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giugno-10 - Comosmagiclake.com

giugno-10 - Comosmagiclake.com

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L’arte della stampaBorgolombardo - Acrilico su tela cm. 35 x 50Sopra, a sinistra, Don Piercarlo Contini,collaboratore del Centro Orientamento Pastorale;a destra, Monsignor Flavio Feroldi, vicario episcopale.Entrambi coorganizzatori a Como della"60° settimana nazionale di aggiornamento pastorale"Above, on the left, Don Piercarlo Contini,collaborator of the Pastoral Orientation Center;on the right, Monsignor Flavio Feroldi, episcopal vicar.They are both organizers of the"60th week of the pastoral updating"w w w. i r a c o r t i . i tLa frequentazione di corsi di disegno e pitturala portano alle conoscenze e allo studiodei grandi maestri, abbracciando il figurativoquale ricerca iniziale, cercando nel disegnoe nella perfezione delle formela sua espressione.LOMAZZO - Como - Italywww.tecnografica.wsalso a <strong>com</strong>munity that has to see betrayals, but it is also loved by JesusChrist, he never leaves them alone, even when he is crucified. This <strong>com</strong>munityis even illuminated by the Holy Ghost and is resurrected from the ashesevery new day».In this multimedia age the spiritual offer is different: how can wehelp young people in direction of a true research?«The different offers for a spiritual life represent a resource because in thisway young people can answer to all their questions and can look for answersto the important questions to live a happy life: where do I <strong>com</strong>e from?Where am I going? Who am I? Is there a full never-ending life? Are we in thisworld by chance? The proposals are many and people can be confused, butat least we are away from materialism, consumerism and superficiality.Then it is important to have real and motivated answers. Faith is a honestand human reasonable act, the Christian experience is not invented justto make money. It has a history behind, an ancient path and above all itis concentrated on life. Young people wrote not only about their thirsty onthe web, but also about the beauty of the sources they can use and they arealways looking for new roads of approach, research and proposal».Is the parish as paradigm of the human family still a present model?«For sure it suffered big changes, but it is still a home which shelters, a capillarypresence which is characterized by gestures, rituals, words, hopes,experiences of faith in God. According to current events, the experience inthe family is the basis of human cohabitation, it sets a net of relations forthe world of faith, starting with the religious question that can be foundin each of us. It is open to the territory, without holidays, it is built arounda group of persons who can speak to young people and adults. The placewhere we are living is always changing, the parish has to be updated toall the changes, it has to tackle new questions and the new theologicalunderstanding. It has to be purified, it has to understand the humanity.His presence is capillary, but these information are never mentioned bythe newspapers. Let’s think about Easter, many people are interested ina basis experience: the first <strong>com</strong>munion of children. Today the parishchurches move millions of people, but it isn’t something you read in thenewspapers, that’s because it is the everyday relations and they representthe true, personal, deep, <strong>com</strong>munity, simple life; actually it is a very decisiveresource also from the civil point of view for the relations among theChristian population».What are the indications you would give to our readers in case someoneis interested in go into details on these subjects?«First of all, I invite everybody to take part in the activities of the week, orat least in part of them. The most important thing is to have an innocentway of looking at the phenomenon of religiousness and to the life of faith.Avoid the attitude to have already sorted out everything and listen to ourconscience. To destroy our certainties is enough a little bit more heat oreven the dusts of a volcano. The world of God is a fascinating world, itrepresents an essential dimension: the religious dimension. We won’t behappy if we are not giving an answer to all our religious questions. Wewon’t be happy if we are not finding answers to all our questions. It isimportant to continue and pose ourselves questions and find generousand deep answers. The Christian <strong>com</strong>munity is following this way. Themercy of God in Jesus Christ is bigger than any expression of Church, butit <strong>com</strong>es from there».185

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