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Examination of <strong>the</strong> AssociationBetween School Music ProgramParticipation and StandardizedTest ResultsbyChris<strong>to</strong>pher M. JohnsonJenny E. MemmottThe University of Kansas

A FIANCO DEL RAVENNALe associazioni di categoria impegnate nel sostenere la squadra giallorossache ha messo a pun<strong>to</strong> pacchetti di abbonamenti abbinati a formule pubblicitarieIl Ravenna Calcio ha messo apun<strong>to</strong> per il prossimo campiona<strong>to</strong>2005/2006 la seconda edizionedella campagna “Ravennaper il Ravenna”, l’iniziativache l’anno scorso affiancò lacampagna abbonamenti rappresentandola vera novità sot<strong>to</strong> ilprofilo delle partnership commerciali.L’operazione si inserisce in unproget<strong>to</strong> di marketing terri<strong>to</strong>rialeche mira a fare del club giallorossol’espressione della città,stimolando il senso di appartenenzae di identificazione.Partner del Ravenna sono tuttele associazioni di categoria:Ascom, Confesercenti, Cna,Confartigiana<strong>to</strong>, Api, Assindustria,Legacoop, Confcooperative,Agci.Nella prima edizione l’iniziativaha raccol<strong>to</strong> oltre settanta adesionidal mondo delle aziende,espressione dei più vari set<strong>to</strong>rimerceologici: immobiliare,costruzioni, au<strong>to</strong>mobili, turismo,trasporti, assicurazioni,bancario, associazioni di categoriae cooperative.“L’impegno, in vista della prossimastagione, – spiega il presidentedel Ravenna, GianniFabbri – è quello di aumentarela visibilità dei nostri partner edi creare un filo sempre piùdiret<strong>to</strong> con la Società”. “Si trattadi un proget<strong>to</strong> – aggiunge ilsindaco Vidmer Mercatali –che rappresenta un altro passoverso il consolidamen<strong>to</strong> delrappor<strong>to</strong> tra il Ravenna Calcioe la città.Dopo l’ottimo lavoro che, agiudicare al sostegno arriva<strong>to</strong>dalle grandi imprese, è sta<strong>to</strong>fat<strong>to</strong> l’anno scorso, adesso lacampagna diventa alla portatadi tutti”.Formula MINI (valore euro 150)❖ n. 1 abbonamen<strong>to</strong> nel set<strong>to</strong>re distinti (o, a scelta, curva nord)dello stadio Benelli valevole per l’intero girone d’andata (odi ri<strong>to</strong>rno)❖ n. 2 passaggi fonici in occasione di una gara di campiona<strong>to</strong>❖ citazione dell’azienda all’interno del si<strong>to</strong> ufficiale del RavennaCalcio (per tutta la durata della stagione)Formula PLUS (valore euro 380)❖ n. 1 abbonamen<strong>to</strong> nel set<strong>to</strong>re parterre dello stadio Benellivalevole per l’intero campiona<strong>to</strong> (con l’esclusione della GiornataGiallorossa)❖ n. 2 passaggi fonici in occasione di una gara di campiona<strong>to</strong>❖ inserimen<strong>to</strong> all’interno del si<strong>to</strong> ufficiale del Ravenna Calcio,di logo, link e breve scheda di presentazione dell’azienda(per tutta la durata della stagione)❖ modulo pubblicitario all’interno di n° 1 (una) uscita del programmaufficiale di gara, (organo di comunicazione pubblica<strong>to</strong>in occasione delle gare casalinghe)Formula MEDIUM (valore euro 250)❖ n. 1 abbonamen<strong>to</strong> nel set<strong>to</strong>re distinti (o, a scelta, curva nord)dello stadio Benelli valevole per l’intero campiona<strong>to</strong> (con l’esclusionedella Giornata Giallorossa)❖ n. 2 passaggi fonici in occasione di una gara di campiona<strong>to</strong>❖ citazione dell’azienda all’interno del si<strong>to</strong> ufficiale del RavennaCalcio (per tutta la durata della stagione)❖ modulo pubblicitario all’interno di n° 1 (una) uscita del programmaufficiale di gara, (organo di comunicazione pubblica<strong>to</strong>in occasione delle gare casalinghe)Formula TOP (valore euro 490)❖ n. 1 abbonamen<strong>to</strong> nel set<strong>to</strong>re parterre dello stadio Benelli valevoleper l’intero campiona<strong>to</strong> (con l’esclusione della Giornata Giallorossa)❖ n. 2 passaggi fonici in occasione di una gara di campiona<strong>to</strong>❖ inserimen<strong>to</strong> all’interno del si<strong>to</strong> ufficiale del Ravenna Calcio, dilogo, link e breve scheda di presentazione dell’azienda❖ modulo pubblicitario all’interno di n° 1 (una) uscita del programmaufficiale di gara, (organo di comunicazione pubblica<strong>to</strong> in occasionedelle gare casalinghe)❖ n. 6 passaggi televisivi della durata di 5/7’’ all’interno di una puntatadella trasmissione “Giallorosso” in onda sulla emittente ufficialedel Ravenna Calcio (3 nel corso della prima messa in onda, 3nel corso della replica)❖ Ingresso in un circui<strong>to</strong> di fidelity card (tutti gli abbonati del RavennaCalcio usufruiranno di agevolazioni e/o sconti nell’acquis<strong>to</strong> dei prodottipresso le aziende che sot<strong>to</strong>scrivono l’offerta “TOP”)3SPORT


