G.L.M. (Gert Jan) Burgers Lijst van belangrijkste publicaties (maart ...

G.L.M. (Gert Jan) Burgers Lijst van belangrijkste publicaties (maart ...

G.L.M. (Gert Jan) Burgers Lijst van belangrijkste publicaties (maart ...


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G.L.M. (<strong>Gert</strong> <strong>Jan</strong>) <strong>Burgers</strong><strong>Lijst</strong> <strong>van</strong> <strong>belangrijkste</strong> <strong>publicaties</strong> (<strong>maart</strong> 2013):1. Monografieën en proceedingsIn druk (met T.Stek; eds.), The Impact of Rome on Cult Places and Religion in Italy. NewApproaches to Change and Continuity, Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies UCL2012 (met F. Vermeulen, C. Corsi & S. Keay; eds.): The Contribution of Urban Landscape Survey in Italyand the Mediterranean, Oxford: Oxbow books;2011 (met J.P. Crielaard): Greci e indigeni a L’Amastuola, Mottola: Stampasud, pp. 260;2011 (met P. Attema & M. <strong>van</strong> Leusen): Regional Pathways to Complexity. Settlement and LandscapeDynamics in Italy in the 1st Millennium BC, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 235;2010 (met C. Napolitano; eds.): L’Insediamento messapico di Muro Tenente. Scavi e ricerche 1998-2009,Mesagne: Locopress, pp. 150;2009 (met G. Recchia; eds.): Ricognizioni archeologiche sull’altopiano delle Murge. La carta archeologicadelterritorio di Cisternino (BR), Foggia: Grenzi editore, pp. 192;2002 (met P. Attema, E. <strong>van</strong> Joolen, M. <strong>van</strong> Leusen & B. Mater (eds.), New Developments in ItalianLandscape Archaeology. BAR International Series 1091. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 265.2001 (met G.A. Maruggi; eds.): San Pancrazio Salentino, Li Castelli. Archeologia di una comunitàmessapicanel Salento centrale, San Pancrazio Salentino: Pubblisystem, pp. 93;1999 (met K. Alberda, H. <strong>Burgers</strong>, D. Karel, D. Yntema), Muro Tenente. Centro messapico nel territorio diMesagne, Manduria: Thiemme, pp. 173;1998 Constructing Messapian Landscapes: Settlement Dynamics, Social Organization and Culture Contactin theMargins of Graeco-Roman Italy, Amsterdam: Gieben, pp. 327.Selectie <strong>van</strong> artikelen en delen uit boeken2012 Urban Landscape Surveys at the Isthmus of Salento, in F. Vermeulen, G.J <strong>Burgers</strong>, C. Corsi & S. Keay(eds.): The Contribution of Urban Landscape Survey in Italy and the Mediterranean, Oxford: Oxbow books,13-22.2012 Landscape and identity of Greek colonists and indigenous communities in southeast Italy, inG. Cifani, S. Stoddart (eds.), Landscape, Ethnicity and Identity in the Archaic Mediterranean AreaOxford: Oxbow books, 64-76.2012 (met P. Attema): A Comparative view of the Hellenistic and Roman landscapes in threeItalian regions, in P. Attema, G. Schőrner (eds.), Comparative Issues in the Archaeology of theRoman Rural Landscape: Site Classification between Survey, Excavation and HistoricalCategories, JRA Supplementary Series Number 88, 107-1162012 (met J.P. Crielaard): Greek colonists and indigenous populations at L’Amastuola, southernItaly II, Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 87, 59-962012 (met J.P. Crielaard): Mobilità, migrazioni e fondazioni nel Tarantino arcaico: Il caso diL’Amastuola, in: Atti del 50° Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia, 5-282012 Landscapes of Contact. Greeks and Indigenes in the Salento Isthmus, Southern Italy, Gottingen,205-2102011 (met J.P. Crielaard), Communicating Identity in an Italic-Greek Community; the Case of L’Amastuola(Salento), M. Gleba & Helle W. Horsnaes, Communicating Identity in Italic Iron Age Communities, Oxford:Oxbow Books, 73-892010 (met L. Di Noi), La cinta muraria esterna, in: G.J. <strong>Burgers</strong>, C. Napolitano (eds.), L’Insediamentomessapico di Muro Tenente. Scavi e ricerche 1998-2009, Mesagne, 41-522010 (met J. Waagen), Excavations at I Castiedd’ di San Pancrazio Salentino, Southern Italy, in: Babesch 85,69-85;2009 Sistemi abitativi dell’epoca ellenistico-romana, in: <strong>Burgers</strong>, G-J. Recchia, G. (eds.), Ricognizioniarcheologiche sull’altopiano delle Murge. La carta archeologica del territorio di Cisternino (BR), Foggia:

