
ganaTleba ganaTleba


Гройс, 2003 - Гройс Б. Искусство утопии. – М.: Художественный журнал,2003.Эпштейн, 2005 - Эпштейн М. Постмодерн в русской литературе: Учеб.пособие для вузов. – М.: Высш. шк., 2005.Николенко, 2006 - Николенко О. Н., Копач Е. Современная русскаяантиутопия: традиции и новаторство. – Полтава: ООО «Фирма Техсервис»,2006Liliana JanashiaSokhumi State UniversityAnti-Utopia in Postmodernism LiteratureThe fact that writers of the late 20 th century often apply anti-Utopia and expose itsgenre and artistic potential makes it clear that the genre is flexible and able to develop andbe transformed. In modern anti-Utopias, the subjectivity of narration becomes the notionalnucleus of the works. The authors place accents in the relations between the heroes and thesurrounding world in a new way, different from traditional anti-Utopias. In the anti-Utopiasof the late 20 th century, the existence of the heroes is all-sufficient. Their universes areopposed to the State not as contrary to it, but different in quality. The heroes’ spaces areisolated from the surrounding world and the isolation of the spaces is of the aesthetic nature.On the basis of folklore and literary utopian tradition analysis the author revealsliterary topics that is closely related to utopian genre contents, semantic and structuralelements to express utopian artistic consciousness on various levels (motives, symbols,archetypical complexes, traditional plots and images) and their role in “genre memory” ofmodern literature anti-Utopia being stored. Genre matrix, genre canon, artistic peculiaritiesof the category “utopian” have been described. Intersection mechanism has been disclosedas the framework to fulfill utopia “genre contents overcoming” as the object of criticalreflection in the structure of anti-Utopian artistic integrity. The author develops the conceptof anti-Utopian genre contents in postmodern literature, where aesthetic andpsychoanalytical aspects of the phenomenon above being focused both on the level ofartistic consciousness of the epoch and on the author’s individual outlook.Types of utopian consciousness being actualized in modern Russian culture make itpossible to suggest genre typology of modern Russian literary anti-Utopia. The structures ofits politicized, millenary and technicized types to form genre diversities of social, existentialand science fiction anti-Utopia have been described. Transformations of genre canon havebeen considered on the basis of genre stipulating and genre forming factors, framed fromintegral learning experience of analogous genre functions in up-to-date hermeneuticresearch. The dynamics of modern Russian anti-Utopia genres of XX-XXI centuries reflectsthe development of transition period: from distopia at the end of XX century up to thegrowing number of utopia and anti-Utopia diversities in the first decades of the XXIcentury.206