Participants• Third-, fourth-, eighth- and ninth-graders (N =4,739) from West Coast, Midwest, East Coastand South Regions• Elementary Students = 1,119• Middle School Students = 3,620

Participants continued• Two elementary schools and at least twomiddle schools were identified by universityprofessors in each geographic region based on<strong>the</strong>ir caliber of school music programs• School music programs determined as ei<strong>the</strong>rexemplary or deficient– Although some exceptions with middle schools(i.e. exemplary choir, deficient band)

Materials• Various standardized tests were used for thisstudy based on differing state requirements foreach geographic region• 2004 - 2005 test scores• Only test scores relating <strong>to</strong> reading andma<strong>the</strong>matics were used

Design• Part One of <strong>the</strong> Study– Sample containing two independent groups ofstudents– Group 1• Third- or fourth- grade students that <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>the</strong>irstandardized tests at a school where music instructionwas exemplary– Group 2• Third- or fourth- grade students that <strong>to</strong>ok <strong>the</strong>irstandardized tests at a school where music instructionwas deficient

• Part Two of <strong>the</strong> StudyDesign continued• Dependent variables <strong>the</strong> same for <strong>the</strong> eighthandninth- grade students• However, each middle school student wascoded as an instrumental, choral, or nonparticipantfor 2004-2005 school year• All middle school music participation wascoded with exemplary or deficient

Procedure• Elementary and middle schools in each regionwere identified by university professorsfamiliar with <strong>the</strong> school music programs• Permission obtained <strong>to</strong> access test scores• Scores and music participation informationobtained directly from school by direct visit,email or snail mail• All data collected were anonymous


Results Part One• All test scores standardized in<strong>to</strong> z scoresbefore analysis was completed• Dependent variables measured separately• Elementary reading and ma<strong>the</strong>matics scoresshowed moderate relationship (r = .72)

Results Part One• Univariate ANOVA used <strong>to</strong> examineelementary English scores– Independent variables of region and differingquality of music instruction• Significant difference by region, instructionquality and <strong>the</strong> two-way interaction

Table 1Standardized English Scores for Elementary StudentsSourceSSdfMeanSquareFProbabilityPartialή 2Region18.0336. X M14.9334.986.12.000.019Error768.09945.81Total930.95953

Figure 1English Test Results for Elementary School Students byRegion

Table 2Standardized Ma<strong>the</strong>matics Scores for Elementary StudentsSourceSSDfMeanSquareFProbabilityPartialή 2Region4.5831.531.63.180.005Music28.58128.5830.49.000.029R X M8.0832.692.87.035.008Error957.931022.94Total1181.911030

Figure 2Ma<strong>the</strong>matics Test Results for Elementary SchoolStudents by Region

Results Part Two• All test scores standardized in<strong>to</strong> z scoresbefore analysis was completed• Dependent variables measured separately• Middle school reading and ma<strong>the</strong>matics scoresshowed moderate relationship (r = .76)

Table 3Standardized English Scores for Middle School StudentsSourceSSDfMeanSquareFProbabilityPartialή 2Region115.59338.5346.40.000.042Music173.70443.4252.30.000.062R X M36.33123.

Figure 3English Test Results for Middle School Students byRegion

Table 4Standardized Ma<strong>the</strong>matics Scores for Middle School StudentsSourceSSDfMeanSquareFProbabilityPartialή 2Region256.14385.38115.35.000.105Music142.66435.6748.19.000.061R x M89.98127.5010.13.000.040Error2186.472954.74Total3749.642974

Figure 4Ma<strong>the</strong>matics Test Results for Middle School Students byRegion

Discussion andImplications

Notable Aspects of <strong>the</strong> Participants• Could <strong>the</strong>re be socioeconomic causes here?• What about o<strong>the</strong>r aspects of student lives?

Notable Aspects of <strong>the</strong> Results• Significant Differences, but largely due <strong>to</strong> N.• Effect size is minimal throughout.• Is <strong>the</strong>re a difference we can look <strong>to</strong>?

Magnitude of DifferenceElementary SchoolsEnglishMa<strong>the</strong>maticsExemplary Music.59.68Deficient Music.01.14ArithmeticDifference.58.54

Magnitude of DifferenceMiddle SchoolsExemplary InstrumentalExemplary ChoralDeficient InstrumentalDeficient ChoralNo MusicEnglish.90.81.69-.02.33Ma<strong>the</strong>matics1.

Remember – We are onlyexamining relationships –not causality

Possible Explanations• Schools that are diligent in hiring goodmusic teachers may very well be diligentin hiring good teachers across <strong>the</strong> board.

Possible Explanations• Good music programs attract smartstudents. O<strong>the</strong>r students in thoseprograms may well benefit in many waysfrom being in an environment with thosesmart students.

Possible Explanations• Many organizational skills and learningstrategies that are generally and naturallypresent in fine (more challenging) musicprograms can aid students in <strong>the</strong> acquisition ofknowledge in every o<strong>the</strong>r subject matter.Though “smarts” does not necessarilygeneralize, <strong>the</strong> skill of thinking in an organizedway, and developing an ability <strong>to</strong> logicallyprocess very well may.

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