Grenzi editore, 86-95;2009 (met G. Recchia), Dalle indagini alla redazione della Carta Archeologica: obiettivi e metodologia dellaricerca, in: <strong>Burgers</strong>, G-J. Recchia, G. (eds.), Ricognizioni archeologiche sull’altopiano delle Murge. La cartaarcheologica del territorio di Cisternino (BR), Foggia: Grenzi editore, 11-14;2009 Forme insediative e organizzazione del paesaggio nell’istmo salentino, in: M. Osanna (ed.), Verso lacittà. Forme insediative in Lucania e nel mondo italico fra IV e III sec. C., Venosa, 277-288;2009 L’Archeologia classica tra dimensione internazionale e realtà locali, in: A.L. D’Agata, S. Alaura (eds.),Quale futuro per l’archeologia? Atti del workshop internazionale, Roma, 4-5 dicembre 2008, Roma, 27-39;2009 Ricerca e tutela del paesaggio archeologico: nuovi approcci, in: Siris 9, 2008, 75-862009 (met S. Ross, A. Sabotkova) Remote Sensing and Archaeological Prospection in Apulia, Italy, Journalof Field Archaeology 34, 4, 423-437;2008 Landschapsarcheologie en lokale gemeenschappen. Onderzoek en erfgoedperspectieven inhet Salento Isthmus Project, Tijdschrift voor Mediterrane Archeologie 40, pp. 13-202008 (met J.P. Crielaard), Paesaggi del contatto. Indigeni e greci nelle Murge Tarantine, in: M.Bettelli, C. De Faveri, M. Osanna (eds.), Prima delle colonie: organizzazione territoriale e produzioniceramiche specializzate in Basilicata e in Calabria settentrionale ionica nella prima età del ferro, Venosa,Osanna Edizioni, 337-353.2007 (met J.P. Crielaard), Greek colonists and indigenous populations at L’Amastuola, southernItaly, Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 82, 77-1142007 Classical archaeology and local communities. Setting up archaeological parks in the Italianregion of Apulia, in: Interpreting the Past. Who Owns the Past? Heritage Rights and Responsabilities ina Multicultural World. Proceedings of the Second Annual Ename International Colloquium, Ghent 22-25march 2006, Brussels, 107-118.2005 Rural landscapes in a ritual context. Field surveys and the early Hellenistic landscape ofcentral and southern Italy, in: P. Attema, A. Nijboer, A. Zifferero and L. Alessandri (eds),Communities and settlements from the neolithic age to the early medieval period. 6th Conference of Italianarchaeology, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, April 15 - 17, 2003, BABesch Supplement,Leuven: Peeters, 1030-1038;2004 Urbanization in Magna Graecia: Settlement, Landscape and Social Dynamics in a RegionalItalic Context, in P. Attema et al. (eds.), Centralization, Early Urbanization and Colonization in FirstMillennium BC Italy and Greece. Part I: Italy, Babesch Supplement, Leuven: Peeters, 121-136;2004 Paesaggi indigeni al tempo dei condottieri, in Alessandro il Molosso. Atti del quarantatresimoconvegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 587-594;2004 Western Greeks in their regional setting. Rethinking early Greek - indigenous encounters inSouthern Italy, Ancient West and East, 252-282;2004 Romanisering of het roer om? Contouren <strong>van</strong> het debat over romanisering in Italië, Tijdschriftvoor Mediterrane Archeologie, 32, 4-12;2003 (met P.A.J. Attema & M. <strong>van</strong> Leusen): Walking the Murge. Preliminary report on theOstuni Field Survey’, Studi di Antichità, 11, 1-26;2002 The Aims of the RPC-Project, in: P. Attema et al. (eds.), New Developments in Italian LandscapeArchaeology. BAR International Series 1091, Oxford, 7-12;2002 Comparative Settlement Archaeology: Introduction, in: P. Attema et al. (eds.), New Developmentsin Italian Landscape Archaeology. BAR International Series 1091, Oxford, 69-71;2002 The Salento Isthmus Project (Apulia), in: P. Attema et al. (eds.), New Developments in ItalianLandscape Archaeology. BAR International Series 1091, Oxford, 72-75;2002 Dinamiche insediative sull’istmo salentino in:Taranto ed il Mediterraneo. Atti del quarantunesimoconvegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 308-312;

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