ganaTlebis fsiqologia, fiziologiaPSYCHOLOGY OF EDUCATION, PHYSIOLOGYiakob gogebaSvilis SemoqmedebiszogierTi aspeqti207Tamar javaxiSvilisoxumis saxelmwifo universiteticnobilia, rom mxatvruli literatura did gavlenas axdens adamianisfsiqikaze, pirovnebis Camoyalibebaze. amas gansakuTrebul mniSvnelobasaniWebs v. dilTais mier dafuZnebuli kulturul-gagebiTi fsiqologia,romelic uaryofs eqsperimentis efeqturobas pirovnebis kvleva-Si da miiCnevs, rom adamianis rTuli sulieri samyaros Seswavlis ZiriTadiwyaro aris genios mweralTa nawarmoebebi.pirovnebis bunebis gagebisaTvis did xelovanTa Semoqmedebis gansakuTrebulmniSvnelobaze miuTiTebs agreTve individual fsiqologiisfuZemdebeli a. adleri. roca am sferoSi xangrZlivi muSaobis SemdeghkiTxes: ra moipove axali adamianis sulieri samyaros Sesaxebo, manupasuxa; `adamianis sulieri mTlianobis Sesaxeb araferi viciT imaze meti,rac ukve mopovebulia Rrma intuiciiT adamianis Sesaxeb esqilesTan,sofoklesTan, evripidesTan, molierTan, SeqspirTan, SilerTan, goeTes-Tan, tolstoisTan da dostoevskisTan~. a. adlers miaCnda, rom is rac mxatvrulisityvis didostatebma warmoadgines dasrulebuli enobrivixelovnebiT, man mxolod mecnierulad daasabuTa, martivi da gasagebi gaxada,ufro zustad Tqva mecnierul enaze (kakabaZe,1979 : gv.175).XX s. dasawyisSi d. uznaZe werda: `arsebobs adamianis gagebis da maszezegavlenis moxdenis gansakuTrebuli fsiqologiuri niWi, romelicjer kargad ar aris Seswavlili” da amis mizezsac miuTiTebs: `Cven ukvelogikuri kategoriebiT ganvmarteT yvela is niWi, romelic Cvens gareSemovlenaTa, msoflios gamokvleva-Semecnebas Seexeba, xolo TviT CveniwmindaTa-wminda, Cveni suli da misi cxovreba mxolod am ukanasknel JamsSeiqmna energiuli kvleva-Ziebis Rirsi. amitom, bunebrivad unda CaiTvalosis sakvirveli movlena, rom Cveni sulieri cxovrebis Semecnebis niWijer kidev ver gvaqvs logikur formebSi Camosxmul-Camoyalibebuli dssavsebiT ganmartebuli. gansakuTrebiT ki iseTis, romelic sxvaze gavlenispiroba aris. .~. es niWi saSualebas aZlevs adamians `sxvisi sulieri dispoziciissaidumloebas farda axados; gaugos, Cawvdes sxvisi sulis siRrmeebsda garkveuli zemoqmedeba moaxdinos masze~ (uznaZe, 1912: gv.18).qarTvel fsiqologebs SeumCneveli ar darCeniaT, rom `am gansaku-Trebuli fsiqologiuri niWiT~ uxvad iyo dajildoebuli iakob gogebaS-

Гройс, 2003 - Гройс Б. Искусство утопии. – М.: Художественный журнал,2003.Эпштейн, 2005 - Эпштейн М. Постмодерн в русской литературе: Учеб.пособие для вузов. – М.: Высш. шк., 2005.Николенко, 2006 - Николенко О. Н., Копач Е. Современная русскаяантиутопия: традиции и новаторство. – Полтава: ООО «Фирма Техсервис»,2006Liliana JanashiaSokhumi State UniversityAnti-Utopia in Postmodernism LiteratureThe fact that writers of the late 20 th century often apply anti-Utopia and expose itsgenre and artistic potential makes it clear that the genre is flexible and able to develop andbe transformed. In modern anti-Utopias, the subjectivity of narration becomes the notionalnucleus of the works. The authors place accents in the relations between the heroes and thesurrounding world in a new way, different from traditional anti-Utopias. In the anti-Utopiasof the late 20 th century, the existence of the heroes is all-sufficient. Their universes areopposed to the State not as contrary to it, but different in quality. The heroes’ spaces areisolated from the surrounding world and the isolation of the spaces is of the aesthetic nature.On the basis of folklore and literary utopian tradition analysis the author revealsliterary topics that is closely related to utopian genre contents, semantic and structuralelements to express utopian artistic consciousness on various levels (motives, symbols,archetypical complexes, traditional plots and images) and their role in “genre memory” ofmodern literature anti-Utopia being stored. Genre matrix, genre canon, artistic peculiaritiesof the category “utopian” have been described. Intersection mechanism has been disclosedas the framework to fulfill utopia “genre contents overcoming” as the object of criticalreflection in the structure of anti-Utopian artistic integrity. The author develops the conceptof anti-Utopian genre contents in postmodern literature, where aesthetic andpsychoanalytical aspects of the phenomenon above being focused both on the level ofartistic consciousness of the epoch and on the author’s individual outlook.Types of utopian consciousness being actualized in modern Russian culture make itpossible to suggest genre typology of modern Russian literary anti-Utopia. The structures ofits politicized, millenary and technicized types to form genre diversities of social, existentialand science fiction anti-Utopia have been described. Transformations of genre canon havebeen considered on the basis of genre stipulating and genre forming factors, framed fromintegral learning experience of analogous genre functions in up-to-date hermeneuticresearch. The dynamics of modern Russian anti-Utopia genres of XX-XXI centuries reflectsthe development of transition period: from distopia at the end of XX century up to thegrowing number of utopia and anti-Utopia diversities in the first decades of the XXIcentury.206

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