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ABSTRACTS <strong>XIV</strong> <strong>Congresso</strong> <strong>Nazionale</strong> <strong>Società</strong> <strong>Italiana</strong> <strong>di</strong> Urologia Oncologicalutamide 150 mg. La ra<strong>di</strong>oterapia è stata eseguita con elettroni<strong>di</strong> energia <strong>di</strong> 6-12 MeV con frazione singola <strong>di</strong> 1000cGy,con campo unico <strong>di</strong> <strong>di</strong>mensioni variabili, in relazione all’anatomiadel paziente, <strong>per</strong> erogare almeno il 90% della dose fra lacute e la gabbia toracica. I pazienti sono stati sottoposti a controlloclinico ogni 3 mesi <strong>per</strong> valutare l’eventuale comparsa el’entità della ginecomastia e della masto<strong>di</strong>nia. Dopo un followup<strong>di</strong> almeno 12 mesi 33 pazienti valutabili non presentanoattualmente ginecomastia e/o masto<strong>di</strong>nia; in 4 casi dove il trattamentoè stato eseguito con situazione iniziale <strong>di</strong> ginecomastiae masto<strong>di</strong>nia, è stata ottenuta la scomparsa del dolore eduna stabilizzazione della ginecomastia. I dati preliminari suggerisconoche il trattamento ra<strong>di</strong>ante profilattico delle ghiandolemammarie in corso <strong>di</strong> ormonoterapia con bicalutamide150mg riduca significativamente l’insorgenza e l’entità dellaginecomastia e della masto<strong>di</strong>nia in assenza <strong>di</strong> effetti collateralira<strong>di</strong>oindotti. In considerazione <strong>di</strong> questi dati incoraggianti si èritenuto <strong>di</strong> attivare uno stu<strong>di</strong>o randomizzato teso a confrontarel’efficacia della ra<strong>di</strong>oterapia versus Nolvadex nella prevenzionedella ginecomastia e masto<strong>di</strong>nia da bicalutamide.Comunicazioni n. 99INTRA-OPERATIVE RADIOTHERAPY AFTER RADICALPROSTATECTOMY (RP) IN PROSTATE CANCER AT HIGHRISK OF LOCAL FAILUREArcangeli G., Saracino B., De carli P., Albino G., SorianiA., Marzi S., Petrongari M.G., Farella A., Gomellini S.,Gallucci G.Istituto Regina Elena, RomaPurpose: The rate of local recurrence after RP ranges from 4%to 23% in T1/2 and is grater than 40% in T3 tumors. Localrecurrence occurs more frequently in the bladder-urethralanastomosis (66%), bladder neck (16%) and retro-trigonalarea (13%). A high risk of local failure after RP includespatients with one or two risk factors (PSA > 10 ng/ml, Gleasonscore (GS) 7, positivity in almost 2/3 bioptic specimens, clinicalstage T2b). Recent stu<strong>di</strong>es established that the ratio in prostatecancer is 1.5-2 Gy, i.d., lower than assumed for lateresponsive normal tissues. Therefore, the administration of asingle dose should represent a more convenient irra<strong>di</strong>ationmethod. We began a dose-escalation study (based onFibonacci method) by employing IORT after RP in patientswith interme<strong>di</strong>ate risk prostate cancer. Acute and late toxicitiesfollowing escalating doses were monitored.Materials and Methods: 18 pts received IORT at escalatingdoses of 16 Gy, 18 Gy and 20 Gy. The inclusive criteria were:age < 75 years, clinical stage N0 and 1 or 2 of the above-saidrisk factors. As toxicity was absent in further 10 pts treatedwith 20 Gy, a dose escalation to 22 Gy was carried on, accor<strong>di</strong>ngto the planned strategy. IORT was delivered after RP,bladder-urethral anastomosis manufacture and bilateral obturatornodes sampling, by means of a de<strong>di</strong>cated Linac (Novac 7Hitesys, highest energy 9 MeV). The treatment port inclu<strong>di</strong>ngthe surgical bed and the anastomosis was irra<strong>di</strong>ated through asterile applicator with a 22 angled edge and <strong>di</strong>ameter of 4-6cm. The electron energy was selected in order to include allthe structures in 90% isodose. An in vivo dosimetry was <strong>per</strong>formedby introducing a Mosfet dosimeter in a rectal catheterand a Mosfet micro-dosimeter placed close to the anastomosisthrough a Foley catheter.Results and Conclusions: Our cases analysis showed a pathologicupgrade as to the clinical data in 63.9% of cases, while adowngrade or an