Dudley (Massachusetts) : Peeters, 2006. Pp. 121-125. (Studia patristica,40). 90-429-1883-7.1916. ZAK, LUKASZ. Kidt Najswiqtszej Maryi Panny w Polsce do poczqtku XIIwieku = [Il culto della santissima Vergine Maria in Polonia fino ali 'inizio delXII secolo]. In Salvatoris Mater 10 (2008) n. 3, 180-227.

LITURGIA 1991908. KENNEWEG, ANNE CORNELIA ; TROEBST, STEFAN. Marienkult, Cyrillo-Methodianaund Antemurale : Religiose Erinnerungsorte in Ostmitteleuropavorundnach 1989. In ZeitschriftfùrOstmitteleuropa-Forschung 57(2008)287-291.[Cfr. Ephemerìdes theologicae lovanienses. EB 85 (2009) n. 10774],1909. MAUNDER, CHRIS. Origins ofthe Cult ofthe Virgin Mary in the New Testament.In Origins ofthe Cult ofthe Virgin Mary. Pp. 23-39. (= n. 51).1910. MCGUCKIN, JOHN. The Early Cult ofMary and Inter-Religious Contexts inthe Fifth-Century Church. In Origins ofthe Cult ofthe Virgin Mary. Pp.1-22. (=n. 51).1911. PELTOMAA, LEENA MARI. Towards the Origins ofthe History ofthe Cult ofMary. In Papers Presented at the Fourteenth International Conference onPatristic Studies fteld in Oxford 1999. Voi. 2. Liturgia et cultus, Theologìcaet Philosophica [...]. Edited by F. Young, M. Edwards and P. Parvis. Leuven; Paris ; Dudley (Massachusetts) : Peeters, 2006. Pp. 75-86. (Studiapatristica, 40). 90-429-1883-7.1912. RASPI, EDUARDO MARCOS. Algunas expresiones del Culto Mariano (S.XIV - XV) : aportespara su estudio. In Revista digitai Escuela de historia1 (2007) n. 6,[Cfr.].1913. SHOEMAKER, STEPHEN J. The Cult ofthe Virgin in the Fourth Century : AFresh Look at Some Old and New Sources. In Origins ofthe Cult ofthe VirginMary. Pp. 71-87. (=n. 51).1914. THUNO, ERIK. The Cult ofthe Virgin, Icons andRelics in Early Christian andMedieval Rome : A Semiotic Approach and a Sixth Century Proposal. InAda ad archaeologiam etartium historiam pertinentia. Institutum RomanumNorvegiae 17(2003)79-98.[Cfr. Medioevo latino 27 (2006) n. 6476].1915. TILLEY, MAUREEN A. Mary in Roman Africa : Evidence for her Cultus. InPapers Presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on PatristicStudies held in Oxford 1999. Voi. 2. Liturgia et cultus, Theologica et Philosophica[...]. Edited by F. Young, M. Edwards and P. Parvis. Leuven ; Paris ;Dudley (Massachusetts) : Peeters, 2006. Pp. 121-125. (Studia patristica,40). 90-429-1883-7.1916. ZAK, LUKASZ. Kidt Najswiqtszej Maryi Panny w Polsce do poczqtku XIIwieku = [Il culto della santissima Vergine Maria in Polonia fino ali 'inizio delXII secolo]. In Salvatoris Mater 10 (2008) n. 3, 180-227.

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