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44. I regolamenti <strong>di</strong>dattici84graphic solution.13-Static analysis for statically indeterminatebo<strong>di</strong>es under equ<strong>il</strong>ibrium con<strong>di</strong>tions.-Beams. Rigid beams. Kinematical andstatic characterization of constraints.Internal forces.14-Simple examples of statically determinatebeams. Static and graphic solution.Diagrams of internal forces.-Analytical solution of simple staticallydeterminate beams and <strong>di</strong>agrams ofinternal forces.15Classwork: determination of reactions forstatically determinate systems using thevirtual work principle.Analytical determination of internal forcesfor a statically determinate frame andrelated <strong>di</strong>agrams.Lessons and teaching seminars of the 2ndsemester16, 17-Definition of the equ<strong>il</strong>ibrium of internalactions.- Analytical and graphical solution ofstatically determinate frames and related<strong>di</strong>agrams.18, 19, 20, 21, 22-Internal constraints: kinematical and staticaspects.-Kinematical and static analysis of beams.First and second theorem of kinematicalchains.-Exercises on Kinematical and Staticanalysis of beams. Determination ofinternal forces.-Analytical and graphic solution of complexsystems of beams. Diagrams of internalforces. Nodal equ<strong>il</strong>ibrium at fixed ends.23-Indefinite equ<strong>il</strong>ibrium equations forbeams.-Exercises on indefinite equ<strong>il</strong>ibriumequations for beams.24-Closed frames. Simple examples ofstatically determinate closed frames andrelated <strong>di</strong>agrams of internal forces.-Exercises on simple statically determinateclosed frames and related <strong>di</strong>agrams ofinternal forces.25-Gerber beams. Some examples ofanalytical and graphic solution.-Plane Trusses. Main types of gridstructures. Kinematical analysis of gridstructures.26-The method of nodal equ<strong>il</strong>ibrium for thesolution of plane trusses. Applications.- Ritter’s method of sections for thesolution of plane trusses. Applications..27-Discrete material systems. Centre ofgravity for <strong>di</strong>screte systems. Properties ofthe centre of gravity. First order moment.Varignon’s Theorem. Transformation ofcoor<strong>di</strong>nates.-Continuum material systems. Determiningthe centre of gravity for plane bo<strong>di</strong>es.28-Moments of inertia and centrifugalmoment of <strong>di</strong>screte and continuummaterial systems. Huyghens’ Theorem andSteiner’s Theorem.- Principal inertia axis and principalmoments of inertia. Determination of theprincipal moments of inertia for some planefigures.29-Relative centre about an axis. Conjugatedaxes. Reciprocity theorem. Inertia Polarity.Central ellipse of inertia.-Analytical determination of the centralellipse of inertia for structural sections.-Central core of inertia and properties.Examples.-Classwork on the geometry of masses:analytical determination of the centre ofgravity; principal axis of inertia; principalaxes of inertia; principal moments ofinertia; central ellipse of inertia and centralcore for plane figures.Iscrizione al corsoLe iscrizioni avvengono obbligatoriamentesulla piattaforma entro i primi <strong>di</strong>eci giornidall’inizio dei corsi.Modalità d’esameL’esame consta <strong>di</strong> una prova scrittariguardante temi applicativi e <strong>di</strong> una provaorale vertente principalmente sui principiteorici.Laboratorio 1 <strong>di</strong> Costruzionedell’architetturaBu<strong>il</strong><strong>di</strong>ng Design Stu<strong>di</strong>o 1L1CA-12 cfu2° anno / corso annualein<strong>di</strong>rizzo ‘generale’Area <strong>di</strong>dattica V:Discipline tecnologiche per l’architetturaCorso AVitangelo Ar<strong>di</strong>toProgettazione <strong>di</strong> sistemi costruttivi (Icar 12-9 cfu)Massim<strong>il</strong>iano FioreProgettazione esecutiva dell’architettura(Icar 12-3 cfu)Corso BSpartaco ParisProgettazione <strong>di</strong> sistemi costruttivi (Icar 12-9 cfu)Vincenzo BagnatoProgettazione esecutiva dell’architettura(Icar 12-3 cfu)Finalità e contenuti <strong>di</strong>sciplinariFinalità del corso è fornire gli strumentiinformativi e metodologici per laprogettazione esecutiva ed <strong>il</strong> controllo delprocesso costruttivo: sarà pertantonecessario conoscere le regole dell’arte,dell’uso corretto dei materiali, delletecniche costruttive e delle norme che leriguardano; ma anche comprendere <strong>il</strong>sistema delle relazioni tra le esigenze <strong>di</strong>fruizione dello spazio e <strong>di</strong> organizzazionedel sistema ed<strong>il</strong>izio, e tra <strong>il</strong> singoloelemento e l’insieme della costruzione;ed apprendere e praticare (saper fare) la

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