unchanged stage was seen in 15.3% and20.8%, respectively. Positive margins were found in only 2cases (7%). Pathological GS compared to biopsy GS washigher in 43% of cases, lower in 18% and unchanged in a further39%. In all cases, in vivo dosimetry showed an absorbeddose to the rectum wall < 1%. The presently available datashow that the highest level of dose-fin<strong>di</strong>ng was well tolerated,without any detectable rectal or vesical toxicity or anastomoticleakage protraction. A longest follow-up is necessary to verifythe real impact of IORT in prostate cancer in term of late toxicityand loco-regional control.Poster n. 100THALIDOMIDE (TH) AND METRONOMIC DOCETAXEL (D)IN CHEMO-IMMUNOREFRACTORY METASTATIC RENALCANCER (MRC): A REPORT OF FOUR CASES.Boccalon M. 1 , Lo Re G. 1 , Sangiorgio A. 2 , Merlo A. 2 , RusticiC. 2 , Lenardon O. 2 , Buttazzi L. 2 , Garbeglio A. 2 , Tumolo S. 11Oncology Unit; 2 Urology, G.H. “S. Maria degli Angeli”, PordenoneIntroduction: The metastatic renal cancer (MRC) is a chemoresistanttumour but represent an immunoresponsive <strong>di</strong>sease.Thalidomide (Th), a sedative drug with anti-angiogenetic pro<strong>per</strong>ties,has been shown activity in multiple myeloma and solidtumours. Ex<strong>per</strong>imental stu<strong>di</strong>es of metronomic chemotherapydemonstrate suppression of angiogenesis in animal models anda synergistic anti-angiogenetic activity for Docetaxel (D) combinedto monoclonal antibody against VEGF was reported(Sweeney CJ et al., Cancer Res. 2001).Aim of the study: Evaluation of feasibility, toxicity and activity oflow dose D in combination to Th in metastatic renal cancer.Patients and Methods: Between 3/03 and 7/03 four patients weretreated. Two were male and 2 female. PS was >2 in 3 pts and =2in one pt. Age was 44,50,54 and 71 years respectively. Allpatients were pretreated with chemo-immunotherapy (CIT)inclu<strong>di</strong>ng IL-2, IFN-a2a and 5-FU (Atzpo<strong>di</strong>en regimen) and 3pts with Th alone. Sites of metastases were caval thrombosis in2, liver in 3, lung in 2, lymphnodes, soft tissue and bone in 1 ptrespectively. Chronic <strong>di</strong>sseminated intravascular coagulation waspresent in 2 pts and i<strong>di</strong>opathic oral mucosal <strong>di</strong>sorder in 1 pt.Treatment: Th was administered at 100-200 mg daily on thenight and D 5-20 mg weekly until toxicity or progression.Results: One of 3 pts with poor PS, unresponsive to previousCIT and Th alone, obtained an objective response on soft tissue,platelets and mucosal recovery, LDH normalization and PSimprovement. Duration of response was 2 months. Of 3 otherspts, two obtained stable <strong>di</strong>sease with subjective response inone and the third patient was unresponsive to therapy. Nosevere toxicity was encountered. Survival was 1, 3, 3.5 and 7months respectively.Conclusions: Combination of metronomic D to Th can representa new way of CT administration in metastatic progressive renalcancer. These preliminary clinical data need a larger evaluationin adequate cohort of patients to verify the clinical translationof the ex<strong>per</strong>imental results obtained in the animal models.Poster n. 101ESAME INTRAOPERATORIO NELLE LESIONI SOSPETTEDEL TESTICOLOGazzano G. 1 , Carmignani L. 2 , Gadda F. 2 , Nerva F. 3 , ManciniM. 3 , Colpi G.M. 3 , Coggi G. 1 , Rocco F. 2 , Bosari S. 11Dipartimento <strong>di</strong> Me<strong>di</strong>cina Chirurgia e Odontoiatria, II Cattedra <strong>di</strong>Anatomia e Istologia Patologica, Ospedale San Paolo <strong>di</strong> Milano; 2 IIClinica Urologica, Ospedale Maggiore <strong>di</strong> Milano IRCCS; 3 Unità <strong>di</strong>Andrologia, Ospedale San Paolo <strong>di</strong> MilanoIntroduzione e Obiettivi: Numerosi autori riportano unaumento dell’incidenza <strong>di</strong> lesioni benigne in particolare neire<strong>per</strong>ti incidentali <strong>di</strong> lesione testicolare. Negli ultimi anni siè quin<strong>di</strong> rafforzato sempre più il ruolo dell’esame intraope-Archivio Italiano <strong>di</strong> Urologia e Andrologia 2004; 76, 3, Supplemento 137

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