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ABSTRACTS <strong>XIV</strong> <strong>Congresso</strong> <strong>Nazionale</strong> <strong>Società</strong> <strong>Italiana</strong> <strong>di</strong> Urologia Oncologicaval. The KGF- and IGF-I-induced stimulation of PC-3 cellswas reduced by LA, particularly at its highest doses. The PC-3 cells lacked PSA protein expression, which was not inducedby treatments. Exposure of PSA-positive LNCaP cells to KGF(10 ng/ml) always enhanced PSA levels (32-53%) while anupregulation (33-92%) by IGF-I (50 ng/ml) was seen after 24and 96 hours. The stimulatory effect of the two peptides wasreduced or completely suppressed in the presence of LA (0.01and 1000 nM). DHT (1 nM) always produced a strong increasein PSA levels (78-202%) and the association with KGF orIGF-I <strong>di</strong>d not substantially mo<strong>di</strong>fy this effect. The results concerningthe effects of KGF and IGF-I on cell growth and PSAexpression in LNCaP and PC-3 cells could be in<strong>di</strong>cative of twoindependent regulatory pathways controlling these processes.As we have previously reported, LA interferes with growth factorsignalling cascades, negatively regulating the proliferationand gene expression induced by the peptides. Data concerningthe effect of LA on cell growth of PC-3 cells stimulated withKGF might have a certain relevance in the transition of prostatecancer from androgen-dependence to androgen-independencestatus. The lack of any ad<strong>di</strong>tive effect on PSA expression,when growth factors are associated with DHT, suggestscross-talk between their signalling networks. Supported byTakeda Italia Farmaceutici.Comunicazioni n. 27VALPROIC ACID INHIBITS PROLIFERATION ANDAFFECTS ANDROGEN SENSITIVITY IN PROSTATIC CAN-CER CELLSUrbano R. 1 , Iacopino F. 1 , Vairano M. 2 , Angelucci C. 1 ,Graziani G. 3 , Navarra P. 2 , Sica G. 11Istituto <strong>di</strong> Istologia ed Embriologia; 2 Istituto <strong>di</strong> Farmacologia,Facoltà <strong>di</strong> Me<strong>di</strong>cina e Chirurgia, Università Cattolica del SacroCuore; 3 Dipartimento <strong>di</strong> Neuroscienze, Università <strong>di</strong> Roma, TorVergata, Roma, ItalyValproic acid (VA), a drug used as an anticonvulsant and moodstabilizer, has been shown to impair cell growth and evoke cell<strong>di</strong>fferentiation in several cell types. In the present study, weinvestigated the effect of VA on the proliferation of both androgen-sensitive(LNCaP) and -insensitive (PC-3) prostate cancercells. Moreover, we explored the effect of VA on the androgenresponseof these two models with the aim of establishing whetherthe drug modulates or induces hormone sensitivity. LNCaPcells were plated at a density of 50,000 cells/ml in RPMI 1640supplemented with 10% foetal bovine serum (FBS) in 60-mmplastic Petri <strong>di</strong>shes. Forty-eight h later, the me<strong>di</strong>um was changedwith RPMI 1640 supplemented with 5% charcoal-treatedFBS (CH-FBS) containing VA (75 microg/ml). PC-3 cells wereplated at a density of 25,000 cells/ml in Dulbecco Mo<strong>di</strong>fiedEaglès Me<strong>di</strong>um (DMEM) supplemented with 5% FBS in 60-mmplastic Petri <strong>di</strong>shes. Twenty-four h later, the me<strong>di</strong>um was changedwith DMEM supplemented with 5% CH-FBS containing VA(75 microg/ml). The me<strong>di</strong>um with the drug was renewed every48 h and cell counts <strong>per</strong>formed after 2, 4 and 6 days of treatment.In ex<strong>per</strong>iments <strong>per</strong>formed to evaluate the effect of VA onandrogen sensitivity of LNCaP cells, these cells were pretreatedfor 48h with VA (75 microg/ml) and subsequently exposed to<strong>di</strong>hydrotestosterone (DHT) at concentrations ranging from 0.01nM to 10 microM. Alternatively, cells were treated with VA combinedwith the above mentioned DHT concentrations. PC-3cells were also exposed to VA associated with DHT (0.1, 1 and10 nM). Our data in<strong>di</strong>cate that VA induces a slight inhibition ofLNCaP cell proliferation (about 15% with respect to control).Nevertheless, when used in the sequential modality or in combinationwith 0.1-100 nM DHT, it strongly reduces or suppressesthe androgen-promoted cell growth. In ad<strong>di</strong>tion, it generallyamplifies the inhibitory effect provoked by 1 and 10 microMDHT. PC-3 cell proliferation was markedly reduced by VA, themaximum inhibition reaching 40% when compared to control.When DHT, which is ineffective on PC-3 cell growth when usedalone, is combined