
ganaTleba ganaTleba


gageba1. gadmoeciT Tqveni sityvebiT rogori iyo monRolebis mierdapyrobili qveynis mdgomareoba?2. ra gaakeTes mamuliSvilebma qveynis gadasarCenad?3. ra SedegiT damTavrda SeTqmuleba?4. ra bedi ewiaT SeTqmulebs?5. ra gadawyvetileba miiRo cotne dadianma?6. daaxasiaTeT Tqveni sityvebiT cotne dadiani.gamoyeneba1. rogor fiqrobT, ratom daarqva avtorma moTxrobas ”cotne dadiani”?2. CamoTvaleT cotne dadianis damaxasiaTebeli Tvisebebi3. daakavSireT moTxroba nanaxTan, gagonilTan, gancdilTan, wakiTxulTan4. CamoTvaleT safrTxeebi, romelic elodeba qveyanas gareSe mtrisagandapyrobis SemTxvevaSianalizi1. rogor fiqrobT, ra ufro imoqmedebda, romeli faqti ufro mni-Svnelovan kvals datovebda sazogadoebis erovnul cnobierebaze— cotne dadianis Tavganwirva Tu saerTo-saxalxo ajanyebis Sedegebi?2. ra mniSvneloba aqvs qveynis bedisaTvis samagaliTo Tavdadebas?3. rogor imoqmeda monRolTa winamZRolze am konkretulma faqtma?4. ra mniSvneloba eqneboda qveynisaTvis warCinebuli qarTvelebisgadarCenas?sinTezi1. rogor fiqrobT, ra moxdeboda, Tu cotne dadiani ar moiqceodaise, rogorc moiqca?2. ra moxdeboda, monRolTa mbrZanebls rom ar Seewyalebina cotneda sxva qarTveli tyveebi?3. CamoayalibeT dapyrobili qveynis politikuri mdgomareobis damaxasiaTebeliniSnebiSefaseba1. Tqveni azriT, ra aris moTxrobis mTavari saTqmeli? ratom fiqrobTase? daasabuTeT, moiyvaneT magaliTebi teqstidan2. ra msgavseba da gansxvavebaa Tqvensa da moqmed pirebs Soris?3. raze CagafiqraT moTxrobam?4. ras SecvliT Tqvens qcevaSi amis Semdeg?rogorc vxedavT, iakob gogebaSvilis moTxrobaSi ar aris gamoyenebulitradiciuli istoriis gakveTilisaTvis damaxasiaTebeli terminologiada frazebi, magram avtorma Tavisi Txrobis stiliT saSualeba mogvcawarmatebiT gamogveyenebina naratiuli masala istoriis gakveTilze.52

Cven ganvixileT moTxroba blumis kognituri unarebis mixedviT, magrammoTxrobam mogvca saSualeba gakveTilze aseve gamogveyenebina blumismeore da mesame aqtivobis formebic - afeqturi (emociuri) da fsiqomotoruliaqtivobebi anu swavlebisas gamoikveTa grZnobebi, emociebi,ganwyobebi da moswavleebs ganuviTardaT Sesabamisi unar-Cvevebi (gansacdelidanTavisdaRwevis, amtanobis da a. S.).rogorc vxedavT, blumis mixedviT swavlebisas naratiuli masalebiaqtiurad SeiZleba gamoviyenoT, ris saukeTeso magaliTsac iakob gogebaSvilisistoriuli moTxrobebi gvaZlevs.literatura janaSia, imedaZe, gorgoZe, 2009 — n. janaSia, n. imedaZe, s. gorgoZe,ganviTarebisa da swavlis Teoriebi, damxmare saxelmZRvanelo, Tb.,2009. tyemalaZe das xv., 2009- r. tyemalaZe, n. dalaqiSvili, q. TofaZe, T.paWkoria, T. buwaSvili, swavleba da Sefaseba, damxmare saxelmZRvanelo,Tb., 2009.Maia PirckhadzeItalian School `Tsiskari~Iakob Gogebashvili and Modern Teaching TechnologiesIn the article there is studied the attitude of Iakob Gogebashvili towards teaching /learning issues and methods. The author has discussed Iakob Gogebashvili’s storiesaccording to the cognitive skills of Bloom. Historical novels of Iakob Gogebashvili make itpossible to use the forms of Bloom's second and third activities at the lesson – affective andpsychomotor activities, on the basis of which are identified the students' feelings, emotions,attitudes, and the relevant skills developed by them.If we take historical novels of Iakob Gogebashvili as an example, we canundoubtedly see that according to Bloom, teaching narrative materials can be actively used.53

Cven ganvixileT moTxroba blumis kognituri unarebis mixedviT, magrammoTxrobam mogvca saSualeba gakveTilze aseve gamogveyenebina blumismeore da mesame aqtivobis formebic - afeqturi (emociuri) da fsiqomotoruliaqtivobebi anu swavlebisas gamoikveTa grZnobebi, emociebi,ganwyobebi da moswavleebs ganuviTardaT Sesabamisi unar-Cvevebi (gansacdelidanTavisdaRwevis, amtanobis da a. S.).rogorc vxedavT, blumis mixedviT swavlebisas naratiuli masalebiaqtiurad SeiZleba gamoviyenoT, ris saukeTeso magaliTsac iakob gogebaSvilisistoriuli moTxrobebi gvaZlevs.literatura janaSia, imedaZe, gorgoZe, 2009 — n. janaSia, n. imedaZe, s. gorgoZe,ganviTarebisa da swavlis Teoriebi, damxmare saxelmZRvanelo, Tb.,2009. tyemalaZe das xv., 2009- r. tyemalaZe, n. dalaqiSvili, q. TofaZe, T.paWkoria, T. buwaSvili, swavleba da Sefaseba, damxmare saxelmZRvanelo,Tb., 2009.Maia PirckhadzeItalian School `Tsiskari~Iakob Gogebashvili and Modern Teaching TechnologiesIn the article there is studied the attitude of Iakob Gogebashvili towards teaching /learning issues and methods. The author has discussed Iakob Gogebashvili’s storiesaccording to the cognitive skills of Bloom. Historical novels of Iakob Gogebashvili make itpossible to use the forms of Bloom's second and third activities at the lesson – affective andpsychomotor activities, on the basis of which are identified the students' feelings, emotions,attitudes, and the relevant skills developed by them.If we take historical novels of Iakob Gogebashvili as an example, we canundoubtedly see that according to Bloom, teaching narrative materials can be actively used.53

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