
ganaTleba ganaTleba


Tamar ShinjiashviliSokhumi State UniversityHigher European Education, European Researchprograms and ScholarshipsThe main priorities of the EU's development policy for implementation millenniumprogram goals are universal basic education and achievement of gender equality ineducation. The main attention is paid to the issues of quality, professional and highereducation.European organizations, foundations, associations, research and scientific centersfor a number of university students and higher education graduates, for young scientistsand researchers have different types of grants and scholarships with the purpose ofcontinuing education. These scholarships allow students to continue their studies in Europe,get to know new people and learn new languages.The most important programs of the European Union in the field of higher educationare Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, scholarship programs to study in European colleges andeducational institutions. Tempus considers the cooperation of the academies of the partnercountrieswith European universities, that is based on sharing of experience in the field ofEuropean standards for education, elaboration of educational agendas and programmes thatfits the market economy, provision of modern literature, trainings for the rising the level ofteaching skills, students` study abroad, improvement of the universities` management,university reform, application and development of new informational technologies, withpreparation of non-academic staff at the university basis. Erasmus Mundus is a cooperationand mobility programme in the field of higher education that aims to enhance the quality ofEuropean higher education and to promote dialogue and understanding between people andcultures through cooperation with third countries. The Erasmus Mundus programmes providesupport to: higher education institutions that wish to set-up inter-institutionalcooperation partnerships between universities from Europe and targeted Third-Countries;individual students, researchers and university staff who wish to spend a study / research /teaching period in the context of one of the joint programmes or cooperation partnerships;Besides these programs, there is a variety of programs funded by the EuropeanUnion, which provide grants and scholarships for students and faculty teachers, researchers.These scholarships differ from each other, according to the types, direction and timing, butthey all serve one purpose – help students and scholars to visit European countries, to learnforeign languages, to find new friends and to implement significant projects.Further development of contacts among the researchers, teachers and students willactively contribute to the formation of a common European space between Georgia and theEuropean Union in science and education, including cultural aspects.94

pedagogika, meTodika, ganaTlebis sociologiaPEDAGOGICS, METHODICS, SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION95lela rexviaSvilisoxumis saxelmwifo universitetiiakob gogebaSvili - qarTuli musikis qomagiaRzrdis arc erT nawilSi ar igrZnoba erovnuli safuZvlis aucileblobaiseTi siZlieriT, rogorc esTetikur aRzrdaSi. esTetikuriaRzrdis zogadsakacobrio miznebis, Sinaarsis, meTodebis, nacionaluriformebis Ziebis da aRzrdis problemebis gadawyvetis aucilebeli pirobaawarsulis memkvidreobis kritikuli Seswavla, misi mecnieruli analizida dadebiTi gamocdilebis danergva-gamoyeneba. kerZod, friad sainteresoadidi qarTveli pedagogisa da sazogado moRvawis i. gogebaSvilismravalmxrivi pedagogiuri memkvidreobis Seswavla.i. gogebaSvilis pedagogiuri moZRvrebis Seswavlas Tavisi SromebimiuZRvnes g. TavziSvilma, d. lorTqifaniZem, g. kiknaZem, u. obolaZem, z.xojavam, v. qajaiam, s. abulaZem, g. begiaSvilma da sxvebma. am calke gamocemebSiTu statiebSi i. gogebaSvilis pedagogiuri moRvaweobis mravalisferoa ganxiluli, maT Soris esTetikuric (v. qajaia, ა. sparsiaSvili,1990).simRera-musikis swavlebam i. gogebaSvilis pedagogiur sistemaSigansakuTrebulad mniSvnelovani adgili daikava da igi mecnieruladCamoyalibda, gogebaSvili yovelmxriv harmoniulad ganviTarebuli `axalitipis qarTvelis~ CamoyalibebaSi sapatio adgils uTmobs musikaluraRzrdas. mas kargad esmis, rom musika adamianis grZnobebze zemoqmedebisZlieri saSualebaa.amis naTeli dadasturebaa moTxroba `iavnanam ra hqmna~, sadac i. gogeba-Svilma gviCvena musikaluri emociebis gansakuTrebulad didi Zala adamianisfsiqologiuri gardaqmnisaTvis. qeTos SemobrunabaSi, mSobliurigaremocvis, ojaxis, ded-mamis gaxsenebaSi da mis qarTvel qalad kvlavmoqcevaSi gadamwyveti roli mSobliurma hangma iTamaSa. `iavnanas~ saocarmamusikam, sulsa da gulSi myarad fesvgadgmulma mSobliurma melodiam,misma emociurma Zalam qeTos Tavisi Tavi apovnina. i. gogebaSvilisazriT, bavSvma safexurebrivad unda aiTvisos musikis samyaro da pirvelisafexuri am gzaze erovnuli simReris dauflebaa, radgan erovnuli hangiadamianisaTvis iolad SesaTvisebelia. i. gogebaSvilis zrunva saxalxoskolaSi xalxuri musikisadmi interesisa da siyvarulis gaRvivebisaTvisnakarnaxevi iyo im garemoebiT, rom TandaTan daiwyo gavrceleba da fexismokideba iafi esTetikuri Sinaarsis musikam. ucxo, `Semoparuli~, su-

Tamar ShinjiashviliSokhumi State UniversityHigher European Education, European Researchprograms and ScholarshipsThe main priorities of the EU's development policy for implementation millenniumprogram goals are universal basic education and achievement of gender equality ineducation. The main attention is paid to the issues of quality, professional and highereducation.European organizations, foundations, associations, research and scientific centersfor a number of university students and higher education graduates, for young scientistsand researchers have different types of grants and scholarships with the purpose ofcontinuing education. These scholarships allow students to continue their studies in Europe,get to know new people and learn new languages.The most important programs of the European Union in the field of higher educationare Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, scholarship programs to study in European colleges andeducational institutions. Tempus considers the cooperation of the academies of the partnercountrieswith European universities, that is based on sharing of experience in the field ofEuropean standards for education, elaboration of educational agendas and programmes thatfits the market economy, provision of modern literature, trainings for the rising the level ofteaching skills, students` study abroad, improvement of the universities` management,university reform, application and development of new informational technologies, withpreparation of non-academic staff at the university basis. Erasmus Mundus is a cooperationand mobility programme in the field of higher education that aims to enhance the quality ofEuropean higher education and to promote dialogue and understanding between people andcultures through cooperation with third countries. The Erasmus Mundus programmes providesupport to: higher education institutions that wish to set-up inter-institutionalcooperation partnerships between universities from Europe and targeted Third-Countries;individual students, researchers and university staff who wish to spend a study / research /teaching period in the context of one of the joint programmes or cooperation partnerships;Besides these programs, there is a variety of programs funded by the EuropeanUnion, which provide grants and scholarships for students and faculty teachers, researchers.These scholarships differ from each other, according to the types, direction and timing, butthey all serve one purpose – help students and scholars to visit European countries, to learnforeign languages, to find new friends and to implement significant projects.Further development of contacts among the researchers, teachers and students willactively contribute to the formation of a common European space between Georgia and theEuropean Union in science and education, including cultural aspects.94

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