with VA, it is able to counteract the inhibitoryaction of VA, inducing a slight stimulation of cell growth at1 and 10 nM. Our fin<strong>di</strong>ngs show that VA reduces cell growth ofprostate cancer cells and may interfere with the androgen receptormachinery. Of particular interest is the effect observed in PC-3 cells, in which VA seems to induce androgen sensitivity. It isworth noting that, in our ex<strong>per</strong>ience, PC-3 cells show very lowlevels of androgen receptors (AR). Work is in progress to verifywhether alterations in AR expression are involved in the modulationor induction of androgen sensitivity by VA. Supported, inpart, by Contributi UCSC Ricerca Scientifica, 2004.Video n. 28TASCA ILEOCECALE CONTINENTESavoia G., Greco U., Schettini M.Azienda Ospedaliera S.Giovanni <strong>di</strong> Dio e Ruggi d’AragonaStruttura Complessa <strong>di</strong> Urologia SalernoIntroduzione: La derivazione urinaria continente rappresenta l’opzioneottimale in tutte le situazioni in cui si programma una derivazioneeterotopica. La confezione <strong>di</strong> una tasca continente presupponeparticolare destrezza manuale del paziente <strong>per</strong> la necessità <strong>di</strong>praticare l’autocateterismo intermittente.Materiali e Meto<strong>di</strong>: Nel <strong>per</strong>iodo maggio 2000 – maggio 2004abbiamo realizzato 103 derivazioni urinarie <strong>di</strong> cui 3 eterotopichecontinenti me<strong>di</strong>ante tasca ileocecale; si trattava <strong>di</strong> 2 pazienti <strong>di</strong>sesso femminile <strong>di</strong> 52 e 46 anni e <strong>di</strong> un paziente <strong>di</strong> sesso maschile<strong>di</strong> 44 anni. La prima paziente era affetta da adenocarcinoma uretralecon ritenzione cronica totale <strong>di</strong> urina ed è stata da noi sottopostaad intervento <strong>di</strong> pelvectomia anteriore e susseguente derivazioneurinaria eterotopica continente me<strong>di</strong>ante tasca ileocecale constoma appen<strong>di</strong>colare. La seconda paziente presentava grave sindromepelvica postattinica da pregressa ra<strong>di</strong>oterapia a<strong>di</strong>uvantedopo isterectomia ra<strong>di</strong>cale <strong>per</strong> K dell’utero. L’idronefrosi bilateralecon insufficienza renale ingravescente , la piccola vescica attinica ela grave sindrome aderenziale pelvica ci hanno indotto a confezionareuna tasca ileocecale continente con stoma ileale cutaneo. Ilpaziente maschio presentava un carcinoma in<strong>di</strong>fferenziato dellaprostata con PSA normale , invasione del trigono vescicale e positivitàdei linfono<strong>di</strong> pelvici. Il paziente, cui si riferisce il video,è statosottoposto ad intervento <strong>di</strong> pelvectomia anteriore con derivazioneeterotopica continente me<strong>di</strong>ante tasca ileocecale e stoma cutaneoappen<strong>di</strong>colare.Risultati: La prima paziente ha praticato un ciclo <strong>di</strong> ra<strong>di</strong>oterapiaconformazionale a<strong>di</strong>uvante; Esegue con facilità 5 autocateterismi algiorno ed è parzialmente asciutta durante il giorno. La secondapaziente pratica normalmente il cateterismo attraverso lo stomaileo-cutaneo. Il paziente maschio ha praticato un ciclo <strong>di</strong> ra<strong>di</strong>oterapiaa<strong>di</strong>uvante pelvica; completamente asciutto e pratica 6 autocateterismial giorno.Conclusioni: L’o<strong>per</strong>azione <strong>di</strong> tasca ileocecale continente prevede l’utilizzodel cieco come reservoir urinario: la capacità e la compliancedell’organo sono migliorate me<strong>di</strong>ante 6 teniotomie sulle teniemuscolari. Nei casi in cui l’appen<strong>di</strong>ce sia presente e abbastanzalunga si sfrutta questo organo <strong>per</strong> la confezione dello stoma esternoe gli ureteri vengono anastomizzati sul moncone ileale sfruttandocosì il meccanismo antireflusso della valvola ileocecale . Quandoinvece l’ appen<strong>di</strong>ce non è <strong>di</strong>sponibile si anastomizzano <strong>di</strong>rettamentegli ureteri al cieco abboccando il moncone ileale previamentericonfigurato alla cute. Tale tecnica rende possibile la confezione<strong>di</strong> un buon serbatoio a bassa pressione con un sufficiente meccanismo<strong>di</strong> continenza. Noi preferiamo confezionare lo stoma cutaneoin regione iliaca destra in modo da isolare completamente dagliArchivio Italiano <strong>di</strong> Urologia e Andrologia 2004; 76, 3, Supplemento 111

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