giugno-10 - Comosmagiclake.com

giugno-10 - Comosmagiclake.com

giugno-10 - Comosmagiclake.com

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Il sapore della storia e dei fasti del passatosi possono respirare appieno con lecollezioni di OAK. Storia, culture di mondidiversi e lontani riecheggiano nella produzionedell’azienda che ha selezionatoi pezzi da fare propri e riprodurre conminuzia certosina. “Galleria” è una collezioneche percorre la storia del mobilenel tempo. I pezzi vengono accostati inbase a peculiarità relative alla qualità deldisegno, sempre in perfetta sintonia coni preziosi materiali e la sofisticata fattura.In conclusione, è stata creata una collezioneerompente per eleganza che evidenziala propria prerogativa di esseresenza tempo.ta ita text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text textThe text flavor text text of the text history text of text the text past text richness textcan text be text seen text in the text collection text text by text OAK. text History,text cultures text text of different text text and text far-off text text places texttextare text linked text text to the text production text text text of this text <strong>com</strong>pany,text text with text great text precision text text it text selected text text thetextpieces text text to reproduce. text text text “Galleria” text text is a text collectiontext which text text goes text back text to text the history text text of text thetextpieces text text of furniture text text during text text the text different text text periods.text text The texttext pieces are <strong>com</strong>bined accordingto the peculiarities related to the quality ofthe design, which is always in a perfect harmonytext text with text the text precious text text materials text text and text text thesophisticated text text text text production. text text So text the text collection text textwhich text text has text been text created text text is very text elegant text text and textfor text sure text it text is also text timeless. text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text texttext text texttextAzienda leader nel campo degli imbottiti,è presente con novità soprattuttonei tessuti e nelle finiture, in più ampliala propria collezione inserendo la nuovaserie di arredi per esterni. Sedute e sistemirelax utili ad arredare terrazze e giardinidi molte case. Il brand brianzolo havoluto così concludere quello che era unprogetto ormai in corso da diversi anni:offrire al consumatore la possibilità di unarredo <strong>com</strong>pleto della casa in ogni suaparte e perciò, dopo la cucina, proponela collezione “Outdoor”. Lo ha fatto conun party in grande allegria, proseguendoanche quest’anno la strategia di <strong>com</strong>unicazioneimperniata su volti noti dellatelevisione e della politica. Presenti i testimonialdell’azienda, ormai ospiti fissidegli ta ita eventi text text Fuorisalone: text text text Manuela text text Arcuri, textCristina text text Chiabotto, text text text Eleonora text text Daniele. text texttext text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text textLeader text text <strong>com</strong>pany text text in text the sofa text production, text text text ispresent text text with text something text text text new, text above text all text inthe text fabrics text text and text in the text finishing; text text moreover text textthe text collection text text is text larger text because text text there text is text thenew text furniture text text text for external text text environment,text text textthat text is text relax text system text text useful text for text terraces text and textgardens text text of text many text houses. text text The text brand text from textBrianza text text decided text text to carry text text out a text project text that textis text developing text texttext since different years, offeringthe possibility of a <strong>com</strong>plete furniture, afterthe kitchen also the outdoor collection. Theorganization text text text text of a text friendly text text party text has text been textpart text of text the text <strong>com</strong>munication text text text text strategy text text based texton text personalities text text text of text the text TV and text of text the text politicaltext word. text text The text testimonials text text of text the text <strong>com</strong>pany, text texttextManuela text text text Arcuri, text Cristina text text Chiabotto, text text text Eleonoratext text Daniele, text text took text part text in text it, as text well text as text intextthe text events text text Fuorisalone.text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text texttext text text text text text text text text texttext text texttext164 165

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